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r.:i� , ,::• • , ;:� ; ,,�, , r �r: <br /> �. <br /> - i. - � . . � - .-. . . 4�Nq t,. <br /> � _ ",_ _' " j -�'� .. . ' . .. _ _L .. ���:. �Mt��1 .1,�..i 1 ',— . . <br /> /. ' <br /> aaaEenuuna�oraAert�inpot�nyyv�tetd�aA��ercy,4Sfaconxsy+nsofnAauotcabemn�tlo�,ueherebyr�dyiepkle �` <br /> . a�fitDad�4tolAn4c6 � _ . . ,:� � Y i'i. � 1I <br /> - IIC;QF� .�tvAll¢T:i'161�f'htt�q11'f:6lUI?4l6j.'Cf1y'r l!(Q rtc!It`SIkL1:l�1l:Qav`i.�EG..�r . �..�.��f.11��� <br /> , w�o�b�liQ�fdrmukNY��eoilDe�p•��p��yM�lileyEtfO ro�6te�n;liiq�mtiq„�Eerc��1�r�A�fa�imoUnF�Iwlf� � , <br /> aaurld by�hte BEeutlty tnetmfnent I��r�tA���elp 6otoro tho�uking�unteca porrowef.m6lRnQ�ropwrwleo�gcee.lrt!WrN�a; ", �• <br /> tla euind wcurc0 by t1ii�Becurtry tnspument eAa11 Do.��QUaA Dy Aa�mounldt che��InLttip1kdDy,pta•foitow�a � — <br /> frlalont (e)ihe total unount Ot t7�o sdms ueured tmmed�a+ob before�Mf tak61$:dlylQed Dy(b)�M ftllin+dety tu4 ot�ho ' <br /> ' RaptHy ImnxdfotaTy 627ora th8 tetcing. Any 6�t�nco chdl a0 pxid lo Q4rt4wtr. tn the evcnt otitiutta�, qf.�hc ' <br /> P��ty!n whkh tM fale ms+ket v uo of dw Property imdxdiste 6eip rc fie takieg i�las N1ri thh aunot@s��eueca ° <br /> eawrcd immedlotoly botoro fio t�nB,unlea.BortowB►an4 l.e�er aheiwiu agree ia writing o�wk�i�ppll�apto 1�vir �• :��i':: <br /> oq�awiao prov�der.�he proaeds�hnli bo eppliad co thc mim�sa"urcd Dy thia 8ccudiy tniwment x1ieUlor or nqK U�e su�uw.. •.� . . <br /> thenduo. , , � • . . , <br /> — If tha Propeny u abandoned Dy Bomawer,or U efter potico Dy Lender ro Bortower�hot�he condomnqr oFiofl-fB mricq' � �' <br /> BII BWetS Oi 6GU10 0 Clelifl(Of dB1119gOf�Bortower falle to rcspond to I.endor wi�hln 3D dqy�aftb�tho dato tAa notice7a gtren,-::-:-..� '�;- <br /> i.endcr ia�ulhodted ro cottat end npply the pr6ueda,at lu option,chhcr lo rca�oratlon or repelt ot tAe Ptoperty ot totba, ' ;;"'-�,' <br /> surtueeeuredbythla8ecarityinsuumont,whetherornotthenduo. .� ! <br /> Unlese Lender ond Bortowu othernice egrtro in w�itlng.eny oppIlcadon of proceeds to ptincipot thWl not oxtenb or. . <br /> pastponoQ�eduadateotthomomhly paymem��otemAtolnpa�agreplutendlorcfiangotheemwntoteuehpoymenid. .' . . <br /> U. Borrowee Not ReteaseGt FbrLearana DY Leader Not e Walver. Extenainn ot ao Nmo fo�paymcnt a <br /> modiflwtbn ot emonizedon oT No�uma eeared 6y thb Seartsy Insmiment gran[ed by I.ender ro any�ucceasor I�fntemt <br /> ot Botrower shall na opnaro to rclease the Ileb111ty of tho aiginai Bortower or Bortowerb sucauon In IntercsR Lendee <br /> atiall not 6e uirsd to commence proceedinga alnst eny�uccexsor in Interest or rcPou ro ex�end Umo for psyqtent oi <br /> � - oNenvise rtad�i y emortiutlon of rhe�urtu sewrel�y this Sceudry imWmem by«ason of any dcmend mado by Wo otlpfnel � <br /> Bo�rower or Bortowerb wcoesson in inmees�. Any[orhearonce by I.ender in excrclstng eny dgM or rcmcdy eAnll notbe a <br />. - -_ �valveroforprecludethoexerciseotanyrigA�orrcmWy. � <br /> =, 12. Sucanors and Asslgns Oound;Jolnt en0 8everel Llabflity;Co•slgnero. 7fie rnvenaou and egRemente ot Nla � <br /> 3auiity Insuvment nhatl bind end benefl[�tw sucaason and saaigns cQ Lender and Bomower,mbjxet ro the provkion�of <br /> - pu�gre ph 17.BorrownL covenenu and egrcemenu shell be jolnt and several. Any Bortower who co-algns thia Secudry <br />�-_ lnstrument 6ut dow not exaum the Noto: (e)I�co-dgning this Secudty insaument only to moRgege,�ant and convoy Ihat <br /> - Bortowerti imercst in tha Roperty under the�erma ot thia Saudty Imwmem; (b)ia not personaily obligetW to the�uma <br />_,.,�� secural hy�ht�Savdry Instmmenr,end(o)egreea�hac t.ender end nny o�hor Hortower may agee to extend,mod�y,for6wr � <br /> - -- or meka �ny ncoommodatiom with rcgerd eo �he �emu of�his Security Imwmont or�he Note without that Bortowerb <br /> -° conacnt. <br />--= 13. Loan CNargea. 