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<br /> ' 1C tY .. _ Z�� . . _ -- - --- -- " i --' — .
<br /> ry xy�t.., t.. . - . • <. . . .
<br /> - - : _ � -- , " . _- � . - - � . - -.: , ���"'.�� iQ�3�'4. � �_
<br /> .� . .. �,�n►.t�.��o�am�aet�a:ate at�e�c,►��+�►va�a oc..�a:«�aa�.ed i�ii.
<br /> _ � �e��a(b)miary of a lyd�nrmt ed'�c�tMis Sec�tY Lutcra°'mr' '[5ae caa�Mia�s me 1blt:Bar+aaw+ec: ta).
<br /> prys Ireoder sR s�isu wbidE t�an wnuW be doe�eder dns Se�urity i�eot �d�e Nb�e�s if na aocsientiaa iMd�
<br /> oo�rn�(b}p�sry dei�uTt at a�t ollxtoovemots ar s�(c)P�Ys�����'°�0����� .
<br /> � �e�se�,iachid'e�.�ut not linoiled to�ta�anwDie at�neSR`fees;wd(d)Wres sac6 aesia�at Leadee nr�►re�o�61Y.: . .
<br /> � .eaaYieC t��mt 15t liea d d�is SecuritY Iasavmaet.��S d�ts in the Ptup�Y�nd Ba�ewai�abiip�an to pay�
<br /> - – _=---_ _-.- ..__, _ • 1L,.....r.r_ ehie Securitv
<br /> �s eear� Y6—i��ntT�'�- . _.._. - —--- -—
<br /> _ -:- ����r��ocx�fiaeb�sfult�siu fall�r a�ativa u if a�accelaation hd ooaure�d-.Na�yer.�lw.
<br /> . ti�ptlaieisrineshdEAOEaPP�Jattbecasea€accelaaaonuode�p�17. <.. .< . , . __ _
<br /> 1!.34t�E 1WIe:Cr�C eE Is�Senieer. Tbe Nota ar.a p�l�t in dKt iWita(��it d6s Se�u�itS►.
<br /> . In�oeac)maY be soW aoe or maie tim�ea witbout prior nodoya�t�a�Ba�mwerv. ,A,��s�i�mi►y.����su�itj��i.n a cb�n�in�tha atity.
<br /> (�MO'ND Y WE�LQ�S�VI����ft C0�0��y�l�{�YG�[t11E l.uc�161f!ac�.w�.J•I�IIi�1 ��10'
<br /> 111�y►bC pIE Of 1�0[�C Ch�t Of�C I�Oilt$pY1t�Ei tn[C1�fCd W i Si�C Of ihL'N01M:.�1TlEIE lS i C�lilEQ 0�1�IR iJO�I.SEtYiC�l.
<br /> �ars�nw�er.v�va aivaa w,ina�notice d me a�e in scca�d�ooe vrjth psrspa�i;1�4 a6o�a md�ppiio�it!l�w�,'Iba noti�x
<br /> witi et�e t6e aame aad addoess af tbc n�r IA�n Se�viaer asd tbe ad�rss w w)ntit�y�i�:s[�duld be m�de.'11�e nwioe w�l�
<br /> -----sit��raaycKba�i�oas���-�aw- ----=�<=`---�-��,.:,;...:. _ : . --
<br /> �R 8fsaetbs Si�bMOa. Ban�onrer ahW not cause a pe�mit the p�esepce.tis�.di�k sWn4ga.or ieiase of�y
<br /> Haudooc S�bwmca aa ar m d�e Ptupaty. Ba�roaer abaD nut do.oac alluW.�dyabt d�oo do.aniytbiil�:affeada8 die-
<br /> - Ptnpaty that is in viaiat�oa�f aaSr Fnvic�oomaual iaw. '1Le procading twa sao�sdU ia�applp�to tbF�.we.ar
<br /> stara6e aa tbe Aupaty of snatt e�t�Otities of Hazudo+�S Subsouices tiwt aoe�atafiB!reooBn�m 1�,�PP�tQ�nai.
<br /> zesideati�l tues aod wm�io�ie�of ti�e FtopatY• _ . c ...:,
<br /> tes i;ar ati��aa,
<br /> � : g��p�pc�g g;v�ri�eade;writte�natice af any tt►vestigation.cl�iai.dec�.i� ��
<br /> -`gava�l ot�t�g.��►�Pa�P�Y�votv�ng-d�Y►'bPatY aod�ny Hu�i�ldf�SpQstrto¢`�'..�.. ' .
<br /> �''l.rv of v►fiiich Banv�er•fi�acaal°�cnowtod�e- If Ho�mwar k�s.ot is p�fified bY +nY g'°"��ait�b�utliDuiy� .
<br /> �s .. Barm�wa
<br /> : aWhOaty,d�at auy��it aie ii�r:�iva of any Haz�udous Sab��S�'�'P�Y � L .
