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<br /> � �i,tT. . . ---- -- - — . . - - . . -_ . - -
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<br /> _- - -: ` ` ; - . . � � -. ��1Q3374� : - � � �
<br /> cyaa��deLa�n�tiaa,arc.�od��alita�of anr P�durc Rrope�cy.or[a oonvey�nce ir��iew.atcada�t+oe►are bn'ebS''�'�'�'�!�� • _
<br /> 7�M��R"i��f�l�,i: .., _ :. , .� ;`— . . .' . ti-,:.,i;'.: �:_ ;i-
<br /> jft�1110.4S►�E11�;4[t�tOt��i�ff�Of 1bQ�kO�lll�Ic�G�=Sbf�� oc�iCd tQ t�IC SYQl1 SEC{1/iOd�,t�l��:.�C!iYYf�$;..<._�
<br /> �.����"i'� �� : �.
<br /> In�tn�era;.wb�shts�o�na then dae.r�ridi any�exa�.c piid to�owu.= iR thc e�ra�t af•a prti�1 t�kina oi� r_:_.. , _ ..
<br /> wbich tbe fair�nl�"valucoFthe 1►ropeny i�nmediately 6cfa+e.tAe t�ku�B js�_�O°��r tlwt tha��t,�tstha��` ,
<br /> -- - _�----����th�kSeeucitQ.` ' l�efoi�th��.uelGCS Barn+rer�sd treodec atUawise�aa.i�i�xi��*' , ``. . �`
<br /> — - - -- --:- _. .. . _ .__ . . ,
<br /> —
<br /> ,..
<br /> d�a swns sccurcd.•dg:tttiy Scrutity.lnFaotnent sti�l�be v rcadTiy �f� .�?�`����—�---- -
<br /> fnctioai (a�ttic-tutiil��nwuntAfthC�secu+red-im�li�ei�beforcthet�tCiaB:divldedlry_ib�thefairmsdcee.w�l�-4i'�tUe. ' . ,�__,.�.,_
<br /> ' Ptap�st�imntcd�tely 6efucet tittt'.tt�{:in�: MY 6al�ace sh�i!6e p�id to �wer_ In the.s�re�t of a putisl Wc qt��he: .
<br /> p �d . �
<br /> Pmpect�r�in•w?rich;d�iAirtn�tRes�����'QP�nY.i�nedi�ely befa�e tLe taking.is L�s ttt�t the ann�t�a��at�ttis�:•`._...... ..,
<br /> . seru�ed immedi�a�K�,bcfu►a thQ�al;inB�unkss Bocia�er•atN L�ender ahe�wise ag�ee�e Mrritu�g or uaies4 apptit�itt tiiVa:?::�`:;`�;;:;;.,;
<br /> othoe�rira pi�od�das;.tUa piooeodu s,f�ti'be aPPlied w�be sum�seeuied b�[lus Secucity incuume�u v�hether or not 4he sunl��a..•.. "... . �
<br /> then due. ' . , , . :
<br /> If tlie Ptaperty:i�.atiiridoned by Bacmwer.ac Ii sdter notice by txader ta Bormwer tA�t t6e caademnot'affit�.w:�hi�•�."_� .� . :
<br /> --- — ---- art.avr�.or settla a cIrint,fa dam�ges.Sonuwu fuLq w respo�d to Lender�vithin 30 days after the data tife ltiatioet iti.�ivao.�:,..::: :,..;
<br /> Lcador�.i"s.auttiq�il'�od�ta colkct aad apply lhe poocad�.aE us option:eithicr to�tsooratiur ar Tepvir ot tfie t'topeitg,or;.a;�.,`•_::.= -' '
