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,. �. -k <br /> _ _ <br /> _y . •� �. .. <br /> _ �-� .Y _ _- ._.. - .. . <br /> � . • � .�. ' __ -__ _ "_ _ .. __..__. . <br /> • <br /> -� ___ .'_. ._ ""_ ' ' �I ' .__ <br /> s .. _ - - r - �' - !ri <br /> �. _ _____.;;.,.,�,� , .. g�. �4 � . . <br /> . S.Hawi or Prop�rtY lsrrnra. Aorrowr�bdl IuMp t1r impcowm�p now airt�a�ar l�ewltK uroMd o� <br /> tb�pe+op�tty IaMUd apiait br by fit�,�bu��rdr included witAic tlis taer�•�acoM�dd aowtaP �nd�ny ot�r INawd� <br /> iaolndia�flood�ar�laodie�,tar�Nai�1.s��ty4ulew ia�wna.Thb io�xma�ivlt b en�int+�iad ie th�amounM <br /> �d ipr tl�s peiod�tb�t tw�dw�wqui,Y+r. TIW�a�neyatiw�elas p�i�naroe rb�sll be cho�at bjr Ha�rar- - <br /> ru�at b Iwod�t't�ppro�wl wNoh�Aa11 not b�uar�aatblr witAh�ld lt Na WI�tonn�iat�ta oov�+y�dNqtib�d . <br /> --�- - -- —---.__ __.. �Mw+,[�w�r,at[,�dn"aAedew,o1�id�►eo�vae�M t�p�+n1�oR l.rdlt'a ef�Yd Ia th���op�etft i�l�01f0(d�■0!.�1►. . - <br /> �7. <br />- -- -- - ----- � AIt iaw�nnoe policia aid r�►ab�II bs wo�pt�bie to l.�nd�and Yfull i�tude a �tand�rd martpr clsuro. <br /> l.adrr�hdl h�re ths t m 6ot�tM policta ad noe�►�I�.lt i�du uira. Boerowrr rball P�P'yY dv�to <br /> _}-�--� � Lend�er�It recdpts of�premtume and e�ene+vd ratia�.in the w�nt at lo�s,�oeroMer�ull dw pompc no�o�to tl�e <br /> ia�unnoeartier�ad I.a�et��p'��law it rat md�t�P'�Y bl���x. <br /> Ualas I.a�der wd Aoe�nwer other�ri�e atcee in�vrldns,Inuc�noe pvaedr�bdl b��pp�lied m ra�tocadm a�r <br /> - - ot the ptoperty doms�d,it the rartoratfon ar r+ep+ie is a0000mtpliy twtble�u�d I.ada�'�aaurlty is aot le�a�e4.I the -- <br /> � rostoradoa or rop�ir i�rot 000norotally�adble or i�ader'��ecurtty would b la�ened.the imwroe pooeedt du�ll be <br /> �pplted to the sums sxurad by thi�8eourlty l n�t r um�nt�M h e t h�e r or n o t t h e n d u s�M l t h�n y e�p i d t o B o r ro p e r.U <br /> Bocrownr ab�trdorr tha .ar daea not ans�rec withia 30 d�p�a nottos irom I.andes thst tl►e irnuaiw�e c�rrier h�e <br /> oHa+ed to�ettle�aldm.than may oolleat t1►e inausnce pe�oceed�.Lader m�y uee the peo�ceeds to repair or <br /> ro�ctore t1a Property or w pay eums�ecsu�ed bY thi�SeaurltY Intrumeat�whetl�er a�twt thm due.T 30�day period Ni11 <br /> be�ia Mhen the notioo is Qivea. <br /> Unteaa Lenda�and Homo�rec athenviae�Re+ee in Mdtiry�,sn�y�ppliation oi w prlacip�l�lull aot ettend or <br /> -,��� poe�tpon�the due d�te oi the manthl9 p�Ymeuts rotened to in phs 1�ad or ctun�e the amuunt oi thep�ymenb. <br /> ![unaerpara�nPh 21 tt►e PropertY�s ux�uirod bp I.ender� omnxar's d�1►t w my insursnce poltcles�nd procaed� <br />-_- resultia�tra�n dama�e w t1►e Property prlor w tho acqu3�itton alul!pe�to La�der to tl►e e=ta�t d ths an�s�eautad by <br />_ this 8eaurity 1�trumeat immedi�tel��tior to ihe saqtsicition. _- <br /> _ � 6,Occupsncy��+ervation.Mdntewnce�ad Protection ot the Froperty;Borroaer'a Loan Applicatian; __ <br />- � .,,�. .,�;� l.easebolda.Borroxer shail oocu�Y�e+tiblieh.and uee the Propaty ao Horro�er's principt sesidence within sirty d�ys <br /> '�=' ' dter the exeaution oi thie Secunty Instrurnent md ehall continue m ocaupY � �P�Y ae BorroMer e prindpd <br />-`� � resldenoe tor�t le�xt one yeu�atter the d�te of ocoup�ncy�ualaes Lender otheraiee��rea in wr�tin�.which aonser►t elull __ <br /> +�������' , .,a�� aot be unenssonably wtthheld�or unleea eztenustin�ciraumetances eiisc which ue beyond Bomowor'e control.BorroMer <br /> . ., � efi�ll not deetroy�dam��e or impair tho Proporty��IIoN the Property to deterior�te.or oornmit N�ste on the Property. <br /> "' �''``{ Borrow+er ah�11 be in default it�ny torfeiture sction or proveedin�wrhethC'clvil or criminst,is be�un that in Lander's <br /> � `�"�-'��.�'�k� or otherwiee mataridly impair the lirn croated by thie <br /> �:�.1....'�.,.,. .' " idth jud�ment vould rnsult in for[aituro oi the Propercy <br /> a,.�.� «:..:.,... ..�.. <br /> .;;- ?�' �' � ,;x e�cwlty]netrument or Leader'e exurlty intereet. Borrower rnty cure such a default �nd reiro� provided in <br /> _ ��'�����;j,�%:. . ��..� , to be diani�ed with a rolin that, in Lender's faith <br /> ,�";,�,'�;:s::�;'z�r.,.�� p�a�raph 18, by cauein the aation or proceodin� � �°Od <br /> de�m- �n�tion�prealudes�orteiture of the Bomowar`e intereat in the Property or other mrtarial impairment of the lien <br /> '• ��x#G�4K'rJ�4';�J�'-03 � <br /> ���" - -��.c•�• ,, _.:,:;;:.