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1�F�i����� i - .� - _��?`� - � e r .3: , y .:r .� `. _r ..x�5 � :t� �.af .c i Fr- ;_ {�.. <br /> . 1 1.. .�11C ! r - a-. '-_�; � o . 1� 1 -}a � !ef � - -� t '` .�Fl ' <br /> ... . _ -�. ` y...r r. , � <br /> .�����g r . . '. t ��-iL7� - � i - ��� L7�� oy� kmt <br /> , �y�1lubie 1nw fi► epfcuY for�tytntlt�fd{�u�U betai bio of tt,e tY6���eriy �euN�to. R wfr oY.'�r ap�uC�!n�i►f, ' <br /> } s <br /> � . 8"'audtytnctrumsn�.ol(b>�nt iotA�a td�tqeinauus8�ydt��m�iG �a�¢tttoju, o141tilkrti�a��r�,.4•1 w{t. <br /> }tty�� �� �{��/ y��yy N•�-�r 3'tf.....rn�3'.�t:ak..fY.,u.ra.air.r.�rria�-i�s <br /> �O�SIGIIVG� �1Y���gN11�N11 D�InNi�� I��'}iry��YM M� H �J�1{+ 1 ' f�� <br /> . ` �rr eQ•(D)curefu�Ydatautto ��y anl�ltav4�Mtfo►.u�sqxnn��a�D Y�R��e x�l�s E�'�n e u t l i�n c7�[n 9}h ls 3 c c g d�yyt�{ -Y i, <br /> - '. tnetn�vxi�6 lnstudin8,bm na. itol,ta���tisont,Dio suohwya'fua,�ul�(dYt�1�se hueh �f�Td ba !!7�YY ., <br /> rtquU4tokuurod�tttpllenot0���8paodt�.:�nsmit�odt:d.lnderRdgM9tR�Y�o{ititty,and trdy� 4S�j1� n���?�xU�� 'i <br /> aurt�i wwtoJ�py�Ii S�nity.Inrmim�YUits?�Ni�tontin i�ri�h�nged,..'V h tc�S����F� ;�?�+�w�f.�hfa. t - y�t ., <br /> InsuuM,en1arMtheob1►gatton�ttiwtcOhtmd s(�utrcm�tuliyett�,�tv .n�noeotleia�tlonht��afi�bl� Nowevki <br /> --, dgNt(6Je��qte. 4tq� �yin.�qaam 6�S<<rotlortu�deRpa+egte IZi �A- _ <br /> : 3r:�&F6�0}es�6�R•o1lLaaa��.7fro'Notaor• tintarcr�n�haNCtoCwg�1he�'�414�i@tsb�cur�� , . <br /> Inswmtnp.m �o sol,d:na oea(nN tlt�iR wRhout�Pdor noµcb co�a�Yorr n�a m,ur�autAla s oDnhgb UiU�Q ep)1[ ,. : , <br /> (k�wsmud'N"�lioan5erv�1'?tl�eootivatf,rt(onNlyypymonMdua.under�hoNote�r4R:IsSEwdty�neWmenR 7ti q�, , <br /> may6eoneormoroch4nge�of0�el,or,n�8aVlxrunroletcdtoewloottheNotg,' ttherbi�ae�i , etlftbo�j rt tapN�` ' � .,- <br /> Ha�mwe�wUl 6o given wrttten;ooqao ct�Q�o ohaigeln eocordance wltA puroBtaPh 14 ebove arsd�plCabla Iat4�i A�natla0 ', <br /> wiD�UtoNenumandaAdms�ofilhpnpW,L0an8erv�ceren4thoeddn;a�townfchpnyment��houl Damnda! 7'henqd�owllt� ' <br /> - eSo conrotn W'o�hw Infmma�inn roqi�6lid by 6ppItr�bto Iew.- . -- <br /> 10. Hafsrdooe BuEstnnaa..f3mtdwer sba11 nor cauce o►pcemte'tfio pmacaco;uae,dispusa},etbr�gp�pr�eloesb oi�dny <br /> Hexardous Substuna�on or Imthn PtopN�y Bartower�hal{not do,noc atlow aayono siae[p do,any�tng�pff,cpdA�lhtf ' ' <br /> prop�aty Net is In violatlan.of,anp p�o nmentot Lew. 71ie prcading two ceNenoee aANt not appIY to Ihe ptcsutoM ueC�� . _: <br /> itorage on the Propeny ot emetl'quthtitloi of He7ardow Substenaa Nnt are gonemtty tecogniudto6o epptqptfaro toi(a�tnal , <br /> rcsidmAnl usw and a mainttmtnaaufthe Propary. <br /> Oorrower shall pmmptip BWe Lender wrltten naico of eny InveeNgadon,olelm,demnnd,Iawauit or oNer eqlon by any <br /> govemmentel or rogulmary�agCn@�•m pdvate party Involving Iha Propony and eny Huazdouf Substanoo or B+tvlmnmeqt�l <br /> --- Law oi which Boirowa hes aauni knowledga If Hortower Icem+, or la noUtted by eny govemmantei at rogulfitoey - <br /> euthadry.�hxt eny remmal�or o�v romediepon ot�ny Hazerdoua Subs�anco afkcting the Nopeny is ncaasery.Bortower <br /> _ ehell pmmptty taka aU�aoocssmy�omWlel ecdoon lo�ccordanco with Hnwonm2nrel Law. _ :.. <br /> —= Ae used in�his p�4@mph 20,"Hazerdvas Submncw"nre thou suba�ancw deMed ea toxlo oe hezvrdoua aubster�xs by <br /> �--- BnvLonmentnl LeN end Ne following substances: Basoilne.keroxno.other Flammeble or toxia peuoTeom produae,wxi4 . <br /> _-u� pesticidp end hWkidc+,voteHte sotveore,ma�eri�l+wntaimng ubearos or lormeldchyda,ond radloacHve meteriala, i�s <br /> __ - uted in thia pbmgmph 2Q"Hnvimnmenml Lnw"meana fedual Iawe and lawe of ilw JurUdicdon whero ihe Proputy la lacarod <br /> that mlma�a hcal�h,safety or environmentel proteerion. - <br /> at� NON-ONffORk'1COVCNN�iTS• n°rt°�ver°�dl.enderfWnhcraovenentondagreeeafpllowe: <br /> '' 16 Acedemtion;Remedles. I.ender shall glve notice to liorrower prio�to acceleratton tollowing Borrower'o <br /> .,,r � brcscL ot an co�enant or e�eement in tAin Securtty[nrirnment(Dut vot rlor to eceelerattoa under para�aph 17 <br /> v� .� uNm appllcable Iary provides otherwlse). The noGce cEall specityt (a)tne Sefaulq(b)�he actlon requlred to core ihe <br /> _ __, � ��g{e?e detr;!!ot len tAen 30 dan hom the date 1he notice b given to Borrowen by whleh the dotaolt moet be <br /> E`('� cured�nnd(d)that tailure to wre the defeult on or betors the dett�pecitied in the notiee mny raaU In eoceierattoo oF <br /> :_;;.,�u:,��. the mms saurcd Dy thU Recurity lmtmment end salo of the Propert� The notitt shell NrtAer Inlorm Borrower of <br /> ;.,.;:,�;,�� tha rlghl to retnctate aRer eceeteretion and tAe rlght to bring a court ectlon to asceri the nan�e:tstence uta det¢alt or <br /> '=:v:�n=•f eny other defense of Borrower to acceleratlon end eale. It Ihe defuutl Lv not wred on or beforc tEu duto speeified in <br /> '•'-"""{= the notla.Lender et Ita optlon mxy rcqulre Immedinte poyment In NII ot oll sunu cecured by thla Becurlty Iast►ument <br />-�-[t;s�:�!;;;� Mthout Porther demand end may fmoke the po�ver ot calo end eny other remedlm permitted by epplicable law <br /> -- l.ender ehpll 6e entitled to wllecl a!I ezpensw incurred In