in� - :� �� �� .. -__._.,�- _ —
<br /> ..—".:— . .0 —�--' .� _._. : . -.. -
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<br /> ... _ ' - . . . ' ' - _ ` — ^7 ` < ���• ' ��I���� � .
<br /> i - ' . � . . � . �
<br /> . ``' . =-` at�ny p�t of th�Pt�npeKY���fig,cxM►�*�c�9iiiCe in tieu of cuademnAti�n•su�hecetsy ass�7gn��nnd
<br /> eundeneiatiqnorctNer:tafana � ., , ." �
<br /> ,�ha11 be paid to Isnder: - . �c ,:�`:
<br /> u� ��en���:��at,�+c�n�os� �cnr. u�a�a��natt��:�r►�a co� �ms�cu�a tiy�n�s stc��y:
<br /> ` [nstmment,whether..or�not�lf�Gn duc.with a�.a�P�d•ta•&nrnw�r,: in,thct�ent af a QaRiat taking af the"P�operty in�
<br /> whi�ft�,tb0 fair mukei vatue ortha Fr�ty immedtatat}�,bnfa�e tha taki�8:��'+IuAlit�ar grc:uec th�n the aawunt af tlie wms
<br /> � seeu�.6yr:this Security TnsttumentammGd�srtel�.befa�o tha takit�8+u01�SS.�Q!'�!11teT atld Lellder a� l�b$t�heitdlovvi g .
<br /> -- --- -- :°u,�—���ut�b}�hix:�utsl3`-•Llst[ument.�itall�t�e tedtu�d.b��4f�_I�� __ -
<br /> � fn�tian: ta).tfie tatal ammmt oF ahe�uns secu[ed lmmcdiatd�txt`�tc thc t�ktng,�ick3Ty ibl�fai�tw et v o€ti�— .
<br /> , - prop�RY ynmed�ately befae tEie talcing. My balanee shall�he gaid!tn Bamwer. in tT�evertt of a y��i taicing oF;�t �
<br /> - u�which tde f�Ir muket vaTua of the Pr�p��Y����I��Of'�tNc taking+is•.C�ss�han[he�mou�c of�ha:sums
<br /> �'J;
<br /> ' secu�d�imm�diatel�before thc wScing.,unless Bort�wer and�i;e�sdcrotltenvise ag�i;•iiti�:7iting-or uniess apptica _ w�� .
<br /> od�erwis,a�mwide.s�ihe proceeds shall be.ap�pGed ca the sums securd b�ti�:hi�SGCUrit�s�insttiiat�+n,wt�e�her or noc.�he suma�ne
<br /> dxn due. . . .
<br /> � 1[;tha Fru}xRt�.is�abandoned b3`:BoRUwer�arif:a�ncxiae by�,l:�es�dqnta;flstmt����sttf�rthe condemnocoffers[amalc�
<br /> = '�.awi�t�atsettlaa claim�far,damaSgs.&��rowar��dta l:�endac,wiih�n:3ildays afcer ihe dace ihe no[ice;sti g[ven,.
<br /> 1 4he . .. �at:itsr�+oitf�t�m ta�tr�tism ur repair o€ilic Ptv�ttY:or to the _
<br /> — �#�!ta•cutlact:aad-aPP l!, �'�- , :.,: -- ..
<br /> �sc�atred bg thi�Secunty InstrumeaG wheth�ruanM thusi.due... . ' � `� w rinci }shatt,not exteitd oF
<br /> i� • tiaanon�at�prACe�d� v t�
<br /> '-....=t�:tiless Lender and Ba�mwer athecwise agtea it�,w{iting�;F�I':A$!�, .