�,�� croated by ti�ia Seeuriiy Ira+eruincait o.l��der s security iates�t.Burrower ehel1 eleo be In �ste�dt�1 R�n+�wer,during <br />,.�:.�� , . ,::::,�•. <br />":;�.. ,'.-r ;��.�j^�:;:;,„;;Y the iwn application procesa. 8ave rt��terldly i�lse or inaccurate intorm�tton or statemente to Lender (or failed to <br /> ��`' '� �i�� � �iF provide Lender with any material intormstion)in conmction with the lwn evidenced by she Note.includin�.but not <br /> :I;,t�f._ .,•1;,;:,:�� , <br /> . •�,� .,�:� limited to� represent�tiane conoarnin�Borcowar a occupancy o!the Property�s a princ�pal residence.Tt this Security <br /> � `�',t�,it�'� ' ,y.�1'"�� Instrument ia on a lasehold,Borroaar ehall comply with all the provisions of the lease.It Sonoaer acquires iee title to <br /> . , �E;)`,;;:, <br /> �; . . . r�.�;_�•�: the PropertY,the leasehold and the tee dtle sZull not merge unless►der s$rees to the merQer in aritin�. _ <br /> -�' .. f,q. . _ .,u;,,..._�,;;: . ---- <br />-:;�}: •` ....:,;, 7.Ptoteetion ot Lender t Rie6t�in the Property.If Borrower tails w perform the oovenants and a�reements z_ <br />!��=�• � .�;,;,�' � �'�+;:�;;• contained in shis Securtty instrument,or thero is a legal proccedin�that may s�yuticantly aftect Lender's det►te in the ---- <br /> � ; ;;:°��:,,:; � . °� Property (such ae a procsedine in b�n�ruptcy, probato, tor condemnation or tortelturo or to entorce lawa or _:_ <br /> - � �"i� - rogulationa)�then Lender may do and p�y ior Whatever is nec�ry to protect the value oi the Property and Lender's --_ <br /> 'n ` ' riQhts in the Praperty.Lender's actions may i nclude p�ying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this �:�� <br /> .•;��'' � • � Seaurity Instrument,appearing in oourt,payinE reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Proparty to mdce tepaire. — <br />`�"�` ' '����`' Although Lender may take action und er this paregraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. _ <br /> .;r,, r .,�,.:'•r:; <br /> ! _ ,:_;¢�:.... Any amounta diabursed by Lender under this peraQraph 7 shell become additioiul dobt ot Borrower seoured by th�s __ <br /> ` � . Seaurlty Insirument.Unleas Botrower�nd Lander aQree to other teims of payment,these amounts shall bear interost �, <br /> - ; trom the dAte oi diebweement�t the Note ratc snd ahatl be payable.with intenst.upon notice�rom Lender to Borrower �• <br /> �. requestinB P�Ymcnt. �..- <br />= -- - - - - - �� 8.Mort�a�e Insurapce.It a.enda requicul mortgagc insurence as a condition of m�king the loan secured by thi� ��- <br /> `- ' � Security It�strument,Borrower ahsll pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insucance in e[tect.If,ior any __- <br /> ,,�`,. �.=i���� ` reason,the mortgage insurana cover��� requind by Lender l�psag or ceases to be in et[ect, Borcower shall pay the �,°; <br /> ..!::'.;'' • �. <br /> � - .-„��..,°;;; premiums requi:ed to obtain wvera�e subsUntially oquivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in etiect�at a cost � <br /> �s:is�,:. substantially equivalent to the voet to Borrower of the mortgage inaurance proviously in ef[ect, trom an alternate �_ <br />': �"� i »:.`�.. �:�••?,; . mottgage insuror approved by Lender. It substentislly equivdent mortgage insurana coverage is not available, , <br />';�;� •� '' Borrower sh�U pay to Lender e�ch month a sum oqual to one�aelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being �^' <br /> r paid by Borroaer ahen the insuranee coveraQe Ispsed or ce�sed to be in et[ect.Lender will accept, use and retain these f <br /> �F � • pnyments as a lass reserve in lieu ot mortga�e msurence. [.oss rcserve payments msy no lon�er be roquired, � <br /> %� � � <br /> -.� <br /> ' r �-6RWEl�a�os►o� r.�.�a e ��t�02�. !/!0 � . <br /> InNlds: <br /> ^ i � + . a <br /> � F .. <br /> z <br /> ' t . , <br /> - � � f --- . . . . -.-- -- -;�- -- - - - - . , .. . <br /> ,.. . .. �, <br /> , , . � ., . ... <br />.� ' . �11�', . <br />_-. ._' �_ ' �-, ._ ._ _ , . . . . .. . . . <br /> 1 . <br /> .4��. '+ . 1 . . <br /> � <br />' ,1� • <br /> k <br />: ��. .. , <br /> w <br />' f , . <br /> , ; ' J _ :`� � . . .. . .. <br /> �---� -. - { . . � � i <br /> ��:. i _ _ - --- - - - --� � _ <br />