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_. �._ � ��r_ .�_•.�TI......+. .....---__,_ . .- :_.. <br /> ,1 . � �.. Am4n ,��� �iYliR41� .,� i. . :. �- ,. -".. <br /> i I A �ll.'. <br /> - �!r, �'y . .�Yi'�. _ <br /> _ _. _.� _ __ _ 'r� _._-___ - _ <br /> "" � e�..... <br /> - -�-- 3� i0�i � - __ <br /> -- -=- � - <br /> - -- ��� �► <br /> - ------� C NTB.Borrower�nd L�neN►cown�m�nd�9iM��lollow�: --- <br /> - 1. '��nt ��IpM�nd InN�b 8orrowsr �hNl p�amptly p�y whm du� ths pr�nclp�l ol and�nl�rNl on th� ��~�~-�°'� <br /> �.•ti:�.�x.,.,.:.� <br /> °-- - Ind�bbdn�u�vl�byrit�No1�,P� Mt�fWl�l�ch�rqn��provld�dinlh�Nol�.�ndth�Princlpdof�ndlnbn�ton —.-. <br /> -1�_ +my Fulun Advancn�sour�d by tM�Ttwl. <br /> �. fuMNlorTa�andlmu►�.8ub�atto�PPllaablehwarto�wrilNnw�fwrbyL�nd�r,8ono �rthallp�ytoWnd�r <br /> - a,n�sd.rmonmiytn•anm.1�aotpr1nclW��ndlnt�ruterep�yrWeund�rlhsNoM.undlth�Nohi�W�dlnfuN.�sunnlh�fn _,,,_------- <br /> - °�uflds")�qwl W aw-hvNtth ot iha y�a�ty t�xa and useaamena which may etteln pMo►IN ow►Ihls Owd of Tnut,�nd �_ ---_- <br /> d <br /> ��w�d�bonlMProp�rty,Umy,Plu�one-twNfthof YMdypnmiumin�llnNnblorh�tardinturanca.Plu�on�-twNflhot s,.if,�;�;- <br /> .;.� p�Num infdlim�nts tor mortp�p�inwr�nc�,il an�,all w n�wn�bly sstMnNW IniNUty�nd hom tlm�to tlnN bY ���•.�: <br /> �o�1h�bab a�MSWn�nu andal���nd��NtlnuMS MN►�o1. <br /> ..- ����;�x;+;� Th�Fu�Ms�I1b�MIdla�nimtltudonth�d�posiHo►�ecounhofwhichaninw��dapwranM��F�alorqata _-.__ <br /> ��.�.r. a�e�cY(includinp L,�MK i1 LMd�r is�uch��instltuUon►.L�nd�r�hall�pply tha lunds rop�y Wd au�a.+�ss�sm»nta, _T -- <br /> , �. - insuranc�p►emiums�ndyroundhnts.lendKm�y�otcha�qelorsoholdlnpwndapplyfnoth�Funds.u�l�rzinpaaid�ccount _._ - <br /> -=°��;:� s��'?�`}:,..:,v orv�►ityin�andcompiflnps�idas�sssm�nts�n0bi11 unls�LenA�rWya BoROw�rinteestonlhsFwidaand�pp Nc�blel�w � , +: �.�--,i, <br /> . '����..;r�.:;�. pennihlerwe�rtometc�auchachupe.8onow�r�nd�m�ya�rMi�w�itinpatthstlmso1�x�cuUa�olthiaDSKiofTrus1 .. <br />_-,.ti:. �.,;:,,+3, p — — - - <br /> -.� i,. , th 1 I�t�10e1 un ths Funtb slull b�pald to BoROwer,a�nd unleu such s�reemeM h made or ap 1icalbe I�w�equiret tuch -_s��=_=- <br /> _ . ;,_, ,,, in�to Oep�Id,l.end�r ah�ll not bs rsquirod to p�y 8orrow�r any Inte�t or eaminps on tM Fu�ds.Lsnder sh�ll glv�to ���a-��-. <br /> �`�� � w�hiahpchd�Wttotl�iFun�wasmads.ThiFundsaipt�e�dii�ddido�nias�cur�Iryforthsiumsadecur��UlMsD�i�d'ot -■------ . <br /> :.�,�: <br /> ��-"� '-"-' TNN�Ms emountof ths funds Mld by Lender,topether with Me futuro monlhly inatellments of Funds psyable Qria ro th�due . . ,�,�.; <br /> # ,? . � ,�,�r� �ep o}��,�b,I�surance premiuma and q►ound renb,ahell exceed the amount raqWred to Pay�Id hxxea� __ __v?_- <br /> • c::x a�ssm�nq,inwrance preraiums end ground rents ea the�r MII due,auch exce�a ehaN bs,at Hoaower's aptbn,apher ��� <br /> ��.... � a`�� <br /> �{. : ;';��:�v�,w,�':,'r' _ prompthr�ep�id ro 8onowK or cr�dihd to Bo►rowe�on mon�hly insteNmenM o�Fvnds.ll fhe�mount of the�+�nda hsid by <br /> ';t'. : ' ,�;,,;,;,,Y;°.;� , . LandenhallnotMsuflicbntbpsyUuce9,aswswnenm,inswancepremiumaand groundrenteselhsyhfldue.