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_ _���� ' t ? ;F� r� y yrcl" '"' i l _ _=�� -_ _ <br /> ' _ _ _ _ '. f "` �}��y�.� . . . <br /> • . `�`�l ( T - ._.. uin)S<[iv.`J�R'.1£� �.�,�_. <br /> c-�ineml�I�^ <br /> � _.�. � _ S�L Y�`-- }I��..t.�".� -' •' _" _'__�_.__ �r — — <br /> +`r z`+ra� . ' /7.TrRnn�r of th� Property or��anMcUl fnhrosl In Horrowo�.u af w4Ty��»��ig��y or . <br /> ' ` ° ' cnr ntr.m m n r,saa or wwr�rea�w e e em:nd�hie�es�n owroww a.oa a a+firna.a fnn ac�nrror a mi�n�u � <br /> 1 � � px�eN vrlNoN lxiMh Wbr w�1tm aonem�NnM inYd1 Ib oDilon�nµAr�YmH�to D�0 U M111 0l rA wnu atourW 6y """'�' .. <br /> �v�¢``-s�� 11W BWw�b NtVUmM4 HowevN�IhU oPUOn�hY�ol W axetd�M EY UnCw tl �xerdu le prohTAed 6y k4xal law o�W N� f �:nn .-. <br /> dile o11N!HlW�Y InsWmOn6 F�ir.`� . <br /> F�, ;>� , II lenda exadw�We op9on, �m0e MrJ pN�Borroww nolbe oi aooelaatbn. TN�nntko ehN praBd� a Pcrksd o1 _ _�, .. <br /> , , ,�u.�d' nol la�Nm 00 My�trom M�dete 1hs no0a h MkrrM a rWAM vMY� wAkh Bmvaw mul PHI N eunf afourM OY � ,ai's s F , _. .. <br /> ti -- :�' Wf BeouAy In�Wmen6 II Barawu Isia to pry thata evme Nkr to t�e e�Yallon ol Wn P��� ��r mfy hvMel rny �i. �`S <br /> ��. �tl , , x9! u r�t 5,.i.._ . <br /> r1 1��A. mnvd:!D�ed Ey IM�BeaAy M�Wmenl n11hoN 4Ma noNes a dmrnd on Oonowv. C'�_}, i-�c Ss _ . <br /> �r i;Z_ 18. Borroxr�P�Righl to RrfnN�t�.n oartowa mNN eMdn eonAllma Omm�w�hM��r� ITe dpni a n�v� l� , '° S f�`�q <br /> � on(orcc.�ncnl of 1h1� EacuNy NsWmmt dsoonllnueC el eny �Yne p�la�o Nr ovia ot (r�0 dv�s(m�veh oUe Pelod oe �} R r_: , <br /> /i�'t��i�-4!', �pp{G�bb YW �MY 6p0[Uy 10� fOhi410fI1M0 bU0f0 N� 01 N� ROpN1Y P�vtnt ta �nY Poxtr ol wb oont�tiM If IMe ��+5 � � ,� ..-;� <br /> �(<.'.M i'T g�wwAqr Nawmenk or(b)enlry ol a Judgnenl antordnp thb Baw�q NfW�nent Thoie wnGiWns uo Ihet Bortwror. (e�Dys ,r,: },,�4F c - _-- <br /> i ,r.t+`1�.�• Lenda N�um�whkh Ue�woNd Da due undar IhM BaarRy NnWment md Ne Mote o�II na�xderntbn AFd oovmfk (t� �_� � s <br />.n.,..�,?,.�,}' Wf81 NY dEhVil OI NY 01110/COYIAINI q t¢OO(I1tl114 (o) prys d roym�» Nmrted N entatlnp tAH 8oadp IMwnsn6 �.:; � �rl 1F :: �� <br /> � '''F ` hduMp, but nol 1mRRed ta.rcesonWb�aane�'fe»; �nd(�q Wui auch adlm ea Lmdn m�y�msonMb roqvta to a�na� �:r a t �+,,�: <br /> �}?-�+"` *�. Nn th�Im ot Nb 8eainy Nswmml. Landar'e Aphu b Na Properq�and BmmnuY obSgaWn la pey the aurn vxaad �7:. �F j t ft�_ -- <br /> r- ��f� �y NU BeauHy NeWmmt�MI ocntlnue weh�npM.Upon raN�Wemsnl by Bonrvxv, thh Swudy ImLUrnml ond Ihe -:}" ' f .. !� - <br /> 21��; ��i., o61p�Vom sacured hmeby ahd rem�h tuyi�II+oW�n H no toodntbn hW oocunad. Haxsio,Ihb dyM to rdnrGlo ehr➢ a}��,4;t�,�1-s .i� . <br /> � . not�DDN„the ease o1 eooderalbn under p�nQap�17. ��i i,�� �t i 5�j.�t :� <br /> ii.�� A�{[,•�7,: �hlf BoaaM In�WmenOtm�y 6e 0o deone WOmore$Umee x1tho Pda noYoa la Omrmtr�.A sa!mfy thrmull nBn d�MO an N� �,�r F;�-s iS t'��F�j ��:: <br /> �� F <br /> r s f S"�� enlfy �pwwn u iM 'Lan Si+Nea')Nal ooUet� monlhly P�Y�If N�undu Ne Nota and Ihb Beovdy IneWmMf. ll�era ��''/,' J} �E��-�;� <br /> t +f�f i dto mry W one a moro chen9n o1 the lan 8enkxr unreLtod lo �wl� 01 the NNa Il lhtrs Is ■chmpe ol the lou+ � ,.