<br /> sd�ri9 seaiued�6y:thik SGCUrity I�n�t.whelher a me�l�en due. ,`
<br /> ' ' . �flt1�lS4,T:�N�i,itld'$OItaW�OttleFWise a¢tiC tR:vYiltiYlg..1tty 8pp�iC8ti0/t.o�pf�OCCedS tO pfttlClp�llS�li11ti110�'t7lte[1d O�
<br /> _ • �. po��a,e��ua a�a af�t�mo�y�arnenrs Rfecreo co in�S 1 and 2 a��n��e amoua�af�sui��p�•
<br /> 1L.Ynn+a�e�+ }�M��+ Ebrfieara�tt By i�ader Not a Wat�ra: Factrnswrt oi•tho timis=tot�piyment a�
<br /> ,:�;',, ",madttic"st�ni�.af aimuRlmpu►l,,af[po sumq socu�ed by this Secudty�esuuma�t 8�anoed bY Lenck�to aay sdocessar fi�interest
<br /> a�
<br /> � � of��oRVwei's6alUtlpt�ql�tp:tdi.lete�se:tl�e liability of tl�e acigina!Bormwec ar SorroNri:t�-sacc�swts in�in{tt�sli:l/� •
<br /> ;:.� s4sdl�ncA,be�uLed�ta.caijur�acg�1°€g.���Y��'in intenst or ieflt�itr.e�iund ame fs,�.pij'!�ld�iioc
<br /> «:�:.£.. • ;,,ri of demand m�rTa 1ficn�3
<br /> uttlaiwi ify�ii... �zpf�:u�'sfi�smss sdv�E►�this Secnriry Inswmertt by ceason ti►3► f!Y, �
<br /> ' _ ��:��• �ycmod �. : .
<br /> � � No�rnyirr'a B«m�vers soccessa3i�.� �.�'��bY��v►.exeocising any tight or rdiia3'y.•.st�Tti�l?e a ,::,.
<br /> ``�� _ waiyi�r Af or prochide the eaecristtiG��t��Y• ..;.'==�",.-` �
<br /> r-.- C 771e Covenanfs and'a�4ft� ' .
<br /> . ,.�<tZ�;S�oceaeo�s a�d A�aFBoirn�::foi�t a�d&vaat Lb6Nit�+ o�si�ers. `
<br /> , ��,<., t shal!bi�d a�id�'n the spccessas artd ass�gn.g of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pro«st�s iif
<br /> _ ;;:: •.5cc�u1l�:Ii1�, -
<br />-_ ..�.;>:;:_:;..`:.�il'I..Bt►miw�c�co�enants and agc�eemes�ts shal!6e`joint and several.My Sorrower wtw co-signs this 5ectst7ty
<br /> - '= ' �L�sonanettt bt+ttd�ee'r�ac.execute tde Note: (a)is co-signing thia Security Instrument oniy tu moRgage.grant smd coavey that ..
<br />: � '%.,r�:::•:`:�, Borrnwer�s intenbshia t6c PtopertY under d�e tcrms of this Securiry Insttumem; (b)i��r�ot personalty ohligated to p:ty the sums
<br />--- �;��'���< . ` saptrd by this 5oeur�iy tr�Wmen�aud(c)a8cees th�t Lender and any other Bormwer may agree to eateud.modif�.forbeac
<br />-- a m�C�any xconuiwdauons with regazd to the cenns af this Securicy Jnstrument or the lVote withavt tfiat Bortowcr's
<br /> _ ��:"'r!�'.: �. � ..
