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. . <br /> . : .. . <br /> - -- "`-� -...,.. ...�... . .. . .. � ...r ... ,. • • ,. ,� .:----_- <br /> �.�..+�e.r,..yyp .. � -�--- _ .=_:--. - <br /> ..�. .�r���r.u,��_ . . <br /> '. 93��� ��'�l'1� _.y ' <br /> ;.; <br /> . :,, - <br /> _ - _ -.z� <br /> . ,�.�,►��►�,►�,��.,��►��,�,���: __ -: -_ <br /> �.r�wiarto�r�c+r�e.a+o�a+esT.rn,�.i,w�an�yr p.y wMn au.a�.ar�ap.�a«+a w+nnM o�w.ha�e�.an�...Memo.e e� <br /> IIM NoM��nd aM a1Mr drrOM�nd IN�M P��d�d In th�NaM.and IM pNidpM of arW NwrMt P�+�U Fup�n AdwnoR Mo�r�d b�t tl�is Tfwt OMd <br /> z.w�rY orm�e.r�a w awwq►..��o..«�a a 000a.�e wb.N.�er uu.�a.Maa�o u�.�rav�r����� ', <br /> hn a+.nphl a gant a�d�uw Pwv�Y���Y a aa and ciaar ol au a«u�na�ncwnbr�nea mx�pt asns na�r d noaa:ana Tn�a w1l <br /> wr►Ir+t�nd d�Mr!tlr tlW a 1M Rap�Ay�p�MMI NI cl�kn��nd d�nwwY. � <br /> s.�wce�wo co�u►MCa wrtH uws.rn,aor.h.�r«a a,.�rb�n wod np�.na na� a p�n�a <br /> �r�a d�a.ror.uo�a cn.�►oany.�,a n+.r oomvy wiu�an ao�o�M o�.�r Iw�H lhi�Tniq DMd M on�I�MMuiW.No knpovNnMM no� <br /> «h�r.r.rtK.ncow uvon u»Pravnr•�+x A.dund.►«nowa«a�n,o�an.a wnno�n un allor wrNan eom.nt a e«Mnct�r.tnweor�nw conwq wwi <br /> all laws�ordn�.nput�dons,oovwwits.conditlons�1 n�bidians�fNctlnp Ih�Prap�rty and oot commit�wM�r a p�rmit�ny aet b b�dar»in a <br /> upon th�Prap�rry in vloi�tlon of arry law�ordkurwy,npWation�cownun.oondlUon a nWktbn.Tnu�or shaN con�t�q a rNta�prompth aed M�pood <br /> wakmanllk�m�aaY imp�ov�n�on th�Prap�Ay whlch m�l D�d�n�d a dlqroy�d�nd P��wh�n du�.W aWms lor I�bor 0�►kl'm�d�rd nri�b <br /> hrnfNMd M�nla�nd la�uiy albratlans M�rwf. <br /> 4.1lIi11RAlICB.T�u�tor.d ib�xp�na.wtN mdm�in wlth Irwxon approwd W B�rielarY.lmur�na with r�ct b ths�mprov�na and P«w�w <br /> prap�b�ooMMWig th�P�apMY�����Y�.�M�O,tan�do�and allw P«ib�nd h�7tud�cownd 4y aundard uRand�d oo�vwap�MidonMnMM� <br /> i�an�moum�qwl to u IeASt on�hundrW p�ruM(10096)W tM lull nplaeenwnt valw th��of�nd Mawanc��Mst wcA a1Mr h�zarda�nd In woh <br /> �mounU�s Is eu�tomuNY Ce►rl�d bY awnMS luid opMabro of alMlar prapMtNs or us B�nsNdary may►equk�for its Wot�cttlon.Trudor wiN oomplp wNA <br /> aueh otMr rpuk�rt�enb eisBaieNcNry m�y hom dm�wtime roqw�t far tM probcdon bY Msurana ot th�intKSStt of tM rap�ctiv�PwtM�./1A M�wrana <br /> --� poqeta m�lnWned Puhuanl b Mb Truet Dsed sh�N nartw Troqor and BaMNclu�r as lnwred�aa thNr rssp�cdw IntKaa maY�OPM►.�R�� <br /> thMY b�no ew�allatlon W mOdi(icatfo�l withoul q Iqu 18 d1�ya p1bl w11G11n nod4Calbn b TnutM and 8�flciwll maY PraCwe aucA Nww�nOY kt�000rda'10� <br /> w11h tM pnvidan of puaphph 8 M►w}.7ru�ta�hall deliver ta B�rNl�lary tM�afpinal polkNt of hnunna and renewafs ihweol a n»mo capl�s W <br /> — --� wcA pol�iss and ronewWs lhenol.F�Hur�to(umbh wch Inwr�w by trusta.a r�wW a nquhad hwwndN'�hall,at th�option of Bw�NcUry� - <br /> oonWtuts a defwit. <br /> 6.TAXEB.ASSE8811I:N'iS AIO CHAiiGEB.Tnuta ehW pay aU tdces.essi�snunb and othw clwpN�Inchiding�wilhout INniqdon.llne�u+d I{npo�itfoir <br /> — �1Mbutab{o to the PrOparty and basehdd PaY�a a�^d rents,if eny,Wian th�sa�n�bscam d�linqueM,Trueta ahWl promptty fiirhlah to beMllairy <br /> all notipc ot pmounts due under ihls pWapraph,pnd U th��wnt Trusta►shdl m�k�paym�nt dkecthr,Trusta ehall pramptly fuml�h to B�neflcinry�w�ipa <br /> wWK�clrp wch paynlenis.Trunar N�ell pay all uxas uid au�sam�nts wMch may f�Iwisd upon BmsHciuy's intanst her�in a upon thl�T►uf�t pNd . <br />` — rNINOW r�►d ro�ny law that maY be enAatod ImP��WY�nt of th�wlwM a�ny p�rt th�not upon th�B�n�Nclary. <br /> g,AppIT10NAL LIFN9 ANp PROTf:CT10M OF BENFFICIARr'8 SECURITY.Trustor ihWl m�ks all paymente of intmeat and princippl and ptym�nq <br /> of�ny othsr chuyes,kea and expsnta conU�ated to b�pald to eny salstlnp or wbaqwnt NenhoWx or bmsflel�ry,under any exlqinp or wbMqwnt <br /> matpq�a truq q�ed befae the d�ts tMy an ANkiqwnt or In de(auM.�nd pramptly p�y�nd diaCh�rq�any and WI o1hN Il�n�,claim�or elwqts whbh <br />'°'' �Y I��e th�s�wrHy yreM�d h�rNn.lf Trusla falls ro mute�ny such p�yrn�nt a tW s ro pwfarm any of th��avsnanis ard syrwim(n itr coniaina6 <br /> ° In this Truit Da�d,or ihe Note►etercsd M h�reln,or In any prlor a subwqwnt tru�t dMd.or It uiy actlon or procaedinp is cammenced whioh mau►Wy <br /> � att�ata Beneticiry's Interest In ths Property,Includinp,but nW Ilmitad to,emin�nt domein procesdinps,procesdinps involviny�dac�d�nt,notics of�W <br /> t�r Trustae,notN�of dNauR by Truttev.mortgeqe tarecto�ws eclion,a If Truetor faHe to pay T►usta'�d�bte generaNy es thsy b�cortw diw.the�Be�wflclary, <br /> _ �t BerNflciary'�optlOn�nd wltMut notk�'e to or demand upon Trutbr and whhout rNsesinp Tnqta ham amrobliyetlon hereunder,may mek9 euCh eppsa►anCM, <br /> dlebw�s auch suma and tatcs such actlon as ie nec�ary b protect BensHclery'a intarest,lncludiny,but no1 Iknited to,dlabwwmaM of reasona6le atiorney'� <br /> •"� fwa,{►aymant,purohiue,conl�sl a compromlee of any mcumbrane�,charye a Ilen,entry upon the Property to mak�repaira,a decleralion of drfwM <br /> unde►thla Tnut Ueed.In ihe event thot Truata ehell fall to praeura inwrance or to pay taxet,asasatmente,or any other charyes a to moke any paymante <br />� to�ny existMg a eubsequanl Ilenholders or existlnp a eubaequent 6eneflclariea,8enelklary may procure euch Inaurance and make such p�ymont,but <br /> �hall nat be obllp�tad to do eo.Any emounts dleburaad by BeneBciery purwent W lhle Parapraph 8 aAall b�com�addldonW Inde4Udnea ot Tniria s�cured <br /> by thi�Trust DeW.3ueh�mounb shall be peyaWl upon notles hom Berwtialsry W Tnata rpuMting paymeM tMno1.and slwll Wu IM�rest hom th� <br /> -� date o}diebursement at tho ate payahle hom Ums lo tim�on auntendMp princlpal under lM Note unleaa payment of intere�t at sueh rate would b�canury <br /> — to appl�abl�I�w,i�wMch avrnt sueh amounte sheN bea►�ntxsst at tM highsat rat�permlwibla und�r applloable law.Nothinq contaln�d in thb Parapraph <br /> 8 thall rpuln B�nsficluy to ineur any sxp�n�e a taka any acNan Mraundar. <br /> 