� ��, <�a - y .. - -- - ; . . - ^ ---
<br /> . , - -.- _,�F-F' `w-��F, . . . .
<br /> _ __ .s._..___ _._,. ...�c_..�.-- - - � - .< -
<br /> �
<br /> . �.-. . . .. . � - ��� .
<br /> . .
<br /> . , �
<br /> :� _ � � , � . . �,�� �`�} ��Q „
<br /> f..t.� '� _ , V��J:#�'�.
<br /> Any.rppliqtioe of tb�:M��ca the priqcipsf"sAa�noe rxt�d��paKpoue tbe dut date of iDa�.mot�tt�i�l:�+��
<br /> aa refericc�to in �:�;oF chan�e the amooat of sud�p�Y��s•Any'excess Pra�oac�a+�er,att��4;mli�&ed to
<br /> pr�Y ait�outatandjns�:orider tha Note aud tius Sscuat??[nstrummt shall.be PAid to the eati�t#�7�Q+ti�d tbZreto.
<br /> i.Fae�.Lecxkf m�yt�m�R�fees and cNirjes aathoriteQ al►the Secretary; . .
<br /> !.Grow�fot,�lte�de[�,ot�eit. . ` � •
<br /> -- (s?Oeia�Y.�ndei a�sY.��as i`im�`ted by rc�Watio�s issued bY the SecretarY in thc case o��ym�nt Qi:t�a�;r�tt�i�3 f
<br /> - - -- immed�te��aym�az.,in.fultaf alt sums secuted bF ttus Security lastrument if_ .
<br /> - (�8arsovr�r.def�ul►s by failin6 to PaY irt;fiift�any�manMiiF P�Ymeae required by�chi�Sccuci+tY tnstr,um4.nt,Pris�r•w
<br /> . = oL,o�tbc,d�g;date�of.tAe neat mornhty P�Y�f.o�. . �
<br />- - ` (a��orroger.Qefsutts by f�in8�far a periad of ci�ircy►daYs,ca p�form aaX other abtigations coat�inad:in,t6is
<br /> = 5ecaeit7i,ta�ntar�(14• ' -
<br /> � '—i� —. �#"?�l�s;R�a�l1� .�:�`�•�"��J�i-II'�(1IlitL.{'�l3�'.�'i'��C-Fd{K 3{U�1Af1�l:�LC,Q��r$j�3iv�Tw:Q�.«.�1�:. . , _
<br /> ... 5axerary;ce4uir.e,immediate paYment in fuli af aq th�sums secured bX th�s SocucitY Instrumsni ifs , , , .
<br /> (ij;!1lt:;or�pat�o€,the PropetcY is othervrise transferted tother than 1�ys dcvise or.descey�)by t e Bu[�owts.and�� '
<br /> Prop tt
<br /> �1it'�
<br /> .• , `Cu�The�Prope�ty is�ota�cu[ned bY'�he purcbascr or graiitee as his ar her pcinsarY residenoe:-ar.che —
<br /> . purriiaser aa,gtAauc do�s so occnpy tha Property►but his or her crcdit has not.Heen apP►oved ut.aocotdarxr witb _---
<br /> • the:roquic�rsunts:of..the Seae�arY• � . __--
<br /> (c�lVa�Y�r..tf:arca�staaces occur that would permit.ixnder to,require immediate pa►yment an:Eull;ibut�Leader s.��__�-�--
<br /> daas�t��requite,such Payments.Lender das�ot waivria righu with respoct to sabsequaat eveuts. ' ��:--=.
<br /> . [�Al�wa,oi�HUDSeaetuY.lnmanycircumst�i�c�gulationsissuedbythe5ecretaryw�llimit;Lende['�t#SMb =-,.�—�__-
<br /> ` , d��,aiich��ekrat�fion or foreclosure�i���ed�b and flar�ai�f the�id.�ThisSe¢pritx Jnstrvma�t•; ";1F��=_=
<br /> 11� � Y � ���' ��`''�'^
<br /> ,.�.. �� Y�, 10:If��Borrower has a right to 6c ieiirst:�f�t�f`I'e�ider has required imrntdiatcpaymsrtt.3a:faEi`6ecausc.of• ��'.'1�Jr�
<br /> ' � • Borruvter.'�f��e�to pay an amonnt due under the Nof�ar thc��i.vrity Instrumeat_This ri8bt applies eve�i after forrclosure '� � -
<br /> - '`` proceedin�>ar����%�To rejnstate the Secufity^[tistniiQ�nt;�orrower shalLteadcr iaa lump.suia all�amounts requited '-�� � �'7<==,-�--
<br /> � � A ...Lr�,:-_:
<br /> , .�,i. .� tp•bripg Boirower's acc�.t�current inclu c t i ag,to t h e 0qtent t�hey are o b li g a t i ons o f S o r r o w e r u rt d e r t h i s S e c u r i t Y I n rt r u m e n ti � .�-.��,y-.:
<br /> �� ',�,� far�iosti[+e:costs ar�re�s¢�ble and customary atturtre}f fees and expenus Properly acsociated with the.Fqt�losurtDr��B� ':_�,�`_;:"
<br /> • �. , _�� Upot�reias��ment�yBonowes,this�ccurity Ittstrsasserc�and;tbe obligattons that it secures shalt reataiA'�ti:�fect as if l,eader •`""�y,��-;�,'
<br /> �'�' � F�wd aot re4W r.�imnredtate PaS�ent infalt.Howeder.'Cendeei4c�i"st reyuired ta pomiit rcinstat���i�(ik�er has accepeed - �;��`,.