<br /> .f Y,l
<br /> -- -:,;.,.;�'•;, 13, La�Clysaes. (E the loan secured by tftis Security tnstcument ic subject to a I�w which sets maximum lau�
<br /> -- ';:i,:::.'•';..: e�,4,and that taw is finally intetperted so thuc d�e interest or other loan char�s copected or to be colGec�ed irt eonnectia►. . ,
<br /> ---�. - ::,; �•• with the ban excad the pertnitted limitc.theo: (�3ny such!c►an charge st�ll 6e reduced by t1�amonu�c�eoessarY to reduce
<br /> - —,."�;:;;::;:'�.< <tha qharge to the pem�tted limit:and(b}any sums a]ready collected itom Bor�owtF which ezceeded peii�iis�i limi�g will6e
<br /> refiutded to Sortawer. Leader may cTwose to make tl�is refund by reducing the princi{rat awect under thc t�i.���r by makitig a
<br />---- — -�;.;:;,.� diieci psgTix.mt co Bor�wer. If a�reduces p�cipat.tEg=seduction will 6e u�cated as a purtial Pnepayment withr�xs�y
<br /> ``•L ent cb �er the Note. ' . . , :��.;
<br /> �-, R'�P�Ym �, �
<br /> --= 14. Notices:�t#ay naice to Barrower pravz�cttfor in,st�.is 5ecurity.lasxrumcnt�ha[I i�e given by delivering it or by
<br />`�i, maiting it by first cfass mail untess applicabtc taw roc,',�ires use of naothcr metCzzod.'1'he natice slwtl be dinacied to the PtopeRy
<br />- Addt�ess or any other uQdress Borrowet desigtwtes by rtotice to Lender. Any notice to Leader�hull bc given by first ctass
<br /> "= • mail to Lendet:s address stated hercin or any other address Lendcr designAtes by notice to.Ham��er. Any notice provi�for
<br /> " in this Security Inswmcnt bhnll be deemed to have been given ta Bartower ar Lendcr.ai:�n.pven as provided in;tfiis
<br />_ -- . ; ;,.,:; .•r
<br /> �; . . paraBraPh• ,
<br />.-- 1S. Coveeaiag Lsw;Seveability. This+Security tnstrumeat shall be govemed by federaE ta;��'i�i',the taw af tiie _
<br /> i�� . . jurisdiciian in which the Propetty is located. ln Qr.e eY:ent thut s+n}r provision or clause oi this Security�asq.�t or the Narte -
<br /> '� con�lets with applicablo law.such canilict�hutl ni�affyct ather provisians of this Security Instrument oi:�a i�Iote which can _
<br />-'_n:.� be given effect without the conilicting pcovision. �d.thiv end the pravi�ions af this Security Insuument iu�d the:�.cxe:are _
<br /> -;:` declated to bo severable. :�;�, '� .� —
<br /> p_-�;;, ' li. Ra'eo�rer's Copy. Bo�rower tihall be gc;n.��,;�e confrnmed copy of thn N��te and af thi�5ecurity I�strumem.
<br /> -_= i ��, �}�p����property or a Benefia�rt:Lmtersst te�rower. If all�r any pnrt of�he Pro��or any in[erest in
<br /> -= it is soW or transferred(or if�+beneficiul inrerc�s�r�:.�Borrowe�i��ald or tranxfert+ed and Borrower i�:ramr a namral perwn)
<br />-- ' without l.ender's prior written consent,Lender msy:at itti option.rcquire immedis►to pAyment in full af utl sums secured by
<br />-=_- thi�Secudty lnstrumenG Howevrr.Ihi�aptioa sha11 bnt be exercised by Lcndcr ii exercise is prohibited by federallaw as oi _
<br />-�--- the date vf this Security Instrument. � � �
<br /> -- m if Lender exareises this oplion.t.cnifei'�ti.�7x.s�ve BorroHer naice��i accelerrtion. 7'ho notice+hall provide a periad of -
<br /> _- not less lhan 3bdays from the dato the notice�g_di:�ii'�ered nr mailed wit(tin which g�>rrna•er mu�t pay all sums secured by thi� .
<br /> Security lnstrumcnt. if Boaower failti to pay a.a�:�e sums prior to thc cxpiratiun ui't6is periexl.Lender may invokc any e.
<br /> - remedias pcm�itted by this Security Instrument without further nrnice��r demund on Borrower. �:
<br /> -, ,; ls. Bortnwee's Ri�ht to lieiestate. If Bormwer meet4 ccrWin conditions, Burroxcr shttll have thc righ�,.tit��nve �_
<br /> � enfoi�ement vf this Secudty ln�trument discaminuad.at:�n};t�me prior en the eurlicr of: t�15 dayc lur�uoh other�x.niid us
<br />.:�',�� SingkFamity..faeek�!•rn�c�iLie'�:�cL':�Y�pp�t1��7Kt��1H\'i•-t�nitmm(9wcnantc 9�'r9N�rpri��4�jApq;��� =:
<br /> . , � .. �
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