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Exh rn�n�h(y Im�far items(a):1b3.�pd t�)������o�'tb.r.amu�!amotwNS,�raw�W7��� <br /> `.by La�der,P�u;aa aaio�au wtfx��o m�iataia an additioo�i 6Wnce W aot more than ra�ixt6 vf tbe atiaated aa�o�ats.. <br /> T6e fult annw�!aniount tac eacli itdn sbdl be�a�aulsted by Laider adthin a prtbd eadi�vae�b�etorc ss 3ten wo�id.: <br /> ` beoome deiia4ua�t.Leader si�f!hot�ti�apsottnts ooikcted in trust to p�y items(s),(b�.aad(c�befaR tLey be�ome de1'mqueat• � <br /> � " If at any tin�e the totat af the pnS+�s��►L�adee�a iten�s�s?.N).aad(cl,co�ett�a with t�e fiuure moathiY Pi�a�ts <br /> - _focsuch.u��sa-vabk i4=�r p.cioc ta tl�e dve data of such items.�oeeds bY mora thas ono-sixth the atLmated amouot <br /> — - -- ot psymeott required to py si�t itaAS wTen due.an0 ��" =,.r.,.d---._ �� _ <br /> adflicNuEr�r��u[rv�tn ttipt i�eader-s�dek�-.�.,..... <br /> thtexcsssovervae siub�'ii�atimatsd�Y�aenuorciedit tl�ee�asava�asiiR6 of.thsest'��P�Y��co subseqa�ent. <br /> ` .ptyn�its 6y 9oao� tl�e aptioA of Bo�rower.If thc tsxal of the paYments m�Yk bp Borra�ra tor item(s�(67.a��� <br /> is iawtf'�eat ta P�1►thc icem wbea due.thea Hocrawer.shatl P�Y tp l.eader u�y amoaat na.�e.wrY to make up che def�caencY <br /> �on�c 6efore the dato tht item becomes due. . , ` � <br /> As used in tbis SoeuritY inuturnent;�`5e�etarY••t�aas the Se�atary uf Housir��i Urban Deve�opment or 6is or ha <br /> - des;�ace.Mosc Sua�ry rn�naus jnsured by�be Sa�eRa�r ue uu�ued anda croa�ds��*,a4w��dnw�e t�ym�c of <br /> iht_entire mo�rt�insut�t�e A��um.If this Secur�tY Instnrment is or rras inturM ttader a{uo�cam wldch did�ot requice <br /> advan�eP�Y���4���°OEP�•t6ateachmo�slg�y�SS�a�aLs��Itect��itt�er._fi�-aai�=- --_ <br /> of[I�e anuwi martP�e iasurau�e Premium to be p�id 6Y t.ender to the Secce[ary.or�f�a monthiS!char�e in�ead t�f a moctp�e ' <br /> i�ranoe premium if thif SavritY Instruanaut 1s i�d by the S�retul�.Each montbly iast�ilmeat of tiZe mort�e�iasnriaoe <br /> prcetium sball bt in an amount suff'�cient to aecumulue tlu fnQ anatial mortpje ins�uanoe Premiam�ritl�Leede.r'aue awnth -. <br /> � priot w the dato the fWl�nna�t martsa�e fiasuranca Premium is due ta_the Sxretary.or if tLis Son�ritY lnstrutoeat is.hdd � <br /> by tbe SecretsrY.ach maathlY cb�r�e s6�Il be in ao aaaunt a�ual w oao-tMdfth uf ork►h�lf peroent of the outatandiaE P� <br /> –__ �11CC dlit Oq t�1C NOtG _ . <br />� if Borro�ver teadess to Lader the fuU paYmmt of aU swas secared 6y�this SavricY Ia�ramrnt,Horrowds account slnli <br /> . be cradited with t6e b�lanoe ranainin0.fos all iast�IIa�ents for iteaas(a).(b).and tc)and anY mortp�e�oe P��� ' <br /> :_= iastallaaent tl�L�der ba not becomcQbl�ed to�ay to the S�ear�4 and Le�xkr_abali PromP�h►refund any exaYS fimd� <br /> -=�= to Borro�ra.tmme�liatNy�nr ca a forecios�ure sak of t1�e Froperty or its acquisitiRn fi��-�.Boaov�er's aa�ount s1�1! <br />�= � be credited with nny�ainin8 for all instaIIments for items(s),(b2�i�:�%1�- <br />�'..,`.