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<br /> __. .__ - - -= - - - -- - _ - - -----.
<br /> .. ...^-.T.-,T_ �--:_ _ �-•.F +: Ft '' - .. . . . . �,F;"TL—
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<br /> ,_ _.: .' `.. ...�, . . .. . r� ' r
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<br /> . , a: i
<br /> - ' i.1�., ' . -,.:' .-,t � r"` '' .' , '. . . �.e - tX
<br /> —_:-- �- •-� � - — — . _
<br /> _.—.._,_._�..�
<br /> .��. .-_ - -- - . �...,:� . - .' c--.- .. -'- "_-�--_: . . .
<br /> ��F`rT'`'��`��r_'` .�,t� �_ '_6_'_ . . .. � _ :t _ . � � � . -� . • . ` ' , ! p` • �.
<br /> _'c�_ . s . � ` . . . , • . . .� . �( ' y r ` . _' ��� jjY��tl . ,, _
<br /> ''. _. . . " . . . .� ` . _ ' � . . ._ .. �
<br /> . �' • ' - - ' . � . � , , � . .
<br /> prace�ds �� �he reatoration o� tte� Psop�rt�r or -apon the : ; _
<br /> =i�adebtedas�a aecured:=hereby, but �yse�nt6 hazeund�s; shall
<br /> � - caattnue u�tll the suss seaured ftezeby aze paf.d ia fnil. � .
<br /> 5�. SscYOr fos Taxes asl� Inausanec. None . ` . ,
<br /> -- :___-__--- —.. .
<br /> - -
<br /> - - 6. t�e�ai�r, �ii�teasace and t3�f�:_- Tr� gra�€�I����. -: --- ---=----`-
<br /> : re�tore�az sabn��� -au�:�ui2aimgm:oz, iap=ove.senta oQV _a�c_ . ; _ . �_-
<br /> _ _ - ---� _.� ---- conditfon,�:: t,iapair����-�•.._,.:.�.�h� o.n���rv_;.n .e�.ao�! :_� - �. , ..------- -_ -
<br /> _ __.. .. __ . :. -w_...
<br /> _ and . =.-,. . —.---° ,---_- _ .
<br /> ,. , ��eithaut vaste, and fs�e froa �echanic's �
<br /> ,:°�- � or othex liens not exp�easZy subor8inated to the 21�ea�he�eof;` � `
<br /> - aot to aake f suffes vr persi"t any s�niaastce to exiat,. not to .
<br />�.�-� dfainisls, oa. fagais the �v:lue of �he P=aperty by any► act or � --
<br /> - owission:.ta. act; and to cosply vith all requireaenta o� lav _______ __
<br /> -_ vi�h respecf.to the Property. - - - - —:- - _ -
<br /> < < 7. Condeauiatfon. In Lhe.event tha, Q�opezty, os aap paxt __ ___
<br /> -. thes�of, ahall be taken:,bY eainent doa�a:in, the !lostqagee�,i� � �� -.
<br /> - � e�Qo�ezed to collect arid receive all coaper�ation whfch may ���-��_�_�_
<br /> be paf,d for any propezty taken or for da�eagea to property ttot .y._
<br /> � taken, a�8 MQ�t.gagee nhall apgly such coa�pe�sastior►, at 1ts �'�`---- -
<br /> �`:�._�`r
<br /> ogtion,. eitt�er: �o.a. rtauction of the indeOtedness aecured � � ` �-�Y--��
<br /> 3"-°.'
<br /> ' hezeby or to z.��� . �#a sestor� the propest so dasaged. �}{� �� =
<br /> a Y � :..��.-_
<br /> 8. Perfosa�ce by Martqagee. Moztgagee aay, but shall . '•`=.,,r°�=�-.
<br /> - have �no abl�ga�£on, to do aay act which the Mt►stgaqos has . ,- . ;�-:�=4�._
<br /> �.>:'�':�,-.,�-
<br /> agzeed but_fai���to do, ancl Moztgagee �ay ala�s do. any act it.':�=�::.. �- -
<br /> ' ` deesa necess �o zotect the lien �hereof. Martgagoz agreG�: .� � '�� �
<br /> ' � p _ _ .,
<br /> °-�._ .,,. � � to repay,. upo�'��c7ca�and:� anp su�s so expended by �he lrtortqarqee � �.,___:�-,.`:
<br /> �
<br /> for the above purposes, and aay suas so expended by the , ��, . . '
<br /> Mortgaqee shall be added ta th� indebtedness hereby and �.�, ,. `. . _�.
