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�r . .. � , ', n. - . :,12!v t� . _l.d�.....w.r:ryap.•.y�iY.u._�I�y�+-II ._'- _ _ <br /> - . . - ., / . . __ <br /> � g3�� ��► . :,:.: � <br /> �iod�ilrt LMdr wNYr�. '1�Mww�a anY�r�w1M1r�M i�wt�.�MM M craw b�►�a�ewrr r Lb�rl�. , <br /> � �ppc�!yul wYer 11W aat 6t�wra�W�r r+liWi. If��ewwt lMiM,�n.s1l�tNi ov�d�*� .,�"ti��i y ; .. . <br /> Lwlrrl aplow„a11�b b proM�+t LMldlrlt d�M Y1 rM 1'�ap�h�#a:AKlOard�c» /�np� <br /> _ —----� - - .-wrirw�wa �ii��.o L�[■t�i��!��a��!!��_t�!�*'—_._._:_ -_ <br /> i�l!bwa oMe ri�t�bid dw poiici�s rd wanr�ir. Bl.�+r raq�dto�.#��P�Pq!PA������� � - <br /> d p�w pe.�Mr�nt w,a�w�l aada�. In d�e n�e�t,o[w���nt�tl,�iv+p�awp�t�o+w r.i�wi.�o.anir r . <br /> Lt+�dar.I.erier�a�r Mb pcoal'at IaN If�ot�p�pdy by ikwtrriwer. . <br /> il�l�[.a�da a�d 6arower aU�nviM�y�w ia w�rbia�,lawn�+e �Y�U 6e�pptied�o n�io�atiow or eep�at <br /> � i[IY� roNOrrioa a�epiit�i��oa�oadc�lly �ia�d Ladx��eawity is Aol M�Md. It,�1p� <br /> a n b Aat eoaion�lly k�ilila ar,Laadtrt�ec�rig►wa�ltf�be k�d�me i�wu�oe poa�d��ibe . <br /> �pplied oQ�le wns�enwd b�r tbi+Se�wi�Y 1n�onananb whe�l�ar or ant•1bpn�due.�vith�}t e�r p�W eo��� 1� <br /> Bonvwar �6nAo� da Pro�ety.or does ac�t��Mer wilbia 30 d�rys�.uMit�+.trom Laeder dat tlie inwwnp�ea�at I� <br /> afrered p�aie�cWm.t6en Lendet�Y ao[ieol d�0 i�wr�aa0 p[ac�eedf:.Le�ldbr aa0'we da P�viceeda lo�qp�a`ealme <br /> ihe�oparty ar a pay auw�ear+�d by dds S�+c.wity Jasaun�et.wl�r ar,a�a1�ha daa 7Ue 30d.y period wiq b�b,wlm <br /> dn�odoe i��i aen. <br /> [1rbs�i.�dar rd Bo�e�u�er atUpMrbm�poe in �ritia�.�ay iaa�ot proceed�a ptiacip�l�h�U oot e�land a <br /> pa�paae�e due da�e af tbe moa�hly p�ympntt rafamed la ia p�i�ad,II a cb�n�e da aitia�ot d d�e p U <br /> w�der prynp6 21 t6e yi��equind by•Leed�+r,Honr►r►�er!�dgt�t�tc��apy i�ura�oe policies and P�tia{ <br /> fiom�e w tAe Propqty�ptior b tbe aoqtEisWaa�II p�s ta Leader la,tba extati of qa suma�o�wod by tld�Secmity <br /> lnmuana�t i�nmedi�ely to the�oquisidon.. <br /> �. Ooa�c�+ l�atiM. lN�IAC�e aMd�proteNlpo��o��iiM i 6M�nweril IwM �i <br /> �he��n u�P a�so�ty r��uu�no�w.�th�i c��tia�e��pr the�pr�.ny�w����n►�� <br /> aa Banawer� �aide�tce�ar at <br /> _ fe�t .�ac year aHer �he d�e af,o►cu{t#ncy. unless Lmd�r od�pn�se �oes in wiitiaY, w�ich oo�ueut chpll aot be <br /> _ -- -- - �auasaaably wjd�held�or un{cs�oxta�u�cidB oi�awawnaes czi�t w�hicb�ro bryaad Honuwarti ooatr�l. Bam�wrar�aat <br /> ��Y,�+SQ a�*��Y•�llaw d�a Pmpc�y m dq� commit w�ste oa the Proptzty Bamuwa e�Wl <br /> be in defauU if my fafeitwe�cdaa or p�+rxroediaA,wl�Ntu�r civ�l.or crbni�ul,is be�un that in l.,e�derl��ood f�th jud�nteot <br /> cauld rcwU in forfeitune of t6e P1vpe�ty�or.otbawi�ra m�ke�il�lly imp�ir tbe Ikn c�ea�od by thU Sec�ity Imtnnt�at ar <br /> L.e�dert security in�et�at. Bamwermty c+ae auah�a ded'AU11 aa�d minwte,as ptovided in p�ragnph 18.bY c�usin�tba action <br /> or proceeding w be disml:tod with a ndin ��ut l.e�det�gqod