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+�_ .. l�2 ,. ... .� J� . .. --. _- <br /> w., <br /> � . • � � • • <br /> � . . . ._.._. _ .-'_._'__- <br /> 'J�� . f..� . . _ - - _--- ___ " <br /> ..•l.��_...._� "_.-� . - <br /> �,P.C`�i1� �9�- 110.�'794 <br /> �. Cond�Mioe.Th�proc«ds ol sny aw�M or cl�um fa dam�pN,dinct a consp�ftlll.M eonrNCMon wNh any <br /> copd�tnnyion ot ofhM f�klnp of th�Property,apart IhK�o1,afa Comr�ya�ln IIMe doondM�MiMi0i4�IlhM�b�1�MI01Md <br /> aed�hall b�p�ld!O LMidK. <br /> _ _— _ --= tn st�avont af a tosal mktnq of tho Pra¢m=y.iha�eeds atusll Oe npplkd to the�un�f elou�by wln Oeed d Tnse�rrflh =- <br /> _ iiw�+���.ii o��.f+�i iu Bu��� ii�e w�w�i M yNtiw{tttkiny vi iiw��{ii�`ry.w�iiii w:::iii�i irwi Lw�iiiir iw�wn�iw <br /> eprN��n�hallb��Ndfoth�wm�NCUnidbythl�6NdolTn�qWOhpropordandMf�p��y Ia1M�b — <br /> . thatpropornonwhiehth�amouniolth�wmss�cuadbythts0aeotT►u�tlmnMdl�lN�rPMOrbtfNd�MolMkinpM�r�ath� <br /> � lak ma►kM valw ot ths op�ty ImnwdulMy prlo►W 11M daq M tMcp��wIM�Ih�b��al Ih�pooMd�PNdb BfirroMMr. <br /> "_' 17 th�Prop�rty is atNaidan�d by Borrow�►,cr it,�fNr nohc�by I.�nd�r�o BorrowK th�t th�cond�mnw oMws b nwk��n - - <br /> � aw�ud or�Md��claim tor Wmaqa,8a►owK hlls to n�pondto L�nd�r Mn�hm 3od.�.��n.a.u�uon noao.a n�.w.a � .� <br /> ,;� Lend�r�s sufhods�d b coll�cl�nd�PW�tM P�oaMd�,tl L�ndn's optlon.Mtl�b nMOrallon o►�qly d tl�Prop�ry o►b <br /> = t►N sums�saund by thls Os�d o1 T�u�l. <br /> �"'���:i'�y� Unl�uLendarand8onowerathsrwlwaprNmwrltlnp,anyweh�pplloatlanotprooNd�toprindp�lrhallnot�xt�ndor <br /> ��_.;,.��� panwne ths du�dah of th�monthly Installm�nh rN�►ad to In p�uaqr�phs 11�nd 2 h�nof w oh�np�th��mount ot woh <br /> �mni�wsr��o �n�hllmenta. <br />-.�:'�G� `, 10. 8orrowNNolRN�s�d.EKteneionolthetlmslorp�ymentormodillaatlonolamorn�d000tth�wmss�cundbplhlt <br /> �`"`"••,• Oeed ot T►uat r Y Y P�ts to pIMM.111 arly InMtIM.11M <br /> ��i;:s„c�.;,�,7:,i� y antM b Lendsr to en nucaeuor in intereat of 8onow�r sh�ll not o <br /> -- ___--- ��a6iwgWmeor�gin��eonowsrend9orrower's�ucce�sotilnt�rss�Lender�h�Ilnotb�nquk�dbeanmanc�procNdinQt <br /> — ��� DMd 01 Tf11S1 G���Oe�Of�de111�nd made�byf�oi�pinal8ortow�r�11d BOMOMI�f�bl11CCM�O�dd�M 11�1��Ilr�d by thl{ <br /> � �::��.; ar <br /> � .i ::�il;-;` '' t 1. F'afbAM�M1C��LiM�dK NOt a waltNf'.Any fotpl�Yl�nW bl►lOndef in�lterCiakp at1Y r/QM 0r fMtMdy hMMiIIdK.Or <br />_!�,;.� r' otherwise attorded Dy applicable I�w,�n.o�a be.wa�a«o�acN,a.a�.ex.rc�,�ucn�« Th� <br /> • ' • •� prxurementofinsuranceofthsp��mentoftsxetoroMwrNpnsorcRl�qesbyLendnsh�Ilnotb��walvMalL�MWK'�r b <br /> ... r..ayY,:;•.r.�,�j...y YCCeIM�te M1!mi1luPAy O}th9 MldlbtQdfle!/lQCU/!d by f1NS DOed OI TIIML — <br /> '"' "'#;�;?^';�'� tZ. R��Cu�Hw All r�m�diss proddsd in thls Oesd of Trust aro distlnct and cumul�tive to�ny o1Mr ' t u <br /> � ���`- . ',•:�;:�., rerrbdywderMUsDeedWTniatonpord�dbylawo►equfry,andm�ybeexerelaedcancuRently,indepsrwbnth►or - ._ <br /> . '":'..," ...