1f�he loan sccurcd by thii Searity Inatmment is aubjcet to a lew�vMch seta maximnm loan __ <br /> _-!ll:_t kx?s Fr�!!y intex�tttd�ehe[L�?.^.!^rc.!n,oLF�!!_s ch.a.oea ee!4titc�nr�p he m11e��eA In rnpneLtion <br /> `" with�he loan oxacd the permitted Iimits,�hen: (a)eny:uch loan charge shell be rtduced by�he amount necosaary�o rcdua = <br />�;;�iy the charge w the pmmiued limth end @)any sums elrcady collected fmm 6ortower whlch oxceeded pertnilred limlla w1116e __- <br />�..,,,g rcfundW�o Borrower. Lcnder mny choou ro mnkc ihis mfund by rcdudng the pdncipel owed undenha Nore or by mekfn;a _ <br /> ��-- Nrcet payment to Dortower. (f a rcPond rcducee principal,tho reduction will be treeted m e pnnial prcpeyment wi�hout uiy <br />_;�`t�� prcpeymemchergcundcrtheNote. _ <br />'�"�?'- l4. Notica. Any notice to Dortowcr provided (ar in thla Sccudry Inatrumont sholl bo gIven by dolivedng it or by 4. <br /> 4':9 mailing it by flm dnss mail unles+applicublc lu�v rcquirca use of nno�her me�hod.'ITa notice chnll bo dirccicd to tlw Property <br />-.-:;s' Add2sa or eny other uddreu Dortower designmca by'rotice�o LenAec Any noNcc ro Lender ahull be given by iint clm = <br /> m�il to Lenderh nddrcss siated hercin or ony mher addrccs Lender dexignntex by nolia ta Oono�ver. Any notice provlded for : <br /> ' in Ihia Savdry Inatrumcnt shall be decmcd w hnve bcen given ro Onrrowcr or Lendcr whcn given e� provided in thla � .. <br /> :±. puagreph. o � <br /> � I5. Coverning Lo�ri Severebllilv. This Securiiy Insimmem shull he gnvemcd 6y kdenl laa and �he law of�he !'-- <br /> - judsdicAon in whicli the Ropeny i,locnted. In ihe eveni thut ony provision or clnuse ot thiA Secudry Ins[mment or Ihe Noro �':' <br />- `��k� conllicta w0h upplicnble Inw,such wnllic�+hnll nm ufkct uther pmris)onz of�hi.Security Inxuumem or the Na�e which an - <br /> '�'`� be given etkct withom �he con0iainp pmvi5ion. Tu ihis end thc pmri.ians of thi�Securiry insuumem and�he Nac ere ='- <br />��_:-;�� dcelarcd�o be severnble. n:-�� <br /> _ 16. Dorro�rer'a Copy. Onrmwer}hall he given one con(ortncd capy of�he Nute und of ihis Security Instrument. �' <br /> l7. 7Yenahr of Ihe Property or e 6eneliclnl interest fn 6orro�rer. If uil or any pnn of ihe Rvpeny or any inrorect in - <br /> I. � it ia wld ar transkmed(ar if u hencficiul imere.� in Borm�rcr i+�nIJ or tran.lcmd and 6ortower is not a nmural penon) F.�-: <br /> wi�hout Lenderh prior wrinen cumem.LenJer mny,a�i�c np�ion. ayuire immediuie payment in full ot all sumx securcd by - <br />� '� �his Security Insvumem. Huwever,ihi.op�iun�hnll uot M exerciuJ Ay LenJer if exerci�c is prohibited by fedemi Inw m of <br /> �-����� thedatcof�hisSccuritylnurvmcnt. �'=� <br /> ;,;;�� If Lender excreix�ihis aptian,LenJcnhall gi��c Romnrcr no�iar of acmlcra�ion. Thc noiice shall providc n period ot _ - <br />`�-,���! not less than 30 d.ry.fmm the date�he no�ice i.JelivercJ or maikd��i�hin�rhich Iiortowrr muv p�y all sumx securcd by�his =_- <br />.-,,,qy Suurity Ins�mment. If 6urtower(ailr w{aq� ihc.c .nm. pnnr �o�hc espir��iun of�hi.�rind. I.cndcr may invoke any _- <br /> :'?1 rcmedies pem�ined by�his Security In��nmieul��i�ham lunhcr nnii.i orJemand on finrm�cer. _ <br /> _;,�� 18. Oorro�re�'s RIRht ta Rdnstate. II" Rumnicr mttn ccnain ronditinn.. Rnrto�cer �hall have Ilie righl tn have :� <br /> en(orcemenl uf�hi+Securiry-In,lmmcnt Ji..nminucJ ai nnc�ime pnor ta Ihe eadicr nL (al 5 daq.(or wch o�her periud ax ti�-- <br /> \mpkhund�-hnnk\I�rRedAk\locl\IFIIN\II\STRIVE\T..1'mlmnCmrnm�. 9.90 �puH�.dnNK•� "' <br /> ,`� p <br /> � _- _ . �-. . � . . . - . � . . ._ ... � . ._ . . . _ ..:��. <br /> v_._; � . . _ - . '. <br /> ��:i--.�V- '' - . .. <br /> _ .-�_ . <br /> :;�;i'1�.,:-��- ';` - � . <br /> _`".i: . <br /> �:"np�.+ -� - _ . <br /> -..r,.: .'��•. . <br /> ...ti:.. . . <br /> .:'��4.�•'.� . . <br /> ''� � <br /> � S _.. 4/ <br /> t , <br /> -�� - :' - . ' �� �- - . . . . . ._ . _ <br /> . .-.i t . _ _., ... .. _ . ..- . . . . ..,_ ,_ ._ .. _r..::.�... _. <br />