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<br /> : � � apgjic�bie T�r�y specity fa�)bdae s�te aE We Ptopaty Wrsu�nt tp al►y Pawe�aE sate cawieql In tbis .
<br /> , Security in�mea�a(s?�Y�;��0��mi�`�►fOauvmeat. 'I�te Caadjtims ue t�t 8orrowrr. (a)
<br /> P�Ys:�a11 suau wbid�ti�ea vraWd be due under�Sccurity..I�saiunent and:the Nae as ii n��ccekritian tiid. .,
<br /> �cc�ed:N)cures any default oi�y other cavan�ats a a�ents;fc)P�Ys afi expaises incu�nd in enfoncina tlds Secu[ity.
<br /> , �nsonm�nt;encluding.but eat I'imeted to rrasan�Me uwrneYs'fas:�nd td)�alces such actian ia Lender msy reaconsbtY . �
<br /> _ �h�t di�lien of this Secu�ty insnun�ent.Lendec�rights in the Ptope�tY�d Bo�rower�s obiigatinn to py the �
<br /> ._--- - -_—._ ��n� - --�'— ------ _ �� fhit C49HilY- .
<br /> -- .gW11S SGCY[�C �y_t�ils�'CIUI}�f �-5�`Ialllt�tifi�-�RCfisti$�-��!il�If�!'!li-�--�FlL1�El�.." �—_____--:_..— _
<br /> bIShULL1GM iliQ tMC ObjIg�00S SlCiR��►SIIaI�LdAE�tt F31IIY EIfGCt�YG AS lf IW�QCCIi0fIW1 Aid aCCWLCd. HpW�YCf�tI1iS
<br /> tiE61.tn Rinshlt sb�lt dpt'�ppt�in tlte case of accxleratiaa under�+rsgaph 17.
<br /> - 1! S�k at Ne�aG�pe o[t,oia Servtar. TAm Note a a pirti�i intcoaf in.tI�e Note tta8ett�er•with;tl�irr Security;•
<br /> ° insuument)may.be sold o�ie or�iiote�i�oes without P�a*�ia to Borrower.`A sak may cesvit in,�ctitng�t itt�dH►entin,+,-
<br /> _- (idwwa as tbe"I:wa Setvice�fbat co�l��Y WY�tq due w�der the Nate an�ihis SecuritY:I�tstttsmvrt+.'I3�ote al�u�
<br /> --= mry be oae or mae changes of the Loan Servicer airelaced w s sale af tfie Note. 1f thone.is a c6�nga ofthp L•aan:Seryicez�.,.
<br /> =- = Botrow�w�[be giveu wtitten notice of�tlx ti�ange ia�danoe with puagrAp614:ahovo and appilcahla IaW�r;',1'1.�p�ltMlaa
<br /> . - alll sta�e t6e name�d add�ess of thF new LvaaSaviceraad the add�ss w which payilient&st�ould be mtdo.T�a.no�iGe wifb
<br /> — also ooetain aa��aa requicedtr��faa:.= - - -- � ' • - - stom}�e,or rei�as�of�aay. --—
<br />_ .�. F 2i. 9mMio�s Srbsh�oe9. Barrower shall aot cause ar permit the presence.us��.
<br /> :�;.:::- . ��.m ar in�ae Ptupettg. $amwac sball,aot do.na aliow�ya�.else to tTo..anyttunS affcctit!g;ide-...,, :. : ..• .
<br /> -�;-., taro sau�ces sbali not apEtiy tn tite: u4e�or'_• :°`
<br /> _ • Avpaty�at is ia�an of any Faviro�it�entat Law. 'i'he pi�eceding �► . .
<br /> . 't
<br /> -- - stee�e on tUo Ympercy of sm�t qaamities of H�rdous Subsrances mac ace ge�alty cecagniu�ta beappnopriva ta�nom!tR�c_. - - . __-
<br /> �.� : • . � •, . =- —
<br /> � � c�at uses aad to maintseiu�ce of the Prapacy. --
<br /> � .� , `'�Hamwer si�11 PromPUY S�ve i.e�Wer wriva�twtiae af�y.invcstigatioi�ctaim,danand,lawsn�t:nr,othes actiq��hY>�' ` ��
<br /> � � -� t��.,... or ate ia�Qd ii�en►�..�..,�v�d any Harrrdaus Sa6ttt�ace"ar '�`.:-.
<br /> _. �lir'J.. �'EflmlEQi�'Or fE$ti•°.,°7 B�IIC�F � �� � •••,1••,•s- �VI��.
<br /> y.;�`�f� , -�vy"of which Borrower bas actuat?mowtedge... if S��ci le�ns,a•_�ts�rifiod;by ar►Y 8oveinmenwl,or�.i�ai8toc�,'- �.�.�.�-.-
<br /> v(f4� �,�t 2IIy lCIIIOVi�QOt�1C[IC�3tt0�-U��f,�Si�CC 3ff�U0�1�.�IS IICCC4S1Rf1;�QC1dWCi, �„�,i�� -=
<br /> _ - �;P�P�Y talce alTnec��nedial4etions irs aeo�sdi�ca�vith Fnvitoameatal Iav�...; � ;.�:' - ._
<br /> -•�`'�� � � As used in this parxgr�fi;"Hazatdous Substat�§?��?hPSe subst�tkes de�aa�as touc ot hazandais�ub�bY. r.�.�,�`�.