-•- :' � 13. SuccaMOrsandAMlp�wlaw�dcJolMand3wualWbilry;Capilon�.Thecovenantaenda�n bherai�cor�in�d -- <br /> �-- �• . shellbind,andtheNphbherounde�ahdlinureto,thersapecrivesucceaaorsandaa�igneofLsnderandBonower,subj�ctb <br />- �J"• �p � • � . � _j,• theprov�slonsotpare��aphl7hereot.Allcovenenfaandapreementsot8o►rowerahallbeiointend�everal.Thecaptionsand <br /> . f,�: headl�gs a1 fhe perapraphs ot this Deed of Trwt are lor convenience only and are not lo be used to Interpret a d�i'u�fh� -- <br /> . • . ..__:��.... provisio�she�soL -- -- <br /> ' •� "•��"'s`�7 1�. NM3x�.ExceptforanynoticerequiredundQrapplicablelawtobegiveninanotherman�er,fa►enynoticetoBoROwer <br /> '�,��'•� r�'�� <br /> .�;���: �' ,�:;u>���r� provided lor in this Deed ol Truet ahell be given Ey maiUng such notice by cerdfled mail addrease�to`Borrowp►aR4he Property -� <br /> x,:��,' � � , • Add►ess or at euch other address as Bortowe�may dealgnate by noqce to lender aa provided her�in,and(t�)aoy notlee lo _ <br /> lenderahallbeglveoby cerHNedmeil.retumrecaipt�equeated,tol.ender'saddressstatedhereinortoluchotharl�ddrs�sat _, <br /> � . � . Lendermaydeaignatebynoticeto8o�rowerasprov�dedherein,Any�oticeprovlcledlorinth��paedotTru�tshatlb�dNmed <br /> , - to have bee�yiven to Bonowar or Lender when gwen�n the ma��er deeig�ated herein. <br /> •�'��. •14.1 °Requedt for Notice.T�ustor and benel�iary requeat that a capy of any notice of delault and notice of sels msde or -- <br /> - .. �4.'. - executed by the Truatee purauanl to the proviabns hereol bs sent Io the Truetor and 6eneliciaryet their rpspective m�ilinp _ <br /> •�,}�,. . addresses aet lorth above.•, <br /> - -=`""'``-"`�' i5. iMNorm ai�ci d Tnnh Gor�minp;S�w►abiiii�r.The io�m of deeci oI iruai combinua uniform cover�urite(or <br /> '"' ����"�" � narional uae end non-umlorm covenents with Ilmited vanatfons by�urisdiction!o coneUtute a unlform aecuri�y inshument <br /> . , � '1�'fj;'S''� . '' Covering real property.This Dead ol Truat shall be governed by the law of the�urisdiction i�whiChthe Prope�ty is located.In �� <br />. + ;" . '' '`•.:�r the event that eny proviaio�or clause ot this Deed ot Truat or the Note confliats wilh appliceble law.euch contllct ahell�ot <br /> . ; .�}�-;;�� aBectotherprovfsioneofthisDaedotTrustortheNotewhfchcenbegivene8ectwithoutthecon9licUngprovlaiona,andtothK �� <br /> � � � • ,•• end the provislons of the Oeed of Trusi and the Note are declered to be severable. '-� <br /> �""'�����• 18. 8onow�►'s Co Borrower shall be furmshed a conf o of the Note and of this Deed o1 Trust at Ihe Ume of f,�'�� <br /> , ,;�;,.:., PY� a��.{?Y. .. ........• ..: <br /> � •�.{l��,,;; execution or efter recordation hereof �,�r�;�p .�"F��z? '",�t,,,. � <br /> 17. Yr�nal�r ol lh�Prop�rty:baumpNon.II all or any par�oly� ln iere�thereui is aold or tranafened by ���` <br /> � 8orrowerwilhoutLender'apnor wnitencony nt,exryuding�a)fl�pfij'��!� r rEcumblance subo�dlnatetolhis0eed =- _ <br /> �` , ofTruBt,(b)lheC�earonofapurchaaemone secun Interestblrfid dld�p�e �(c)atrenalerby devlsedescentorby a--- <br /> �.� , ope►aHonollawuponthedeathofapinttenantor(d�thegrentofanyleaseholiintereatofthreeyearaorleaanotconfeinl�gan .