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�� <br /> _ __ =��,� ,: _ <br /> . <br /> =r= - � — - - <br /> �'�� -- . <br /> ...._. <br /> . <br /> - 5 ' <br /> . <br /> r. • • — <br /> .. - — - ------ � <br /> ___ . . ., � __ 93- <br /> K tM� opdoa ot Lendw, ii moctp�o iaroeanw o�wra�s (in the amow�t and tor thc pe�Ia���etr4r�qdnrf <br /> _ provided by�n i�a�Rppcoved by Iandu�pin b�o�mM avd4bb and i�oM�ind.Boimwar d�ill p�dr pras�tum� � <br /> erq+iirod to mdnt�in may�p iew�nnoe it►�[t�ot. oR to provide� law t�erw,uatil t!w e+e�iipane�pt.lbt� <br /> � ��b in�ooadr�a witb�wriee�n�p�t bee�n Boceow�r and IwodK or�ppliabie l�w. <br /> _ . 9.Yvpoatia.Laxkr or it��pot m�y m�b ta�so�6k�aixt�upna md itMpraiio�r o[tJ�Proprt�r.I�dK�b�ii . _ <br /> -._ __ --_ _ <br /> pw tro�aae n �sEae atpe� w a�iespsctjon�pecifyin,�ta�ws�ble cau�e ia t�e tn�peatiaa. <br /> 10.Condom�atio�.7fie� p r o o e e d�o�t any awn+d vc claim tor E�m�dlroct ot aonnectton�Ith <br /> m�r ca�demu�don or otber �t itK af�qy p�et ot d�e Prop�erty,ae for oonveg►aooe tn lleu oi aoed�mu�tia�,�t+e hetebp <br /> �isned u►d�11 be p�d to I.a►der. <br /> °�"�".'""'-�"' Ia the eva�t at �Got�l taldn�of the Propertq�tbe p�noeod� �bdl be�ppiied to tbe au�st�eoiu�ed by�is Saaur�ty <br /> InKrumeat,whdttbr or qot due�wtth�ny e�oe�s pdd co Barroeer.In the event oi�prtid afd�ot the Pe+operty in <br /> �hich the Iair m�ricet value oi tho Property Imnnedtaoely betoro the qtin�is eqwl w or�roata t1Nn the smount at tAe <br /> am��ecurod by th�s Seevrltq Insq�umont immedi��dy betoro tha hkta�.unlee Borm�rar aad Lendu othenvi�e�je+ee <br /> in�rr�Hn�the sums eeaured by tbis Security Lrwrnent�1u116e reduoed by the amount oi tbe p+nceeds mult3plied by <br /> tf►e falloNin�fr�odon:(a)the wtil amount oi tho eums aea�md immedi�tely before the WcinQ,divlded by(b)the tdr <br /> mutet wlue oi the Property lmmedi�tely before the takl�.Any b�lu�ce shell be�d to Borro�rer.In tha event oi a <br /> prtid Lkin�oi the Property in Mhich the fdr rnalcet vdue oi the Property imm aroly betoro the Wdn�is leer thatt <br /> she amount ot the eums eeeurod immediately beforo thn Wda�,unlee�s Borroxer md Lender athenvise a�+ee in Mr�dn� <br /> or unlaes spplipble I�w other�viee provldee, the prr�c�eed� sbaQ be applied to the suma.�ecurod by thit Seawity <br /> Initnnnent w�bether or not the sums�re tlbn due. <br /> lt tb Property ie abu�dpned by Horm�rer�or it,atter rwtioe by Lencbr to BotroMer that the oondamnor oNers w <br /> m�lce an a�rud or eettte p claim tor d�m��ee, Borrow+er l�ils to rospond w Lender Mitbin 30 days aiter the date the <br /> _��,��� aatioe L giva�,I.aider is�uthorized to collect and�pply the proceeds,�t ite option,either w rastontion or rop�ir ot the <br /> _ Proparty or to the suma�eured by thfe Socudty Instrument,whothcr or not then duo. <br /> _ Unlese Lpnder and Ilcmoxar other�viee apne in Mdttn�,�ny appliation ot pmceeds to principal aiWl not e:tend or <br /> poetpone the dua date ot the monthlY P+Yn'►enm reternd tu in pan�raPhs 1 and 2 or ehan�e the amount oi euch <br />� p�ymentr. <br />�'� it. Borrower Not Relared; Forbear�nee By I,ender�Not s W�iver. Extenaton of tho time tor poyment or <br /> madittcadon of amordz�tton of the sume eecured by this Seourity Inetrumant granted by Lendor to any a��or in <br /> _ 'intenet oi BorroWer eh�ll not operate w rolase the li�bifity of the otigitul Borrower or Borrower's succeseora in <br /> �' iateteat.[.ender ahall not be requioed w commence praceedin�a��ainet sny eucceasor in intereut or rofuse to e� <br /> ��' time for p�ymont or otherwiee modity amortiz�tton oi the euma exurod by thia Seaurity Instrument by raeon o[at�y <br />_- demmd made by the oriQinsl Aomower or Bocrower's succeseors in interoet.Any torbear�nce by Lander in eYOrcian� <br /> -_ ury aaht ar remedy eMtl not be a aaiver ot or preolude the exercIse of aay r�ght or romedy. <br />` ----:�:_� !2.Stee�tasorm�nnd Asai=as BouaQ;3aiat and Savcra!Liabifity;Ca-IIi�aart.'Thc wvenats�and a�me�ss <br /> , ot this Seauri Instrument ehall bind and benetit the w b to t <br /> � �Y succeseors md asei of