<br /> �'�;� - . � �. . . . . -
<br /> • : f _
<br /> _ . _
<br /> � ,
<br /> � �
<br /> �� ;Y � ...� --.,. .� . - � � :-
<br /> � � . . - -- - _ - � , -
<br /> � . : : ._ -� - � _ ��-� � �o��-���: --�-- �
<br /> . - . - - _.. �
<br /> _ _ .. � �_� - � . .
<br /> -- _ Fach rtontWY instaliment fOr itams(a?.tD}.aad t��s�=9ua1 onc�twdRh ot tbe atutua!amaunts.as�asonaiolY atuq�t�d `
<br /> �y l,rnder,ptns aa amounc suffident co�aaintain an additbAa!hatancc o£cot raote thau croo-s6itt�oi the estimated amounts. �. .
<br /> Tl�e fuli aanual amount Eur arh item sh�l!be accunaulued b�►�mder within at puiad endin;ancmonth befoce aa it�would
<br /> beco�ne delie9utnt.t.ender slfal!hotd the amounts coilated In trust to pay itrnis(al,tbi.and tc?6eCore tLey 6eco�ae d`elincl,uea� .
<br /> - If at any time the tas�l af the payma�u heW 6y Lender!or items ia).t$).aad tei,togetha with ehe Cutura moethiy ptyronris . .
<br /> for suc6 items payabk to Lender grior to tIx due dahs of such iteats,accseds�hy mora than ano-suttti tAe estirnatGd amwiat
<br /> — -- - _ --- --- --- aii�c#•t�i��stta�-l��-dt�c:�d-if�e.tek-��arecurrent.tBenL n��shaltdt_�et.te[und
<br /> - the excas over opasixth oP tlie estim�tted payn[eats ar credit the eucess ovu ane-siscth af the estimaud payments to su s�eqaent -�`
<br /> RaYmeau by Borrower.a��the aptioa�oE Ba�rro�rer.if'the'catai oi thcPaY�s�b}Bnrraw�fos Itua ta}.fbl..ar t�) -
<br /> . is iasulficient to pag ibe itens w�en du�,then Borrower,slia!{pay to E.�ader a�ny�araount neassars►to makr W�t6e deficirncy
<br /> =- on or 6efor�th�date th�.itcn�bccotqeS due. - . .
<br />`-`' ' As ased in this Sexwity I�sWmwt,"Secraary"meaas We Spsetaty of kiousin$and Urbarc Drvelopmeat or his or her
<br />.�_J"'
<br /> . desigae�.Most-SavrFtX Instrumarts ia�+rod by the Secreea,ry ar�insured unda P�a��whicb�e4uirc advance paYmmt of
<br /> the enq�c mort�aEr�premium.If this Secudty instrumem is or:was insu►ed unda a pro6ram.which did not rcquire .
<br />-� - advsu��ay�t ai tba eutice mpssS��a�e�ia�then each usonthlK p�,�meat sha}!also itt�deatha:C}au i�taWnent =- -- ,-_;---
<br /> -� oE the annual mon�e insurrace pramiuui to be paid by I.endec to thc SocretarY..or�n�a monfTiIY c1►3t�g��ca�raf�'- _. ._ ------
<br /> insuranoe Premium if this 5ecurity.Instc�nmt is held bY td�SecretarY.Fach;mont6ly is�stalimeat of the moRg�e insur�nce _ _-
<br /> premium sb�i i�e in an amoant sufficieat to aocumufate tbe fnli�mrat mort8a8e insur�na Premiam with Lender oae month 4 s�---�
<br /> _ � prior to tT�e date ths full anaual taoHga�ge iaturance Premium is due to the SeeretazY.or if this SecuritY ttsstrumcnt is hdd . A�;,,,_,�_
<br /> !�_�^_Jp_.'.p_Y_^�^^/_+�/ eLa�sh monthlY cbar8e shaU 6tin an amount equal to oae-twelftb of bno-haif peraat of tiie ontstaadinB�P� 1�-;,;4-J��-_—
<br /> . . �Jjy�p�Y�i 4�!'�NG�� ' . . •. . . +1:�E�iY'u�Ffl�.
<br /> _ W S�GCOLLRIS{MN ���,�•�'�_; -
<br /> � `' ,'_: If BOrrawer tenders to Lenda th�fnlf paymmt af all sums secured�t��ty In�s�meat,��'o �' °� �
<br /> �. ;,,: be c�tdited with tbe baiaace rea�a�auig�for all instaUaneats for itetns ta),tbT.and(c)andam�7�rt8a8�.���Vremiam. �t.: `:::t;s;.
