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� <br /> nt_ „ � _ 1 � ..., _ - - <br /> -- - . � �' �^"''..`ry. �� � , -�T._____ _.. <br /> - ��� <br /> - =--- 93� 10�'794 � <br /> . , <br /> -- - ___.�__, UNIFOR�i COVENANYS.Bo�rnwrr r�wi I.�r cavarunt and aflroa�sa fottowa: �_ <br /> _ 1. � 1 el'eN�i��l�e�d InM�MI. BOtlow�r�h�ll M�PpN P�Y wAM dw ths Wmc�pai of mo ma�rrst on ti� _— <br /> - : • r.:• Ifld�bfd�AVidMGldlll►IMNOI�.IN�W lafldld�ChWQN�tp►OVld�dirltll�NOM.�ndlh�prM�Gpa1o1�1dinlKMton <br /> . �ny Futun Advanas s�aund by�M of Trust <br /> .. wsh�r Lendu,8ortowKaludlpaytol,+�nd�r <br /> .Su �c/to� Ilcabis I�w or <br /> to�w�iM�n bY <br /> �. fwNNlorT�andM�wMa PP <br /> r onthsd��mon�qrinsWlnNntsolp�InWP�•ndmtKaeu�aY�und�rth�NoM.untilth�Nol�bOUdi�fuu�awmlhKMn � <br /> "Fundi")p�ro��•�MAh ot Ihs yearly t�xq and�m�nts whlob m�1r aftsin pdoriry owr tbb CMd ot Tnn�pnd <br /> ��• proundne�banth�P�op��ty,itan�.plu�on�•1wNUho1y�nypnmlumin�allm�nttlorhuardlnsunoca.plwaM•�wMllAof <br /> �'�::r; yN�t�y pnmlum i�tt�llm�nb M�moAp�pa inauronca,it�ny.�II���Maon�biy MHmnMd MlqNly�nd hom Grtw b tlnM by <br /> ,:• ;.�,�� L�tK on IIM ba�it o1 u�tnwnts andWOs�nd re�wnabN qqmaMs tl�snot. <br /> -- ' Th�Fundi�hallb�Mtdlnanln�fiMfo�thed�po�itsoreaaount�olwhichanlnwrsdao�Fede�lorWts <br /> `�'���;---' ���ncy pncludlnp I.MdK il Lsndsr It such en fmdtudon).I.�ndK�11�pply the lund�topay Mid q�xa,��anNnb. <br /> t=—�---, IheFUnd�,�ndyslnpa�W�aaount _ <br /> 'W��:.,�f� �� Irnur�nc�pnrtiiumsandgroundronte.Lende►meynotahergsforeohotdinp�nd�pP4��0 <br /> ��!+.�;:'`.. , . ^.�..,� orwrthrirgardcanpt�WlQa�daa�sunonbendbille,uelessL�ntNrp�ys eonow�Int�ratonth�Fund�andapp1Ia�bNl�w <br /> p�n�I�4�r qn�w,cA�char�p.Bonowarand Lendsrm�y�preein w�idn�et the dms of�x�cuNonof thhDwd of Tnnt <br /> -- , w11 irM�st ae 1�Furds W�ee p�id b BoROww.�ed unlaa auch aprsanent is m�ar�DpUcolbs lawroq ul►M wch --- <br />_� �.,,�• ' in�pt m bapaid l�►s�t na a nquind fa p�f�orrO�r�r any Mte►eat or e�rnin0�on Ihi funds.Lender sh�l I piw to _ <br /> - . �,��_,....,,`,,��..3.; 8wrowe,wlthouf af�s�,�n snnwl accw�ntiag of M�s FunO�snoMr endlts md dsbfte to�s Fund�and d�pwpo��ot <br /> �;, �, ` whichachd�bitrotMFund�wum�M.TMFundsar�p�d�W�sa�di�o�s��hl�arthesum�saaurbbyfhhONd <br /> -- _- a�i'r'�►;ur';r'a+' <br /> •• �,w�c..�..;,;,_��• T�If ths�mount ol ths bndihetd by 4u�der,topether with ths tutura monthh in�0"rnenb of Fundr pa�rable prior to tlwdue <br /> " �i. - d�hs ol t�xa.�swafmsnb,l�surence premiums and pround ronts,shaU exce�P dw�nwint�puirod to p�y Y1d hx�s. <br />- �,i ` � ' �ssp�m�nb,Inswanp premiums and ground ronb es thay fell due,sucb exeess ehW b.�18orrowet'�opdon.Md�sr �;: <br /> promptly r to 8ortowK o►credibd io Borrower on mo�hly insallmaMs ol Funde.If th��mount of tM Fueds heldpy ���= <br /> ' ' , Lendsrih�°Pno d�wtnciemrowrmxes,esaes�menm.inaurancepremiumaandgraundronb�sthe�rfalidue8orroww�haf1 ° <br /> . .. pey to Lender Any�mount neceasry b m�k�uP ths dNiclency within 30 d�ys from tM dsM�is m�iNd by Le�Wr to ��= <br /> : �,.� ..� � eortower reaues�w wrmm�m.reot �}=: <br /> Upon paymentM full of aA eum�secured by this 0eed of Trus1.Lender ahell prompdV►etundta 8orrower any Funds hetd by <br /> �" ` � Lander.du�de►peragnphl8hereoltheP�ope�ty iawldorthePropeA_yisothsrwiseacQuiredbyLender,LendershNlapply. __ <br /> •� :•.•,. �. noli�lh�nimm�diatNypdortothefaleofthePropertyoribac uia�tfonbyLende�,andfundshetdbyLenderattheNmaot _ <br /> �ppticatlon as a credit e�alnet the aums aecured by this Oeed ol�ruet � <br /> � •� • 3. AppOo�UUaid P Unlesa appliceble lawp►ovides otherwfse,all payments received by Lender under the Note h.:��� <br /> a ble to Lender b Borrowe�under <br /> � ° -- � end parapraDhs 1 and 2 ereof shall be epplied by lender Nrot in payment ol amounte pa�ra Y �,� <br /> �• , pa�ag�ph2herlal,M�rltolnt�►estpayebleontheNote.thentothepnncipaloflheNote.andthentoinbnstandpnncipalon - <br /> ° a�y Future Advancss. --.