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- .��C • .� A5,' ' - . . ..' _--v . <br /> � +�1�}�y{� .�.1�}I..: <br /> i� .�`."'�, A <br /> �f�i�e f_}1!�� • . _ .. _.—_.. <br /> � r �'� <br /> _ . 1 3• io�� � <br /> �. Cond�llan.fhs proce�d�ot any aw�rd or alsim lor dameq�s,d�nct or canMqusnfl�l,in cannection witfl�ny = <br /> - _ r.ond�unn�lum rn Mher 1ek�np ohhe Prpperty.o�p�rt the► 1or convsyance�n INu al esenAemneryon,n�e hereby at�tled <br /> - --- --� and fitwH W p�rW Q�Lwuf�. - <br /> 1�th��wnt of�lohl hklnp of Ihs Prop�Ay,thep►ocsad�sh�tl b�applisd ro the fums ascur�d by thh OMd olTrust,with <br /> •= ths erc�ts,If�Iny,ptld b 8orcow�r.In Ihs wenl 01 e p�Af�l tekinp of tla P�op�rty,unl�ss Bonowa and Lmd�r oth�rwlw <br /> aprNln w►Illnp,thendull Mappll�d to the�unus�cund by thit Oo�d olTru�t wch proportfon pflh�proaMds a�Is pwl ta <br /> Ih�tproportl�nwhichth�amountofthesume�ecuredbythleQeedolTrwtlmma�WMlypnortoth�d�t��lfakleqbwnWq� <br /> f-�-= fpir medcel value of d�s property Immediately p►lor to th�date ol takin ,with N�bf�fnc�of qN proce�ds p�id to gpRawW, <br /> If th�Propsrty ia abandonad by dorcowe.or N,�tNr notice bp 1.�b Borrowa MyN�cpnpKnnor olNrs to maka an <br /> y� aws�d or seRle a clalm lor demegea,B�rrowe.lA+1�la eespoe�ta lee�er we��e 3R da�rs eADer t�ee dmte aacilr.atico Is nwltad, • <br /> Land�r�s eWhorl:ed to collecf and wop0y 1f�proc�,a1 L�WM'a opt�n,�i1h�r b rpApr�bn a��pMrpi�prop�y a to <br /> .n_ th�sums e�cu►ed by lhia[�d oi T�at <br /> �,._ UnleasLendewnd8oaow�athNwissay►eemwriNng,anyeuchspplic�ponofprocaedstpprfncip�IShNlaqf��i�ndo� .;_„_ <br /> - — po�tpone ths due daq ol tM monthry inri�llm�nb�N�nsd to�parn�raphs t a�d 2 hw�ol w ch�IIN�1 of wch - <br /> - �Mf�lknenb. <br /> - 10. 9arowKNolR�Na�d.Extens�onoftheQmeforpaymentarmodllfcationofamortizationoftheeurnoeecuredbyMis <br /> - = Oeed of Truat yrantad by lender to�ny auccesaor ia lnterest ol8onower ahall not operats to rNMas,in any manns�,lAs <br /> __- - - liabillry of the original8onowe►and 8arower's succeaaors intereat Lender shaill notberequlredlo tommence proceedin0s °° <br /> ----- apdnn such succeasor o►reluse to e,ctend tlme for payment or otherwiss modify amortizatlon of fhs sums�scur�d by thls <br /> — D�sd ot Truat by reason af any demand made by the oripinsl Bonowe►end BoROwer'a auccq�ors in Interpt <br /> �`'�"; 11. Fa�bw�b <br /> •G;,:,;:c,> y L�r NM�IMMwr•Any Icrbearance by Lender in exarcielnp Any�ipht a�emedy henunder,or <br /> ,. � �-���,' otherwise a8o►dsd by appUabls taw,ahall not be a waiver o1 or pr�clude the sxerci�e of sey wch ri�M or nm�dy.Th� ���= <br /> _,,�. I prxurementotinau►anceofthspayrnentoftexesorolMrUensoraherpe�byUndtrshUlnotb�aw�ivKOfL�nd�r'sri�htto <br /> accslsrnte the nwturqy of 1he indebtednesa�ecured by fhis Daed of Trua� — <br /> i' 1�. R�dNt Cuinul�llw All remedies provided fn thfa Deed of Truat are diaNnct and cumulAdve to any oiher rfpht or �-- <br /> » ,� �emedyunderthlaDsadofT►ustoralfordedbylawarequity.andm�ybeexercisedconcurrently,independenqyorauccessively. - <br /> ': �w�r 13. 8ucc�s�arsandAM{pns6ound;Jainland9�w�ralLJrWW�;C�pfio�.The�ovenentsandnaprewnentshereincontained '=" <br /> :2 ,.