<br /> '��' iustaUmert.tl�st l.ender hu uot bec+aiue obligaad to pay to tbe Secutary,and Lsader s6atf�rst;ri�tlY:���Y��f� `��., =
<br /> S
<br /> . to&�rrawZr.Immediately prior to a fareclosuca salo o�the Property or its acquisidan byr ". �.;n_._..rrower's accowu shaU �`��", �� _'�-
<br /> r. ��
<br /> i�: ke�d wlth aay balance remainiag for alt�tri'staltments for items ts�3,(b).aud(c)• � . . , s '�-�-;� - _
<br /> .: ..-...- •.5. �_
<br /> ,. '° : •: .�,:`.. �,�j�iptias.ut P�y�eat�All RaYmeats uitder ParaB�Phs 1 and 2 sha116e appli�ed��:��as fo l tows: .- c = -- `—
<br /> � ' :;:� '�„� � F"rss�w�a,the mortSaSe iasurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Soctetary or te tti��iauztit+r-charge by the SecretarY •.•.. '�,___.
<br /> . � ��'��` . inste�d_of rlte mat�ti�i�uort8a8�iasuraace premiwn,unless BarrOwer p�id the entire mor�i��raaoe premium wfien this �. ' � , :..�..- -
<br /> r � .. , :., �,. �� ����
<br />: : �-��,- Securfry tastru��sgncd; • ' t�. . —
<br /> ' ° '° 5ecoad,tda�.sa�s.spocial assasmenu,�ehold payments or graaud i�ts,aad fire,f'"aa��^�ai3ier hazard insuraaoe �: '�-.�°
<br /> ., �,
<br /> S�'�"�� 1 +� Pr���.�µe under tt�Note; _ . . - _ ;�, . . '� --
<br /> �_��`�- Fat�sr�;�tm`arrtortixation of thepiinapal of the Noto; ,- • . ' , �� � -
<br /> :��1_�� _r� .F�.,ta'`late chazga due unci�thallote. - ��.; � �°�--
<br /> , y�� ; . . :�..: . . . _ . : � ; r�°�: ;_
<br /> .;,�.� . 4.Fir�e,F7ood ud�Otier Aw�1�E�rn�a�'Jiaaower shall insure xiiiir�iprovements on th��"�+,'�iertY.whether now in �r �''} .�
<br /> � " � .:•��` ��� cxistence�subseqaemly erected,a8ainst anN hazards.casualties,and confm�:ssaes.indudir$�re.for which Txnder raluires . �: . �r
<br /> �� -:�.::.�,-�� • insuran�.:.'4'�tis insurance shaU be rt�aintainai in the amounts and for the periods t�iat��i�3er reqnires.Bonower shall aiso � };, . . ... �',�
<br /> `.-��:;-_f,;::�; insure��_pssrii�ovtments on the Property.whether nou�in existcace or subsequently ereccew;a;3ainst loss by tloods to the exteat �'' . � . . - �. �
<br /> ''i
<br /> requireA�y the Secre[ary.A!1 insurance shall be carried with companies appraved bp E,iW�2r.The insurance policies and any r' • : �� 3':
<br /> ;�.:s`��� __ reaewals shall be held by Lender and shall include loss payable clausas in,-fatior oi,and in a form accaptable to,Lenda. = r v , .,T�
<br /> �: '7'��.''. In the event of loss,Borrower shall ve Lender immediate notice bY�='�ndst.�a�y make proof of loss if not mado i . �'��
<br /> � y,�''..�` �J.' • . .. .� ''...�'
<br /> 'i;. •�,:,,.} promptr#b�.�nower.Pach insurance c mnany concerned is hereby autho�and "c.��;r'to make payment for such loss ,., ,�� .�-
<br /> .,���t;ptiF��, ,. ��.� r.��i%�`-.. • �'• �--
<br /> ;,-.; directty tm.�.sader,instead of to Boaower and to LenBer jointty.All or�any pait ofN,�xi�.�ace proceeds may be applkd }_ . .�:tf����;,�__::�.���=_
<br /> � '�';"'�Y�� , by Lenddr,at its oDtion,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness�►n��'�e l��t�r�u�:..�.L..SewdtS►1nsm�ment,first to � � - _,.
<br /> t,ra7�'�.".'! � ;iF [ }`'y,:
<br /> „, �,�:;:'�..:�. �' any ddinquent arao�applied in the order im Paragrapb 3,and then ta�t�reD���c�.�of prirl:.��:�/,61 to the restoration :�•• , ,,,.,,;.
<br />• �..+.,
<br /> `��`�• �'.��F�::``;.� ar r of the da�ag�.�roarty.Any applicauaa,of the proceeds to thr�ri1a�a1 shalt'nat ex:e:�,����stpane the due dato � ;-,;.;;�_
<br /> r:�, x..' � - � �
<br /> 'i:' �r=�' i� . � of the mprtslliy��Yi�sntsivhich aze refened to in�t"`�iagraph 2,or change ert�amount of such pa :y�a:�.Any excess Insurance � '+�'-:
<br /> � • �;��;�.' proceed.ar+e:an s�tnwni�tWuire�to•Pay all outsiat[Aing in�a$:edness under the Not�a��this Se�.:�ity Instrument shall be � ,
<br /> .: R�,;�,1�., paid to tisz ea�ty tc�I3�$�atittc�t��teto. � . , • �. 6' '� ,
<br /> ��',•(�'f� :: I. tF;Yrr�y�. `;� ':': , . , , • , . .,.' ` .