- <br /> 1. ����.L,I�.BoROweroshellpay elltexes.eaaessmantaa�dothercherges,lineaan�impoaidonsatdibutabtetolhe <br /> •� v Properly wlfich m�y aqein e priony over this Deed ol Trust and leaaehold paymente or ground renta,if any,ln fhe manner .� <br /> , pravided undsr peraynph 2 hereqf or,if nof va�d in auch manner,by Borrowe►maldnqpaymen�whan due,direcdy to the <br /> �'' p�yee thereol.8orrower ahal promptly lum�a. �o l.ender all notkes ol emounts due under thls peragraph,and in thA evant �_� <br /> - � _---= Bonowe►shell meke•p�yment dlrecpy.bor�aw.��snaii prompUy fwniei�i�, Lender recetptL ev�dancing suCh t!aysnenq. `��°" <br /> 8orrower ehall promp U y ditcharye any lien w h ic•r.nAa pr ior i t y over t h l s D e e d o 1 T r u e�p r o v i d e d,d u:t B arrowe�ahall not be <br /> � requiredtodischergeany 9uchdenaolongas8orrawerahallagreei�writingtothspaymentoflheobligatlonaecuredbyeuch �..'� <br /> H e n i n a m a o n e r e c c epta b l e W Lender,or ahell In good faith conteat auch Ilen by,w detena enbrcement of such Aen in,lepal <br /> ' proc�eding�whfch operete b provent the enforaement of the lien or foAeldxe of the Property or any pert lhereot. _-- <br /> ' d, Il�sard Imw�11c�.8orrower ahall keep the improvementa now existfng or heroatter erscted on the Properly insured ---, <br /> eqeinst loss by flre,haiarde included within the term'extendsd covarege",and auch other hrzards aa Lender mey reqwre <br /> and in euch amounb and ta such perioda as Lender mey requira;provided,that Lender ehall not r ulre that ths amount of �:� <br /> �, , such aove►ape exceed that emount ol coverege required to pay Ihe wms asc��red by this Oesd ol�iueL <br /> Thielnaurancecernsrprovidingthelnsuranceahallbechoaenby 8onowerwbjecttoapprovelby Lender,provided,that ;,�'' <br /> r ' 8uch approvel ahoN not be unreesonably wfthheld.All premwms on inaurence policles ahall be peld in the menner providad <br /> , ' under perayreph 2 hereof or,if not pe�d�n such manner,by Borrower makinp peyment,when due,directly fo the�nsurance r .° <br /> ����� '. canier. . <br /> ,� • All Ineurance policles and renewels thereof ahell be in lorm accepleble lo Lender end shoN include a standa�d mongage ' <br /> oleuselnfavorolandinformacceptebletoLender.lendershellhavetherfgnttoholdthepol�ciesandrenewalsthereof,end �� <br /> i° BoROwer ahell promptly lurniah to Lender all renewal noticesand all rece�pts of pefd prenuuma.In the event ollpss.Borrower <br /> � ahall glve prompinotlCe to the�nsurance cerrier and Lender.Lender mey meke proof of loas if not mede promptly by Bor►ower. � <br /> % • � UnleasLenderandBorrowerothervuiseagreeinwnling,�neuranceproceedsshallbeapplledtorestoratlonorrepairoHhe <br /> ��;�;;:; Properry dameged,provided such reatoratlon or repau fs econamlcally leasible and the aecunty of thls Deed ot Truat ie not <br /> thereby impalred.If auch rea►o�at�on or repa�r is nol ecenom�cally feasible or�I the security of Ihls Deed ol Truat would be � <br /> � � � impaired,the�naurance proceeda shan be appl�ed io the sums secured by th�s Deed ot Trus�,with the excess,if eny,peid to ; <br /> 8orcower.lf the Properry ie abandoned b 6orrower,or 118orrower feils fo respond lo Lerder wilhin 30 days from the dete � <br /> noace is meded by Lender to Burruwe�tXat the�nsurance carner oHers to setlle a ciaim for insurance benefita.Lender ia <br /> ButhOrlied t0 ColleCt end epply the insurance proceeds et Lendei s opt�on eilher to restorat�on or repair of the PropeAy or to � <br /> •• the auma aecured by thls Deed of Trus1. � <br /> � Unleas le��der end 8orrower otherwise agree in wntfng,ony such appl�cat�on