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<br /> . '.`. .r: -. . . - --MQIZR�raB ' vs "`'� � r
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<br /> --- �--•-- ••, � - -- _
<br /> ----- .--- . e :.... r--::-� .a � --. :
<br /> T[��a MpLtqage� ��s�-:etitered iato betveen Doa 11-� D�bs..aad Mar�� _
<br /> M. Dubb��, .husband,��.a� .�ffe;;therein "Ifcstgaqar"l �and the City �
<br /> -- a� t3rand Isla�ir ar-;Ht��icipal Corpozatioa therein : �
<br /> MHartqagae!!�+ . , ,
<br /> � . � .Ha��qaqor 'ia incle:hted to=liortgageq..fn. the pr�naip�2 �tsu�t of .
<br /> - ;$Za��QO, ev�de�aced=�by,;tlortqagas's-�r�ote dated Ha�+ g•,:1992
<br /> - �. t heze in. "Hate��?• Qaoir�c���cg.f os, i�]t��ritss of pr f na ipati and � _
<br /> ,:.
<br /> -� inte�eat, rith� th�� l�at���tae. af� the iadebtedneas. if:not soari�s �
<br />_;�:� paid, dne an8 payabY��.�a» May i, 2006:. . .
<br />__:-�,h, . �.::;:i,����` . .._�� .
<br /> - �� :: ;� To aecure the payi��eri�,�of�tbe .Nate, vith inte=est� aa p�ov€ded �
<br />��;;�:..- thezein,. the pa�et�t, of ali othes suas, with interest,
<br />`s�=- advance8 b� Mostgaqee to protect the security of this --
<br /> Mastgaqe, anc�.'the gez#arw�ance of the covenants and agreeAeatS
<br />=;,�rf ;r � of the Moz�c�ai�s�r ao��ained herein, !laztgagor 8oes heseby
<br /> - - a�artgagc anc� ��onvey:;:�:n:MoYtgagee tht,:._•�o2loving deacribe3
<br /> -_- , Psopet�y lac�t�d�in,��ail County, N�iz�ska: �
<br /> - _ ; �;.-,,:,:. . :. ~��:_�.�:
<br /> _ .,; . -,. �,:,,
<br /> The Ea'st 33 �eet�'df.`�•Fractiaiial Lo��`��,,� and a11 of Fzacti.ona� :.
<br /> �;- - Lot 7, ia Fractt�n�I;+.,=.Block��I'43, ia tinion Pacifir RaiZs��.;;��=� _
<br /> 2nd 1lddition, ancl �ie Com�leatents theteto, heing the .E��-;33
<br /> � of Ptactional Lot .'t:;;��nd a27 cf Fzactional Lot 8, in ..'.`��� � �;�
<br /> Fractionai ��ack 11; in Rnssell Nheeler•s J►dditfon, a3I iri.;°. _
<br /> the C1ty o�;�i�xand island, Nebraska . : . �'
<br /> x
<br /> . Taqether r3��1�� all�b!uild3ngs, �laproveAents, fixturta, stze��s, "
<br /> al2eys, paagagevays�, eaae�ents, s3:i�i�ts, privilegea and ,
<br /> appustenar�e.s locatea theseon o= iix� anyvise pertaining __
<br /> thereto, a�t�� the tents, �.ss�� ae�i�: profits, zevessiona and-�: �. ; _
<br /> zemaindexs�".thezeof; �ncluc�l:ug, but� not limited ta, heatins�: :.�:�. � . _
<br /> ' an� cooling eqnripee�t `an8 such pessona2 psoperty tha� is � ,--�r -
<br /> � s� a�ta�hea to�the ia►�S��►vements sa a��'to conat 1 tute a f"sx�ure K ' �;..-;
<br /> °�;...� -
<br />-z�`t�,.:. al�� og which, inclus�ing replacements and ad8ltiona t�ereta,�..; ��. ,
<br /> ;��4�.;_ is beseby�declazefl to be a part of the zeal estate secured;.L���., . .
<br /> r:�:``�:��• the� lie:nyaf this Mostgage and all of the toregoing being _-
<br />-°:��;�;.;.• > r�f�zYeB�t�a herein �as the "Psaperty". . ' � . . . :
<br />.,;Y.:;:.. . .
<br /> � � � Kostgagvx fuzther covenants anc�, agre�s, with Mortgagae, as • ��
<br /> .v'� � . follovs: , , ,
<br /> ; . .
<br /> ' � ,,,1 � � �� l. Payment. To,pay the �r�debteane�s and the intczest' • ,... .
<br /> . �;� : ' thereon as prov3ded in this �Mortqac�e and the Note. � :
<br /> �� 2. Title. Mostgagor is t?►e nsr�er ot the Property,: _has �he ,
<br /> right an8 at�thor3ty to mortgage t�P�e Property, end wa�ran�s
<br /> ' .,. that tha,Iien createa heteby is a firat and prior lien on the
<br /> - . Property, except as may othervi�e be set fvrtih herein.
<br /> Othez prior liens and enaumb�ances: Ndne
<br /> _ 3. Taxes, �lssessments. Tc pay s+hen 8ue all taxes, sgecial
<br /> assessment5 and a11 othes charges agairest the Praperty.
<br /> � � �. Insurance. Tu keep the improvements nov or hereaft�r
<br /> - - -- located on the rea2 est�tie describeci herein lnsurea against
<br /> j���* dagaqe by fi=e anA surh other h�zar8s as Martgag�e may
<br /> :' � reguire, £n amounts an� vith conpanies ��rrept�ble tio th�
<br /> '- o�" �� Mortqagee, and vith Iass nayable to tAe Mortgagee. In ease
<br /> = � of 2oss uncler snsh palicips the Hottgan�� Is authec+r�zect to .
<br /> � � a89ust, collert and compzomise, in its discretion, �12 clatms
<br /> � �__._�_ _ _._�. thtzeun�e= at l�t;� s+ole optian, authori�e@ to either app2y the
<br /> { .. .. _ _ .. . . _ . . .
<br /> _.' y,_ - . _. _ �
<br /> • .
<br /> .
<br />