�'t �R - ..--�� -;��.'� ;�s} .; _ . , -
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<br /> - . _ - j.� . . _
<br /> +�? ,�'. _ ._ _ '.. . _- -
<br /> _ .
<br /> ,..
<br /> . �
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<br /> .:,��! �.,. . . — - - - - ' - -. •
<br /> .. ._ ; _ .. . . . . , .. . . . - s � .
<br /> .� . ' �, . " �.��,: ����7�
<br /> � ' , No/laQ Doilara� I�S��.9��•�0�• �� �ny. and a21� maliffcaeions� `�•
<br /> extensio�a �nd renexais. thereof ar thbreto snd any and aIl Euturi ,
<br /> ------ -._._..__..�tdttatt�es=�tt�=--�e+�d�ance���-�.sr�ottet_�r-�W�-4f. thete if more tban
<br /> _ - one) hereunder pvrsuaat �o one�ar more promi�aory n�tas -oz a��i�. —�."_---_._ _ �_
<br /> agreements (herein aalled •Ncte"Ii tb) the payment of qther aums
<br /> advance8 by Lender to pxatect the security af the Notet t+nd
<br /> (c) the performance of a21 covenants and agreements of Truetor
<br /> set forth herein.
<br />-_ -,- --
<br />._,-., - - _ ._ . . _ -
<br /> �•v��t --- - -: _-. ..... - -_- --.
<br />_ __ }�. . Pa ent of Indebtec�s�ess. Ail fnde�stedness_ seCUrect-
<br /> ,..,
<br /> ,.,: . ,
<br /> ,.
<br />^�: . _.
<br /> . hereby�_sh e pa w en; a�e. : .
<br />���Y�.'- . . . . . ., - . : '.. � _ __'__-_'. ' _ _ ' ' '; "'.'_ __ _ -- _
<br />,;-,�" , - ,2.- .�itl.e. Trustor is tfie owne� of the Fropert�r. has��Che -�:
<br />`_^,.'�
<br />.;;;«;�_ righ�.�r:�d.�:.a�ority to convey the Property and warrants t��t� �he
<br /> �_.y�Y lY��a::����a:��d he�etrg is a -.first.and "prior:liea on the Properiy aad __--
<br /> = w� tili;� �R�a�,�on::a.�. delivery of the Deed.of Trust does not vial�te
<br /> - . a� :c�sip.����°or a�Iier.:eb�.i3ation to _whi�t� �'rustor fs sub3ec�t:
<br /> ,�� � � � � :t..'!4' . .--•,:: ..' C%..: ", . ,:'�. '
<br /> . , �
<br /> �'�'�� " 3�;�:.,,'�zies, ��e��ze�a�:, To pay be�'o�:�delfnquency al�. :
<br /> ..��` �. 1 ' � .��,�#�,`���:��al ��.�e"..�..�e�ars••and all othe�.;��iarges against �e' -
<br /> = 4 ;:;: ��?����s�-4r:��i��a�te� �ev iedy - - . -� _ . . .. . . , :; - ��
<br /> .� �� � " `
<br /> t -
<br /> � ,,. �
<br /> �,� `�t;;�.� +�«. �rr.�t�'riae, To �e�p the P�cag��� •insured agains� �£a�� �.'; _
<br /> ,;• '_ . . . - �.ti.. -:�.... .
<br /> � ;��t"•�;���,;�a�rs�r s:-, n�luded�.�i�.b �t{?e term '�e�ctended coverage*.and,`, > . �j,,'Yk�.::
<br /> .. � � . :;>���-�;v��n�e�::hazards,as;�Le�tde��,�n�g:requi:re in amounts and witls.:e�m .. ,:, ��,� .�
<br /> � � . ��l:�:"acaeptab3e�.,:t.�'�ender, nam�ng,Lender as an addition� r�a¢aed,.:.. .� -
<br /> '..., i.uns?ai�..with loss�payable° t� the.L�n3er. . _ .._
<br /> ,.,.,� , . ' '. ' � � � �.'s,;�:r..:..
<br /> .,':17i ' ''� ' . . . r —_—=�
<br /> - ,'`.� '. 5. ��tiait�tenance Re airs and Co liance with Lawa. ' Trustor �_�W -.-
<br /> . - - shall keep the Property n good aond t on and repa r; s�►all ;� ,�`��'
<br /> �� ' promptly repair, or replace, any improvement which may be damaged -:-�,f-:. ,
<br /> _ :�:� or destroyed; shali not commit or parmit any waste �or deteriora- . .-
<br /> . tion of the Propertyt shall not remove, demolish or substantially - . -
<br /> � ' ` alter any of the improvements on the Propertys shall no! commit, ,
<br /> �� � suffer or permit any'act to be doae in or upon the Property in . . --
<br /> = violatfon of any law, ardinance or regulation; and shall promptly
<br /> �'.;,,,,.; discharge at Trustar's cost and exQense all lie»s, encumbrances
<br />� and char es levied, imposecl ar assessed against the P�operty or � ' ���. � � .�.