� <br /> i• � � optfontopurchase,lendermey.etlender'soptan.declerealllheaumssecuredbythisDeedolT►ustbbeimmedfatelydue r<���� <br /> ��, ;!r :, " and payable.Lender ahall have weived such apbon to accelerate il,prior to Ihe sale or transfer,Lender and the peroon to <br /> ,�.�,, ;, ..� whom the Property ia to be eold or t�ansferred reach agreement in wnhng that the credit 01 such peraon is eaHsfeetory to '�., <br /> � �, •,:;�;; Lender end thet the lnterest payableon Ihe sumasecured by th�s Deed ol Trust ahall be at such rateAa lender shall requeat.If �!,! <br /> Lenderhaswaivedtheoptiontoaccelerateprov�dedinth�sparagraphl7,and�l8orrower'ssuccessorinlnteresthasoxecuted �- <br /> � �"• '• ; � a w�itlen assumptlon agreement accepted m wnung by Lender,Lender shall releese Borrower from all obHqetlons under thls �.4�: <br /> ' "'•'.�• � � Deed of Trust end the Nofe. <br /> , ' II LendAr exerc�ses such opt�on to accelerele,Lender shall mail 8orrower nobce of acceleration�n accordance wlth �� <br /> � ' � paregraph 14 hereof.Such noUCe ahall provide apenod ol not:ess than 30 days Irom Ihe date the nodCeiB rnalled wilhln wh�ch �' <br /> '' ' Borrower may pay Ihe suma declared due.It 6orrowor fails to pay auch sums pnor lo Ihe expiration ot such penod.Lender ._•7'` <br /> "�-'•r' � may,without lurther nOt�ce or demand on Borrower.invoke any remed�es permitled by paragraph�8 hereof. 'y};�,: <br /> , NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrow�r and Lend�r fwth�r cov�n�nt and aqrw��IoUows: "'"-, <br /> • � : � 10. ACCaINidOn;R�m�dNs.Except as provided fn paragraph 17 here0�.upon Borrower'S breach Of any cOV@nant or ~•�• <br /> �� �� . �,,�;�,.,;.R agreementof8orrowerinthisDeedotTrust.�nclutlingthecovenernstopaywhendueanysumssecuredbythis[?eedofTrus� �;:�, <br /> ' �.•�;�•�;:•�� Lender pnor to acceleration ahall mei 1 nohce to Borrowerns provfded 1n paragraph 14 hereof speCllyi ng:(1�the breach;(21 the <br /> { ,• . • �'•..� <br /> ;';��;���,� act�on req�ired to cure such bteach:(3)a date,not less than 30 days trom the date the notlCe Is melled l0 Borrower,Dy whiCh ;� <br /> '�. ::' .� �''�' ,, suchbreachmustbecu►ed:and�4►thelfadurerocuresuchbreachonorbeforethedatespeatiedinlhenoUCemayresulUn �;?�•,, <br /> : ,; .- � •arcceleret�ort�ofthesumssecuredbythisDeedolTruslandsaleoHheProperty Tnenoticesh8111urIheNMormBorrowerofthe � <br />,.�.;;;.� '- ' nght to reinstate after accelerahon and the righHo bnng a court acUon to assert the non-ex�atence o1 a default ot eny other <br /> 1 7.. � � defenseofBorrowertoaccelerationandsflle.Ilthebreach�snotcuredonorbelorethedatespeciGedlnthenotice,Lenderat <br /> � � �f , Lender's option rnay declare all of Ihc3 sums secured by this Deed ol Trust to be immediately due ancl payable without furlher ;t"'' <br /> . ,�_ demand and mey mvoke 1he power ol sele and any other remed�es permitled by applicable law.Lende�ahall be entilled to <br /> , C011eCt all reasonaDlecosts and expenses mcurred in pursu�ng the remed�es prov�ded in the paragraph 7 8.including,but not i.'�•� <br /> . ; �, ;Ji�i,�,,.!; limded to,reasonable ettorneys fees <br /> ��,.