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_____; _ <br /> .___ <br />___ _ �_.�: <br /> , . . • •,.�.�; _b� ,�. _ <br /> �93-�0�� <br /> 7+oo61'HBie wrfH su the w hae.tter erec�ed on d�e p�opaty..oa����ar�ent�, t� <br /> �d��f�t m+r or.���p�tt af d�e poprnl�► Aii�pi�en�nts�nd�.iii�kra�i�ii�W c�ver�b����f�!:, . . <br /> Wn��t.AQ dlbs tae�df�it ni'a�a io d�s�ani�iw�x�.+�nw�t rr�"�opa�y." � <br /> „ 80RtAWBR COVBNANT31h�t Bamwer i�law(Wly teiied of d�e at�te ha�eby canveyed�ad h�s tha rfgql�W, . <br /> aad coarey 1he and d�at the Prqperty i�uaaectnnbend.except far e�cwnbranvcs ot roccxd, Barowor.w�ttl��i''' <br /> wW deknd tena�l�Utle�o d�e Pro�a�ty�iwt all cWms ad dermad�.wbjaK ta,a►y encumbr+�neer oE.roonnl.! <br /> THiS SB+NRITY lNS7RUMBfV'P aombi�w udfana awaants tor mtfonRl u�a �nd na��unifam,oa+vaa�rvfi�h <br /> Wptttd v�riuiaas by jurisdicptaa to ca�adtate s unifo�nt eecmity imtrt+erK+r�aoverina ral prolx+r�►. <br /> ' UNiPORM C�DVBPiANT3. Bamower aid Lakier covaunt and a=roe a�fdbwa: <br /> 1. PM�wMSt d Prirtip�l a�i I�teeeM;P�,1�eat rwd Late CY��. Bo�mwar sh�ll P�P��Y i�Y�b�m,dua.dM <br /> �O��tld WdCSI OII ihC dCb OYIdE11COd by(IIO NOIO alld�IIY PrcN�Y��a1M)IRIA Ch�1�C9 d110 WUlllf di11 N4t0� <br /> Ihwi�tor'I�t+s a�d i�r�^a Subject toapp1icaWe laa or ro a writtan,w�ivor by Lendet:�a�rowor Rb�ll p�y•W, <br /> L�on�he d�Y��Y P�Y�aro due w�der We�Nace.until ihe Note ie p�id in fi�ll��aum("FuadA")for.(Wl 9�� <br /> taxes�i�uessmenn whid�rtuy�tqin prioriry over tbi�Security Inctrumemt�a lia�on t�a PmppttYt(b)yeu�y k�pld: <br /> pyments ar �round tenta an the Property. if my; (c) Yarly i�xu� incu�o p�emiuma: (d) Yo�r1Y.fEaad, <br /> irou,�oe pro�nin�ne. if any: (e) Yar1Y o►at�+�8e inwruKx praniumti if�ny: md(�any sums ppy+�ble by Bonrowac,w� <br /> ,�000rdatxx wlth the provi:ions of pan�aph Iieu oP tho pa�ynia►t of matg�ge inwmu�oe promium�.. Thtno: <br /> irana ue cdlod"Bscmw Tcems." I.aWer�ny time.coltat and hold fimds in an�mouot not to o�ceal tha mani�num„. �� <br /> smount�kader for a feda�lly rcl�ted morlgage lom msy require f4r Banower�acrow�ccaunt under.tha faAannl�1�� :, <br /> Fua�te Settkmait prooedu�ea Aat d 1974 as�mended from time w tima,l�U.S.C.�2601 et�e�Q.("RESPA")�Iuilac4 Anuthqr <br /> law tMt applies w the 1�sas a leaser anaun� If w.Lender an�•dma,cdlect and hMd Wnda in�n�mount�n�►t,m• <br /> exomd tt�e ksnr amou�, L,pder msy estimetc the amount of Wnds due on,th�basis of aunKn�d�tw and mA�la. <br /> adnWtes of expendipa�es of fuhue Bscrow ltems or othmvise in�ccadance witU�wpp�iu�blB Iaw. � <br /> 1� Ii�nds shell be heW ln sn inttltudon whc�se danoti[s u�e insu�ed by a-fRdd�al �gepFya in�pq�lity.Rt�'.qttlty <br /> (including Lender.if L,ender ia such�n instiwtion)or in�ny Federal Hame l,oan,Bank: Lrnder si�W aPP�S►tAs L�pde to.A�Y <br /> the Bscrow i`eau. Lender mny not clwrge Bonower for holdL�g and�plying tha Fl�nds, aimuaU�► �naly�in8 tha escrow <br /> aocount� or vdifyin8 the Fscrow Itans. unkss L.ender pays Bormwer mtenest on tita FLnda and�appliuqbls low pamita <br /> l,ender to make such a charge. However.L.ender rtu►y require Borrower to pwy a ona•time cha�ge for u�,indqptqlderm rc�l <br /> esitte ux repoNng�ce used by L�er�der in connecdaa with thiR loan.anless aPplioable I�w proviQas ot1le�Wl�a. Unlas an <br /> agroement b m�de or applicable law requins interest w be paid.Lender shall not he t+sqt�iled�to.ppy Bomow�or any L�est or <br /> eamings on the Ii�nda. Barower and[.ender may agroe in writing.however.that imarart,chNlUba ppid on�tha F1mds. .Lm�er <br /> slWl give w Homower.without annual accounting of the Fimds.shawing oradila aod�datllta w the Funds and