� � , , 3.`A�al�ot pqii�iies.Ati paYments under paragrapds i.a�2 str�t��a�iypliect b!►Lender as foDows: . . <br /> First,to t6e ntort�etnsuraace D�emium to be paid by I:endee to We�ecretary or to tbe maathYy cbuSe by the Secretary► , <br /> ` . insta�d of the moathig mortg�e iasurance Pre,mium.uatess Bonower�paid ti�e entire mortgag�insurance prsmTum when tt�;.; <br /> ^ Securit7►Instrumeat was s,�ed; �.. ;• ` �:� ' <br /> -�:�'��� . .-, aaY saxes=special asseuments,teaselrold p��nenu or ground rcnu,and fire.flood and other har�a'dinscuai�' <br /> ��:� pre� requirod: "�� , ' � ;:,. <br />-11f`'- - ��:��ird.fss.�a2aest dtx urxfer the Note; � <br /> -�'� �•-F ;tv�av�ort�zsttion of the principal of tbe Note; . . - . ' <br /> -_ -_- , i�.Yo-{p�qa�uaes due rinda t6e.Natr. _ . ; � <br /> '_`'"�''�, -..�I.F6e.#'kM sM U�iiea�Iwn�+e.Boaower shall insure ai!impro,YeFbents on the Prope�ty.wP�ther now iA <br /> e�esirnce or subsalueatly ere�,against any hazards,casualties,and contiagencnes.iqcluding firt,for whlcb Leader req�re.+ - <br />'.�c-1.��'" iniuraACa.This insnrauce sf�att bc maintained In the amounu and for the periods that Lender mtuires.Borrower shAll alw - - <br />_':;,�;���::' insure all improvements on the Property,whether now ln e�stence ar subscqaeatiy erocted,aigainsc loss by ftoods to the eatenc M <br />,,:;,.�, required by the Sectetarp•A►1i insurance shall be carried wltb companies approved hy Lender.The insurance lwlicies and any �-: <br /> ';,�,;. - <br />__.;k;! rer�nvals shalt be held by L��r and shalI include Ioss payable clauses in iavor of.and in a form acceptable to,Lender. _ <br /> ' '� '-� 1n the event of loss,Boitovrer shaU give Lender immediate notice by mu'1.a.endu may make Droof of toss if not made =_ <br /> , ;t�f,; _ <br />,..;;�t��4 prom�tJy by BqROR,R r�.aCt�insyrance company concerned is hereby authotlzed and directed to make paymeat for such loss _- <br /> d i r e c t l y t o L e n d e r,i n s t e a d o f t o B a n o a�a n d t o L e n d e r j a i n t l y.A U o r a n y p a rt of the iASUrance proc�eds may be applied � <br /> ., ',` � by�,eada,at iu option,eit��(a)to th�ftdnction of the indebtedness undar the Note and this Sxudty Imtrumeat,ftrst to <br /> ang de!3nqueet amouats a�pT�'tn thc as�Er in Paragr&ph 3,and thrn to Drepaymant of principal,or(b)to the rcstoration <br /> a�,tep�ir of the d�ma�ed pya�ts�y:A�sy.2cpplication of the procads to the principuS�all nat extend or postpone the due date __ <br />"` of tI�montbty g�x�ents u+",ra�,�e'refzsc{cd to in Paragraph 2,or change the amauat of such payments.Any ezcess inswance �� <br /> _.-`'''' proeee�s aser a.�amount.rcquircd to�o�atl outstandiog indebtedncss under the Note and this Secndty lnstrument shall be E <br /> ,,,;,,�: � <br /> � ,. yaid to thee�ki�3"1e�ally entitled thereto:�•. _ <br /> `� V �an tr��.r.