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.. :+L'*'� — s"'_ .... _ <br /> ___-_______-- � 93-�o�s�s � <br /> �.a�a.��...a.��. �n»+�.w�•�p�wrw ua�.�wi�.a��y e«rowe�w�w�+ae�� <br />- --- -- -� �' :�erR!wl�[ch�all eel ba d�.aMMy W�hl�ld.�IG�arawr;te1M ua aw�inu�►.cova�s de�ibed abo�w.Iarfor�ty�st. ._.r- <br /> � L,�ndr:tiaptian�obtain,oa�vanje a paoa�Londarl►dg�tl�� !+.iA�pc�d�la wi�P�7. <br /> A►U hautrton poliala�md raiow�l��h�ll�bo�aoopN►bM 4R��d�Ilib�iude��andard mot�+ye clw�e. t.andar <br /> • �I!have the r1{ht a hold Iha palicisn�►d�anDw�1�..lA(.atKk+t roqqit�ss.8m'1'rnti��I P�PUY�ve w Lerider all ro�M� <br /> d pid prvemfumi�nd ienewd nalk�es..ln.lho avpit.of,lq�s.p�m!�1wA['�11A11E�{w P��M��a�be inwranca wr�er�nd <br /> l.�ndec L.ader m�y mtltQ proof of kna If nM.m�de plumplly by�&tmilvNO�,, <br /> Unlau Le,der aad Bamv,er abarwi�e�g�eo in writing,in�unq�a RtrK�eedR sh�ll bc qiplied co rostor�tion ar rep�ir ot <br /> � ��rty d�ed,if�he re:watioa or�r}�ir i�a e�oonamiaallp f�,ihlp aMt Lender's�ocurity i�not lapsened. U�hu <br /> ar i;nnt ecaxxnicailly feacibk at Lcnda�l�eaaurilyt�wpuld be ks�ened.�he iiuurar�co Pro''.�eeds rhdl b° <br /> �pplbd uor�ho wms �ecurod by thip Sexurlty 1nWumant,wha�har.or•nn1,11�en Gue. wi�h �ny eacess p�id to Borrower. If <br /> Barower �mdon�da Plroperty.or,daos uat.anRwer wl�bin 30 dpy� u.natice fram Lender d�ai�ho ins�awnce cariar da� <br /> oPfaned�lu �bule a claim.tlwn Le�xior mn�►colloct Iix+inw►rtu►aa pmcoodk.Lender may use 1he proceedR to repair ar resto�e <br /> t6e or w p�►y wmr�ecurod by thla Sacudty Inwiumenh whatheir ar�nc�t�tiron due. The 30�y period wUl ba�in wben � <br /> die not is given. <br /> Uple�s Lrnder�nd:�oit�owar ottrorwt�o agma Irl wdting,ony a}�liqali�n,of p�s to principal shul!not extand a <br /> poetpoee thP duo dAto of�tha monthlp ppy.mant�mfomed tn in Pamgmp1iA I,and 2 or change the a�aount of tha payrt�ente. If <br /> wcier p�ra�pph•21 tha propnty is�aquiied by Lendar,Bamowork ri8hl,to ony insurance policIec and proceade rcsu�dnB <br /> fran dnn#go w tt�e,Pmpe�ty p�ian tq tho ocqqf�itfan shwlP�wss�w Lcndcu ta the extent of the sums secw�od by Ihia Securi�Y <br /> lusuument immadiatply.pTior w tha Aaqqicitian.. <br /> f. Ooepp�ney�.Pt+an�vation. Maintiaapnae�aad�ProtacNan at the Prope ; Borro�er's I.oaa Applic�tbn: <br /> cN <br /> I.eauialda. Bomower shall�ablich,�and uaa tha Property a�►Bortowerk prina pul rcsidence wi�hin sixty deyc dter <br /> -- d�e�cutian of tbis Sci:urity Instrunu;nt�und shatl consintta tp occupY Uro P�nY o�B�r�°wer�s principa!residence for at <br /> le� on�r year after Ihe date of oocupanay,,unlass I.endar• athenvise ogrees in writ�ng, which consent �hall not be <br /> - unmsaiably withhald,or unless extenwUinB c��um�t�na�s exis�which a�e beyund Barowerk control. Borrower shall not <br /> destroY,damage or imEwir 1ho Property.ullaw tha Pra�erty to deteriorate,or commit waste an the Property. Bor'+'owor shall <br /> 6e in default if any fntfaiture actiw�or