7.ASSIBNIAEI�IT OR RENTS.Benallclary iholl heve tha ripht,power and aulhOrity during the continuance of tlNe Trus!Deed to collect the rent6,Issuee <br /> and proNts of tlw Prap�rly and o}any personol propeAy locetad thenon with or without takiny poasessfon of the property eftacted hereby,and Truela � <br /> _ �, Mroby aWWute�y and uneonditlonelly asaigns all such rents,Iseuee end protita to Beneficfery.Benaflclary,howevsr,hereby wnsents to tha Truata'e <br /> ,.,t?;�;. � collectfan end rete�tion ot such rents,Ietisuea and profits as they eccrue and becomo paya6lo so long as Trustor is not,at auch time,in default w�th reepect <br /> ,�, to paym�nt of any indabtedneas aecured hereby,a in the pe�famence of any agreemenl hereunder.Upon any such default,Beneliclery may ot any tim�, <br /> �•«.,�w,',;3,. elthar In perion,by agent,or by a recelver to be eppointed by o court,wlthout nolice e�d wllhout regard lo the adequecy ot eny security lot the indeblW nesa <br /> • Mreby eecured,(a)enter upon and teke possesalon of the Properly or eny part Ihereof,end In Its own name sue for or othorwise colleot such renta,Isauea <br /> '� � end profite.Including Ihose past due end unpald,and appty the seme,lesa coate end expenaea ol operetion and cdlectbn.Including reasanabb attaney's <br />`�� ";��AY;4, tNS,upon any Indebtedneee secured hereby,and In auch ader as Benel�lary may determfne;(b)parform auch acts al repalr w prmactlon es may be <br /> � � • rncesaary or proper to conaerve tha value of the Properly:(c)lea�a the same a eny perl thereof 1or euch rantal,lerm,and upon auch co►xNtlone aa Ita <br />_ .� '«u: ,;': Judgment may dktate,a terminate or 6dJu6t Ih9 lerme end condillons of exletlnp(e98e8.UnlBSe Trusta and Benelicfary Ihereol epree otherwlia k�writlnp, <br /> •ti„��..�.,.... . . <br /> :r�.:�' � any epplloalbn of renb,laeues or profils to eny Indebtednea secured hereby ahell not�xtend a poatpone the due date of tha Inatallment peymente as <br /> •• rc,. � provlded In oald promissory note or change ths amount of auch Inatellmente.The entering upon and taklnp passesslon ot Ihe Property,tM coflectlon <br />, - ��'...�•.;. <br /> r�q' �w+�i=• �- of auch renls,leauea�nd prollts,and th�appl�aUOn th�reof es aloresald,shall not walve or cure any default or notice of default heraunder or Invalidae <br /> _<.t �. � any act done pwsuanl to such notice.Trustor also assigns to Benefbfary,aa}uAher aecuHty for ihe perfamance of Ihe obligetbns secured hareby,dl — <br /> •.�.�. .,, <br /> ��«�r�+��:...�s� �• Wepald rents and ell monlee whleh may have been or moy h�reafter be deposlted wfth sald Trualo►by any lessse of the Propehy,to secure the payment <br />-, �� r�':;.,.'_�•-.� '._�� of any rent ar damagea,or upon default In the performance ot a�y ol the provfelone hereot,Trustor egroes to dellver such renta end depoaNs to Benellclery. <br /> . Delivery of wrltten nouce o1 Beneflclery'e exercfse of the rlghte yranted I�er�fn,to a�y tenant occupyinp seid premisea ehall bs aufflclent to rpulre sald <br /> '" r ��� tanant to pay rent to the Bw�elklery untll funher notlee. <br /> n��F:r';,` ..' — <br />- .ib•..