<br /> , ,�;Y,, becos�� subiect to the lien hereof. Mortgaqee sha11 not incuL�� t _ ��
<br /> �!-ti, ; .- any ��zsonal liability because of anytbi�ng it aay 8e or am#�. � :� ��-_
<br /> .,,� '�. to da h�eseunder. .��:: :� .` . .., �+-�:_. :,..;°.., ;;_----
<br /> _ . ��r 9.:.�.;;llefault; Jlssigcii�ie�t of Rents. Tf�ae is of the e��nae * '•-`--` ���"
<br /> ;� ��� , � �x .-::�-:.--
<br /> _ ' herea��, and upon.�fio=tqatgor•s default�,�.�r�'�� coa�nan�.;�� � -
<br /> - - .� , � � aqreem�nt o� tts3is �loztgage, incluaing .cove�ants :ta.P� whea , t=",:,�.•.. :- �•_::__
<br /> � � . ;y�.,,, due th���sum� �eaured by this Mostgage, the Mo��gaqee,�hall be � '., ,; . .,,� �,
<br /> " Y entit��a, at 3ts sole option and xithout notice, to 8eclaie � >.,. •:'��� ` {�'��
<br /> ' �J.'.}�; � " .:f1�r�.—
<br /> ail suas secuaed by this Mortgaqe to bG immediately due and � ' •�;��_- �_
<br /> ' �::.'���� �� payable and may commence forealose of this Mo=tgage by � t . ;�::�;
<br /> • � iudicial pzoceedings; and, psovided fusthe�, that upon such ; : ±.-
<br /> � ~^"vr�•� " ' 8efault the tfc��tgaqee, o= a zecefver appointed by a coust, �'• •�.�.
<br /> �',� �.' say at its ap�ton and witAout sega�d to the adeguacy of tne � „ 4'`;;:
<br /> � ��`�'� secnsity, entes upon an8 take possesaion of the Psoperty an8 � " � � .:If*�i_�_,
<br /> ° •�" collect the��rents, issues an8 profits therefram �nd �apply ��:. : �,; : °:_
<br /> � j.��,y��.�. � thes fizst t� the cost of col:�a#ion and operation o� the {: �;. =,.��.' .�;�.:.`��;�
<br /> ��:.•'.'-• Property an*�. t�ie» upon the in�3eb�edness secured _by this � �. , ,� ,
<br /> . �i ' �.. 4 4 .
<br /> � ;;� Moztqagee; sa3� rent�, issues �n��pro£its being assicn.�d to i.;,,�„ ;� 1; 3;:
<br /> �--.�� ���•�- ' the Mortgagee ag fuzther secur ity �cir• �Pee payaient v� ��es '. '�;�•�'��" � ���i� �`j'`
<br /> ��.i��. ��
<br /> ' .,,!, 'i: . . �. ., � � '.. � . r.�.�.•:a�, �t x�`
<br /> . " in�ebte8ness secured hezeby. .� r�'��'�� _ _
<br /> �, ,,;'r. ,
<br /> •�,�,�#'�:�.
<br /> � .;� 10. Tzansfes of Propesty. if all ar any part of �'��e . . . , ;;�i�.�,����;,; ` r� "
<br /> . . �7,�-.�. '���.��r;.,tE';';t�:. ��,�.
<br /> ,��' : Pro�erty 3s sa2d as .tran�sferzed without tbe exp=ess vr#tten . : . ,�,.;�:.,J`.. ���.
<br /> - consent of the Mor.tgagee, Mar�gagee �ay, at its sol& v�tion, ,':�t�;t:,�;.. ,.��.
<br /> ;.�-:°:= 8eclare a12 sums se�+�tec1 by �his Hozt�r.��e to be imme��;ately ; .'�.' . ' , ..�.,;:;,..
<br /> � -'� :;:`:�t:�:: due and payable. � . . , . ;''�,�
<br /> . . r .: , � ..,,,:,�:
<br /> .",;;.�:��. �`:,,;''+ 11. Future l�dvanc�'s. Upon =equest''�f Mortgagor, M���gagee � ����
<br /> . . �!:'�y':,:'� �� • i`., :;;;;;'
<br /> , ,P�,.,,, may make additianal and future advances to Martaagvz. Such
<br /> t,.�..:.:. , �,s<,.,.
<br /> �;��;;, ,�c,.. .. advances, wfth,.�nteres� thereon, shal� be secur�3� by this .`,��.«�.:-..�
<br /> -� �� `�°`� � Martqage ,rrhen. eviden�ed by prom�ssazy notes st�tit�g. t�t�ti said � � , 1 �'�'`��� .
<br /> , ,...: , � .
<br /> - ' � �� note� aze..se�°�xred hereby. At no time shall tt�e pziri�"i�a2 �'��:'.� �
<br /> � '����� � � asqunt of t�e� •indebte8n�ss secuxe8 by thfs Martgage;'.�?��: .. �
<br /> '"�'�� ' including sums� ac�vanced to Y of �h:� .. : :�;�,
<br /> U.,�ka�,: ' psp�er.t the seGUrit ..�':y;.,.�:�
<br /> '-'':?'.'� M�rtgage, exc�eer3 the original Nc�te. .�•;,�-�
<br /> ,- -. . . . .
<br /> = . 12. M�scel'Ianeons Provisions.
<br /> (a3 Any forbearance in exerrlsing any x.3grit `at =em�8y ;
<br /> ' .�` � - shal2 �be a v�3ver thered£. �. �.
<br /> *"' ' (b) Al� remedies pxovide8 herein are dist3nct and ' �
<br />� :w.,..:.�,.. � -
<br /> . . v- : .
<br /> �, cumulative to any otrer =iqht afforded�•bylaw or eguity, an8 ;
<br /> - : •_•s`z.'- ...- _ � - -
<br /> t:w.� . . .
<br /> .� ' . � ,
<br /> .� " ... .. , .
<br /> _ . � • .
<br /> . . . . } �
<br />�: . _ . . ._. _ _ . . _
<br /> .. . � .
<br />