<br /> `t �`�' reh�stattm�.:�Cttt t6e eommeacement oi��orectosure Rroce�d'r3�;��t►in two years immediatel+�;pri'c�diii�•tfi�,eb�amencanent. �,f� �r ." _
<br /> ' - of a cur�st:f�ctasure procading,(�)reinstatemrnt will Fr�ivdetoreclosure on differenr-grOUnds w the.fa{ul�."as Cu) 'r -�,{ ;
<br /> :��`'•`�, �' -re��,statt�nt`:�ilE��dv�rsely affect the prtodty of the lieacrsa�t�ci�i��fis Secif�tY instrument_ : , 'a-' r��r-� � —
<br /> � �. :;�� • �� il.Borra�eeriNq�,Rek�ed:�orbear�NCe By f�er Nat a Rqi��ex Ext��n of the time of paymeni or modification '�;`.� . --
<br /> ,,;__t�� . t .: � ."s -
<br /> �. ,• •u��amortizati3no��tiv�swas�:secured b�.this Securi�;irstrume��rect by li:rder to any successor in izeterest of Borrower . ` `','�
<br />' �;�:;<=,-�� . - •.. _
<br /> . , '`shall not olfer2t�.tAreleas�.tf�s liabilit#-vEthe original Borrower ar.t�sr:ower's seccessor in interest.Lender shall not be requIred : �. :,��
<br /> ���`'?°��f to commence prvcteding5 against af��r�cc.es.sor in interest or refu��o extend ume for payment or otherwise modify amurtization
<br /> ' _-° :,.�•:;. -�,,pf the sums sect�rx�by ctiiaSecurity lrtstre�ment by�eason of any demand mado tnr the original Borrower or Borrower's succeswrs . '-�''''���
<br /> sec `
<br /> ''=-"�::�: ,. i�interest.Any fotbQaraA�e.by Lender in exercising.airy riSht or remedy sfytU�aot be a waiver of or�redude the exercise of ; ,. _._�:�
<br /> ;�•-ej;:; ..;.any right or remCdy. � : ,• �` �, - -
<br /> - ,.
<br /> q.,,, .�' '.{.r.. ' 7�,1�_"
<br /> "}'fit� ` � 1L S�ce�aorss�A Boasd:Jolal aad Seic�# . . N;.CaSisee*s,�'he covenanta and agretments of this Security ,
<br /> ,��. ���`i �� �` . � .. - .,.. .�
<br /> • � ����,w���•. Instrua�ent'shr�lt�6ind and benefit the successors and assi��_a ;f�jicr and Bqrrower.subjert t�tha provisionsoi'paragraph •
<br /> '::'-�:��Sti:i;F F � 4,�.,��e��
<br /> ,.,,�,�, ,9,b. Barra�rer/s;ca+rcnanu and agreements shail be jdinc"?nii e�+�^a1..:�lay�rrower who ca-siSns this Seeurity 1ns�rument f :,,;., )- ,.,- .
<br /> 6nt daes na��xecuta�the�K.7:e:ta)is caslgning this Se�ici�y tnr.�t5�miac�o_ril�+.r{'r.mortgage,gtant and com�ey�thai Borrower's , i•, -
<br /> • � �-���u�„' �fdterest•in�th��Prmp�ity,uu�the terms of ihis Scbint���nstr4me�E�•lti):js n4t:{�ersonally o6ligated to paythe sums secured r. .' r' ',
<br /> ' ,;;,�?t�::� � .;,6y this Seeu�i�yIn�tKumet�t;and(e)agrees that Lendcr r3nd anqflifrect36t{�ou�rrnay agcee to extend.�modify�.i'or6ear or make ,: .::`�.�7�..:?,.:;
<br /> � ' �.�;
<br /> "'"" � any accamm�datidns with regard 10 the term of thss 5ecurity.:l�isi�uriienl ur`thu Nota a�ilhqut thAt Barrau•er's consent. '•i;^;.,`, �� f�' .
<br /> � _ r:, . ���.a-�f;�"� .
<br /> , -�,� .;::°
<br /> "� • 13.Notkes.Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in,this 5euittiy.Ittstrument shH116c gi.�.n'by delivering ii or by�railing i:, :''=�'� ��
<br /> -�. _�'- , it by�rst ctass mail ualess appHcablc!aw requires u$�of anotfier sirethod..'fho notic�shall ti�direcled to Ihe Property Address �,, -• � `f:�����
<br /> � � R`� or any other address Borrower designates by noticc to Lender.Any notice to l.ender shall be glven by first 4•1as3 ma�'}to l.ender's �. ., , . .,
<br /> _ -�;� address stated herein or any address Lender designates by notire t�8orrower.Any nat3c�prnvided far in tiiis�Security in.�trumettt � .