<br /> � amowtt of sucfi � '
<br /> .. - �uit�bi�t6e due dace of tbe monthlY AaYn►f`�tti rcfalr�.tn it1 Aata�Pl�lfi;i;�t��aic.hxnge rlt� _ PaY��
<br /> . �, �ia�of�ttie time foe.p}►yme�t ar•
<br /> , `�,�1L Bu�lro�rer Na Rda�sed;��otheq�an�a�$��.��+idt��Ak�hs�1.,#�et:.�ib �er w any successar ut mterest
<br /> �" �3hisSecuritg�ltlsfiiiiheut�L�t y. e
<br /> - i,eiod'c�Cation of amortization af,the stimr.seEute�;d}' �� �sa�i'�'�•SoaoRec's svcceswis ia inte�est.l.ender
<br /> � -'� e�siuill nat operate W��Ib�a;ljte-11�li�it}!C'o£ttle�S. ?�... �refuse;o e�eM.time�for p,�yment or
<br /> --- .. ,��be uuedtocommmC�:�..: . anK�u�sStir.�n�i�:..
<br /> � ���is SGCpIti1}�'=111ttu��¢!'�-ofaeEy demand m�by the original:
<br /> ' - - ' iatf�+v��;modifyat�azt3�tianraEit�iRsti�. Y �.exe�tisiu 'aaPi'!-�►t a�nedy shalt noi 6e a
<br /> -_- ''',�:'g,�r�ar Bortdwas;s'saCCe.t�nrie:iu:iiitm�sf;'`'E�1i}�_�o�fi��-�:e�der_. . �_ .
<br />____ , '",;`:;�.�-,.ssia�b�:�.c+a�txP�lii�a�tiaeae�ise af.anyiigljCbctR�4y:. `''� , ' 'rhe covenants and a��tnents of this
<br /> f�::'suc�e+ea�+4�Ana�Ass�eouna:.Jn#n�aad�several'�iUhr�co�pess.
<br /> `� �fr '_' Insuument shall bind and benefit•[d�.��d'•.�{S�°f,L��$OROwer.subjecE�Rar�protiis�ous of
<br /> ,� ` . :,...��.. ..
<br /> � '�:�q._Bortowers covenants and•agrcements s1wIU6e jpmt and seve'"r,��:Any Bomower who casiga.dthis�Sec t6 t ,
<br /> • tns6c�t but does aot execute ii�e Note: (a}is casip�hiS thia�SeeunEY���O°�Y t0c�0�@•� � y� -
<br /> U.;, gorca�°�'s interest in the Property under the te�ms of this Securiry lnstrument:,tb)is not personally obligated to pay the sums�
<br /> rm
<br />- . secured`by this Security lnstrument;and t�l�5���°����y other Bortuwer may ngree to eatend.modify.forbea� _
<br />. J�,�r: or maite.any acoommadations with,tegard•to tti�..cerms of this Securiry [nstcument or th�Note withaut that Borrower's _
<br />;,��;,,.: .... . , .- ,,
<br /> conse�s.�"-;.
<br />°::"r';� L£:�a�n�Clw�ges. If tii�i.mys:s�ecuced 6Y this Securbty.{nstcument is subject.r�n�';taw which se�c mnximum tnan
<br />-::•:�, , �cattr�t the inte�aeo�ser lonn churges cotCe�t*:�td bo collected in conn�
<br />:n{'.�. ct��t�:'.��that law is finally�itic�.�ar,�-. , - • � °
<br /> ,_,_� wtth t�e�n eaceed the peRS�itto�r,�,r.�,��.,�i�;s=:.fa)any sucti 1Q�o.�nrge shAll be red�,��r amouat necessary to:5�.oa.
