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�+ _� . . . --� � --�.s x !� -t` t i. . r �a r.�:.; � �- •i �xi.ifE'�r� 4 . <br /> .e . K . .. ' � �� �1 .� 4 � ! � - N �i _� ('_� > �� - �x�: <br /> .r}• ..� , t . i �X�� � } ���1 l.r� r n � . :Li �' }� t <br /> sfl a — r '+- � F - , � , ,��� � � `:,i f it; <br /> ".n. - �i.. ' r _ ..� i 1. - . � - � i. .. 7 _ 6�,. ! . 3:•.� 7 i . - i : i t,.. <br /> • >n�-_ � x> >�f - 4. <br /> i, ''�o! '�io�aieeliu4str.Ya �s4�a�o�e,e�+rlqy�o�ae�eertaetw�t,�b4waeuraR. ,.� ' <br /> �`t1W debt �9d�6 1� d� �i r r _�-• ' F r;�- , <br /> a,�i��'9.r�e»�'' �x�r9�w►« r�r �q�pwrr�nnuLxnula � �+sn <br /> t0�till=f Wi1N . . Inkr&t a►kt f#�1��Nafd��r.IYdctuf�,IR 16f�bf�kUt � d r � . . <br /> i�C►p�}rbus3mcc��eWWCSSoDelwlb4�lfnt ttw➢roper�y,N)Ui�trTW2QpqyaSFnteol�kM4���R�.i�1d <br /> , ,; (c)1+teinhU119fotlntYn�Mrc4YtrOdEy A�". , <br /> 73ech•tna�l�iy ias�llneot ior tkms a� )cn�to)�1►�e�+ttt ud nr,tSft�l}`?�t�A.ennµCl�+no+n}�:ri•r4=l�++�}Y ^; . <br /> tiWR�'M DY.�+rn9Gt!pIyz an.empw1� , knl to m�IduGf�n aQdidonr!Daia�ot aut mMe Qiftt. �!h �4J9 ' > ' <br /> eWm�O unouo f. �lO Nu�mtt�l�mWU�Afar p(�� 1»k�utNDQ DK LeoQet Wlt�f�p�'� �, � <br /> �oetom���oWdoaomede,urpuwt,�.�e�croc�id�Aoamo�mneoitcaedfnwutaqy iunr �h@'�o ; ; � <br /> (o)Oefa�oi�oy QelGqusnt.• t + ,,� <br /> ud NetaulotRro'parme�rt�pfi�Wbyl.enAsrtorllf?�ta�@la�M1(o�lo;e�aWlU�ilroPoturo�P�1Y <br /> C}�i S��ucA IidmsptyiDk to unxY p�ta ro Qw dua d}tef of��U�I�em*exv�ae by mok Qbn m6slait►ib0 �' , Fi <br /> -- �f�MWlofp1yR1-C�t3RQ¢�y6Ydf[tetllfWhl`AWR}40lT I�C111�W�IOANOtOW�y(��f.QlpfLttWQ <br /> 6At1lGItLt►10A7110iLbOROCSlGYGOIIb5I11U10/tAOESUq1M1tlC IfOTS��QIDtx�s OYGIpk•111tQ101UIQ� - '� <br /> a�sliuto�u6��enIp�ymeopEY Botmwer at�heoptfono onow�r. UthetotalqftSepaymenWmrQe6yQart8rrCr .. = <br /> mUb(D�oreo)UinsutficlentaptytT,e�umMrcndua�HammrsillpaytoLeader�oYu�untneaswy�o :: ,. <br /> meQouptheAe du+c�yonorEotoceUaQaty O�elum6eoome�duv. � ':��;: <br /> Ai used In Jsle&adty Insuumeeb'8arctary'mtws tho&orcury otHousing�oC V�Dan PovelopmeN ar Ab9t�. <br /> desf8nea, fnanyywlnMiichthoLendermostWy omortgogolnswsnotlprc+niumro�MBarcury.eaei�montNytAVAxnt- <br /> ��I uso Nelude olther. (p aa Wt�lmene of Iha ennual mortgego Inswanco pre�mlum ro be wld DY I.ende+to tho <br /> 8ecreury,or(0)o mon�hty ohargo instuaA of�mangego Inswanoa prcmium it Ws 8ea�tty Ins�ument 1�dsiA Dq Ne. • <br /> BacRUry. Bac6 montAly Inst�lmem of tAe moegage Insurance premlum sfie0 De In on�mount tufflr.lent lo eocmnulue O�e • <br /> ihtl mnu�l monao8o Inawance pttmium wiN Lendu ono mon�h pdor w tho daro the fuil annual matge8e insuranao <br /> prtmium li due ro�he Seaetu�,or tt NI�8ocuriry Wuument I�heid by Ua 8ecretary.eech momhiy charge chail6e in m <br /> omountequalroonc-twelRhoTono-haitperccntottAoomstendingprincipalbilmceduoonUallote. ' <br /> [t Oorto�ru tenden ro Lcndcr�Ae tullpeymeN of dl sum+eaurtd Ey�hla Saurity tnsnument.6oaowuL eoeount <br /> �hdl be ercditcd wlth�ho Mrtence rcmaining for all ins�allmenee tor u�y mortg�go Inwianoa <br /> pecmlum Imtellmurt that Lcnder hm not become obligatcd�o pay to tha 3ecR�ary.and Lender shell promptly roWndony <br /> excesa Nnd��a Bortoxxr. lmmediatcly pdw ro e foRelwuro eilo of itw Propeny or iuecqulaitlon by►.uWu.Borto�verY <br /> aaow��hyll be cRdlled with eny�aienoe Rmalning tor nll Instellmmu for hem+(a).