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" --3 • . _ _ -„""- �. . . • ..r.x '�' <br /> i1l��� h _ ' Jd � . . . 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<br /> — (2)All obliqations sacured by iMa Trup De�d: <br /> _ _ _ (3)Junbr trust deWa,mortp�ge�,or ather Ibnhol0e�s; <br />-� (4)The remalnder.if the person IsyoNy entHled Iherato. <br /> 13.APPWNT�IBNT OR SUCCE880R TiiUBTEE.Ben�fiCigry may,from tlme to a wrlften Inatrumsnt�xeculed and acknowledqed by Ben�ficiary, <br /> = moil�d to Truetor and recorded M the cou�qor eounties In wh�h Ihe Properry ia locatad a�d by othwwlee complying wilh t1N provkbrn of tIN appUcabls <br />,= lows of ihe State o1 Nebreska aubstitute a cueee�eor a succesaors ro tIw Truetae named hera�n or adfnp haeunder. <br /> 1�.INSPECTIONB.Beneliciary.or its agents,representativea or employees,are euthorf:ed to enter at any reaaonabte time upon or lo any part of the <br /> prppKty for ths purpoae Of inapecting Ihe sam�end lor Ihe purpose o1 perfaminp any of IM acls it Is authorized W perlarm under tha torms of tM Trusl De�d. <br /> 18.OPTfGN 40 FORHCLOSURE.Upon the octurrence of any breach and upon ihe declaratlon of default hereunder,BeneHclory shdl have the opdon <br /> to foncbse tNS Trust Deed In the mpnner provided by law lor ihe(aeclosure ol malQaqed un real property. _ <br /> 18.FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARYOR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any lorebeara�ce by Benelfclery or Trustee In oxercising any rlght or remedy <br /> hsreunder,or otherwlae atiaded by epptfe�bte law, aholl not be a walver ot or preclude the exerelae ol any such rlght or remedy.Likewise,the wafver <br /> by BeneP�ciary or Trwtaa ol pny dafadt ot Trusta un <br /> dw thla T►ust <br /> Deed ehell not be deemed to be a walvar of any olher or cimllar defaults aubsequonliy <br /> - xcurtinp. <br /> — _= 17,BF.�IEFICIARY'9 POWERS.Wilhout aflecling u releasing the IlabiNry of the Truator or any other person Ilable fa th�peyment of any obllgedon <br /> - hereln mentioned.and wilhoul etfetting the Ilen a charge oi this Trust Deed upon any poribn of ihe Property.8eneflclary may,from time to Ume and <br /> � -- -- wlthaut nollte et the request ol one a mor�Truatas,(q release any peraon Ileble,pq eztend or renew the meturfty or aller any of the lerms of any such <br /> �r'�'••��";`'� oblip�tiona,pN)grant olher Indutgences, pr)release a reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any tkne at Beneflciery's optbn any pareel <br /> .��;w,. or aU of tha Property,(v)take a reteaae any other a additional securily for any obNgatbn he►eln mentioned,(vf)mako settlemente a other arrengemenlE <br />=��,�..�.�� with Trualor In relatlon ihereto.All Trutlora sha11 be JolMly end severally obl�yated end bound by the ectlons ot the Benellciary or any ane or more Truata <br />-��'"°'- as satad In Ihis paragraph. <br /> � .�'+.� _�� 16.ATTORNEY FEEB,C08TS AND EXPHN388. The BeneHelary ol this Truat Deed fs enlltled to Ihe PflYment of atlorney�8 f6i8,costs end aMpenaea <br /> , •'� �};°R:�s.k�;1� a4 provided In thla Truat Deed,excepl as dhenvlse pohibted by law. <br /> k i��^��:. � .,. <br /> ��,"'�.,'. 19.fiECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTHB.Upon wridon iequest o1 Beneliclery and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's tees,Trustee shall reconvey to <br /> `�� 't TruNa,or ihe pereon or persons IegaNy eNltled iherelo,wlthout warrenty,any porlion ot the PropeAy then held hereunde�.Recitale In such reaonveyence <br /> ~ ��'r��� of any matters or fects shell be concluslve praof o1 theYUthtulnese thereol.The grantee In eny reconveyance may be deecrlbW ae the parw�a persons <br /> }+ IsqaNy entitled lhereto". <br /> '��. 20.NOTIC88.Except fa notieea,demadls, requeels or other communicallona requlred under eppllCahle law to be given In anolher manner,whenever <br />_— 88nellClary.Trueta or Truatee gives or aerves any nqice(Including.without Ilmllatlon,notice of delault and notice of eale),demands,requesta a othe► <br />—� CommuMcauan with reapect to ihis Trust Deed,each euch notice,demand,requeet or dher communicalbn ehall be in wrNing and ehell be eMeclive only <br /> _ . .. .. . .- '---- '---.�..�.•'���c�....0 .....�a..e...wb1 nrklraicoaA lo ih6 eddfelS eS 66�(01th Bl tlk bEy�nrtlflg Of 1h18 <br /> If 1fM 881IIB 16 UBIIYBf�O O�I ptttiOnu�am��a:o�n �s�iw��w..�..o�.�.��....�..••.r-�•••r-r•-r_.-•--- - <br /> Trust Deed.Any porty mey et eny time Ghmge Ita addresa for such notices by delivering w maNing to the Wher party a(aesa�d,a notice of <br /> .�; <br /> � such chenye.Any notice hereunder ahell be deemed to heve been gwen to Trustor or Beneficlery.when glven In the monne�desipnated hetei�. <br />- 21.REOUEST FOR NOTICH.Trueta and Benellciary hereby request a copy of eny notice of de}ault,and e copy o}eny nolice of eale thereunder,be <br /> mrild to eaeh p�nuun wlw ir e pa�ly heroto al the rddreas for r,uch person set fo►th M th�+1�►at paragraph of thls Truet Dead. <br /> _—_—_ =- = 22.�iOVERNINQ LAW.Thls Trust Daed shall be pmrerned by the laws of the Stale al Nebraska. <br /> � ����'� 23,BUCCH880R8 AND ASSIONS.Thls Trust Deed, end all terms,conditlons and obllgetbna herem, apply to and Inure to the benetit of and bmds <br /> ''�'��"� all portlea hereto,thelr helrs,legateea,devlsees.peiwnal representetfves,eucceesae and asalpns.7he term Beneflclary"shall mean the owner end <br />`��'� hotdar ot the Nots,whether or not nemed as Benefklery hereln. <br />__i�1 <br /> -----=— <br /> —.._.. ,.;. _� <br /> ._�.��.,� , :v <br /> _ ,. <br /> _ . <br /> �"r�.��'z"_ _ _ - <br /> �wi'��Y�.'li"t�_, <br />