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r� .i�ti iS-{` . {` _ i rH- '^lil�_- � i1�� �-ki��� ,11 ' t n����3��'j� {s4� jil.;�t `�,�5�,'('i. <br /> i i � � n. <br /> /t. _ _ .. . ..-- - ii f , '� _. :i r �L.. r. .. <br /> - � /� � �• �� � , t . /� j � �- P ..P -r:�- ttc. � ` . q 1+ '1rI;_ <br /> r:, T��anri�runv�►�!'oat�At�,�f+�`w�,"i�„w`nu'D°'f�p�;'u���rr�nu.�tu�''�,'�`�p�'°i'� � <br /> 1 � � t�.tw .i�liFikd eeteetvldls6a 'IN-ISSLTI 'R 71 E Mt�a <br /> 4��� ct+r+iwT ++r.sw ..rir.,.in.i-�-�.i,��i � �_. .:� a. ' �, - � -�� � - ' ' <br /> t�. t� cnc�'ikd�!t�ta' � , , 5 , � <br /> � . ��-�':i+qn�p�y Itq�fce� hitg4ed4��.bY���' ��F . . <br /> :9:4tttyqqu��sdeforA "�tha.4►�, ' � - ,�: <br /> :;. ����n�derm2taE�yt�dg[op��J .���!+N�p?�Yme�$qutna Ina�ry�iumetntt�cµr ...:_�l <br /> t aanthedaod�i oPtlio tmonNlYPiY��a. . . ,� , ._. <br /> . ' ���srowu a�rw3�oy w"�"�,ra.��a ot duw a.r�uo�,t�,,,,�r�usu�e«�t;i�,vo�� <br /> �"�au�ity uuaunxnr. � <br /> (B)$�Sp!�YftnoiitCred!lAppryivqb�Lrnder�hell,UperrcJKafOy plkabCelnwartdwlttithoqtor�cov�{pftM <br /> Surc��roqwrblmnxdf�ap�ymaminf4uot�1ld�oeum�saurtl�oy�tsBecurirywtnu�mifi• <br /> (1)AII o►pkt of t1a l'�opo�y,Or�EeneliHql Intuest in a�nut owning all o�p�rt o►tha Properly.b coid or <br /> otLeiwlseiyuYemO(SW;YtAin pYdevlsnbm4esanybythoBotrowor.and <br /> - pU7Lelfioye�sj!�an b�' .s4Ey�8iopvrcli,iserorgrratwnahtsornerpdnclpairaidSneo.orNepud�er - <br /> or �w,a_„go,_ ��'+n�Pcape.iy Qm ht+ or ncr c�oeu nas na eecn i�prorea 4, �000ra�nco <br /> w <br /> wi �heroqd mer.i�o theBaYetery. ' "' <br /> (c)No W�ivtr. If oirowntitmuca oavr ihat rrould permlt Lender ro requlro Immediate paymm�In PoII,Mtt Lender <br /> daro not��suchpayme I.�nd.Kdora not wa[vo fts dgAn wlt�mpect to euDsequtnl evanu. <br /> (d)�p taflow of HM&rntsrr. In msny dicumstanccs rtgWadoai Issued Dy�ho 3enetazy wlll limit LenQcrb <br /> �dgp iri ttw casv ot paymem deTeulta, to nqufre ImmMlue paymen� In Poll and tmatosa If not cal0. '(A� <br /> ry Irotrum:ntdocs not euthorlu aooclaaflon or faeclwure if na permltted Dy rcguLUoai otOw 3uro�nry. <br /> ° (e1 Mortgaga Not Tnsured. Bortowu a�ea�hat ihould�hG Savrity lnswment and Uw noto cceurtd theieby not <br /> De eligibbfor lasuwnceunder �hoNatlonal HowiagAstwiihin fromW <br /> '°— dete haoot,I.ender mey,at In opHon end nawUlucanding mphU�g fn Paregmph 9,requlro Immediue paymcne In <br />�� � tuU of nll tw�u�amed by thia Secudty Wtrumen� A vrtittm�tazement ot eny eutho�ited qgent ot tho 3ecretery <br /> deud�ubsoqueat to from�he drte hcrcof,declining to inauro�At�Becudry <br /> --� instrument and the noie secured ihsrcby,ahatl be damed conclmtve proof ot wch inetlglbUlry. NatwitAstending <br /> —= the foregotng,thla option may not be exerctsed Uy Lender wAen the aonvaliab{Iity of Insuranco It wlely due lo <br />'"�:;� I.enderb feiluto lo rcmit a mong�ge Wurance pRmlum ro tha Secretery. <br /> - 10. Relostahm¢nt. Bortowuhaa e dght to bc rcinstatcd if l.ender ha+rtqutrt4 immediate t In Nll becnum <br />'�:;';'N�� of Bortowcrti tdluro to pay on amowt due undu ihe•Note or�hl�Sxudty Imuumem. 