, .
<br /> } .�. . - - :
<br /> — _ _..- _„n .�
<br /> �r I - - �-.,. _ ., _ . -
<br /> �� { �F ' " . . . . . . . _ ` � ` ����0��{/.. __._-.
<br /> .-.�_�� . ` , . . . . ,• • _ . . �• . •. . � -:c . . .
<br /> . _. . . . . . - ,c c .. .
<br /> � a e` . of tba R�to trrRi�cilrl sMaY aot eiaegd a�po:tp4ne tb�due dace of tbe moatlihr p�..wiicl�` .
<br /> y ernd to in Patairaph 2.or cl�e the aqaunt at auch paYnknts.Any'excasp�ace�ds ova a�ataouat r�ed ta . .
<br /> ay ai!a�tst�edipR���nadec ctre Nae and�his Savrity tnurumeat shall b�paid to tt�c aattY k�allY m[itk0 titaeta.
<br /> - � S.Fea.�.eader ntay ooltect Eas.and charsa autlfori:ed 6y thc Secretary. , . - � .
<br /> _ � . _ . _ " . : :
<br /> !.Gnwts.tee Aaekrsll�4t Oeit: �
<br /> -- ' -- - ' --- - -
<br /> — _ =-• _ __
<br /> _ - --- -----
<br /> _ — --- -- —
<br /> (s)De�adt.L,e�dei maY:excep�as limited by reguTatlons tssue�TiY tbe Secreta�ryiii ifle rase ofipaynfsat fs:�aqo�c ==`-_
<br /> - � imme�ate payaieot in[uli of atf snms secnred!s�tl�is Seeurisg lnsiru�E if: � . -
<br /> (�Barrower deiaults by fa�7ing to gay in full any mantbly payment re4uirod by tt�is Security Instrumtn[prior La �
<br /> or on tiie due datc of t[x nmu moathlY WYmeat.or =
<br /> Cu'}Borrower defaults by[ailias.far a periad oE thirtY ds►Y9.co perform any uttxr o6�iaations co4t�ined ia this
<br /> - SecutitS►lnstrument.. . . ,
<br />��� — --fil S�i�i4'3i�E£�sQ#Ay�ro�.Lendet s!�l1.if Ramitt�-bY eFi�licablt!aw aqd with the prior approval af tha
<br />._�Ty.
<br /> Se¢tetary.require immcdiate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security la�nt it: .
<br />:��, (7 All or part of the Property is othavoise uaasferrsd taher tha�t bY tkvisc or ).bY thc Barrowsr,and �
<br />_.-,,; ..�E�V raideace:or tist
<br />'&,�.'.`� ri�Tbe Property u aoi occupiod by the purchaser oc grantee as his or bet pria�
<br />_•�;=�,= . purchuer or granta does so occupY the property but his or her credit[�as not baa apptoved tn accocdance with•
<br />--' tLe reqairemeats of thc.Secretary. . "
<br /> :;�N. ,
<br />=�:.. .
<br />_'g�:
<br />,_:-:��• . (t)Ne Waita.if prc�a�ccus that would permit Leadtr to reqnire immediate�yatau la f�il1,6ut Len�fe�
<br /> �;���,% das not reqqfrt such paymrnts,Lender does not vraive its rigbts with resput to subsequrnt eventa. < .
<br /> ;���a� � � . ;�oi flt1D Saretarl.!n'many circumstances rrgulatians issued by tha S�ocraary wip limit Lender's riahis
<br />'.��,�,.. . (A�.
