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_:e:2A =Gai � ' .. r.�r. :� .. : : .: :. ... .. . .. . <br /> _(1 : . .7i�•'� ,../^'^°'�'r'itR'��I:'i .. - . . __ � :�.i J t1n_:— _ .. _ _ . .. <br /> . _e L.� � ' idi A _..,..�...��� n..s . ._ ,- . .. . <br /> l � � - <br /> �F,�� �� � . ���' �A� `i <br /> Bortcwp mq av��ua� �det�lE� md rw�a4t��� proNdb N pvaqeph 1B, by au�N � �W to pr� � , , <br /> - . � • dtirtlttW N�a .np Ih�t b I.qlpa'o 0�hM d:imri9ialloA�prac�ude�tafe4u�o111ro 8�qxNs Y�terost YrlhS Fro9ny,a ' ,, _ -- <br /> — oNw Mrte.iY 10f Nl�Nn ant1M Dy Wa 81Wdd HsVitment a�h ��ouilb►1tlfatC BortoWal tMY WQ W . ��r - ----._ .. ..... <br /> ��-,,q h WkM H bortvxr�duMp N�lou��DWaUOn Maaoe Ww m�txtf�r Wa a�voamte htomxCOn a olti�mmte to tmdN .- � _. <br /> --�-- ta h_wJ to Mo� dMF�+wlth my m�tNW WomNVan)N oonn�dlon x"N th� btn�vlAmocd by Ih�Not0. Ndu6iiP �� - , ':�. . <br /> y r�v�� not ¢min0 ta raprosmutbn� aonoenfi9 Bmmvds cwuDNO�df P�� �roPab ��� c��i raaH�ti�a. H UiH 85wt nry <br /> _wi°= ImWmxO U on�IaaMOW, Daroww�1W ootnpb vAlli d IA�Dro���a ot N�leu�. 118ortarM aop�AVe lae tltl� lo N� <br /> ...9"' -'�'� RoA�S tAO IasahaG md the ta Ctle�In!no1 mxpo un!tef Lender eQeee to�hs mKpx N wiANg ._.— �,—. . _. . <br /> ,�}�+�,,� 9.Prot�ollon o)L�ndN�A►phts tn th� ProDartp.ll Baroww f�ia lo P�ortn th�eoren+nte�nA epraxnen�e -- — <br /> °., oonWned h We B�w�CI NiVUmx4 or Nfre b�UO+�P�o�Y«�Y ep�ManVY�ftw1 Lwideh tlyhW 1+ N�Frayrq .r"�—�="G'<-: <br /> 'a'lY t�'f?t��� (wch l�e proea0mn0 N b/NvUPtOy,DrobtiR fd OOndMVLLtlOn q foRNNro 0��0 MfOtOi 1►WO M lOpU1190�1!), NOiI 1.6�dN mly —_ - _ <br /> ,rp, �,�t'y;.7y dp Nd pay tor whaterw Ie neaeuuy to proiat Ne v�Na ot t��Royapr mtl LmCa'e ily�U h tl�s ProDUq�. I.aidere �afkn� _ -- <br /> ,y�4rf;1 meY NduQe P4mY�Y tume seauted EY� Ben whlah Au ptlally owr Nb BeouNpl NtVUmenR WG�uln9 N aouH, P4'�0 � <br /> l �yyr}Z�i*.�1 reewn�ble�nomrye'lon md emaNB on Na Propary to m+ke r�qcin.M�ouOh Lenda maY���unda 1hH Du��p� .- J� -- <br /> �1;�t�?t.�1 7,Lenda doee not Mr�to do so. �Y _ <br /> �j+'N�-.--'a My�nwunt� �Eumed by LmOer unda pw�eph 7 sh�l bacome eddilonN debt of Boimra naaurad by Ihb �� � __ <br /> 5,r'` t!��� Beawtqr InsWmrnl. UNese Bortower md Lmder nWee to oNa torm�of pnymmt Nese unwnu eha0 bev Intorost from �'�4 tj��,� -_- <br /> ����Y�' Ne �t4 of msbureemrt et tha Note mte and NaE 6e peyaDl0.rA1h Nlttes6 upon notice Vom Lenda to Bo�xn raqvosWg ��Z -� <br /> ��i ; '� �0. MoR a e Ineurufey.n�enda r Yed monpa90 Nwrence ee a eonmtlon ol m�ang Na ban aeoured by thb �., <br /> ir e�'Y.