failh ddnminallon.Preclwla ferfeidu�e of tbo Bamw�ttt <br /> inte�in�Ae Property ar odkr n�e+tid�paalt�xnt�'of�thp llen cne�ood by d�i�Security laswma�t nr I.eoderl��iry <br /> intercsl. Bon+ower sd�ll dso be in default�iL.Btrtmv►r�. during the W�n applk�tian procest.gave m�oai�py falee a <br /> inaccunte infam�tion or atate�to Lender(ar,fallod io povWa L.ada wiitb any�ruterial infonnatjon)ln canectioa�vph <br /> Ihe loan evidenced by [he Naoe. includin@, 6w�nan limited w.rep�o�w conoa�n�ng BarowaS� upaacy af the � <br /> �'oP�+���P�ip+�)�sidence. If this Savriry Irnwment is an�kasdiold.Bar�owa slull canply with a�ll t6e p�wisio�s <br /> _ of tlie kase.if Bomower�cquires fee tide a the P�nperty.U�e Ieasd�oW u�d q�e fee dtie mW not meRe m�ias i.en3er apoa <br /> ;�.; w the merger in wri[ing. <br /> _- 7. protectbn of l,ender•s RI�6ta In 1Ye Propert9 If Bomower fails to perfam tho covenants ud ag�ts <br />-- contained in this Security Instruma��or the�is a legd proc�eeding dut may significantly at1'ect l.ender�ri� In Ide <br /> Roperry(such as a prooeeding in b�nkmptcy.Pmbate•fa caidemnatian or fafeitune or to enfoice laws a rcgu4tians).tl�en <br />— t.ender may do and p�y far whatever is naessary to protoct tha value of the Prope�ty and Lenderb right�in the Prope�ty. <br /> Lendar�actfons may include paying any sums cecurcd by a lien which has priority ova thle Serurity lnsdumea�appeuin8 <br /> in cou�,paying rcasawbk attomoys'fas and entering on Iho Roperty w make repaiB. Althou�h L.a�der may tW�e scHan <br /> - under Ipis puagraph 7,l.ender does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts dlsbutred by Lender under thia paragtaph 7 shall bocane additiona! debt of Bormwer socured by thic <br /> �� Securiry Instrumen� Unleas Bomower and I.ender agree to other tcrtns of payment.these amoun�s shall bear interest from�he <br />= date of dis6ursement at the Note rate and shell be payaMe.with inte�rst,up�n notice from Lendcr to Borrower�questing <br /> payment. <br />_= 8� Mortgwge lasurnace. If Lender requined mortgage insurance as a condition of malcing the!wn secured by this <br /> ,;� Securiry Iostrument. Borrower shall pay t4e prcmiums required to maintain the mortgage insuronce in effec�. It;for aqy <br /> . , nepson,the monguge insurunce coverage requiied by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bocr+ower shaU pay the <br /> �f+,'�,�'�� 4ubstsu�ially9equ alent�e rn t ogBorrowerofl�mo guge insuranc1e pr�e�ously inneffe�Vfrom'u��lteffrnate mortg ge <br /> � . ;�:;,,;•,;��� iu�urer appruvrJ by Lender. If substs+Miully equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to <br /> n d:.