purcuing the remedles prov(ded In thts paragraph 31, <br /> ��»t�' Including.Dut not Iimited Po,reawneble attomep'feea end casla of tftle evidence, ` <br /> };ti,; If the po�ver of sete is Invoked.7Yustee eholl record a notice of defauit In eech munly In Nhlch any purt of Ihe <br />;.;,�"'�r!!i Properry 4+IocateA ond shall mell copin of Ruch noticc In the manner preacribed by aDD���ble lo�v to Qorrower and ro <br />-...,�••,=.�,3sr_ the other person�prescribcd by applicabte lo�v. ARer the tlmo requtrcd by epplicnble lan.7Yustee�hall glve puCllc <br />�-'?.;�r!3i'1� notite otsele[o the penom and In tht manner preacribed by opplicable Imv. 7Fuatee,�rithout demnnd on Borroavr. <br /> -::�-�i'€��`� ahall cell Ihe Property ot public auclion to tho highcat bidder at tAa time nnd piaa and undcr lho terme dcslgn�te0 In <br />�"-=,�'''%-'':� iho nolice olaeie in onu or more pnrcde ond in ony order 7Fu�lcc determinc�. 7YUStee muy pnstpnno selo af all ur eny _ <br /> '";'.-�ib�'t;' pernl ottha Property by pu611c ennouncemenr et thc Nme and pince of uny prevlouaiy seheduled xela. Lendcr o�Ita — <br />',��s�;,_'<r;_ designce moy purchose the Praperty ut uny selc. �;, <br /> Upon reeelpt of pnyment ot the Drice bld,Tru�tee shail detiver ro Ihe purchnur 7'rurtee'a deed wnveying the ��� <br /> dfY•�i Property. The recttud In the 7YurRee's deed ehull he primn fncle evidence uf Ihe Iruth af the slatemenp made lherein. c-.. <br />:(ccAi•i:a� 7Yusiee shull npply the praceeds ot Ihe sele In ihe tollotirin�ordrr. (al tu all msta end expensea of exerclsing the po�rer R_:: <br /> 14+F • � <br /> i �,- e <br /> u ,t���'; <br /> ='"r`•;,-ti�, � <br /> s41ti ;: `- <br /> t_ �- F..- <br /> :.z34:9.-�. . <br />�.�).4i';: �:`�� <br /> -",i'}'�j.'� �._�. <br /> ':3i{�. �'.� <br /> �:. <br /> '.:i'`,�'e.:42 Mnn W211 9.i0 yve:�.•/.ryl�v �':'� <br /> � :E�a �. . <br /> .1•Y.+� <br /> . A:.`. <br /> D <br /> '�in`!� �;: <br /> ..t �'' . , _ n , ._ _ __.__.-.. - .. - � <br /> yr .-.,_,�_.-.T._.,-. n . .. ••_ ' _ _ :'1�.7',n-;_.. . ..�r.. . . . - <br /> .,t. ..i�acJ.—r—..^*�cTC•:r'l:� . . r <br /> ) � _ <br /> � . ' .. _. <br /> � <br /> i: _ . . <br /> -'-��:�jiri _ _ _ ___ . ' " __ __ _- , <br /> ;�_�i' ' <br /> .�i:: :r�:,�:' _ t:±' _ _ . <br /> ' �." <br /> ' <br /> �Aln . . <br /> ) `.fi <br /> .'I':y' <br /> .4-.�� . ... . <br /> :.:- �il' ' . . <br /> ��l l�j .� � - <br /> ��. .` � _I�_ '!: . . • • � . . . ' •_.. . ._ � <br /> .- (t_.�� . . . . . .. .. . . � . <br /> �. � . . . . . ' .� <br /> __f n ' . . . ' ' � � <br /> �� I �. . . . . - . _ . � ._ . . .. .. ... ' . .. _ _ .':.��� . �.. . <br />