7T�� fl t applics even aRcr <br /> ��:"«k. forcclosuro pcaceWtna� ero InsUtuted. '1�rcinstate thc Sccwiry Inswment.Bortower�hell ten��lump�um np <br /> :^�;� amounU required w bdng Dorto�verL earoum curtent ineluding,ro the eatem�hey ero obllgadons of Bortower under thl� <br /> =- �;- Securiry Instmment.torcclosuro casu end rcasonabie nnd cusiomary momep-ieaa md oxpenses y associaeed wifi <br />���`��`���,' ehe forcclowro proceedin8. Upon roinuatement by Bortowe�.this Scevriry Imwnam aM the o Iigotiont�hat it eecurw <br />'�".�� shell rcmain in eHon m lf Lcnder had rat reyuiied immediete payment in full. Ho�vevcr.Lcnder 1�nareq ulrod to oemdt <br />"t.;."' <br />.-. s�K� Rins�atemem it: 0) I.ender ha�accepted rcmstetement eRer�he commencement of torcclosurc procedings wilh(n Mo <br />� .<�;^,��� yea�n Immediately proceding �hc rnmmencement of a eumnt foreclwure pracecding, pp relnstarement will preclude =_ <br /> sr� forcclwuro on different ground+in the fmure,or(iii)reins�erement will edvertcly affect�he pdodry of the tlen crcated by -' <br /> �, �hb Savd�y]nswment. <br /> � lI. Oorrower Not Rciwsed; Forbcarnncc by Lender Not n Waher. Extension of ine qmc of payment a <br />-�-`�u. modiRceNon of emortimHon of�he ium+xecurcd by this Secudty Inswment grnnted by Lender ro eny aucceamr In intercal _. <br />--7;�;;� of Bortowcr shall not operatc to mleacc Ihc Ilability of the odginal Oortower or BortnwerL cucccssor(n imercst Lendcr = <br />';��;�,;� shill not bo�uired lo commence procecdings aguimt ony succcamr in intercxt or rcPox ro cx�cnd Iime for p�yment or = <br />'..,h<��1, mhernice mM fy emonlzaiion of the sum�accured by this Security In�wment b�rcawn of any demend made by the - <br /> `r;,sJ' od inal Borto�ver or Bortmrcrb sucaewra In intcrest. An farbenrenm b Lender n excreisin an d ht or rcmed shall �` <br /> -- ;., 8 Y Y 8 Y 8 Y . � <br />�:;;7�.�,,ES3 not be a wafver of or prcclude�he e�erciu of any right or rcmeAy. �-! <br /> :� /3. Rutteuore end Assl�u Qound�Joint und Serernl IAa6ility�Co•Signera. 7Te corenenta and egrcemenu of � � <br /> � �� �his Sccudty ImWment xhall bind end bcncPo thc sumexmrs und acc�gns of Lendcr and Bortowcr,subJect�o thc provis(oro <br /> ; �f� of Poregreph 9.b. Bortowenc�ovenami nnd ngreemenu shall be Joim nnd xeveml. Any Uofrower who co-sigm �hh �' <br /> Security Inalrument hu�does nm aaum the Note cu)is co-signing�his Sccuriry Instrunxnt only to mongage,grant and <br /> � ..�• eonvey lhe�Bo'rowerS intems�in the Propeny under�he ienns ot this Securi�y Inetrumcm:(b)is not personaliy obligated ro <br />�-'-4r"` pay the aums ucured by ihis Securi�y Inarumcnt:�md(cl uprces thai Lcnder ond onY o�hcr porcower may egret�o eztcnd, _- <br />�`::''-�{`� modJy,forbear or meke any accommoda�ion+wi�h rcgnni�a�he remic o(thia Securny lintrumeni or the No�e wiihom thnt - <br /> .n E`.''1 <br /> Borrowert consent. -- <br /> r°x;'� 13. Noticea. Any naicc to Onrtawcr provided (or in ihis Smurily In.tmmem shall hc gi�en bp dclivering it or by �- <br /> _ �i� 4� meiling it by first clacs mail unle.