-,.. <br /> •�:=L�---��-• Lender each month a sum rqual to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrowee when the <br />"� �a::�:"_"',:�:-'�bt insurz�nce coveroge Inpsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,u�e and retuin these paymenu ac a loss reserve in lieu _ <br />' -' ��_��'^c of mongage insumnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of L.ender, if m�rtgage inswance <br /> _ '=�� coverage (in the arnount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by l.eoder again becomes <br /> - - „�%'�'��,�� availn6le smd is obtained.Borrower shAll pay the p�emiums requi�ed to maintuin mortgage insurunce in effect,or to provide u <br />'" � loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordanoe with any wrinen ugreement betwan Borrower <br /> ., ��.',� .;��' uid Lender or ApplicAble law. <br /> ' �*`�� - 9, Inspection. Lender or its agent may msike�+easonable entries upon and inspections of the Pmperty. Lender shall <br />.- -•�''".� give Borcower notice at the time of or priar to�n inspection s�ecifying rez+.�onable cause for the inspecuon. <br /> `'�:'.:�� ' ' l0. Condemnadon. The proceeds of any awnrd or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in cannection with any — <br /> +�'` i.�r;' <br /> ��r;:.ti•,h. . <br /> .•����� ;+�),:� . SMgk Family-•Fhnde M�e/FYeddk Moc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-•Unifmm Covenants 9l9D f�+axe d ojn�axesl <br /> •'���`:'1:.�;.::::i • Qat Wn BuM�e�Yas.lee.■ _ <br /> •r'. ����GS�I::i,••. Ta O�dIPfi1:I�YOD630�30.7 O PA)i H67G1•117t <br /> '.+r ''7C.-,,+«�_�'.�... <br /> ��'a;.:z:ti:.:�,.. <br /> r7: {r..�.f., p . �!Y.: ::�!1- \t�Yr r -.i.� � . . --i-.. ;r: �` <br /> �� ,� ,. - ra- � . ,. .�m4i�����.�i�r , � ;t�..:., ' . 4 <br /> � . . ` i <br /> � f{���� 1 , Ns, . . �i,.,. „ •t � `�;�,.. _ _. .,. • - <br /> i,,,� , , . <br /> ..... . � <br /> . <br /> ,. <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . . <br /> +h'. �ir• ;:'}� !. • ' ,i��1t�� `�r�', . ; <br /> '. � l,�.��i.,t � __ • .. _ ,tSt�.se-r��3�'' •'i•,.�'..��.f�.'.�k.__ <br /> - - - -- - - -- <br /> i ' <br /> - ---- ---- ,_, _ <br /> _ _ .."_�__ u-}l.T' �l' <br /> •� <br /> .�Y S . <br />.. 6 1)(.. . _'___—_ — ___.._. ___.__._ '_._'__ __._'__ .. r." —_ . ---___ __ . .- _. .._.. .,.�.� _ .__ .. _. ___� __ . -. <br /> A•1 <br />�•� . '1'.r�j`�'��.! t,U^ . .. ., �� .. .� . .' , .1 . ,. ' ' ' . <br /> i:AY'1 !: ,�� <br /> �t.i.�y� V t <br /> '.��.� J I .,��, •�� <br /> _ �" �' a±��+',v��^!n'• . ':, ' :• ;f , ' • ' ' . <br /> —�S�iyl�'yk;`�'".,� ,. . . . ;c'rlr.� . , i • , ' . . <br /> ., r-�r�:�.. �'' <br /> <-, <br /> --- -� ;.,_ -r-:-_—. -- — <br /> -_-�[taEdii.�fi�.�cik� ` ' , - � . ._._ . . . . --- - -- ��:, � _ . <br /> r_� .��. � '�,r�}r . , v , .. .. . -. ��.�. . �,, <br /> — �,:,.',rr�,raf": �. .. . .� ` �: .' ' ' , ': <br /> , _ ��5:'�' � i..: ,;� �s�.. ' ti .�t ' `l��:i'• . . � , �� . <br /> e� f�rit� �ts :. ., it�. . �f' :J t • •�rf' ' <br /> � , � ' , � .. .{ � , '_ . .. '.:'' <br /> � ^� �. <br /> -';:F++-r i a�i_ . <br /> - — -- '" ,�q� _ � -. 1 ',,a'.{:, � _.� •,.« ,,'+• <br /> ,.vifr�v.• ;F . ' . . . � __.. . _._ . .. _ . . .. . . ' . _ . _ � . . . _. <br /> . _ ' <br /> • ' J' ,, <br /> i. . . •• <br /> ` .yL .�..a+a1 •' �• ' _�kei9l..'�, • _ . .... .. _ _.--.-__. <br />