�E`uf forects�sure of this Savrity Instrumemt or other transfer af tltle to the Property that extingnlshes�1�e `"` <br />`_.,_-, <br />-:;:`�� ind�ttt+�cies�„a;}jig�t,t�t�and interdt of Borrowe�°i.�and to insucance policies in force shall pass to ihe purchaset. �: <br /> • s�pr�ert���lyi�ate�a�ce u!I�e propeRg.�.ea�e�oWs.Borrower shail not commit waste or destroy,dam�,� � � <br /> i <br /> substantiaUy cisa�fge the Propeny ot aRcr�c�e�Propeciy io deteriorate,reasonabfe wear and teac r€�cepted.Leader may in� � <br /> - the ptopetly i!the property ia vacant a��doned ar the loan is ia defaWf. Leade�may ta�e ceasonabie action to pr� <br /> aced•preserve such vacant e��P�don�d�ro�erty. ig zais Sccurity lnstrnment is c�a teasehuid,Borrower shalt camA1Y with <br /> th�provisions of the lease.If:{�c,►nower a�cquires fee title to the Propeny,the teaseta;.Yd and fec title shall na�tie merged unkss : <br /> ' Lender aar�es to ttx mersa i�:wrltin� " . <br />" � f.C�ae�es to son+ow�eE iM pe+oi�cdo�ot Lerder's Ri�fta i�tre ProOertY.Bonower shall paY�11 govemmentat ur muei�u <br /> chu:a,finc�and impositians that ace not included in PatagraDh 2.Borrower shall pay these obligations on time directry�do <br /> the eatity which is owed tho payment..lf faiture to pay would advetsely aifect Lendcr's lnterest in the Properiy.apon L`cnder s <br /> requesi Borcower shill promptly Pumish to Lender«ce9pts evidencing thesc payments. <br /> " lt Horrowcr fails to make thae payments or the payments required by Paragraph 2.or fa➢ls to perfurm any other covenanu� <br /> and ograments contilned in this 5ecudty Instrutneee,or there is a 1ega1 proceeding thr�t may signifi�antly affeet Lender's rigbts� � . <br /> _ - in the�PropMy(�neh aa a praceed�n�ie Wnkruptcy.tor candemnatioa ar to enforce laws or regulailons),then Lender may <br /> -- �_� do aad Aay wh�tever is necess�ry to protect the value of the Property and Lcnder's rights in the Propeny,including payment <br /> � ' of�taxe�.h�zatd i�uurance and other items mentioned 1n Paragraph Z. <br /> • � My unounts disbursed by Lender under this Paragraph shall become an additioaai debt of Borrawer and be secured <br /> . , _ by tpis Securtty Instrameat.These unounts shall bear intertst fram thr date of dis6ursement,at the Nae rate,and at thr <br /> optioe o!t,ender,shtU be immediatdY due and tiaya6le. <br /> � T: 7.C�ie��l�.The�toceeds of�ny awud ot claim Por damages,d�rect or connertion with any . <br /> _--9- � <br /> - - �� - - canQemn�tion or otLer taicins of�ay'pui 6P fhe Pro�efty,ar ror cartveyaace irt ptzce of cvndemna�un:�re i�ereb�assigne� <br /> aud sh�ll be paid ta I.endec to theextent ot the fuU amvuat of the indab�cdeess that remains unpald�indcr the Note and this <br /> � � 5ecurity Instrument.Lender at�ll appty such proceeds to the rrduciion of the indebtedness under the Note aad this Security , <br /> . � .. _ ._lnslrument,.Cu�st ta any delinquent uaounts applied in the arder provided in Paragraph 3:and then tu prepayment of prindpal. <br /> , Pa�rluJ� <br /> .}. <br /> Y. <br />