�j 4 y�y�;i� <br /> �..i + .. 8prker.Bortowe/rA be g�Ym w�ttlm notlee ot Iho ehen9e In woafd�noe xiN prmq�Ph 1A abare �nA eppf�Db Iaw. Tha L.�� t_..- <br /> no0oe w0 etete Ihs name and adNesa ol Ne new Lan BeMar�nd th�ad�tasa ta whkh paymmN ehmN!be mido. Tha ���n� � X#��}�'e�i -... <br /> 1,.P�q'�i{..\�, notko wB Wo eanWn anY othx Nto,m¢Ibn inWYed h/�VP�+bla kx. 1��� �.�S�>isi�t ik a:_, <br /> r ���`iY�! Y0. HBZiIdOUe Sub9t8n0oe. Bortower ahN not eauae or ptrMl ihe p�mmm.ucq dapwal. atwa00. a rolease ol �jf ��+ �)j{; - <br /> }4��,�•�;r?�,� u�y Hawdous Bu6slmcee rn or h Ihe PropMy. Barower eNE�ol do, nor alan anyana dae lo do, vry�hF9 �ReeNn9lha �,Sr ;� s�;:LS�i} . <br /> x }Sr.�ci� PtoP�+h�t b 6 Wohlbn ol eny Env4onmmW lsw. TI�a proeedne lwo�mtmm abt0 nat eyyN to iha O��w, uaa ;:�' J H $a�!` `- <br /> )' -,_,�1�i}�. or atwaye on Na PropMy ol tmel quanWn of Huudous 8ubstono¢e Net ma pmtr+ly roi�ynked l0 6e appoprkt� to �;:�y 'y1 i {��1b�«s...-_' <br /> "': nomW re�kentW ueea and m meh�unence o�the RopMy. (t� �i t g - <br /> � �`t'.i Bonowcr she0 Pro�WN OMe lmdtt wAtlen nolles ot enY Imet09a0on, deN�, danmd uwaull a olha utlon tr/enY _ Iv �J�rL�. ��rr . <br /> � �Vr povemmenW a rapuktory�gcn�y a PAvala puy InvaNN9 Iho Properry end eny Neurdou�Bubalenea ot EmYonm=ntd l�w ol , �,s � <br /> e <br /> 7, 1 '�*.' <br /> -:l::.,:;�;''�,N wl�leh gwrowu A�e acNd ImorAedye. II Bortower lams,w b notlEed 6y �ny poremmenid or ropuktory�ulhalry, I�tl eny _..-��..,tr.�siG�� �}F,�1 <br />-�:,l:�,_,_�����,. �mwval or olha remoma9on ol any Heurdous Bub�l�nee eRaeWB ProP�Y u neeeawy, Bortowa sM7 Promply take aD t;h�;r;`y�k�¢.=:�;��{'� <br /> � - �� ' neooaD�Y�emeaei i�iiri�s}I df.L'vtEdit6 F.h Ef1:1fG:S.Yl�.CI L'ri. ` L . - >- <br /> �+ � � -� Aa used h I�b O�O�Ph 20.'Flazarda�3ubaleneoe•ero�hote eu6stenaee deMM�a toldo or heterdoua�u6etanoe�by �4i.� n 1ti�":. _- <br /> r,� �5 �,� ErnYOnmml�l l�w md Iho Io1mMn9 nuba�aneoe: p�wEne, keroaene, olher Ilemmebl� or todo D�oleum produeb. iwdo ,SR��i1.;��Y��. - <br /> - J}��R; peWddea�nd habidda,voNtle eoNente,m�le�IWa oontolnNp e�boros a lo(meldohydo, md reAloeUlva matMde. Aa uted N 5',� �iL;a drXr��' �• <br /> -- ����,; �� — <br /> _ ,Y fj.. Pe'egrepT 20. 'Emkoiunmtel lew' meens fMeml kvn md kwi ol Iha JmIedlWOn where tho RopMy b Iooeled Nel reBle to .��i��i`�� tx� <br /> honRh�eefety or mWonmcnfal Proleclbn. / f �y4�`t�{��;:��,�,:� <br /> � � � �i:�.. 1, � �. <br /> NON•UNIFOflM COVENANiS Bartower end Lmda wNha eovenent end egres ee lolmra: F�i`fr � �A� r� iq <br /> ""��i' :%�; • 21. Acaeloratlon; Remedios. Londer ehall plve notico to Borrower prlor to aooatanilon : -�a.'.:;,;;,t�9f�,'� <br /> i� � <br /> foltowing Borrowor's braacb of eny oovonent or agreament In thie Secw(ty�nstrument (but not ��. �' ;� � <br /> prior to auoelowtlon under paragroph 17 unieea appliceble Iaw provldea otherwlsa). Tho noUao .�, �� a;;;`�i,:: <br /> '. `,. uhail speoly: (a) the datault; (b)the aotlon roquired to ouro the doteult; (o) a date, not lase then �, , ,�, ;+„ _,._ <br /> 30 daye irom the dato tho noHoo le glvon to Bonower, by whlch tho dafault must bo oined:and �; ., - - �•��t �-. <br /> � `.1f..s-; <br /> �• �;:�•.