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—�----r�'E` . _...�_ -lt�_ ,:.... <br /> -_�z:.�� • -°.-- • : <br /> �3- i0�'1 . . <br /> ��aosn�me wm1 al�tM 6�p�o�vaaa�,�a�mca�r ereaee on the p.op«n►,Na.0 es.en�o�ti.�S.e�e�. <br /> �tl f�tl�wow ar Iwa1M�r�p�rt at IYa pna�perty. Ap�s rd additb�s�6�11�bo br covard by I�is!*aR1� . <br />_ ____--_:.�,__ IMYrmrt. Ail�die�areioirL it�ete�d q i�dns Secv�ry isaamw�t u tin"Fr�p.�t�" -- -..--. .. - <br /> -- - BORROWFR COVSNAM'S Ibu Barowpr ts I�w(ully�ci�ed af�e e�tnoe tfae0y oonveay'ed�nd A�c We ti�bi b�'�nf <br /> and oomey the A+nperty md d�at die Pyopaty i�unea�cuipbered.eucept for en��umbnncea of rxotd. Bonrower varroNs�ud <br /> wW ddad�Oer�IIY d�e dtle a d�e Propaty a�inst�II cl�inu�ad dansnd�.wbjed eo�ny a�cwab�ano�s d ro�+a�. <br /> TtIIS SB+L'iJR17'Y WS7�tUN�NT cambUtes tp�iform coverunta for ru�tional uee aM non-wdPan�oowwMta w1�Y <br /> liN1eA ariNlora bY�ui�ia�to c�onulwtc a uaifam�acnrity iost�rricnt oovain�ral propatr. <br /> UN�aOItM QOVENAM'S. Bormwer�nd l.eader covaiam�nd�gne a�follows: <br /> 1. hj�t o�N'Y�ci�l atl Irta+a�t;Pr'epil�t�ed I.att Cl��cs. Baaowa dWl p�anplY Py wlrou duo d�e <br /> pdncipal of and iatae�t on tNe de6t evldrnced by the Nole and an9 P��Y��d late ch�es duo w�der!ha IVale. <br /> �. ���q�71s�ts�d Liwra�Subject bapplipblo law or to a w�itten w�iva by L.ender�Barow►a�II py w . <br /> L,eader on the day mo�uhly paymeots�ne due under�he Note. until the Nota ls paW in full.a wm t"Ru�d�")fa: U)Y�Y <br /> ' wea ou�d a:sasrt�enu wUich may antaiu ptiaritY over thi�Savrity In�t as a Iko 00�he Ptopeny:(b)Y�Y �� <br /> pay�oents ar ground reuts an We Pt�upaty. if�ny;(c)Yarty hazud ur property in:urmoa prcmiwns:(d)ye�lY flood <br /> inauru�ce pemiwns. if�uy:(e)Y�Y�8�8e irourance pTemiums.if any: uW (4 �Y � P��bY Bartower w <br /> accorduia with t6cc provisioas of paragmph S. in lieu of tt�e payment of maige�e insuranae p�emlums. 'IUese <br /> — items ua cslled"F.siaow It�ns" lrnder may.�t wny time.collect and hold E'1u�Js in m amount�at to exceed Ibe aw�imwa <br /> amaunt a lender for a fedn�lly�etated mortgage laan may rcq�ire for Borrowcr�acrow axaunt w�da Ihe feda+�l Real <br /> F�t�te SeWement Procedu�s Acc of 1974 as amended fmm dme w ame.12 U.S.C.�2601 er s�Q.("R6SPA').�mles�anod�ar <br />_ ..--- Isw that applia to the Ru�da sets a les��moun� lf so,i.aider any tiroe.calixt and hotd Funds in�n�not w <br />-� exccr�d Ihe lesser amounl. Lender may estimetc thc amount of Ninds duc an 1he basis of cun�eot d�h and �+e�soo�Dle <br /> estimot�es of eapendiwr+e.c of future Escrow Itema or dhenvise[n�ecordsnoe with applicable Isiw. <br /> The Funds shall be hcid in an institution whose deposita w+e insurod by a federal agency,instruma�atity•ar eatitY <br /> (includjng L.ender.if I.ender is such an instltut�on)a in any Federal Home l.oan Ban�. I�kr stiall apply the Rmds to paY <br /> - -� the�ow Itamx. L.ender nwy not dwrge Bortower far hotding md applying tde Phnds. aaau�lly analyzing tfie� • <br /> - — aocount,or verifying the Fscrow Items. unless[.ender pays Borrower Interest on the F1��ds �nd applicable Is�w permits <br /> l.ender w rtwke such a charge. However.Lender may roqui�Borrower to pAy A one-time chuge for an independent rcnl <br /> eslate tax neporting service used by l.ender in co�u�ecdon wilh thfa loan.unless applicable law provides otherwist. Unless an <br /> -- agroement is made or applic:aMe law rcquircs intenest to be p�id,Lender shall not be requi�ed to pay Barruwer.aay interest a <br /> eamings on the Ii�nds. Bornower and Lander mey agree in writ�ng.lawever.ihat inte�est sball be puid ao ihe Ciwds. Lender <br /> __ shWl give to Borrower.wlthaut clwrge,an annual accounting Qf the Pw►ds.showing credits and debits to thc Wnds and the <br /> "'..