�BoROw�r�h�11 _ .. <br /> , y to Lsnde►a amount ne�ry to meke up ths d�Hclency wilhin 30 daye lrom ths d�b nodce Is mailsd by Land�►to `r.{��� <br /> r�� . ��..`� . �1Y6f�E��O�9�11t�1�A0}. 4, - <br />,,;;i�. �;=;, , .,, , ,•C�.`..�z; Uponpeymentlniullofallwmssecuredbythi�0eedofTrwtLendershallprompNyrefundvo9orrowerenyFundsheldbp `�+ n�,'.`'3�,�;,ti-. <br /> w,, w..,, ��,.r�,i�.>!� Lander.flund�rps►a�aphl8he►eotlt+ePropertfliswtdorthePraperNlaolhsrwiseanqulred�yLende►.Lende�ehallapply. � .tf ;::- <br />:'j�;"' ,�i;��F:�!�-�°>�yff��'�•:,�� nolab�thanfmm�dleblyp�iorbthasaleofthePropsrryoritsac �wisilfonbyLender,andFunCaheldbyLende►atthelimeol ��y <br /> eppliaedon�s a crodit eainel tMe suma eecurod by thh[�ai ot�ru�l. �"`" <br /> �,..- ---•---- <br /> ,.n'` � .i r�.._,-- <br /> •;�.� • ,, ,tr 3. AppYcatlon ot P�dnNnb.Unless applicable law prpvidee otherwise,all payments received by L��de�r under the Note ��,�s,;,_,,, <br /> •} ., �r >i�p� andp�np nphs 1 and 2 hereot s�al�be applled by�.ender first in paymentof emounb pay�ble to Lende�by Borrower under <br />,�, , �.�; ,, ,, , ,,;,;,,;, ppnpqph2hereof,lhsnroiMlreatpayableool�eNoLe,lhentotheprincipeloftheNoM.andlhentoi�tereatandprl�cipalan ,,, �.mr' <br /> �, ��; :. ..�,, �ry anyFutureAdv�ness. �. <br /> �h;, ,�r�• �`1',''� 1. Cha LNm.Rarowe�sahall aya��llaxea.assessmenbandotherchar ea,linesa�dimpoatUOnsatlflbuta�bletothe �,}p• ��.��''c � .: <br /> •.r;; r, .t r •' . � . prp��y yy�� p�jp ap��' over p�s Deed o1 Trual,and leaeehold peymeM�o�ground renb,lt any,in the manner :::ri�N1,�, � <br />:':f;,;;,,�: .•i��)i} !fr:..;i��.c.:i:,,t:r.l�� Y . . - ,. <br /> provided unde�p�ragraph 2 he�e��cx.H r�io1'+a+d In auch Banowe7 m,ekinp payrrreot,wAe�due.directly to the �� • „_, <br /> 7`,�',.i f�,�,��jLj����i?��rR r��; puyae qlereof.8arower aAallpromailY iurn�$+�'o Le�der aI1 nopcea of amo�nts due under thia p�rayraph,on�io the eveM '� - <br /> �;,, u�-�-m--.�`,�.,-T,�•- �iasrawar sl�a0!tsuska�a,rmen3�sz!!y.9c+��r4wer aheu �+rqn+ptly lumiah to Lender receipts ev�de�cinp auch y�lyn�n1g. (�iy _ <br /> i ' ' ' ;.�.' , ,, �; BoROwer sh�ll promp d y discharps any lien w h ic A haa p►i a f l y ov e r t h i s D e s d o f T r u a t p�o v i d e d,l h a t f�o r r o w e r s���w i b e ° . <br /> yt,'j s'f requlrodtodiacherpss�ysuohliensolonga�8orrowerahaNayrea1nwNtlnptothepaymsntof1heobNpadonaecu�edbywch ��`"���' <br /> • �`��{ N e n i n a m a n n e r e c c s p m b l s b L e n d e r,o r s h e q in goad lalth contest auch Ilen b y,or dsfend eMorcemsnt o1 wch Uen in,Ny1ai �=' ' <br /> :i:,.;... -o <br /> .. , ;,.,,,, or an rt thereol. �,.u _ <br /> proce�dlnps whlch opsnt�to prevent the enforc.ement of�e Nsn a forfeNure of the Propsrty y Pa �_'_°_'°' :;�:'__.