<br /> tha cha�e.'to the pemutted limi�atid:�)�F��aiready coRected from Borrower w6'i��:..eeeded permitced timits u•�:i�e
<br /> -� r�efurli��:sn Borrower. l.endet may cfiaose to ir'�&e this ret'und by mducing the pcincipal ow punde pthcP ot eo�b��.t�Q�?�g�a
<br /> di�ck�an�anent to Bormwer. if a refund reduces pancipal,the reduction wiU be treated as�o prtial re aym Y
<br /> prepa�-ri�ec�t churge under the Nntcti
<br /> : rep
<br /> I,i� potices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument� given by delivering ii ur by
<br /> : ' ., mailing it by class mail unless appticable law requires we of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the PropeRy
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower dosignates 6y notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shAU be given by Grst cluss
<br /> mail ta l.endar's addre.�.�wtated hcrein or any ather addr�ss L.ender de�ignates by natice to Borrower. Any natice provided for
<br /> in this 5ecurity lnstrument shull bc deemed ta have been given to Borrowe�or l.ender when given a.�provided ia thi�:
<br /> p �az
<br /> Governing Law;Se�erz6ilit3i 77us Security Instrument +hall be govemed b�.Pederal law and the law of�tbc
<br /> jurisdriczian imwhteh t1�e Propg�i is�arated. �n 1he event thut any pravision o�claasevf�[*�is Security Instnimen!or the:�iota .
<br /> - conflicts with apgh's�:ble taw�suc�:cn�?��cr sft�f�;,�t uffect other provitiians of th�s Securi^.y instrument or the Nnte wfi:c��can
<br /> be given effect•uxr�?�i•zl:e...i��:i�p_"_"pra?!e�ios?..'!h this cnd the proviciora,��nE t[uy S�.�rity (nstrument and 1he hcze-a=o
<br /> , � �, : •: .�.:
<br />_ declar�'d[o be aeti�c�bir. ,� . : . , .. , ..
<br />- 3L6. Horrower's Copc�.•�;��-•w��z:�ha(�bc given one cort{etsned cop;��s.fie 14�:�a�c'aS this Security lnstrumerttr;: ,,... .
<br /> 17. 7Fander of the Propeo'1y�,�c a Feneticlal Interesi im��orroac� 1�al��►r a�r�pur���ihe Pmperty or any inr:.,:st in
<br /> ° it is svld or transfesr�d(ar#f�:�xnekicial interest in Borrat�%e,r:.:;x�td��1ra�.`�fema���Bo;rower is not a natural pers�nl
<br /> - � withaut Lender's�rar writte»aairssnt.Lxnder m�► i��optan.req�ri:�i�edi�is pAyrtient in full of atl sums secuted by
<br /> . ± , ,� this Security insFc+aznen�.�##v+�eS'.e�*�hi.�°Pn°�shafl nut 6e exe�iud by�:encler sf exercise ic prohibited by fcderal law us of
<br /> -` , , theda;soithi��t�-"�.���u�'l�r.7. • . .. �• .
<br /> - t(�Q�erc��u:�-��his�gri�k�:encter sh�ll give Bnsrtrr��t itatice af accelcration�"�'r�naticc sha0�ravide a p�siad af
<br /> � - na i•��afiz�����}%�m��:u',1tz��nolice is deTivered vt e�ta.a.��9 within which Buac�?verniiust pay all sums secitr�63 this
<br /> ;' Serurety`Insttum�r�r. >;i:Ba�r���'�i 1'vils to pay these�ums pYior to�he��,�rcati��n c�f ti��s periad.Le�w'.�:r�ay i:?�,oice any
<br /> _, jt.� remedies permltfea�S.�;c''r.G4 Seu:rirny lnstrumem wiih��u�further notice ar d�m.�nd an Borrower. , •. :. . � .
<br /> •, 1& Borro��'���t t�r.Reinstate. If 8arro�ver mect� ccnuin��z��iti�ns, 9orrower shaft�a�e zn��i�t•��have
<br /> enfurcement af t*uy��,int;:Tr�iruucnt di�continucd ut nny timc priar tU���s+:�rlicr of:. +st S days ioc suc',��?.?�1�i�'f'��145 .
<br /> • _ ��' �ix�i:Fsa;:t�••iannkMadYfrdditlirCl;K1l�I1NAtl�S'FIb�E�b�SK'G-C:;�::�:r�E'�vqn.rc;s���.MS�;.�,��:",i.�:�{*';/�:1t�e.0
<br /> . . i , - . . . �.. . . ' . . '
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