<br />;.ti; ,�. . � ' ia't�r��#'�Y�t defaWts to ra�aire immediate PaYmrnt in full and foroclose if riot paicl.This Security instrumeuc —
<br /> �; ;. . • r.�aes ndE authonu aooe�at�On or foreclosure i�aQt permitted by regulauons of the Sec�etary. _-
<br /> a.��-��� IO..Rei�stak�e�t.Borcow�c�as a dgTrt`tube reia�ted if Lender has reqairad immcdiate paYment in fail6eeause ot ° _-
<br /> ;.�.• �—
<br /> •'::;.t; _ Borrower's fa�'Iare to pay an amourit due�esihe Nofc or this Security Inscrument.This rigbt applies even after foreclosura _ ___
<br /> procadings are instituud.To reinstate thf�easrity Instrument,Borrov�s6a11 tender in a lnm�:sum alt amounts rcqujred �
<br /> • = to bring Borrower's account Currcat iacluding;to the extent they aze obligations of Horrow�r uz�r�ihis Secnrity Instrument,- ��
<br /> ' foreciosare c�scs and reasonable and custamary attorneys'fees aad expen.ses properlY assooated'.!�ttre foreclasvre proceodin8• - -
<br /> � Upon ranstatement by Borrower,this Security,lnstrument and thb obligatioas that it secures�irai�c?�aiA in effect as if Lendu —_
<br /> had nat roguirc�iat�ediate payment in fultJi3�!�!'er�Lender is na reAairod to permit reinstatetaeu�i#':(�Lender hu aceepted
<br /> � reinsEaament af�'t�'��om�aencement of ftr:�.9.a�sre proceediAgs within two years�mmediately p r a�i n8 the commenC,�meot• —__
<br /> , ._
<br /> . � of a�nznt for,a�;a:�re proceeding,(ii)�ait;�arti will prectude forcclosure on differeat��`s in ehc iuture. o.r.•t�{'.. _
<br /> retn�'�aient�v�n'it a3versety affect the pnorf*.g`of stse fie�sreated by this Security Instrument. :�. . .; =: :�..; _____--_.
<br /> . ,: : � ,� : � : .:,:� . . '.. � ....`�.:�. , -
<br />' x_. �.,�1.Borrower Not Rekasei:�'o�est�ce Sy`Le���i�zt s Wairer.Extension of the time ot payment ar�f�raYY`�i�•� - _.
<br /> �;• of amortization of the swns sec'�a3¢lc ih:s Ser�niy tr�:rcvnent ganted by Lender to any successor�n incere,a�.vE CiGzrax��•c ' ;,�"3 s"�;r
<br /> �; shall not operate to release the 1iab:xir��f:��:�al Borrower or BorrowePs successor in inteces[.Lendec shal!r.ct�e rec�rrex�-:: s�.
<br /> e � �.;
<br /> to commence proceedings againsCanpsu�s��s�terest ar reiase to extend time for payment or otherwlse modify amoRizatie¢. �:' ,�;��v:;:
<br /> + r:;�._ . , ..:
<br /> ' of the sums securM by this Security�•rscr��s:e�.�rc�:y reason of any demand made by the original Rorrower or Borrowet s succsssors -
<br /> ia interest.An forbearance by L.a��.•�e��ising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of '�� :�r�'-::_��= ."'
<br /> y aG . �=i�r��; `_�_ -
<br />. any right or remedy. , . �.. . , � :,• ;;..,�s��rrs:;.
<br /> � ;",... • ,�'t.�r � -
<br /> � : 12.S�ecessors s�d As�s Bo�nt.�oa�t���1 UsWiily:Co-5isse�s.The covenants aad.:gr�enseru�c��is Security
<br /> '; � , lnstrument shall bind and benefi�the suc�cs;a-=�c�assigns of Lender and Borrower.subjeFC ca�r,F�r�oVrskns,bF paragrapb,_ ;' -
<br /> • •µ+ 9.b.Bonower's covenants and agreemen�§:�L'����aint and several.My Botrower who ccrs��s d�.`�5�:�hssuu� -; ,
<br /> •�'�°t�`� ��� but daas not execuce the Note:(af:is co-si�nr;:`�-��;s�5e�i.rity.lnstrument only to mo�e,�sant s.�a cou�e?+i1a�t i�,.�rowe�.�. . . _
<br /> ,.'' ;*r:ter�s�in the Property under c��erms of th:s•S.ycv.r,",�: Cn�tiument;(b)is not persar,aJ�r'•'abt�Sated to pay i]:�e;�secured .. • _.
<br /> � }���',i�Security lnstrument:ar.d�c:��agrees th2i��cr a�d sny other Borrower may a;�ro euterld,modify3 fc��o�make • '
<br />' • - any accommodations witb reg�:a the termc�ai itris Secarity Instrument or the Not��txthout that Borrou���;,s�nsent. ;. .;��,::: _
<br /> 13.NoUces.'Any nottce to�3rruwer�v��%•�1�ed for in this Security Instrument shall be given trJ�'fivering i1 or by mailing - _-:.�•
<br /> • it by�irst class mail unless apQ�7;:a.�'.:3»+�r�}�.:res use oi anothcr meihod.Thc notice shail be diresr�to the Rt�perty Address . :-
<br /> ar anx othe�address Borrowes a:s;:�,�.3tes by nodce to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be givett C�airst class tr,.��7 to�ender's �
<br />