prnceedin�,,whother civil or c� begun�hat in Lender�s gaod faith judgment <br /> could asul� in fort'eilura of�tha Propen��or•otharvvire muteriuliy impuir the lian crcated by this Security Instrument or <br /> Lenderl�securiry intetest. Bamuawr m�1y cura such a default ond reins[a[e,�a provided in paragraph causing the action <br /> or proaeding to be dlsmissed with�a,nlling that,in l.ender�s good foith del�rnninwion,prccludes forfefture of the BamowcrS <br /> interes!in the Property or othor m�teri�1 lmrwirtnent of the lien created by this Security Instnunent w I..ender�a security <br /> interes� Nortowe� sh�ll also be in dcfuuit if Borrower. during �he loan applkntlon process. gave materially falRe or <br /> inaccurate infamatlo�.o�statemems tn Lender(or failed to pmvide L.ender with any meterial informWion)in connection with <br /> the loaa evidenced by the Note, i�cluding. but not limited to. represent�[ion�conceming Barowerh occupancy d'the <br /> Property as w principal residence. !f this Security Instrument is on u leasehold,Botrower shall comply with ull the provisioas <br /> - � of tUe kase. lf bomower acquircs iee tida to�h�Pr�openy.tha icasri�utd m�i tix tea titlo�lSa!!sai mer�e ualess�der�'� <br />= W tbe mesger in vv�ting. <br /> 7.' Protectlon of Lender's IaiROts in Ihe Property. If Borrowcr fails to perform Ute covenents and agreernents <br /> _ con�sined in �his Security Instrument,or ther+e is a legul p��nceeding thot rnny significantly affect Lender's r�ghtx in the <br /> -�� Property($uch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for rondemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regul�tions).Ihen _ <br />- Lender may do and pay for whatever is necesssuy ta protect the vnlue of the Praperty end Lender's rights in the Propeny. -- <br /> � Lenderk actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pr�ority over this Security Insdument.appearing <br /> ln cou�,poying rea5anable anomeys'iees nnd entering on the Property to make repair�. Although Lender may tnke sulfan <br /> under�dis pnrngr,�ph 7,I..ender dces not huve to do so. <br /> - Any umounts disbursed by Lender under�hi�purugraph 7 shull become udditional debt of Borrowar secured by this <br /> �_ Secariry Inr,tn�ment. Unless 8orrower and l.ender agree to othcr terms of payment,�hese nmounts shall bear interest from tho <br /> — date of disbursement at the Note rate and shull be puyable,wi�h intarest,upon notice from L.ender to Horrower requesting <br /> paymenG - <br /> 8. MoMgage I�umrtce. If l.ender reyuired mongu$e insurance u� u condition of making the loun secured by this <br /> Security Instrument,Borrawer ahall pay the premiums reyuired to muintain the modgage insur+uue in effect. If,for nny _ <br /> . ieason,the mor�gage insurance coverage required by Lc:nder lopses or ceaties to be in effect. Bornower shc+ll pay the <br />_ premiums required lo obtnin rnverage cubstanliAlly equivulent Io ihe mongugo insumnce previously in effect, at a cost �J__ <br /> � ' substamic�lly eyuivAlent to the cost to 8orrower of the mongage inxurLnce previously in effect,from t►n ultemate mortgage `_ <br /> �"�� intiurerapproved by Lender. If substamially eyuiv�lent mortgAge inxurunce coveroge is not avuilable,Borrawer shall pay to <br /> Lender esich month a sum equnl to one-twclith of the yenrly mortguge insurUnce premium being paid by Borrower when the _ <br /> insurance coverage lapsed ar ceased to be in effect. Lender will ac�ept,use nnd rc�uin these poyments as a losa rcserve in lieu <br />-;,,;, of moAgage insurnna. Loss reFerve payments muy no longcr be reyuired. ut the optian of l.ender, if mortgage insurance _ <br />._„ coverage (in the nmount and for the period that Lender reyuirex)pruvided by un inxunr upproved by Lender again becomes —. <br /> — _�-�:.��� availabk and is obtuined.Borrower shall puy the premiums required�o muint�in murtguge insurance in effact,ar to provide o = <br /> - loss reserve,until the requiremcnt for mortgnge intiuranre ends in accordunce with uny wriuen ugreement between Borrower <br /> — a r, andLender or applicable luw. ____ <br />' ' �;.,=��;r�'�' 9, lnspection. Lender or its agent muy mn�:e reu�onuble entric+upon unJ in.pectiom of the Property. Lender sh�ll _-- <br /> give Barawer notice al the time of or prior to un inspec�ion wpecifying rcusar►ble cuusc fnr�he inspection. �;__; <br /> � ' l0. Condemnpdon. The proceedh uf uny award ar cluim for dumugc�,dircct or conu�yuential,m connection with any �, <br /> � 't.. �_ <br /> ��,+7�^� 5ingle Famlty-•YYpnle M�e/FYeddk Mnc UNIf'ORM IM1ITRUMN NT••Uniform Ca�enan�r 9I90 l�gr.+of h pOAP�� �� <br /> ��'>r`�� Iiw1 latm S4Kw VR�r.loi� <br /> . ,r::� ��i.},i ��_��: <br /> � To qJ�Call:t�WP3�?9�f1 O PAIi�1F7941131 _ <br /> � <br /> �' <br /> �- .�;1 �y�{�Y, j'�/� . . l �F�f L A� �1f •. . .� (. '.��Yy . . . <br /> _ "°n�{7�]f6fel�i7ll+'�ht-.e�'lr__..1/J��' • . ,. - �' Y•, . . . _ .(i�f)Ii���/_i�� �- l. . . . . <br /> � <br />_� �. . <br /> ^ � <br /> _, � .�. ' • <br /> .�., . r i(,`rr�:d . - . . <br /> , <br /> ' ,y,��.. ' �y��+� <br /> . L� .���" t - '�•.w �,.. � ., � i.{-....__ -- ''t{�,'yM�+ai��\G��t. ,Il.- --~`-- <br /> ��n _i. ' . t r i. ' �. <br /> -- - <br /> .. ' _" _ _ _ _ _ � -_ _ " ___ _ <br /> - _':_—.____-. -,+�_' _______� _ __._._"_. .'-__ ._ "_ -_._- _ _ —__. -_—_ _.._ .. __ ."__ .__ _._.___. . - .'_. <br /> ��.- .+S�:SS,Nr�" -b d . . "_ _."_. .. . • <br /> ' " ."" <br />,:�� � �, �1� �. . ., . � -� � , , � . <br />- .`_ih?f.7:s''a�i, �. .. . . .. . <br /> � _ ' �57+'�,4.m-„�_ � .. _ __. _' __ ___ '"' ". ' _' '_- _ _�. ' - ._ ... _ ..__. _ _ _ _;_ __.' y. _ _ <br /> _ _ . -- _— __tt{ft-_wHT+►M7aY�i:`Y'' " ' ' " . . � •� <br /> -_--__-�. T.[G�.1'x�_ IA. J.a-Jl�:. . .. ' .. .' .r _ `1 " •� . .. � " - <br /> � ,�bS.f� , . . � <br /> ��:�-s�,M' ;:'.�:�'��'},� � � . . ' . , � .: . . . _ ,.. <br /> - - __'.�y 11-.M8i:.!iO.-:, . .. .., . . � .r - . . . , - .- ° <br /> � ' 't.b_. 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