��:;,� 80outRy NaWmm�l.Barower ahel pay Ne pn Mime requtrod to mehrtdn tho motlqapa hsmenee h ofteq.H,tor ury reeaon,Iho ��n��,'.y+'��i�t r '"' <br /> �h 7�i 3;;; mqlgr0e Neumnee oorunYe requYed by lmder Mpaof a ceasea lo Oa h cfled, Borrown shel pey Ne PraiMime raquted to {,,�,' r��-�'`- <br /> �a�"'�i '�,i oblW tovemga eu6stenttNb oWkelent Io the matBt9e hsurenca P��b N ettect, �t e eoet au�a�enueCy ew�+e�em to me '- �„ �_ � _ <br /> ���,�� +'[ eoet to Bortawer ot Ne mortgape N�maneo PrMousy In etfed. Vom en Memete mortgage Naura epprovad by lender. II s�� sf s <br /> ..xyq��r{��f� aubstentl�0y eGUHOlent mort9a0e hsmanoa oovert0e b not eveCeEle, Bortowx aheE pry to Lender eaM monlh a eum equN to ,' <br /> � v it mei�vcJ�th N fhe YezM mortge90 hsurence MemWm bdn9 P�M Bortaver whm the hwmnoa eovm9e�PaeE a oeetod to F�'+; 'Y -_,-.,_-___ <br /> ..��'`�i.q;�Y� be N elleol Lcnder vA aecep6 uno end retaln these peymmle u e losa resave in Leu of mortgege Mrrtenea Loea re+ene " ;1 " - <br /> `�-�rr'; peymmW m�l no lon9a be requ4ed,at the optbn o�LenAer.II mwtgege heurence aorange pn the emo�nt anA br Ne pabA :,�.'��s `� <br /> '1i - [,�,{�'. ihet lenda roqu4ef)ptarlded hy en Nsuter eppmved by Lmda egaln beeomee sva9eble end b obtelned Bortowa eME pnY �;- �u�:::... <br /> "'�>°n;j,t•;�.j.: tha prmYume requ4od lo meh�teH moRqa9e IneuMOe N otled, a lo prMdo e loae roserve,uM3 ths requ4omknt tor mortg.+ge �%����_"-� <br /> ,��(i vi�'����� 6uurenee ende N flaordu�oe�Mh eny wAtlm a�oement benveen Borrowe.end Lender or eppBeaWe law. �tr�s7n, <br /> ; f 9. IntpeoHon.Lende or Rs eyant mey meke roeaoneble enMos upon and Nepedbna ol Ne Property. lmdw ehd pNe s;_� __ <br /> :���.= ' r;�; Bonmvn notlea et the umo of a pda ro en hepeanon specMym9 rcasoroble oau�s 1or 0e IneP�on. `�n,�._�-_- <br /> -'�''�"'.�'.`+'�i}�'�� 10. COI1dBR1I1�tI0i1.The proceeda ot eiy ewerd or deYn lor Cemvge0. dired w coneaquentN4 in eonneeUOn wR�eny �:�� "-- <br /> ' r .�_�i;-; r-�.'s,.z.. <br /> +� � ' eondemneUOn w other teldnp ol tny perl ol ihe kopMy, a for conveyanee N Ieu ot tondemnetlon, �ro hereby asal�ed anA x�, - <br /> � m�'3x'i�� ,�'. alu0 be peld to Lendtt. ' ____ <br /> if7'v�l; .- t In lhe went ol � totel teldny of �he PropMy. the proueda eluA be �pp�ed lo the wms ixured by thb BewMy - jh�� �—. <br /> ° t� 'f; Nswment,whelher•w not Ihen duo, rMh eny ezceaa pdd to Bonorrv. In Ne e+eN o1 a parllel tddnp ol ihe Ropaty h �k��,r�1f� . ___ <br /> �Il �'•' MTbh tlle 137 Illel%Ql rWo oi ihB ITOptxry vM�lGUitiy bafola 1h�ial�p ie equai(o w gtisi�4`wv rnd'a��xiiiTi�i the Gir� � �f,� — <br /> �h",� -- rt� eeoured by thla SepxNy Inewment ImmedNte7y belore Ne taldnp,unlox+Bonam and Lmdu olhenWae epree N wrAYq, the t;t,� �� _ _ <br /> -�.