�`!id,`.,�..�. <br /> �c;�: ,1;!_,t;�;' 8.CONDHNNATION.If tltle to any parl d the Prope�ty ahell be laken In condemmatWn proceedlage,by rlght of ominent domaln or almller acuon.a <br /> ,�^7���'�sc:.'�� �holl be sdd under throat of condemnatlon,all awerds,damoges and proceeds an hereby aaelgned and ehall be peW to Bansliclary who shaM appy __ <br /> f '�`M�r������i� euc h awer de,d�mages and praceeds to the sum secured by this Trust Deed,wlth the excess.II any,pald to Trustor.II Trustor receives any notfce or e <br /> �''� }�'�' '��'� ather Intormetlon r dl euch aCtlona or roCeadi Truatar shell Ive rom t wrltlen notice thereof to BeneUcla Bene�kla shall bo <br /> ... �t. e9� �9 P �, 9 P P �Y• rY f_' <br /> "" �i!����� " Its optlon,lo eommona,appear In and pruseeule In Ms own namo eny euch ectlon a proceedl�ga end shell be endtled ro make any comp►omlee a setNement _ <br />,1,�,. �'�' -: <br /> Lr..,-�: <br />—J� � .,,:.,. ., In conn�ctlon wlth any auch actlon ar proceedlnpa. F• <br /> .,,., <br /> o RllTllfiE�DV�tiCE$.Uoon reauest of Truator,BB11611CIery et BBne1lClBryb op11011,prlor to reconveyance of the Property to Truetor.may m�ke <br /> �.� ���'�' luture advaneei to TNStor.Such}uture advences,wlth Intereet thereon,shell be secured by Ih18 Truat Deed when evldenced by promissory notes statYp ! <br /> '� Ihot sald nobe are aacured hereby;provlded that at no tlme ehaU the secured princlpal and luture advances,not IncludUp aums edvanced to protect � <br /> ' 1;Y ., 1_.<R'c,I`� th�wcurlry,azcaed nvo hundred percant(200%)of the orlqlnol princlpal amounta secured heraby. � <br />.. 'i fi � <br /> ;., � t• 10.pEYEDIEB NCT 6XCLUSIVE.Trostee and Benellclery,and eaeh of them,ehell be entlUed to enlorce payment end pe►tormenco of eny Indebtedneas <br /> -i •k;��;i��:. , a obtiyatlone eeowed hereby and to exarclse all rlghta end powera under Ihla Truet Oeed or under any other ayreement ezecute0 m connecuon herewi1h � <br /> --.�:s,: � a any law6 now or hereafta in lorce,notwllhntandlnq somY or all ol the auch Indebtedneas and obllgatlons aecured hereby may now or hereefter be :� <br /> : :��� • <br /> �i�ti��.° � othervrlee eacured,whsthor by mortyage,troat deed,pledge.Ilen,asslgnment or othervvlae.Nefther the acceplence of Ihle Truet Deed nor Its enforcement R� <br /> ����-- wheth�r by court ectlan w pursuant to the power OI eale or othsr powere hereln contalned,ahall pre�udlce or In any manner effect Truslee's or Benellciary's f <br /> ,.'���ii'�:.:' �..�e.a,:r.:�.� <br /> - --- rlpht M reallzo upon or onfac�any dher aecurlry now a hereafler held by Trustee or Beneflcfery,It being egreed thet Truslee and Benellciary,end each � <br /> '�FN �t;Y1y'• �1� <br /> _ .�,� —- <br /> i7�L� ��i Y-. <br /> :.i�. <br />��r�.l!�� �i.�`.�:� • . <br />��A�,� .. ... • � L i . • � <br /> .. � , . ��. -� <br /> . . <br /> . 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