I.endec md Borro er su he <br /> ..' prpvielone oi � � 3� <br /> � pus�raph 17.Borroaer's wverunts md sgreemants ehall be joint and sevanl.Any Borrower who eo�S�ns <br /> ''•'" ;R h'� • this Seaurity IRStturnent but does not ezacute the Note:(a)ie co�ignin�this Security Inewment only to mortp�e. <br /> ,,� <br /> : �t, � ;�'' Rrant and oonvey ttut Batrower's interest in the Property under the terma of this Savrity Instrumant; (b) is not <br /> _ '•1����'�''' personally obliQated W pay the sums secured by thls Security Inatrument;and (c) aQrees that Lender and any other <br /> ' ,;�,,+�,,•�,R, Borrower m�y aQrea w ertend,modity.iorbeu or m�ke�ny accommodatione w�th repcd w the terme af this Seaiuisy <br /> -� ' lt�steument or the Note without th�t Borrower'e consent. <br /> �Z:;� 13. Loan Ch�r�es.If the Iwn sxured by this Security Instrument ie aubject to�ba which sete manimum Iwn <br /> ,-...-� <br />- cb�r�es. u�d thst law is tinally intarproted eo th�t the inter�t or other loan ch�rges collectad or to be colleeted in <br />- �;;�, � connectlon with the lan eYCead the permitted limits. thon:(a)any auch loan charge ahell be reduced by tho amount <br /> � ��, neaeaeary to roduce the cturge to tha permittod limit;and (b) �ny sums alraidy collxtod trom Borrower whfch <br /> � eiceeded pe�mitted limite will be retunded to Borrower. Lander mey choose to mdce this retund by reducine the <br />�°� �°�. �"'" princ�p�i owed under the Note or by makln�a diroct payinent to Borrowor.If e refund roduces principal.the reduction � <br /> . .. ��'��'' �"' � s - will be troated as�parti�l prep4Yment without any prep�Y�nent charQe under the Noto. <br />: <��'�*� 14.Notices.My notioe to Borrower provided for in tAis Security Instrument stull be�iven by delivering it or by <br /> �'�r"� ' mai lin it b f irstc lise mai l un lese• l�ca b le law <br /> ;;;...};.��, �` 8 Y Pp� requiras use af mother method.The notive ahall lx directed to the <br /> •� , 4••�-- c Property Address or�ny other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice w I.ender ehail be�iven by <br />- _.:.;�1�.` ti�at clase mail to Lander's addross stated heroin or any other addrcsa Lander desigmtes by notice to Borrower. Any <br /> :� : • '�`;, ` notice provided for in this Seaurity tnetrument sh�ll be deemed to have been�iven to Borrower or Lender when�ivon <br /> .,::���.F'.�A �s provided in thie Pu+BhPh• a <br /> �;.. <br /> •`��'` � �. � 15.Ooveroin Law;Severabilit This Seturit Instrumentshdl be <br /> ,j�,<tiL. , � Y• Y governed by iederal law and the laa ot the - <br /> -;,; • .,,•;... . . jurisdiction in w1�Ich the Property is the event that�ny provision or olause oi this Seaurity Inetrument or the ` <br /> ' �'=�, a � Note contlicts aith a �cable law such conflict sh�ll not�ffxt other provisions ot thie Security Instrument or the Note <br /> ,�'`,;,: 1�k►*"�.•' '..'�"' '. PP�� ' _ <br /> b�•;�,�rt„: which can be�iven etfect without eho conflictin�provision.To thia end the pmvieions ot this Security Instrument�nd = <br /> '�`; :,?�•. tAe Note�re dealu+ed to be eeverable. _ <br /> . 'l�;'�dh�i�1. �_ . .o <br /> � .(�.�,: y;I;t_, , �: <br /> f�.. � <br />,`::�•a - -�.`�,^ � �-ORpU61�a+oe�oi ..M •.e e FKw �02i l/90 _ <br /> ''�Y*;`` , �nuu�c = <br />.. .7Y.:.i� ... _ j _ <br /> .. ,. ������4i`,�.11,- ,� �J• ��� f. FI. <br /> Y •t`.' _ �� � . ` . • - • � � .` .1. . . . • ''. <br /> . ': sfp' + ,.i� .r.r�w`'_�_^-t-,., ---c-- :•vjl�?�l�`F�M <br /> �� 'lu�•. �F q.. - ��i tt> . . ,. s , i. <br /> � `�. .: ��. '��;.�v;rj•r� , <br /> ��'� 'Y ��.:��5.'V�<. _1.;.�. , �'t,��� � :r� �,• . -,,.. .. . f- . , <br /> � . , <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ,i �{. � . . - .� . . - - . . <br /> . . . . . .. . ._ . � r- <br /> ..=0 71�e.i4._n-'- ., .' '. .,' - <br /> ... �•�� W--` - --- _ - <br /> __� =-_— --- -_—. -- . . - -- <br /> -- . ----- �- �� --- -- --r^--r---===—=--- —.-•---- --------- <br /> ti`' �. ..'_: . : . .. ' . .. „ . . . <br /> .'Y�.k'S1:F:aiL3•. . . - . <br /> ':1i° . T.. .., . - .. , ., , ' _ _ . <br /> ,L.S... . . 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