<br /> ahap pnomptly tate alt aeoGSS�cY�xl actions in acca�d�rwx with Envavnn�l.aw: : : =. .
<br /> As use�ia d�is pa��;.,"�tdous Substarces"ane those substanoes��tnidc a li�`�.bY
<br />__ ����iid�'as7e�'�'�dvepts�u ,�inaterials c��mg' asbestos����d�n�*adi�a���'��# � .
<br />- used in ttris puagraph Z�;'�E'a�'�vnmental La►w"means faderal iaws aod 1aw�ii�lbc�urisdi�titsiu:wheie#t�,f�#eetY is�Mcated
<br />- that telaie to health,s��ir�v�o�u�nt�P� ��• �,;�as fo�ows• ��"���'�/�-' t.`���>�
<br /> NUN=IJNIFORIISC�V�A3�!'�• l.eadetfurt6etcov��ct �''':;.,- . . - .
<br /> ' Zi. Aaekratloo:Res�s-.��:eader a�giv��otioe to B.orrower`Arla'to sccderntioa iblt�.8��'S
<br />- ' brescb of�J eurewt ot aQeei�ai i�tMis Seaurir!Lmtr�(bos aotp�or to acrekratio��tr.p�r�p�`f��
<br />- . uks spplie�bk law pruri3a i[�pt±►3�e?.Tre NMke�s j�aci�:`(i3 t6e iefanN:tb)tie actia�e+N�_�.���
<br /> :� " deWwat;(c)a dstG�C�S'tMs��+�iiYs fros.�edate tMe�afke ia aivea t0 Bonv�wer,6J wlit(tq�e���e
<br /> . .crred;a�d(d)tMst.�i�`�acrre ii�def�lt+,��betore 1Me date specY�edfis tbe�otke�ay cesptt;i�a areqelentio�d
<br />- '6�!f0tk!�iM�tYl��AC�BOr[O�►K 0�
<br /> ' ' tie a�secv�d b��s:�*,`��s�d swle d tYe PrapertY :
<br /> _ • � �IYe ri�e ta rti�st�0e�il�er�ce�ifi aad tl�e r�t to britg s rnurt actior.�o a+�sM tbe sa��esistaoe at s dehalt ar
<br /> — � sa�aLer aere�ue o4':#�erower tsr�eaersHoo ana s� I�tse aefaa[c�is ea carsa on�o�berore ue aate�ec�d iA
<br /> . tbe�oftc�Lender a�t Us opttoo maq require im�aediate psJa�t is taU of all sams secwed 69 tib Sewrlty I�ntn�t
<br /> `°•� witrout f�etMer dt�d asd may iavdce tbe panrer oi s�le siad fiey'atUec remed�s Qeneitted by s�6kY 2I,
<br /> LeMkr stidf be eaRiffed to coUect all espe�es iacumtd ia pursaing tbe remedies provideA in t�p�ra�sp -
<br /> ischidiw�,bat aot limited t0.reasonAble attocaeys'[ees asd casts ottftk evldence. .
<br /> � �iQ'{4t:�awer ot sak is iovdud,7lrustee sMaU record a notke ot default is eacA county in whkb su�y part:af�tUe
<br /> - '::';.;:,, p�ro�i�isiacned s4d shW auit copies otsueb notict ia t!e mueer pr�bed by spplicable b�w to Borr�re��ad ta
<br />:`(_• �., ,: .�. tbe at�a{pemoa�Prescei6ed by aPP�k�bk ta+v. A1ter t6e time reqnired by 9ppltcabk law.Trustee s�T1 sive ppblic
<br /> .-,:�: �� ' �otke d ask to tlK��rsoa+aad ie tre m�ne�pae�sccibed by spplk�bk Ix�v '[�usteq w�ltl�oat d�nmd o�Ba�rower.
<br /> -- abaM sseell the Propert�at poWic aactios to tb�r i�est bidder al the tia�e aad pb�ce aad ueder tie tenas des�ated i�
<br /> � ssk a�aa or say _
<br /> tbe eoNce d sak in a�e or morc p�coNs and in aa9 order 7Yusta determiew. 7lructee m�y postpo� _
<br /> - y�roel of the Property by pablie nseouncement s�t the ttme aed place ot any previorsly schedukd sak. l.ender ar its =
<br /> .A --- de��ee eq'prrciase tMe propeet�at aep sala -
<br />'�:y', Upoe reodpt d Wymeat af the peke 6W.7lrustee suall detiver to the purchaser 71rusta's deed coaveying Ue
<br /> � Pr+opert� TYe retjtaiu i�t6t'[1r�stce'�deed sha0 6e pri�os facie evidence ottl�e trutl�otthe stateau�ts�oade ttiueiR.
<br /> _` 'I�r�stee s1�a11 sppty A�e prooeeds ot the sak ie the tollo�rina oeder. (a)to all msts And espenses ot exercisia�11�e oower
<br /> _ _
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