•• a��. shellbind,andthe�iqhtshe►eundershelllnureta,thereapectivpsucceasorsanmasaignaofle de�endBo�rower,subjectto -�" <br />°`�4.,� ,�P"�^�+�•K'�• theproviaionsofpa►ayraphl7heremt.Al1covanantsandagreemenriof8orrowerahal1�eJai�'tandaeverai.The -- <br /> "'i�>��L '`%�?'�;';�'.�'a•�'•'��;' heedin s o1 the par r hs ot this�Oead of Truat an lor conven�e�ce onl and are na1 b be used to intera�et a de1k�eahe <br />',:;,..,_. • �;:,i• , 9 a9 aP y <br /> , 7i.," ' �:,:.��1�t prov�aior�s hereol. ��;�;: <br />)'vl,�-.��� .�� ��^'�;'�� • � •' - <br />=;t:�...,t ;,_,j �,,,�:.�* 9�1� Wa1k1�.Excep�4oranynoticerequiredu�derapplfcablelawlobegiveninanotherman�er,�a)anyr,oucetoQorrower °�� <br /> �..,;� ��1��.,,.���,•;�;., provlded for In 13us R)eed o1 Truat aha110e given by mall�ng such opticeby cerlitied mall addresaed to goROwer a t 1he Property '��;=` <br /> � '' '���=�;'�� ' p• Y Addresa or at auch other address aa Bonower may deafgnate by notice to�.endar as prpWded hereln,and(b)any�otice to ; <br />--_ �...-rF� �:'� -[_ <br /> � � ��`+���'•-"�+�1���������`.��'�?• lentl�rahalibaglvenby certifledmail,retur�receiplrequested,tolender'saddresastatedhereinortosuohotherapdrqasae �'�'�� <br /> -, � r'�1r'•ft.{'. .�°.•:,:��rc��S �,( <br /> �� •: f, � � ¢��. Lend�r mny designateby hotice to Borroweras prov�dedherein.Any noticepravlded tor In thi�Deed pf Trustshu114e qpemed V,S��w' <br /> :',' .. ,: cl�'t r 1`.'{i�,:.'i i:fi::y. � <br /> �, �:,.�► ? tt,,!i�� ,���}�_ . �to have been given to 8orrower or Lendar when'given in the rt►anner deaip�qted helein. �f;,: <br /> , � •.�•�,���, r,•��ti};ts,�,� 14.i "Requeat 1or Natke.T�ustorand beneliclary requeat that a copy o1 any noUCe ot default arid nol+ce W sab me�de or 'R'�t� <br /> ` �;''��. �+;.`> '•s'•• .y` `��.����> Rxqaalled by tJ�e T��ustae pu�suanttp Ihe pPOrisions hereof be aent to 1he Trustor a�8en8ficia at tAeit re ;;;, �. <br /> tl5�. � _`��i� 'r .' ''��f' • addresses sel forll�above... ry apecdve malliny - <br /> ___ �."� :wrr r:a�i t �i 1 S. UnHone Owd o1 Tnat:Dow�i�g Lsw;3.vw���p�. The lo�m o!desd ot trus!cornDN.ies unitorm tavanants tor <br /> "^`:�`.^• - '""".�� natfonel use and non-unAorm�ovenamts wlth limlted varfatlone b uriadlcNon to conatitute a uMfarm aecurity Instrument <br /> .;t,::�. Y 1 <br /> . � covsring real prope►ry.This Oeed of Truat ahall be governed by the law of Ihe jurisdfcdon in whlch the PropeAy ie bcated.In ��, <br /> , the event thet eny provlslon or clause ol lhis Oeed of Truat or the Note conflicts wlth appliceble law,such confllct ahall not g�.. <br /> afleatother provfeionsolthie 0eed of Truet wthe Note whfch can be given ettectwithoutthe confNctlnp provl�lone,andto thfe <br /> ... � �--� <br /> ' �• � end the proviefon�ol the Deed al T►uel and Ihe Note are declared to be severeble. <br /> ' • . . • td. datow�'�Cop�.Borrower atu�ll be lurmthad a conformed copy ol�he Note and ol lhis Deed of 7rust atthe tlme of <br /> • �� ex�cutbn or aRer recordedon hereol. - <br /> ° � 17.Tr�n�tN ol tM Propety;Mswnpllon.lf all o� inte st lherein Ia aold or transferred by F�'�; <br /> _ 8orrow�r w�IhoutLender's pno�wntten conaent,exct 1 en umbrance aubordinete tothia Deed Q�-:". <br /> - � olTrutR(b►thecreat�onofepurchesemoneyeecuny . )atraneferbydevfaedeacentorby �''"- <br /> : , op�ratfonollrwuponthed�athofejomttenanlorld►th r reeyeeraorleesnotconleiningan <br /> �:; b ._. ��� optlontopurcheae,Lenderm�y,atLender'sopupn,decterea111heaumseecuredbylhis0eedofTruettobefmmedietelydue , <br /> and p�y�ble.Lender fhall have wawed such opUon to accelerate�I,pnor to the sale or trensfer,Lender and the pereon to ,•, <br /> �•''.;� ' whom the P�opeity ia to be aold or trenalerred reach eyreement m wnNng that the credit ol auch peraon ia saWfactory to <br /> ; � lenderandthatlhelnte►ealpeyableonthesumseecured�ythisDeedofTrustshallbeatauchreteaaLendershallrequesLlf <br /> ' • LenderhaewelvedtheopUontoaccelerateprovidedi�thisperugraphl7,and�l8orrower'ssuccesaorinintereelhaaexecuted <br /> �,` '; � : � a wHtten assumpqon agreement accepted in wnting by Lender.Lender shall releaae 8orrower from ell obliqadons under thla �, <br />�.� • Deed ol Trust and the Note. <br /> 1 ` : � If lender exMC�ses euch opt�or !�acr•�••e!!,!•^der shs!!mai!8orrower nolice of acCeleretb�in accordenCe with <br /> ' parayrephl4hereof.SuchnoUCeahallprowdeapenodo1no11essthan30dayslromthedatethenohce�smailidwithlnwhich ��� <br /> ' 9orrower may pay the aums declared due.If 8orrower fails to pay such sums prior to fhe expiration of auch per�od.Lender <br /> � , may. w�thout IuAher notice or demand on Borrower,�nvoke any remedieP permitted by paragreph 1B hereot. <br /> ' • NON•UNIFOtiM COVENANTB.8ortowK�nd L�nd�r Iwlh�r cov�nant and�yn�a�follows: � <br /> , . ��� , 10.AcCNMadon;R�m�dl�s.Except as prowded�n paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenenl or � ' <br /> ,. • agreementof8orrowerinthlaDeedofTruat,mclutlingthecovenanlstopaywhendueanysumsaeCUrBdbythisDeedofTrust. � <br />, �•r•.�� Lenderpriato8ccelereUOnshallmadnoticeto8orrowerasprov�dedmparagraphl4hereofspecity�ng:�1►thebreach:�2)the � <br /> r�.;;,,- • , action required tocure auch breach;(31 a date.not less than 30 days Irom the date the nohce is maiiedto Bo�rower,by which <br /> .;:��:�• such breach must be cured;end(�1)Ihal ladure to cure such breach on or before the date apec�f�ed f�the notice may reau�t m ' <br />`���' ' • � . •acceleretrorrolthesumssecuredbytMsDeedofTrustandsaleoftheProperty.TFlenot�ceshallturtherintorm8orrowerofthe <br /> t�, ' � � .. , • right to�einstate eher eCCeleretion and the nght to bnng e court action to essert the non•existenCe af e detauN or eny other <br /> delense of 8orrower to eccelerahon and sale.If fhe breach�s not Cured on o►before the dete specdied In the notice,Lender et ��'� <br />' •` � .�;.;�,_ Lendet's ophon may decla►e all of the eums secured by this Deed of Trust lo be immed�ately due and payable w�thout lurther i <br />�--'; ' demand and may invoke the power ol sale and any other remed�es permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be entiHed to <br />'*: . ; �`' � collectelt reasonablecosts and expe�ses incwred in purswng the remedies provided in Ihe perapraph 18,Inclucimg,but not � <br /> ti , � hmited to,reasonable ettorney's fees. <br /> If the power of sale is�nvoked.Trustee shall record a nouce of delault�n each counry in which the Properry or aome part � <br />;�j �� thereollsloCatedandehdllmedcopieaofsuchnoUCeinthemannerprescnbedbyappl�CeblelewtoBorrowerendtOtheother <br /> • a x peraona preacribed by appl�cable lew ARer the lApse of such time as may be repwred by applicable law,Trustee shall glve � <br /> ` pubtic notice of sale to the persona and in the manner prescnbed by applicable law.T�uatee,wlthoutdemand on Borrower. <br /> �. shell sall the Propertyat publfc aucbon to the h�gheat bidder et Ihe I�me and place and under theta►ma deaignaled inthe notfce ' ' <br /> •��• of sele In one or more parcela and�n such order ae Trustee may determ�ne.Truatee may poatpone aale ol all or any parcel of <br />� ��• the Property by publiC announcemenl af the Ume and plece of any prev�ously sChetluled sala.L6nder or Lender's desi nee <br /> ' ' � may purchaae the Property at any sale. � : <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the pncebid.Trustee shall deliver tothe pu�chaser Truatee's deed convevino the Prooanv ae�d <br /> .�----.._._._.�._. � <br /> �==��` 't,.,, ���o�e�.�wwu�u�v��u3ie�vedeedsnaiiltBpnmaiaCl@@VIO@f1C@Oflh@tfUthOfthE818t@f11Bf1tSM8dB1h9Il1�'I.T�U9f@@Sh8118pp1y <br /> ,��i:, Ihe proeeeds of the sale fn the lollowmqorder:�a)toall reaaonable costa and exp9nses ot the sale.Includiny,butnotllmlted to, <br /> � � •,a_'�" Trustee'a fee�of not more than�__ 96 of the gross sale pnce,reaaonable attorney'a feeaandcosta ol tltleevidenee: <br />`t � �• � �;;��.•�•. (b)to all sums SCCUred by th�s Deed ol Trust;and(C)the excess,d any,to the person or peroons lepally entided thereto. <br /> l ���• � ,,,;�.���, 1�. 8ortow�r'�Alphl te tiMmtafe.Notwuhstendm�Lender's aCCC:�ts:ion of thC aums secursd by this De6„at Trus� <br />,'"�' :1 ��,�+'}., Borrower ahell have tho riqht b have an�proceedings begun by Lender to entorce the Deed ol Tru$tdieconUnued otany llme <br /> a:,. � �` "�%��fl"� prwrtotheearlierlooccurotp►IhelitthdaybetoretheaaleofthePropertypursuanttolhepowerofsalecanlainedintheDeed <br /> a Y ' t��•, �., <br /> �i:.. � • of Truat(li)entry o1 a judgment enforcmg thls DAed of Trust d:(a)Borrower paya Lender oll auma whlch would be then due � <br /> {'�' ;��i` °; ,. ;,_� under this Deed of Trus6 the Note andnotea securing Future Advances,if any,hatl no accelerotio�occured;�b)Borrower • <br /> i�� ��;°i' cures ell broaChea ol eny other covenents or egreemema ol8orrower contained in this Deed o1 Truat(c)Barower pays aU r, <br /> �i" ;�,:,>.`'=.,� reasoneDleexpenaesincurred by lender and Tru�tee enforcing the covenanta and agreements ol8onower contalnsd In thla <br /> �`�`�' Deed of Truat end ln enforcing lender'aand Truatee's remediee as provlded in paragraph 18 hereof,including,but not llmfted <br />; ,'<, � u ��..�1 �+ <br /> �;:�' ` � � {'_;•.� to,reaaonable attorney a lees;end(d)8orrower tekes such actfon as Lender may reaaonably requlre toaaeurethetthe Nen of <br /> 1L5`� �� Ihia Oeed of Trus�Lender's fntereat m the Proparty and Borrower's obligatlon to pay the eums secured by thie Deed of Truat <br /> _ �� ;:,�t,, ..�'.-�,,.�. ,,,. <br /> _ , �:.�<i;:��+�� '. '','.�;.:;�� shall CoMmue unlmpelred.Upon auch paymeM and cure by Borrower,th�s Deed of Trust and the obligations�ecured hereby <br /> � .�.' � shall remein in full force and eNect as d no acceleratfon had occurred. � <br /> � ' , <br /> .. . <br /> ,. � : �, <br />