<br /> � `i c�- Fnvironmentat�a�v and the:���o�8 Subs*��s: 'gaso�"�z:;keioscne.other tiansmi�ble;or tosic pe�oleum piod�tioxic y.I ;�.:,-�
<br /> �� �F' pesticides au�,E�.iictdes.v'nia¢��salv�s,t�ateriats canta�cins&asb�os�s:`foms2td�gde.and r�dioactive-.ths�sa.s. As ; F�1��{,Y--_
<br /> k 11SG(��l11h1S�l��s�µ,4�i1TpCIt�Lc.'ii.'�IIIC811S�CQC4'dt�1aLYS 2��84�S��ES`�1II�lC�IOf!W�ICtO�IC plll���OC81Cd ,Y a. t _ -
<br /> that telate tD.�aY'�:'safety ar a�ironaieaia]piatecGO�-. , . . , " ',. :: . � ' �� �.'/1`
<br /> � NON-�COY�ANTS. Aarowerand#_e��Eroo�znan�and�r,r�ssfaltows: ..,� , `�`?,.�'v,�i� s --
<br /> .. 2!. Abc�2eldtion:Remedie� Leadec s1t��ive oue�e i4-�8�����d�O�:�er s ' � ���,�<
<br /> �
<br /> ,�; - bre�d��en�nt or�grameut fit.dfeis:Ser�a���mneiaE���.� . � �,�*:��Ph 17 ` �''��4.��...---
<br /> � � �a�etaw provides atl�erwese�.T�e a�oes�a8�: sa3 ai!e&fa�dt;�t��i�ie��''e��i�pre tbe - � _
<br /> .,;, � deb�It;,�cA.���aot less t6w�3A days fro�t�e��potice�giciyi�to Bi�'+o�e�r+��,siicA�8�e"�fa�d�t 6e '� �`��i:,-
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<br /> .� tle�+s secaeed Ay tLh Security 1�stnmeqt�d�ie�f tMe Fraperty. T6e nottc�e s�t fartUer n�form Bar�rer ot , �J,'.;;:;,-_
<br />'.�;:.'. f_� tie i�Ut Xo reb�state Wter accekr�tbn�s+d tbe rig6t to briog�couet sction to asseet tUe aaa�teace ota drr�utt ae ,,r;:;,; °•a': ---
<br /> . .�' �. n�y ottia defeaae of B o r r o wer to a o e d t r a t i an a n d s s k. I t t h e d e f a u l t�n o t c a r e d o e o r 6 t t a e t6e dste s p e c ifkd tn �, ,.�:.
<br /> >, � . ��:*:.,. ��_-:
<br /> ,�::-.�:: tre notke.Lea�kr at its opNoe may require immedinte paymmt in tall.otall suun secared by this Secanty Iestsumm! �r-=
<br /> � ~�'��� wit6aut further demand and may invoke tbe power ot sak and any Mher remedies pennttted by�ppliaabk law ,�' ' . �,=,_
<br /> ,`�,.:�..y. . , ..'�,; -
<br /> , . ; ,U;.,�::. �, . Leoder sha11 6e entitkd to colkct all expe�sts incarred In pursuing the remedies provideA in this panReapb 21. "
<br /> - i�cludia�,bat not limited to,ra.sonA6k Attorneys tees and casts o f t i t k ev i d encG `�, -
<br /> � ` ��,:, It tAe power ot sale is invoked.7fastec sha�l record a notke of default in each county in whkA any part of the `"��:.�_
<br /> Prpperty is locsted aed shsll m�il oopies ot such noNce in tl�manne�peescribed by spplicabte 1aw to Barrowes�ad to . ' �--
<br /> ,' , > tMe Wher persons prescribed by appUpble law Atte�the ttme required by applkabk taw,'llrustee sh�give poDlic ` , • `, "'�`'
<br /> : ,,,�.,_.
<br /> :'I �?;' , eotioc o�sak to t A e persons a n d ie t he nwene�pr e s c e�b e d b y a p p l l c A b k l a� 7 Y u s t e e.w i t h o u t d e m a a A o e B o�o w e r. -==� -
<br /> i=� , s6�a11 sell tbe Piroperty at poblic aaction to the higUest Aktder at tl�e time aad pl�ce and unde�the tera�des�gn�ted fn ; . _ ;:.L-
<br /> ��• tbe notice ot sale ia one or morc paroels Aad in any oedES'IYustee determines. 'Ilvstee tnay postpone saf!ad�all or nny ,. , _
<br /> `',� . ra+el af t6e Prop�ety by Vublic annouecement tit�e t�ime and otan �.. . _
<br /> p� Y P�faasty schedukd sak. I:ender or its �r'.:�;�. `
<br /> ���� , � . ,�� ,:=
<br /> • des�Ce n�s9 parcl�s�se the Propeety at any sale. • F ':f'�;�:` -:=
<br /> ment of the tLce b�cG.�a�re s6a11 delivee to the parc�aser 7lrusteds deed conveyieg tl�e ,';;';«; i::�._.:
<br /> • ;,�:•. Upon recdpt ot PAY P . �•�.
<br /> .. s,. . , .. ,,�s,••.;�, ���--
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<br /> �F I
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