(b)end(c). <br /> 3. A Ilutlon otPaymrofs. All paymenu under Pemgreplu 1 end 2�hall be appllW by Lmder a�followa: <br /> to�ho mongage Insmance premlum a be pnkl byl.ander to the 3ecrctary or w�ho mon�hly charge by the <br /> Rury instead oT the monchly mongnge Irouronae�romtnm: <br /> SFSArlQ,w any�axea,specid nueumen4,leauhold paymw�o or ground rcnu,end flro,fload and otAu harard <br /> �swanea prcmlume,es roquircd; <br /> [o m[Ciett duo unoor inc riuic; <br /> �oemonizs[Innofthopdnclpalotthallote: <br /> tolatochvQe�duoundcr�heNote. <br /> Flaod anA ONu 1larord Irtsurance. Dortower chell inwro ali Improvementc on the Propaty,whetha no�v <br /> In oxiatena or wbrequen�ly ercctW,ogainst my hamrda,casualtia,and comingenci�,including Fue,for which I.endu <br /> aqulrc�Insuronoe. 'fliis insurana�hall be melnreined in tho emounu end for�he perlods�Aat I.ender roquima. Bortowu <br /> ehell al�o insu�e dl�lmprovements on�he Propeny,wheiher now In existenco or iubsequently erected.against loss by flooda <br />- to the extrnt rcquired by ihe Secretery All insurence•hatl Ir carrial wi�h mmpaniee epproved by Lendu. 7La in+utence <br /> policiw end any rcnewala shall be held by Lender and shall include lose payabie cleuuf in favor ot,end tn e fortn _ <br /> acaptable to,Lender. <br /> In�he event of losa. Rorrowcr chell pire Lender immedia�e naia by mail. Lcnder may make proo(ot los+if not <br /> made promPIly by BoROwec Cech insuronce company rnnttmed B heroby authodud end dirated w make p ment tor _� <br /> wch los+d[tectly to Lender,instead of to Bonawer md to Le�erjointly. All or my part ot tAc insurnntt p�may be _ <br /> epplicd by Lcnder,ai i�s optlon,cither(a)to�hc rcduction of Ihe indebtcdnes�undcr�he No�e and this Secudty Inswmen4 ` <br /> fint to my delinnuent amoumc npplied in�he ordcr in PamgmPh 3,ond �hrn to prepaymmt of pdncipil,or(b)to tht _ <br /> rutomtlon or�epalr of�he dmiaged pmpeny. Any epplication o(the proceeds�o�he principal ahail not extend or poatpone <br /> the due dete of the monthly paymen�which are rekrted to in Pemamph 2,or change�he amount of wch payments. Any =�- <br /> excw insurenoe proceeds over m mnoum nquircd�o pay ell outs�mdmg indeMedness under the Note end ihis Seeudry = <br /> Instrument shall M paid w the rntity Iegally cmided�hereia. _ <br /> In the evem nf forcclosure of this Sccurity Insuument or o�her trunskr ot�ide ro�he Prupeny ihu exdnguishes the _ <br /> inAebtWncss.all right,titic and intcrcst of Bortowcr in md to insumncc policics in torcc shall pass�o�hc purchucr. = <br /> 5. Oceupancy, Preaervation. Me�ntenence and ProtecHon ot 1he Properry; Uorroaer'e Loan Applipitlon; - <br /> I.eoaeholda. Borto�ver shall accupy,esmblisli,und ux ihe Propeny ac [torrowerh pnncipal rcsidence wi�hin sixtY daya =_ <br /> aRu�he execmion of�his Security Insuument nnd shall cominue�o oaupy ihe Propeny aa Bortowerh principal rcsidence _. <br />.. far at Iw:t o�k year aMr ihe daie ot acuponcy.unless�he Samtary determme.