�-- <br /> 6, ihsard Inwraec�,Bortowsr ahell ke�p ths Im rovemenb�ow exldin or he►eafte►sreated on the Propeny insured � � • � • <br /> • • • a p e i n s l l o u b y flro.h�s�rds Included withfn the termp'extended cov�ngs",and such othsr hazard�as Lend�r msy require . T Y �h. <br /> and In weh amounts and br euch padods�s Lender m�y roquln•pro v i d e d,t h�t L e n der s h s U n o t r�qu l►e t h a t t h e�m o u n t o f r:�.A��_;;"` <br /> � , ., such covsr�p�uccNd th�t�mount of covKp��equir�d ro Wy th�wm��ewrsd by this Owd of Trus� • -- <br /> ::�.. � ThiNnwranc�carrNrprovldinpthsfnsurance�hallbseho�en BoROwersub�actto�pprovalby Lender,provlded,thet <br /> � such approvsl�hdl not bs unroa�onably withheld.All premluma on��urmce policiss shdl b�pald tn Me manne►proWded , <br /> ` + ���J''� ' ,�. � ��puapnph x h�nof or,II�ot pafd m such menne►.by Borroww maklnp paym�n�whsn dw,dlr�cHy to tha Inwnnc� - . <br /> E � All Insu�ancs Ilole��nd ron�aral�th��of eha11 be In lorm occ�pt�ble to Lender and shall►neluds a sund�rd moAO� s ` '��. <br /> .."- - � ���� �..� <br /> � e ' cl�usslnlavaolindinfo►m�cc�ptablstoLender.lenderahallhavetherighttoholdthspoliclaandrenewalsther�ofand <br /> Borrow�r ehall promptly fumi�h to lender all renewal notices end all receipts M peid premiums.ln Meeventot bss.8orrower .• �;.r- <br /> r; aM�llqlvsprompinoticetothelnsurpncecanlerandLender.Lenderm�ym�IceprooloNossdnotmadeprompUrbyBorrower. . <br /> - ,� • • . UntessLenderend8orrowsrotherwfseayreelnwrltin9,maurenceprocesdashellbeappliedfo�ator�tlonor�epalroHhe <br />: ,� � Properly damayed,providad auch restorsUon a repair I�economicelly fe�sible a�d the secunry of this Deed of Trust it not � <br /> r . ; • thsreby impsired.lf such re�toradon or repair�s not economically feas�bls or d the secu�fty ot this Deed o1 Trust wouW be , ,y,.;. <br /> „ + -- ' ' {mpaired,the inaurenco proceede ahall be eppl�ed to the aums eecued br thia Deed of T�ua�wdh Me excess,i1 any,Wud to <br /> 8ovower.M Me Property Is absndoned b Borrower.or if Borrower lells to�e�pond to Lerder wrthin 30 days trom the date <br /> ' • noHce Is mailed by Lender to Borrower t�iet the insurance carrle�ottera to settle a claim tor insurance beneffts,Lender is <br /> • authorized to coltect�nd��ppty the inw�enca proceeda at Lender's oplion sither to►estoration or repair otthe Proparly or to � <br /> -. � � the sums seCUred by thls Oeed ot Trust <br /> '' Unleas Lender end Borrowsr otherwise agree in wrfting,anX auch eppl�cahon of proceeds to pnncipal sheli not axtend or ' �; <br /> postpone the due daie d the monthly installmenta referred to in paropraphs 1 and 2 hereol or chenqe the amount of auch , <br /> h�+..e. �nstallmente.If under p�r�gnph 1B hereof the PropeAy Is acquired by Lender,ell right,tltle end inte�at of Borrower in and to , <br /> x�,' anyinwrancepollcies�ndinendtotheproceedathe�eofraaultlnglromdamagetofheProperlyprlortotheealeoracquiefNon �; , ,,k ._ <br />- r. �'„�.`•'; � sha11 pess t0 Lender to the exlant of the sums aecured by thls Deed o1 Trust�mmediefely prfOr to auch sale or acqwaitlo�. r"' <br />- f . ,t%Y• 6. Pr�vaMonandM�InNnanc�olProp�ryr:L�aahold�;Condondnluna:Plsnn�dUnH 8orrowersha0 � <br /> ; , � kaep ths PropeAy in good repeir and shall not commit waste or perma impa i�meM of deterioratfon o the Prope►ty and.ahall • , • <br /> . , compl1r withtheprovlaiOnaotenyleaaeifthiaDeadofTrustisonaleasehoW.IfthlsDeedofTruetfsoneunrtlnacondommlum :,�, <br /> �i� �! L ot e plann�d unit developmen�Borrower shall perform all ot Borrower'a obNgetfona under fhe declarehon o�covenants • � <br />� � ! Creatlng or 0oveming the condomfnfum or planned uNt developrneM.the bylaws and reguletions of the condominium or <br />? •:� planned uni�dwelopmen�and consutuent Cocumenb.If a candormmum o�planned urnt de�elopme nt rlder la excuted by • . <br />�= �� ,��. Bonowsr and recorded to�ether w�th this Deed of Trua4 the Coveranfs and egreements 01 such r(der shall be fncorporated <br /> t•'� , into and ahvll emend and supplement the covenents and apreemenb of this Oeed of Trust as if the rfder were a paA hereo}. <br />_.-,�� , �, prpy�tlon ol��ndM'�S�ewiry.If Borrower lails to pe�lorm the covenanfs and agreementa eonteined in thia Deed ol <br />` '*- • '. Iml�«t�oteminentdomeln.�naolveney c�adeenfoeeamitent oranangeme�o Dea�in�sinvolvinqa�bernkrup or�decedent <br />' � � then Landar et Lender's opUOn,upon notice to Bonower,may make aueh eppearances.disburse such aums end teke such <br /> ' � actlonasfeneceesarytoprotectlender'sinterest.mcluding,butnotumitedlo.dlabursementolreasonebleattomey'afeeaand <br /> „ en1rY uponihe propertyto meke repalra.lf Lender reqwreldmoAgaqe maurance es e condidon ot making the loen aecured by <br /> ; • the Deed ot Truaf,Borrower shall paq the premiums reqwred to memtein such fnaurance in eHect undl euch tlme af the <br /> • requlrementforauchfnau►ancaterminatea�naccordencewlthBoROwer'aandlender'awnttenegreementorappIfcslbelaw. <br /> , , Bor►owsr ehallpay the amount of all mo�tqeye Insu�ance pe►mlum6 in the menner provfded under psnpraph-2 heroot. <br />- ' Any amounts dfebursed by Le�der purouant to thia ara raph 7,with intereat thereon. shell become edditlonol <br /> . P �---._._.__., ,. . ....,,,�,..� <br /> -- inCObLlOnfbs oi tlorrower eecurao oJr mis vevu'ui iivbw ai�nvoo�w..,a�o......t�..�.�nt�_....._._.._•m�nf epvmwnf,such <br /> - 1� � � � � amounts shal{be peyable upon notfce Irom Lender to Borrower requestfng peyment hereot,and shall bear intereat hom the <br /> „ � , dete o1 disbursemeniatthe rate payable trom t�me to Ume on outstandmgp►fncipel under the Note unless paYment of fntereat <br /> ` • at such rete would be conUery to applicable law,in wh�ch evenl auch amounts shall bear f�terest at the hlghest rate <br /> " ' permlesibleunderapplfcabl�law.Nothfngcontefnedinlhisperag�aph7shallreqwrelendertolncuranyexpenseorfakea��y <br /> � � --� �'':-�-. acrion herounder. . <br /> �'.w .•, �+.;�`�. �`;' 8. Msp�cHon.Lender mey make or cause to be made reasonable entr�es upon end inepeclions ot the Property,provided ... . <br /> •�� � �.���1`.�5,��;� thet Lender shall give 8orrower nobce pnor to any such inspecuon apecdymg reasonable cause therefore related to Lender's <br />• �:�� ` :�4 :.;.?t.`�; Intere�t in the Property. <br /> ,;� ,,:.: �'�,. <br /> '',;;L;��.• . <br /> � '�tr'� �:.:=�••; '� <br /> :: !�r:i� <br /> ;,�t,n.>•,,..,,r�. <br />��,}: : . .;:���;;:�;.: <br /> ,. ��;;.. . �_ �, <br /> • �y ' '� <br /> s ti <br /> � . _-_ <br />