the <br /> purpose fur which each debit w tha Funds w�s m�de. 7Ue Funda ore pladged�s wdditfun�l�se+cwily•tor all sums eecura!by <br /> d�Sxutiry Intqurnent. <br /> !f s!x F� !x!d by Lss�r e�zeed tl:e emo�mtF�+ermilt� tn t�e f�eld by aPplicable law,L,eader a6all�ccount to <br /> Bor�ower for the excess Ru�ds in nccordance wlth the coquirementa of applicablo la�v. IB the unount of the Rinds held by <br /> i,a�der at my tirtie is not sufFicient to pay thc Escrow Items when due,L.ender may so notify B�xrower in wridng, <br /> such case Borrower shaU pay to i.ender�he amount necessery to make up�he deficiency. Bortower shall m�ice up the <br /> deficiency in no more U�en twelve monthly{►ay�r+ents,at l.ender�s sole dis�tion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Securtty Instrument,l.ender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any <br /> Fknals�held by Lender. If,w�der paragraph 21.l.ender sbxll acquine or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acqoisiiion or <br /> sal� of t1�e Pnoperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at Ihe t�me of acquieidon or:ale as�crcdit ayainst the sums <br /> secured by this Security Inatrument. <br /> 3. Applkatloo of PaymeMs. Unless appliceble law provides otherwise, all payments toceived by Lender under <br /> • paragrap6s 1 and 2 ahall be any prepayment chergca duc under the smounts payable under <br /> p�ra�rapt�2;thi�l,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any latc chargce due under thc Note. <br /> 4. Char�es; l.iens. Horrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,chorges, Gnes and impositions attributable ro the <br /> Property whieh m�y attain priority over this Security Inswment,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if aoy. Bonower <br /> sAaU pay these obligallons in tht menner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manee�,Borcower shall pay them on <br /> � tlme di�ecUy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to L.ender all notices of amaunts to be paid under <br /> thia pe�s►graph. If Borrower mekes these payments directly.Borrower ahall promptly furnish w l.ender receipts evidencing _ <br /> the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge siny lien which has prioricy over this Secudty lnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> in wridng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a monner acceptable to L.ender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by,ordefends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforxmrnt of the lien;or(c)securcs from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordlnating the lien <br /> to this Saurity lnstrument If Lender determines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a licn which may at�ain priority —. <br /> over thls Socuriry d�sdument.lxnder may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Botrower shnll satisfy the lien a take = <br /> - aie a moro of 1he actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />:� S. Hazard or Property tosur�nce. Borrower shall keep the improvemems now exispng or hercafter erected on the _ <br />� Property insuned against loss by firc,hazards included within tha tern�"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including = <br /> - floods or flooding.for which I.ender requires insuronce. 'R�is insurance shnll be maintained in the amounts and for the — <br /> FbnaJ02d !l!� fPoRt2oj6pag�rl <br /> .`_ <br /> . .--- �- _--.-��t�.•-�._ -__. ��.. ,.�..�.�, , .� . . . �. . . ..� ---.C:7�.... •-:7.�.t.A::.. . � . .. . � . . <br /> __ +F:�J.r � '-j� . 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