�his nymrcmem�vill cnuu undue hardahfp - <br /> for portower, or unless ex�enuming cireumsmnces exis� ahich ure bcyond Burniwer4 mmral. Borrower shall nolify = <br /> Lenden of any utenua�ing circumcmnces. Onrtower+hall not commit waac or davoy.damage or xubstantially change -� <br /> the Propeny or eliow the Propeny�o de�eriora�c,rcmanahle�vwr and�eur excep�cd. Lender may mxpec��he Pmpeny ihlie =_ <br /> Propeny is vacant or ebandoned or�he Iwn de(ault. Lender ma���ake remonable a.�ian to pm�ect and preurve such <br /> vecant or nhandoned Aopcny. 6ortuxer.hall abn M1c in Jefwh if Rortox�cr,during �he kun applica�ion process, gave - <br /> malerinlly fal�e or inaccum�e infamixtinn ar aalemem� m LenJer (or failed ln pruride Lender wilh any me[eriel _ <br /> infamiauon)in conncaion ai�h thc Inan cvidcixcd hy�hc 4o�c, nm limi�cd m,rcpmscmaiions conreming = <br /> 6orrou�ert occupancy of Ihe Ropeny a.n prin.ipul re.idenae. I!�hi.Scrunry�In.vum.m i.nn n leaschold,6ortousr ahall _ <br /> eomply�vith ihe pravi�inm of�he Iex+e. If Borta�r<r acyaire.fee IiOe In ihe 1'rn{kny,the Irauhold and(et title shnll nol =. <br /> Ae merged uNexs Lcnder uFrce.ln Ihe merFer in wriunF. <br /> 6. CharKex tu Borra�rer and ProtecUan of t.ender i Niµhls In Ihe Properh: Unrtoxer shali p.ry ail govemmental .. <br />- or municipal cAargc�.fina and impai�iou.�hm urc nu� inciuJcJ in Hiragr.iph:. Ilortm�cr.hall pag Ihcu a6ligalionx an -� <br />.. time dirally Io Ihe emi�y which i+mceJ Ihe pa)menl. If failnfe Ia p:rv irnuld adrencit af(eot Lenderi iniere4 in Ihe -. <br /> Propeny,npon LcnJcr:myuc.t Aortauer:hall prnmp�ly fumi.h In Lcndcr rcccip��cviJcncing Ihc�c puymcnlr. <br />�� I(6orroucr (aih m make ihc�t paymrnu nr thc paymcnl. rcyuireJ by Pamgnph '_or (ail. lo pednrm any olher <br /> mvcnanls and agrccmrnt�comaincd in Ihi.Sccurily Im�mn¢n4 nr ihcrc f.a icgal prtxccding lha�mar�ipnificaml��atkn <br /> _ . . _ . . ' ' . ' '_ . • _'_ .. . .._ ._'''_"".""...__c.__ �...... .........a_�:,..... - <br />° UnOCfs nRnis�n Inc rn��Knr 1�uln a�u�q�nrcnmF m nnnuu�m..�v� vnma.....e....... ..........:�:......,. .��,_._....._... *. <br />- Ihen Lender moy da and puy whale��er i.ntte.�ary���protca Ihc ralue of tAc Rupert;�anJ LenJer.ngM�m Ihe Ropetty. <br /> induding paymeni of uxc+,harard inwrancc and othcr itcm+mcmiminl in Paragraph_. . <br />' Any amountx d'u6unrd M1y Lender undet lhi�Paragraph�hall I+erome an addilional Jch1 of 8ortouer and 6e secureJ <br /> by�his Saurily Inswmenl. Thex amounu}hall Ma inlerca fn�m�he Jalc of di.huncmen6 at Ihe Nole rate,a�d ul�he <br /> opiion o(Lendtt,xhall 6c immedialelp duc anA payable. <br /> 7. Candemnatlon. The pmcced.o(any award or rlaim(nr Jamagn.Jirttt or con�cyucntiat,in connection�cilh anr <br /> condemnaeion or other mking of any pan ol Ihe Pn+perty,or fnt conveyance m piace of conJemnation,are htteb��m.igned <br /> end ahall be paid to Lender lo Ihe cxicnl of Ihc full amounl uf Ihe indchicdnc•+�hal rcmain.unpeid undcr Ihe Nulc and�hi. <br />�- Security InswmenL Lender�hail apply�uch proceede to Ihe rcduclion o(Ihe indebledne��undrr the No�e anJ Ihi•Securi�y ; <br /> Inslrumenl, firsl ta eny dclinquent amouma eppiicJ in �hc order providcd in I'aragaph ?, and �hen lo prcpa��mcnl o( _ <br /> principal. Any application nf�he pmceed� �o �he principal �hall nnl ealenJ or pn.Iry+ne �he due dme o(the monlhl) - <br /> S <br /> �NC�:./Jry«.� ' <br />