���J�l���. �uma eeared by thb 8ewilly InaWment ahNl be reduad 6y Ihe emwnl oi the proceeda mulllpletl by the totlowing tradlon: ;iir��} t� ='_ <br /> � j �3+� (a)the totel emoun�al the eum�sewtod NvneEletey Cebre the Lldng,RAtled by @)the telr me�kel relue ol the Propuly ;•�;�j� r _ �— <br /> sT��s� �(�t.l Nme6elely bofue the leldnq.MY belenw�heE be pdd to Bortower. In the erent of a parliel tekJng of the Properry h wNth �.�x r�>h i 3�� <br /> ,� 4 ',,,: t�a la4 medcet rWue ot the Propeny immedletdy before Iha Wldg Is IHe ihen iha emounl ol Ne wma 68wrutl ImmedelNy y � 13; `'%'�"�'. <br /> -.��:,_.�;:,.; 6efore tho Nidnq. unleea Bortower end Lenda othmMee aprn h wAWB a unlea� �ppBeeble lew othavAae ptoHdoa. Iho (�° �( � 4 �)i''>�:�" <br /> � � ---::- prouotls sheA be appled to th¢sumo sccured hy Wa 8ewrlly Nawmml whether or nol Iho evme ero then Oue. =!'r3 '�s Y`�:. <br /> ;ti,�� 11 Uo Propay b�Eendoned by Bortorra, or X, Mer noYw by Lmdtt to Bortovrer Ihet 1he wndemnor oflae ro m�ka en -_��.t� ��G��ry Fill�" <br /> ��- �,;« awerd a seNe e NeYn for dema9ee. Bortowu fela b rospond fo LmAer wAhN 30 deye e11tt ihe dela tha notiee ia pMen, - .�,� � ��, _ .,� . <br /> � - t Lentla b Mhoihetl lo wYect�nd eppy�he p�oaeda. el tle opWn. eN�tt lo restonNOn or inpe4 0l No Propaly or to ��?_ � _ <br /> h <br /> � - ','.': 1he auma�ewrcd by tM1�BecuMy InaWmmt whMher w not thm due. '-:-1 ��c�� � <br /> �� °-::'.' UNee�Lendcr end Bonower olhwwi�e eqrea N�MOng, ury eDD��� ol proceada to pAndpA ehel not m�lmd or -.!; < <-M�� � <br /> -. -n;! pontpono lhe Me dala ol the monthy peymmt�relertaE to N pu�y¢phe t and 2 or Uunye Ne emounl ol such peymmU. �.i ' . � -c3 - <br /> 1 L Bonower Not Reloasad; Forbaaranoo By Landet Not a Walver. Fxtmdon ol u�o Wne ior peyment or +,,. ;'�� <br /> sl -� moAliralbn ol emontretlon oi the 6ums eewred by Nb 8awdy NaVUmmt 9�Nted by Lendor to any woceuw In Ntaeat '�: 1�.� ���� .� <br /> of Bonaxer shal nol operale to�deaae Ihe Ye6�ly ol Ihe otlq4u18onaver or portowefs sueeeasoro h Nterori LenAer aha0 ,�-±``i ,���� �4� t:`,,; -- <br /> . not be requted to eommmce proeeednpe egemet eny sueeeswr�n M�wa,� o.�•m.a�o wMM tMn fnr�ymml ar nlhdwlae '•:� r t' �+ ---- <br /> - - modXy amoNretlon ol the aums teeured by Ws 8eadh Inst,ument by reaaon ol eny demand medo by the aIqMN {Y •� ' :'� ' ^ <br /> = .' �.' Borrowa a BortovrerY auceeseae in imereet. My lorbearenco by Lenaer In exttdslnp eny nyht or �dnedy eheG no1 be e A-'t� � Itti-. :. �: <br /> - weNer ol or predudo 1he rxerWe ol eny�IyM a remedy. j <br /> _ � -.-, 72. Suo¢essore and Aeslgne Bound; Jolnt and Several Uebility; Casignara.7na corenante and � � ��J�[f�th-'���`!� <br /> eqreemenU ol thb Sea`Ry IntWment ehe0 DInU�nE bmefil the maeuora enE esaigns of Lender en0 Bortavtt.eubJed to�ha -� � } ` i -..�� <br /> .A'.:.��',..