°�,i:, :. ,•.,:° � II the power ot sale�s mvoked,Truslee shall record a noUCe ot delault in each counry in whichthe PropeAy or some paA � � <br /> thereof is located and ahall matl cop�es ol such not�ce�n the manner prescnAetl by applicable 18w to Borrowe►and to theothet <br /> ��i�;;.•: ;�; % �,�. �•_: peroons preac�ibed by appliCable law.ARer thelapso ot such fime as may be reqwred by applicable lew.Truetee shall give , <br /> '���' •• pubhc notice ol sale to the persona a nd m the menner prescnbed by appUcable law Trustee,w�thout demand on 8orrower, +;.,'•. <br /> � � '�'�.'��•��., <br /> y�,;;,:;.�•,; shall sell the Properryat puDl�c auction to the higheat bidder at the bme and place and under the terms deaignated in the notice (,. <br /> '� � of sale in one or more parcel�and m such orderes Trustee mey determine.Truatee may postpones�leof all or any parcel ol <br /> i:.�:� <br /> ° . • � � (�?; � Ih�PropeAy by public announcemenl al the Urne and plece ol any prev�ously acheduled sale.Lender or Lender's designee �•T�•, <br /> � � '� mpy purch8se the Prpperry at any aa�e ` <br /> , „ <br /> ; , <br /> n-._._'�_� ' __ ._ Unonrece�otofoaymentollheonceG�d.Trusteashnlldalrvwren�han�ur.harwrTn�.tnw•arisaei�nnyav�nn��n.fy.nld <br /> � The reoilals m the Trusfee's deed sha��be pnma lec�e ev�dence of the truth of the statements mede the�ein.�ruatee ahell epply <br /> :�, „ the prOCeeds of the sale in the fol lowingorder.(e)to�II raasoneble costsand expr�naee of the eale,includlnq,bul nof limited to. <br /> � Truste@'sfeea0lnotmorethen .. _. __"sbolthe grosssalepnce,reesonableattorney'sfeva�ndCOateoftltleevfdenCe; �` <br /> �. ��. ' Ib)to all sums secured by th�s Deetl cit Trust:and Ic►the excess,d any,to Ihe peraon or peraona legelly ent�ded theroto. . <br /> � 19. BoROwK'�fi�pht lo RNmu1�.Notwffhatanding Lender's accelerat�on ol the aums secured by thia Oeed o1 Trual <br /> 6orrowerahallhave�henghttohaveanr proceedingabegunbyLendertoenforcethe0eedofTru�tdllcont�nuedetanytfine <br />- ' 4 � priorrotheearhe►toaccurot(i�IhehRhdeybeforetheseleottheProperrypurruenitothepowerot�aleconteinedinthe0eed <br /> � � ol Trust�n)entry of a�udgment entorcmg thia Oeed of Truat d:(a)Borrower pays Lender all auma whlch would be then due <br /> � under this Deed of Trust,the Note and notes secunng Future Advances.�f any.had no acceleratlon oCCUred:lb)8orrower <br /> cures ell breaches of any other covenents or agreements of Borrower contained 1n thls Deed o1 Truat(c)Borrower pays ell <br /> reaar.,nable expenaee f ncur�ed by Lender end Truatee enfwcina the covenanta end agreements o1 Bonower contelned fn thls <br /> ��� '. ! ' , DeedofTruatandmenforcingLende�eandTrustee'aremedieaeaprovidedlnparagrapht8hereal,includMg,butnotllmlted <br /> to,reaeonable atlorney'a lees:aind(d)Borrowe�takes auch action as Lender may reasonably requke to aseure that the Ilen ol <br /> � '� • . , thfs Deed of Trusl,Lender'a fntereat�n Ihe Propeny and Borrower's obligatlon to pay the auma secu�ed by this Deed ot Truat <br /> � shall conl�nue unimpa�red.Uoon auc h paymentand cure by f3orrower.Ihi�s Deed of Tru�t and the obl i9ehona gecured herwhy <br /> � shall remafn fn full force and eMect as d no acceleraUOn had occurred. <br /> . <br /> � � -.--__ ,,._...._ -- -- <br />