of proceedslo pnncipel ahall not extend o� <br /> poatpone the due date o1 the monthly inatellments referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or chenge the emount of euch <br /> matallments.If under para�aph 18 hereof the Propery is acqu�red by Lender,all nghl,tfMe end i�terest ot Barower in antl to <br /> anylnauranCepoNCiesendlnantltotheproceedsthereofresulbngf►omdemegelotheProperlyprlortothe9aleoracquieftbn � <br /> . shall pesa to Lender t0 the extent ol the aums secured by this Deed ol Trust immedietely pnor to such sale or acquisftion. . <br /> ,� ' 8. PrNxvatlon and M�Inl�n�ne�of Prop�Ny:Lea��holds;Condominlums;Phnn�d UnNMwlo U.Borrower ahell i <br /> keep the Properry in gaod repau end shall not commit weate or perm�t ImpaKment ot detenorotion o the Properry a�d ahell <br /> � • comply with the proviaonsdany lease 11 thls Oeed ol Trust�s on e leasehold.If thia Deed of T►ust is on a un�t�n e condomimum <br /> • or e pfanned unit development.8orrower shall perform all of 8orrower's obligat�ons under the declaret�on or covenants <br /> ! • creatlng or governing the condominium or plenned urnt development,the by-laws anA regulations of the condominium or <br /> , � t '� plenned unit developmenL and constNuent documents.II a condommwm a plan�ed umt development rlder is excuted by <br /> Borrower end recorded tayether with Ihis Deed o1 Truat,the covenants and e reernents of such rlder shall be fncorporated <br /> into end shall amend and supplement the covenanls and agreements of thla�eed ot Truat as ff the rider wete a part hereof. . <br /> � ; , 7. Prot�cfbn ol L�nde'�S�eurNy.N 9orrower lafls to perlorm 1he covenanls and aqraementa conteined m this Deed of � <br /> • Truaf.or N any actlon or proceeding is CommenCed w�th materially aflects lender'a mfereet in the Property,Including but not . <br /> . Iimitedto,eminentdornain,insolvency.code enlorcement,or arrangements or proceedmgs involviny a bankrupt ordecedent, <br /> then Lender at Lender's optpn,upon nolice to 6orrower,may make such appeara nces,disburse suCh suma anH take euCh <br /> � r aCtlonasfsnecessarytoprotectlender'sinterest,�ncludlng,butnotl�m�tedto,disbur�ementolreasonableattaney'sfeesand <br /> , ., entry upontheProperrytomeke►epairs.11Lenderreqwredmortgagemsuranceasacondlt�onofmakingtheloenaecu�edby <br /> � ' the Deed ot True4 8orrower shall pay the premlums reqwred to memtain such inaurence in eNect unt�l suCh tHne ee the <br /> requ{r8ment1or8uchinsurenCetermmatesinactordenCew�th8orrower'sandLender'swnttenagreementaapplicalbelew <br /> Bonower ahell pey the amount o1 all moAgage insurance permiums�n the manner prov�ded under paragraph 2 hereol. <br /> +-; �_ _ .J Anu mm�unt� d�ahur�ntl bv Lpnder Dursuent lo this uaraarauh 7. wdh mtare�t thereon, shell become edditlonal <br /> , .� � indebtedneeeolBorrowe�securetlbytn�aDeedofTrust.Unl@ss9orrowerandlenderagreetootner[ermsoiDaymeni,auc� <br /> emounte shell be pay8ble upon notice Irom Lender l0 9orrower requesting payme nl hereof,end ahall beer mlereat from the <br /> � dateofdisburseme�taltneratepayablelromtimetotimeonoutatanumg pnnc�pa�undertheNoteunlesspaymentofmtereat , <br /> , � at such rate wouid De contrary to appUCable law,in which event such amnunts ahell beer mtereat at the h�ghest rate <br /> permiaafble underappncade law.Nothing contained�n thls paragraph 7 shall requ�re Lender to incur anyexpense or fekeany <br /> ,�,� actfon hereuntl�+. <br />- F-- E. lnspee!lon.Lender may maa�or rnuse�n be m�da rRns�nahle aMnes upon and mspeCbons of Ihe Prnperty,ptovided <br /> � Ihat Lende�shall gwe Borrawrr nonCe pnor to any such�napection speatymg reesonablecause theretore relaled to Lender's <br /> , � intereet in the PropeHy. <br /> � <br /> � 'i � ,. <br /> i <br /> '� 1 <br /> 1 . <br />