<br /> ; =• :y,;��f.,�k,-,•:,.,; s6ai1 be d�iTxd to havc been given ra 8orrower or Lendcr tivh�����ire�as�rov�ded,+rt,ttiis'{�aragraph. ¢ ,:: �
<br /> ,. �;.���E� -. .• _ ,
<br />� Y '� .,.,..` Jrt � . . .. . ; . .. . .
<br /> ••I�,': • -
<br /> .r:y�-��• 14.Garern�es law:5everabilfly'-'fhis 5ccurlt��lnstrument��iull.bc gotcrncd by FcN�rpl:la��;and the law of thc jurisdietion
<br /> r,�• � . ,; ., . in which th`e�l�roperty is Iocated. ln ihe event that an>prnvisian ar clav5e�U ih�s 5ecurity�in�crument or the Note wnl7iets ! '
<br /> `�i_�;�_;: �j.;�. �� with apptica6.le taw.such conflict shall not aifect ather pra�isions of this Sc4prity lnstrument�r ihn�Ntote which can 8e given ,
<br /> . , , effect withan[the conilicting pro��ision.To�hic end the pra�isions af this'Su;urity tn�[ru�ne»�and the:Nate are deciarecf ta ; ;
<br /> �s�. � be sevcra6le. � ' �
<br /> �.� � . . ,
<br /> � � 15. Botro�re�'s t:opl. �arra�rer yhall be gi�en one confc�rmg{I cupv of fhis Se�urit!+ ln�.trament:� � '
<br /> .. , •
<br /> ' ��s,��.� 16.Assi��1 of Rrnb.liatro+ver unconditional{>�as�i�ns a�td tran�fa�y cu t.���icr id11h4 sentaund�t��esm�af th�Praperty�. �
<br /> '�:� � • i4'�,.;�'. .. Norrower authorizes Lender or Lender's a�ent�ta cultec�thr cents and re�enuei andd�erebv diic�tscacl�'�ans�nl�f tht f'raperty ; :
<br /> � • : • �t:�F1:`"'�' , 10 pay the tents to Lcnder or Lrnder's agems. Ho«c�•cr. priar ta Lender'•:'noti��r�o[3i�trou��x aP Aii�ro��cr's breach a��ny
<br /> ,<<.�,,,'.•,;.-• .
<br /> �:� ;:.;;;,�,� covenant or agrcemem in Ihe Sccurity Instrumcnt.tiarro��rr�h�ll cullc+:�und�rc�;eit�r alt�tunt�a�i d�rc�cnucy o F t h4•Prnpc r ty
<br /> . �' as trustee for the bene�t nf i.cnder and 8urrowcr.7hiti a��i�;nmrnt �f rcnt��conscituta�amubiol�uu atsignmenr artd not an .
<br /> � � �� �� � • asslgnment for addieionai sccuri�y only. , '
<br /> ' .:�...__. _....... . . :
<br />� If Lender gi�es nutice af breach ta Uanducr.(al all ren1�re�ciccd My l�tirret+iY shLtl�bt�fzi?�l�b��,�3t�rro��er a�t�u�ter Por
<br /> - -- ' 6enefit of Lettder onty, to$e spplied tv the sums sccarcd by thr Sccurity-tit�ttitftn:nt:+tltb Lt�dt��tiiit�ll�bt entittCd i�+rallec!
<br /> � ' • and recei�e allof the rents c�t 1he Prnperty:and(cl cach tenant�+t thr Prapt�ciu:st�i�tt+puy•:�II�►�nt���urWnd unpaid to l.ender
<br /> � � , ur Lender's agent un Lertder'� «ti�fen dcman�3 to thc tcn;mt.
<br /> � Borrowcr has nor excrute�f an�prior��signment ai thc rrnt.and�h;i,uat umNa Nl�fi��t prv��irm an�art that uauld prc��em
<br /> Lettcter from cxcrcising it� righte under�hiy par:�Lraph I6. � ,
<br /> � Lender shall rtvt hc rcyuirrd tnentcr upuo,t:il:er�fntrul uf or maiu�uin•�ht+3'���pi�t;a�i:d«•a�r uftcr ri�inc ttntrcr ut t+r¢uch .
<br /> ----.__ — -- - • fv�urru+rar. �Ev«e�c�. f.e��ief c�a f�i.�a�ts a�tcrisur�!sr�xi-•r.r nxtt stei:tu_us:ltsl�"t�lt��titt�ei�at+rc:tcb. �ir�:�pplir:�tiun ___..._._.____---.------
<br /> . . �. .__ _.�
<br /> r�
<br /> : . . of rents shal!nc�curc or���i�c an� dei'ault c+r im:�lidatc an� ather ncht�+►remcdt�lri�C 4ndre. 1 hiti a..�enmcu�uf rcn��ot
<br /> ' - " thc Praper!}sh:ilt termina�r�+�hcu�he dcbt srcurcd bv chc Sccuri�> lir.tru�na�:��i.°°p�diir��idU. '
<br /> ' : . ' . ,� ����..•j�.r a ,
<br /> . � -
<br />