�� purpose for which each debit to tha Fuads was made. The PUnds arc.pledged as addiitiional securiry for all sums securad by <br /> — this Socurity insirw��i. � <br />-- If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amaunts pem�ined to be hcld by applicable law, l.ender shall account to <br />. �? Bomuwer for the excess Funds in accotdance wilh Ihe tequirements af applicable law. If the wnount of 1he Amds held by <br /> - L.ender at any time is not su�cient ta pay Ihe Pscrow ltems when due.l.ender rney so not�fy Borrower in wridng, <br /> __- such case 8orrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessa�y to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> deticiency In no more than twelve momhly paymenla,at I.endesk sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tbis Security lnsdument,l.ender shall prompUy refund w Borrower any <br /> Punds Ixld by[.ender. If,under parugtaph 21,Lender shpll acquire or sell 1he Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisitia�or <br /> _ salle of the Property,shall apply any �nds held by Lender at the dme of acquisition or sale as a credit agaiast tUe sums <br /> - cecured by this Security Inswment. <br /> - �l• � 3. Applicatbo of Psymeots. Unless applicable law provides o�erwise,all payments received by Lender under <br /> ' paragrephs l and 2 shall be applied:first,to s�ny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable undcr — <br />`���" parayraph 2:third,to i�terest due;founh,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br />- 4. Cbwrges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all�aaes. assessments,charges.fines and impositions attributable w the <br /> property which may uttain priority over this Security[nsnument,and lenschold payments or�rcound rents,if siny. Borrower — <br />, shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in parugmph 2,or if not paid in thal mnnner,Bomnwer shall pay them on <br />� . tima di�ctly to Ihe person owed�ayment. Borrower shall pmrnptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to k paid under <br /> . this paragraph. !f Borrower makes these paymmts directly,Barower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> n �PaYments. <br /> "'''�'`'"; Bomower shnll promptly dischnrge uny lien which hns priority over this Security Inst�ument unless Bortower: (a)agrees <br /> �.,�..�M�.... <br /> �`''�'' � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manneracceplable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legu!proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the <br /> •�":r y enforcement of 1he lien;or(c)securcs from the holder of the lien an ngreement saiisfactory[o Lender subordineting the lien <br /> � � �•� to this Security Inswment. Ii'Lender detertnines that ony part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> ��a�.�}�:' ,'�..,�: over this Security Instrumenb[.ender mc�y give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the 1 ien or take <br />:��,,� ;�; �•� one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 dnys of thc giving of notice. <br />—_ ,; r^���.,` 5. Hazard or Property Ipsurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemerns now ezisting or hereufter erected on thc _ <br /> - �'''�' �`•• � Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the tern► "extended coveruge"und any other hazards,including _ <br /> �`�+�~���� floods or flooding, for which l.ender requires insurance. 7t�is insurance shall be maintuined in the amounts und far the ° <br /> .`- ��<. <br /> c•�_�-� ^r,�` Fb►m 3028 9190 I!'a�� '��nl�Xesl ." <br /> !` <br /> `C::L• = <br /> ,.i. - — <br />. +�:;.�+•;;;-`�3 <br />. 1�,•;,[,`�``'�.,'. <br /> '�. .•�~ " -�._ - __ _ _ -__ f <br /> ��` . �• : , . .. . . , �� --,i:-.... : .� .. . ...�. . - . . <br /> . ,?�};,. ,.- � , , � <br /> v��4,s;��:��F r �;•. , , .: �-�� , <br /> .•�. <br /> ��_ a ., , <br /> ..�ur=-�..-�=,�SE»liL.� .��j._ t.. ` — • =- � '!is_ �1 _'i.�__ .'t_ <br /> . <br /> _ �` -- - ---- - -_ _ — - -:-- . - — -- - : -—— - = -- <br /> ^� � ` , .. � ` . <br /> 1 r,.. , <br /> � <br /> ' 1 +, 43� tHiM ., L � �' . . 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