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<br /> . , . ! .IIC1tNOWLEDG5M6NT aF D�ED OF TRUST. ` , ` ` ,
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<br /> � � T�tSTt3R-RCA!? THIS 8£FORE SIGDiIHGs ; . - , ` , z
<br /> Trustor understands that the docus►ent th�+t Truator is abouti �,
<br /> to. execute is a Deed of Trust and not a martgage and- that the
<br /> pdwer of sale provided for in ehe Deed of 1'rust Provides substan-
<br /> tially different rights and obligations to Trustor than a mcrt-
<br /> � gage in the event of a def ault or breach.of obli.gatffia: iiader tY�e� .`
<br /> _=__ - ---- Deed of TrEt��,�-�����,-=but�.sio�_limitec7. tor �the=Lender's rfg�S
<br /> to t�a���,•�he Frogert�r s�Icf_.4�y+Lhe Trustee s��.t�aiat �e�r �,uc€fcfa3. ,
<br /> gx:ac:eed��.g:,..���or re�resen�s and warrattt� thatc th� a���?�.- . : . .�:: --.
<br /> - e�gement°was exe�te� b��r..�r��tor 8e€are�:t3ie exeacttiQ�x Qi��_�e;;l,d�ec� ,
<br /> _ a€ T���. '•�, � ` . . ;:,J,,.
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<br /> ;'� �•� � DEED OF TRUST
<br /> �'. ��..::;�:<:�:��:'.:<,�°�Tbis DE�;D OF TRUST is,iitai�e-�as of the �ist��ay of May• 1931
<br /> �°::`�IiY;;�as�3 :among� �kr.a Trustor. KOI�Ai.� L. ERPELDING..�nd MELINDA � ,
<br /> .s�,:-.�_:�p;�L�gD�G, Busband and Wife, w�bse mailinq address is �19 Via .
<br /> � �� Trivoli', Grand Island, Nebraslca 68803 (he.rein, "Trustox", . .
<br /> • whether one or more), the Trustee, JAEfES A.;SEI.TZER, A�torney at -
<br /> • �.- Law, whose mai�ling address is P.O. Hox 790; GranB Island, '
<br /> Nebraska 68802 {herein "Trustee), anci the Beneficiary, DOYLE L.
<br /> � `"��� �- WINFREY and VIOLET S. WINFREY, 8usband and Wife, as joint tenants _
<br />: . ; ��= • with rights of survivo�ship, whose mailing address is 822 �7est �
<br /> - Fifth Street, Grand island, tlebra�.aka 68801 iherein "Lender"1.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including°;�L�nder's extension of
<br />. :.�;,; . , ;�.pr�s��t identi£ied herein .ta�.RONALD L. ERPELL��NG and tdELINDA � , _
<br /> � - � - �...:�RPF.�3ING, Husband aaed L3ife.., therein "Borr.owe�", whetlher one dr�
<br /> �.' 3" ::�� � .:.�i�o�e:�� and the trust herein c�esated, the ree�i�st of�:wh�ich is
<br /> ���� ���'`� � ;' ,.�eseby acknqw,��dgeda T�iastar.hereby irrevocable gratt�s, trans- , �
<br /> . �� f � �£ers, conve�5,•and ass�:�a�s.'�.tca :'Txvstee. IN TR�.ST. WITH POWER OF .,�.
<br />:,;��,r�,,F; , ` ., $AL�, for �ie, bene�a,�`a�d se�u�ity of the Lender, un8er and sub- . :
<br />;r;�;;�1'�;:!, ' �`. jeC;a� .�o the��eims ����d:_:cSSnditions hereinaEter set forth, the real .
<br /> �����f�� -.. �;,'� i.�,';�.�� ', prc��e?�ty hav,ing the ���}3ress o� �117 Via Trivoli. Grand Island, ,
<br /> � -, . Nebraska G88�3, legally deS�ribed ae folloWas
<br /> � ,: ,� � �'
<br /> .;, , , . . .
<br /> ';��-kk�� �iy�. ';'�r �; ,,;�_. �.� ' Lot Se�rec�teen .�L��), B�QC� One:;���''G.x..�eaat,anental Gardens
<br /> �'i��'• ����� �. , � Subdivision �.i:ll��.��Ci�ty of Grafr.-y. .�s:,1a�a. Hall County,
<br /> ' � � � Nebraska, `� � : �
<br /> �,y .;,i.1��... , � ; ' � % , ;,;,;.:. , �.�.( ..
<br /> t 7s / r I,::, , ,�., . � 1"°'
<br /> �,• :,`.`': �' � together with all bu-ild.�n��si+ ��i�.grr�veiac�??�r�`:`�=i�tures, streeks,
<br /> - ;�i��'' '�'::;`'�±:;�.�";��,:;:,;'';;�� a�leys, passagewa�rs�'`�.�:�!=��.ii:'i;s,:,.ri���s;r'., Pri��t�•eges aad appuicite-
<br /> , : �. � , „�' nances located thes�p�:`���r��n anywi����.��ertaining the���o. �r��..the
<br /> �. �;:� � , n
<br />, ;;� �k�=,�" ' ` rer��s. issues and P�'�:i�ss :�{r.�versivrr.s���and remainc�ez'� .tli�4�qi��,r, an8
<br />,;,':`s:,:^ ,'�f:;` `..,;...
<br /> a:. ��; . such personaL property tih���..,�s: attactied to the imgrbv,f3�ine��:� ��t� as
<br /> �°L' �1-=���=�`� � • to constitute a fixtv.re, i�,�l:ucling, but na� limited ta,�ii�a�ing �
<br />,�I..,.�. ..'t '�t!tytR�.: . .
<br />'•�:�:� ._.•�; ''`�` and cool ing equipncene anc� �iu,�'ether with the homestead ar ma�t�al
<br />;: ;;?':;��`:4, � in�erests, if anyr whi.ch interests �r� hereby releas�d and
<br />;:�.':4�='',:�: ��._.. w�ived, al]. o� wh�ah. inciuding _replacements an� ad8itions
<br /> J�,.•�:;�;���„�;'•�'��' .
<br /> ' . �h�reto, i.s hereby declared �o be a part oE the real estate
<br /> � �� � ��.`=';��';�}.' seaure8 by �Ise l ien of �his Deer'1 aE Trus� and ai l af the farego-
<br /> . �:.:_.��-. ing being referred to herefn as Ghe "Pta��rty".
<br /> ,;., .
<br /> ,.. ,�,;.r;;,''1. .
<br /> - ` This Deed of Trust ahall secure ta) the payment of the prirr-
<br /> : ��'k;:"' cipal sum aad i�terest evidenced by a Deed v€ Trust Note date�
<br /> � __a�._� ._ - June �, 1991, having a nat�rfty c3ate of June l, 1998, in the
<br /> -- - >: .��.- . -- arigi�rial princip�� a�toi�nt af���rty�'aur �ocr�snc} tiine� 1i�s�d��� -as� . _.
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