<br /> �. 9
<br /> , �;,; •` any pas� thereof. --- -
<br /> '�.�� � •,.•.�. �;'��Performance b Le�sder. Upon the occurrence of aaa���vent �
<br /> � I..
<br />• - ,•:my .Da�ault ereunder, or . any act is taken or legal proc��dzn.c�:" �. , , .,� ,
<br /> .`';,;;��ea��2�3. which ma�,eria�I��.aE£ects Lend�r's interest in;;tt�i�;�`'°;'� ::�:'. �' '�•°.:... �•�,..� . ' ;: ,
<br /> � . ��.l�cr�y?��Lender may in.��s ��wra d�saFet�vn. but withont ����.�+.��! ; , :,, G ,;
<br /> 7�h��n��.�ti� c10 so, and withia����,����e�.��v ��''r�i�nand upon T�usi�� �tte� , ; r �
<br /> . . � `, yri.thout; releasing Trustar �s`4�: .����,�a1�`L.z��.�t}ion. do any act tahi��: ..,;' �::�,.;F,.'..��,,��r,�E ��
<br /> .•,. `1 .t . ���Ll��;
<br />- "'Frustor has agreed but fai�s '�a�;±3�.c�.����,.rr�;� also do any .othex acC '. : ,,.{.. �.' : ;�-.;
<br /> � �.� - it deens�:��necessary to p�atect �'���"��+:uci�:�a- hereof. Tre�stQr ,.,,,, � •,
<br /> �,{=�%���. . � :;''��.��%: shall,•.tm�nediately upon;�J:ei�and th����csi�"ts;3� Lender, pay P.�� �.ender . � .' :; �,
<br /> � all co�� and expenses.+�:ncurced .3i��,�u�� ,�:xpended by Leiix�'�c' in :,.:° �.I,�;: �
<br /> ' connection with the exercise by� ���i��e�' o£ the foregoing `�ightsr'� ,: , _ . . .
<br /> togethe� with i�eterest thereor� �i�' the default rate nrovide8 irr,��,:;'.': �� ';��, �- ; ;
<br /> ,�: °_y�:., ,, � � the Hoter which shaii be added to the fndebtedness secured �� ' !`'�:�.�':`�
<br /> � ���'� hereby. Lender shall nat incur any liebility because of anytYting ��-�,. �.�;'� � � �
<br /> '���, � .��,`�' �� � ft may do ox omit tio do�hereunder. ' '�
<br /> ��.:_:�.o. : .
<br /> �� -����• � • 7. Hazar�ous rtateriais. Trustor sha11 kesp the Property in� � .
<br /> \�Mr�_�°�:1:.• �� . . .
<br />,'',, ' . ,�'uh._�:. `� compliance w th aIl a�p1. ca le laws, ordfnances and re�ulations ,
<br /> .:;,:�;;,;�, relating tv inclu�trial hyq iene csr enviranmental �fotectian .
<br /> f:.�,,::�: : ' (collectively re£erred to herein as "Envizonmental Lawa"). � , �
<br />� � Trustot shall keep_ i3�ie Preperry Eree from all substances c�eemed . � _ , .
<br /> � to be hazardous or toxic under any EnvironMOntal taws �,���`�': : -
<br /> _ ;' ,� '
<br /> ,' •� � Ecollectively referre+d �o herein as "Hazardous ifaterialg"). �.'�� �� .
<br /> ~ �`.";�.' ' � � Trus�or hereby warrants� and represents to ten8er that there are � I;
<br /> `= ' � no Hazardous t4aterials on or unc�er the Property. Trustor hereby
<br /> � Y'`� ° �� � aqrees ta indeMnffy an� hold ha�less Len3QS, its directors, � , ��`�,
<br /> .....;;,. .
<br /> � ������-� . .. .. ;, , r�f£icers, ert�ploy�es and agents, and any successors to Lender's , � � `���.�.•.. � '
<br /> ' -- =-'-
<br /> _ �..L. _.
<br /> ___ :'��-.--�_ _..._ , _ ..__. _. interes�, ��om �Kt� ��affist any and� aI� cl�aims. c#a*���as,-�osses _ - ;-��-_-_-=.
<br /> ' � .4.. � , . , _ .
<br /> . .�� ":�. _ . . _ z ' .
<br /> �'.�''j-' ^''
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