<br /> ;,.;-:.,, ,��;�,�.�,, In the evrni:c���Yc�!ec2�+re�af�:his Sccurii�;�'instrumens dr other trai�sfs�rr oi tttle to the Property that extingaishcs tht 1 .
<br /> ,:,;'..�:;tt �' ����'��� <:�ti ' � indebtednas,alI��k�it1e au.�iitl�'est of E�psrswer in and to insurance i�us:es in force shall pass to the purchaser. ! � .
<br /> .. i-��),°i.y`��S.i•.i:F.' _ ,. _,:i., .'.: . . ' � . -,�
<br /> �����:.. " fS 4}�Ft��4t�y;i'.�.;• ,! . ..... . .�. � . j.•�'. . . . ,
<br /> � '•„�i:,,,°!!t;,��:,,,' � 9�dlti�ervstbi s�d Mai�tedinae of t6e PropeAy.L�qlda.Borro��shat s���`�bmmit waste or destroy,dunage ar .
<br /> ;���;;.��`��.'�;� substa��a�ly change the Propeny or allow the Prapeny to��^�rate,reasonable weas�n�tear excepted.Lender may irupect G .
<br /> '�: ��~,,�,- • �`'n . � the ptoptrty i!the property is vacant or abandom�C.�s��ie��a�is in defa:;'_;.:Lende�c�4�'iake reasonabte action to protect !
<br /> ' -� �1� and preserve such vac�mt or abandoned proper�y'.:�,:�hie Security instresr�<axc:ss on a l�sehold,Botrower shall comply with `
<br /> , -''�: :--. : .
<br /> �� - � .� the prav3s3ons of the lease.if Borrower acqu9r��e�r:iie to th:�ropercy;_t�n€ii�sehaldand fee title shall not be mer$ed untas , • �
<br /> ;�.•E,'s�•, 'L� Ltndet;2I�r6es to the mergef it1 wliting. �• .;�� .. . � : ; � . -
<br /> '�ii.�.� 6:�es to Barowa aid�i►n aY�.es�er's Ri�ts ia ctqr�ropaty.Borratirer;li;3!t�ay al!governmmtal or municipal �: ' .:�-1;;� . • �
<br /> "`�"5'�'�' charges,Pnss and fii�i?�'itions th3t ere not i��aL��3 in Paragra;.:t_2• Borrq�ter shalt pa�a�iese obligations on time dltectly to '.�:�;�:�.�
<br /> '. ' the entity which is ov►�tEce payment.lf faiture car-�ray would advenely uiY'e�a:f::v�ader's interest in the Property,upon LendePs .
<br /> • . request Bnaowea stia7�:.prompeiy fumish ta L�a�d�receipts evfdencin�th��fayments. . . - .
<br /> 1!Berrower faits to make thesc�riu3rnents or the payments:required by Paragraph 2,or fails to perfarm any other covenants � �
<br /> " `� and aarametets contained in ihin 5iuurity in4trument�or therc'ss�a legal p�oce�ding that may significantly affect Lendet's dghu
<br /> • �' in tht Propeny tsuch as a proceeding jn bankruDtcy.for condemnation or ro enforce laas or regulations).then txnder may � , •
<br /> �' �����` � do and pay whatever 1s necessary to proiect the vaiue of the Property and Leader's rights in the PropenY.induding payment• • • •
<br /> -- . . -� - oi taxes,huard insurance and other icems mentioned in Paragraph�t. - �
<br /> ' � ` My amounis disbursed by�Lender under this Paragraph shalt berorae an additional debt of Borrower and be securcd . _
<br /> • ' by this Secuiity imtrumem,These.amonnts shali bear interest from the @ace of disbnrsement.at the Note rate.and at the
<br /> � . � , option of Lender.shall be immediately due and payable.
<br /> �• " ' 7.Co�it�utb�.The praceeds of any award or claim for dainages.ditect or consequent9at,in connection witlf any � .
<br /> -.; .' ,. � ca�deinnatian as ottseF tsfcin ot aaY:D�of the Ftopeny�o�fdr a+mreynme in pla�.�e of mndemnaddn.,ate hereby assigned -
<br /> _—
<br /> _ ___ . • se g
<br /> , - . _ �_ .__.. _ _--
<br /> and shali be paid to Lender to the extent oi th�full amouae of the indebtcdness that remains unpaid under the No1e ani�th3s
<br /> . Security tnstrumens.l.eader si�alt 2�pp1y suc6 procads to thcreduetion of Ihe iadebtedness un8er the Note and this 5ec�uit}. ,
<br /> • Instrumcnt.first toany delinquent amounts appliedin the order pruvideilin Pairngraph 3.and then to prepayment o!principal. � •
<br /> . _ _ _. _. - - - pita�2ofl - - - - � : ' .
<br /> • �� f
<br />