+ap�lica6le hnv reyuim+ us nf anoiher me�hod. The nu�ice i6ali be dirccted ro the - <br />,��u��,,;y Propeny Addrcss or nny olher uddm} nrma�cr Je.ign:nn hy no�ice to I.emkr. Any nrnice �a Lender shall be given by �� <br /> " �s fin� elasa mail �o Le�derk addrcs+x�a�ed hercin or any�aJdrc.. Lendtr de+ign:uc� by nalice In 8onowcr. Any noiice -- <br />.:��{;i`�i.'� �rovided(or in�his Sc.urity Inummem.hall tk Jcemcd m h:�v<hccn}irrn tn Uorroocr nr Lcndcr when given as pmvided C:��� <br />-:;�;II�.'� m�hisparagmph. `-'='�' <br /> - I4. (imrrnln;tieverohilil llii.S�aum In��mmcnt.hali M o�¢m.d M Fideral luw and�hc law of Ihe .=-'=�� <br /> .:;ii�l� R R )' F _ <br /> ;. f.i Jurisdiclion in ahirh lhe Rnperty i+4i:uteJ. hi Ihe ecem Iha�nnr pmri.iun nr rlan.c nf Ihi.Securiq�Inarument ur Ihe <br />:��y;.�:; Noie eonllins wi�h npplicablc lau�..ud�cunitic� .hall nrn a(fati udier provi�inn+nf�hi.Securiiy Inutument nr�he Note <br />----�y�• which can bc givcn c(fetl���ithnw�he conllfating prm 9i.ihiund thr pmci.fom of Ihi.Saauriq�in+lmnmm and�he - <br /> f���� Nole am dcclurcd In he uvcnhic. <br /> �{�� IS. Oorrmrer'xCup�. Bnnaxcr�hallhgncn.mccanGmncdu�p�olthnSivunlrin.immcnt. � ..� <br /> _ 16. Axcignm�nt uf Renta. Hattouer utxondfunn�ll���an.len w 1 cndcr all�he renn and revenuc.�+f Iht <br /> �+fi1`�l Pmpeny. 8nrmwer nmhame.LcndU nr LcnJcr:a}rnl.U�CuIICCI lilt mlll�Jixl tf�Cttup�anJ{Ifrtl+)SIfCL f:ICil l¢f1a11i o( �--. �. <br />'"r��ZS Ihe Propeny lo pay Iht nnl��o LenAer nr LenArr i ag••m�- Hnwevrr.priur m LcuJer:nnlin In Anrtou�cr nf Rorto�rer\ �;r_>_ <br /> t.,`, <br /> ; � brcach o(an�'cuvcnanl or agrttmcm fn�hc Sr.umr hnimm.nL Hammrr.h:dl cullcrt:md rrccirc all renn and«ccnun of t'`.�- <br /> ;;�y'; the Prapeny a.waec fnr Ihe Mnefi�nl LenJrr and Bnrtm�er. lh�.a..�Enm.m o!renn cun.ulaie.un ah.nlmc r.agnmem �` . <br />�_�:�};:�xv and na an aoignmcm(ar aJJiiional.ccunl�nnlr. [1_.� <br /> �-�1��f��� If Lcnder gire�nnUCC nf hrcach�n Ha�muce lal�II rcnh ren•ncd h� Rnrto��er.hall h hdJ hy Bnrtnwcr m Iru.tce ��- <br /> -- -> lor bcnel�l ol LenOer nnlr.m h ���u,•n ��,m, .nm..ccurca m me munn in.vurocnL�ia Lcn�cr.haii K rNrticJ In c:�. <br /> :S:sr; mllat onJ receive all nf ihr renh o!�he I'rn�ny::md ta�rach�enam of�he Napeny+hall pa� all rem.duc and unpaid m k•- <br /> � �� : Lc�cror Lender.agcm�m Lcndcri��rntcn dcmanJ�a�hc IcnaN. <br /> r ` Burto�rer ha. nol execWed any pnm a�vgnmem nf Ihe mnh:mJ ha.nnt anJ ��dl na� pednmi an� :�c� �hal wnu1J <br /> y -{ pm�cnl Lcndcr(rom cxcrcning rt.ngh�.undrr Ihi.HrtaEnph Ih. �. <br /> .,;it L.:nJcr.h�ll not Ik nymrcJ m cm.r upm.�+Ac.onuni of ar mamtain�h. Ro�wny hfnrc or aflcr gi�mg nuGcc nf �,�. <br /> ' " breach �0 6urmwcr. Homc��cc LcnJcr nr a judfciaih ap�xnm.d rc..ncr m.n do �O ilI 011\'111➢C Illl`fl' h 8 MR]lll. Ail�' � <br /> -:•:���,:' a hcation of renls.hall nol cum nr��arcc am JC�JOII�II IIIYOIIJ:IIf JO\t�llll'f 11`III(1!M�11lYI\OI Ll'plll'G ThI\J�M'p111f11I l.. . <br />-"r;`�,• PP' F F <br />-�'"����� o(rcnt.o(Ihe Rnpcny�hall Icnnina�c ahcn tha JcM.caurcd hp Ihc Sttvnlc Inqmm.m i�piW in fidL �_ <br /> ..�?e}: <br /> ' f':�. <br /> c-i�.',.t: .�.,r��..r�rvn., <br /> s:);i"' �- <br /> •� _ <br /> ,.'',.:,_?. � - <br />- �'S"' -- - �:. <br />