-�•, (d) thet teiluro to cme tho default on or bofore lho date spaciflad In tho notloo may reault In ?:..;�,_;�,�.;;,a�;;,r,.�„ <br /> aoael¢ralloa of tha aume eocurod 6y thia Seourity Inatrumont end aela of tho Proporty. Tho notlae +° �'-�;;;t:a;�f•-�`,�.�%;•",- <br /> ehall lurthor Inimm Bo�rower of tho rl8ht to reinotete aftor ecoeleratlon and the rlBht to bring e ;+, 1� :-. <br /> ('�� f �..-..c <br /> � oourt actlon to esaert the non-axleten¢a of a dofault or eny other dofenae o} Borrowor to i;, : ! .'±,�"��' _ <br /> �� a000laratton and eala. If tho detault is not ourod on or bafore lhe dato spaoiflod In the notica, --°'!��-�� ; <br /> ,� r.::� p . � <br /> =�- �- Londer et Re optton may require Immedleto paymont in tull of ell aume socured by thle Baourity �`�' _-jt_,.,,_,_ ,�: <br /> ;'` ' ��.�` Inshumont without turlher demend end mey Invoke the owar of aeto end en othor �omedios �,, : <br /> P Y I; Z r: �'. <br /> --- � r'-j�;'�;, permltted 6y appliaablo lew. Londar ehall ho onHtlod to aollact eit axpeneea Inourred In pursulnp ;�- <br /> tho romadloa providod in thie paragraph 21, Including, but not Ilmitad to, roasoneble ettornays' .`-'�',�" �� � � <br /> �`s � � taes an� costa of titla ovidonco. . .. .- - <br /> ;� � If iho powor of aelo Is Involced, Truateo ahall rocord e nolico ot detauit In oech counry In • <br /> whlch any part o} the Property la locetod and ehall mell copios o1 euch notice In tho mennar <br /> � proacribad by applicable law to Borrewer and to lho othor persona prascribed by appilca6to law. <br /> - .,- .� Aftar iho lime requlrod by eppliceblo law, Trustae ehall glvo public noNco ot ealo to the persons <br /> . . ' end in tho mannor proacribed by appllcablo lew.Trustoo, without domand on Borrowor, ehall sell <br /> . tho PropoAy et public euction to tho hlghoat biddor nt tho tlmo end ptaco nnd undo�tho torme <br /> - - daslgnatad In the notico of salo in ono or moro parcota ond In eny ordor Truatoo determinee. � <br /> Truetee may poatpono salo ot all or any parcol oi the Property by publlc ennouncamont et tho <br /> . � time and place ot eny proviously echedulod ealo. Londar or Ite doslpnoe may purohaae the <br /> - • � Proparty at nny nale. <br /> Upon �ocolpt o1 paymont of the prlco bid, Trueteo ahall dolivor to tho purchaea.Truetao'e <br /> d0od convoying the Property. Tho recitale in tho Truetoo'e doed ahall bo prima facio ovidenco of <br /> tho Vuth of tho stetementa mado theroln. Truetoo ehall epply tho procoede of tho eale In tho <br /> foliowing ordor: (a) to all coata and expenaea ot exorcleing the powar ot aelo, and iho ealo, <br /> �� "�25�`` Inciudinp tho payment of the Truetoo's taea ectually incurred, not to ozceod TNREE <br /> - � . % ot tho princlpai amount of the noto et <br />_. . - tho timo of tho daclaration of dofauit, and roeaonablo attornoy'e tooa ea parmiltod by lew; (b) <br /> , - � to all euma aecurod by thls Sacurlty Inatrumont; end (c) any oxcoae lo tho poraon or <br /> � � porsone logally ontitlod to H. <br /> - - su�aua nma va••��s -- <br /> ,.i�. ,: <br /> � <br /> .� <br /> — ' i <br /> ' : I <br /> � I J <br />