��' <br /> poWSbna of peregreph 17. Bonown'e eorenenls entl a9�eemmts ahall be Jdnl end swenl. My Bortaver who eo-sigm Ihia � - <br /> Sew'Xy InaWmmt bm doe�not execute tha Note: (e)la w-algniny thb Sewdy InnWment ony to monpege,qnnt antl wnrey , ._ - <br /> -- �- thet Bortower's Nterest In the AopMy under Ne Imrts ol Ihls Setmity Inawmml: (b)is no�peraom�obXyaled to pey the �. � .. ... <br /> sums seprced by lhis 8ecuriry InaWmml: enU(c)eyreea Ihel Lmder and eny olher Bonowtt mey agree to m¢en0.modM. � <br /> fo`beer or m�ka eny eaomnwJatlone rMh regerd to the Ittma ol I�B 3ewrity Inswmmt or 1ha Note xfihoW IMI Bonower's p <br /> rnnamt. <br /> - 13. L08t1 ChefABe. II�he ben setured by thls sewmy msemmem u s�b�eu �o a �aw wn¢h se�s maamum ioan . <br /> Nergn,and Ihal iew b Rney.hlerproled so Ihal Ihe inttteal or olher loen cMrges eo[ecled or l0 6e coYecttd In connttlbn - <br /> wXh the loan exueA Ihe permllled IiMls,Ihm: (e)eny auch loan e�arge 6heE bo retluad Dy 1�e ertwunl neoessary lo reduce - <br /> . ' ihe eherye l0 1he pmNlted Omil: end (hj eny sume a4endy wGecled hom Bortower which rxceMeO pemiXted 6nils m1 <br /> be reNnCeA b Bononec LenGe mey choose to mako Ihic reluntl by �eduanq ihe D�ncipel owM untla the Nole or Ey <br /> - - - meWnq e direct peymmt to Uonower. il e reNnA�eEUCea principal. Ihe �educlan w�l be trealeA es e paNel prcpayme�t <br /> ,� wllhoul eny prepaymml chm9e unAM Ihe Note. <br /> 14. NOtICOe.My nolice lo Bonower provided lor in f��Securily InsWment shel be gNm by deWOMg tl rn by maifing X <br /> by fvs!de.s maC unleaa eppYCeOle kw requires use ol enot�a methotl. The nolice ahall be dcecleA to Iho Property Addrese <br /> o� uny olhe� a0dreaa Bonower designalea Dy nolice to LmAtt. My nolice lo LmAtt ahell be qHm by firol da6e me0 to <br />�� - - Lmtlers e0dreaa atele0 M•ein or nny oinu uaaress lman aespnates oy notrce to uortor�er. nny nourn prorioea im n <br /> . �Na Sew`Xy Inallumenl sha7 6e dcemeA lo have bem given lo Bortowa or LenAa whm qNm es proHAed In iMe perepreph. <br /> - 15. OOVBrnlnB LBW; SOVOrebllily.ThU Sewriy Inawment shall be qwemed Dy letlttal law end ihe low ol Ihe <br />.. � Wtl36clion N wmcn me RopMy b localed. In tha e+rnt thel eny Dmrision or deuae o11Me Sew�lry InsWmenl or Ihe <br /> .-i�', - Nole canNGe wM epp4caWe Y�r. sucl� eanNC1 ehall nol etled olhe!WoHSions ol I�N Sew�lly InsWmml or Ihe Noie whkh <br /> ' � cen be glren eHM wllhoul Ihe conlGCWp proWSion. To Ihis mE I�e porisbns ol lhh SecuMy InsWmml an0 ihe Nola e�e <br /> - dxkrcd 10 De neraabb. <br /> �, 16. Borfowere COpy.Bortower snall De gNen ono con�ameE copY ol�he Nole and ol Ihie Securly InswmenL <br /> � �•� Ft)�6 LMO P0931 vapf J a�5 _ <br /> . •:♦ <br /> S J <br />