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; '� � __ _ _ _ _ <br /> .�- ---�_ <br /> ;Z', .r�•. . .,.. .. .. � - �.`_ <br /> - -- - . .. �: -..�• . ,, ,��., . . . . ... . . . . .-.- . __ _ _ � <br /> — - �_ . � ,: „ -��-- <br /> ' �;,�;�;; � g�_ �o� <br />----- a�t M�sN es�n ie!�ro�Nropl+on:�a�f ar w�oi�v��i�1 uw ei��e�ap�bas�s�is-�!�r.� - <br /> � s�Ni P��d�d�N th��1�PatP��fa IaqK tMn an�(1)d�y bq�ond thi dhr dM�OMt�d la!Mi ntMlai►of wl�„noMa <br /> thKaM NNII b�plwn In th��nw�'M th�orql�l nallo�of MN.TrwtN a1M11�oaa�b and dNlwr te th�pi�� <br /> �e�o�.a annwy�no M.Prop.ny�o sold�an,�itnow.ny oovoaant«vwrr.�nty�avr�a c►Impl�.d.Th.nattds In th�d..e <br /> a.Mr m.�c«.o..a�.�,.0�e ao�a�wwod a a�.u�u+r�...a�«�.n�n►a«.o�,i�a�a►�«+.r+o�rr.�n►v�► <br /> on...�tn..,�.. <br /> _` _��� � oat��nd�xP�nMS cf��R�Nnp tM powMr of MN�nd of�ih�iaN,lnnludln�th�p��t of th�Tr�i��'�NM�otuMyr <br /> Inoumed,whk�TruatM's f��hall not In tA��pOhpat��xoNd tIN fotlowlnp�mount bas�d upon th�amount�eouhd <br /> IwK�b�r�nd wmalnlnp unp�ld;d p�►omtum an tM flnt i1,000 th�nof�1 p�a�ntwn on tlN b�laria tlNnof�nd th�n b th� <br /> It«n�In subparapraph(C�In tIN ord�tMrM�tat�d. <br /> - � tonola�irun�nd�s�l��Ifi�dpunu�n�tt�o�jurdoWta���prooNd�af�Nshal�raPP�Nd n1 ordKNat�d <br /> to iM p�ym�nt of: <br /> m. Cost ot any wtd�na�ol t1t1�procund In eonn�atton wltA suah s�N u�d ot�ny nwnw tlanip�; <br /> pl► All sumt th�s�aurrd Mr�b�►; <br /> piq TM nm�IndK.If�ny,to tM peson Ipally�ntltNd tM�o. <br /> 13.OYtIM�lid Obllp�tloln of TnMl�M.(a)TM dutliq a�d obllpNlon�of TrustN shall bs d�t�nnlned soNly by 11N acprMs <br /> �- , p►orlelone of thla DMd ot Trost,and T�wt«�hall not b�Il�bl��xc�pt for th�p�rform�ncs of suah dutlN and oblipatlons as _ <br />- -= an spscitlaally s�t forth h�nln,md no Impllsd aowmnte a ob110�tlons sh�ll be Impos�d upon TrwtM;�b)No provlalons ot - <br /> = thl�ONd of Trust�MII nqulh TnistM to�xp�nd or�t�k It�own iund�,a oth�nwiM Inour�ny flnanalal oblipatbn In th�p�r- <br /> � fomWnc�of�ny of Its dutNi h�rNmd�r,or In ths�x�rals�of�ny of It�ripht�or pow�r�If it�h�ll Mw�ounds M►bNlwinO <br /> - th�t ths rep�ymsnt of�uoh tunds or adpwts Ind�mnit�r���Inst suah rlsk or Ilabllity Is not naso��blr a�sund to It;(c) <br /> y':•� TrustM m�y conwlt wNh counsN of Its own ohooslnp�nd tM advia�of suah aounMl shdl b�full�nd comptd�authorWtbn <br /> and protsctlon In thm rosp�at of�ny aatlon taken or auNend by it h�nund�r In qood faith�nd nll�nos thsrwn;(d)Tnist�s � <br /> , �hNl not b�Ilabts tor any uttlon tak�n by It in pood hlth�nd��uonably Mll�wd by it to b�authorizod or withle tIN dita►�tlon . <br /> a ripht�and pow�ra conhrrad upon It by thls D�ed of Trust. <br /> ':,�: r;, 14.Addltlon�I 8rcwity In�t�um�nM.Truator,at its expsne�,wlll ex�oute,�pQ�llva�.tath�Tnat�s,promptly upar►d�m�nd. <br /> , sueh security Inst�umente aa may be►equind by Tnis1N�In form�Qd,ip0�Ln0��tlifiictor.y to Tru::ie:,oew►in0��Y of th� <br /> "��� ! Prop�ny oonwysd by this Desd oi Trust,whloh eeourlty In�trum�nts�hidAt�iddMfOriii seourltxfor:�r�etor'e hlthiul perfor- <br /> -:__�,.J,___ m�nas of all of the te►ma,covsnmta and oonditbns at thts Dead o�TrusqtilML��l�ti W�t PromiseorY notss acurod <br /> _. _ -� <br /> heroby and�ny othsr ascurity Inatrumsnts execubd In conn�otion wiin t�ii"i#nnwatbn.�s110I1�IqifYfilYlt�i��ii�l{tid i800iiI3� <br /> �, s�;;� • �;° or flled,�nd rarecordsd�nd nfllsd,at T►ueto►'s sxpenee. <br /> y°. ''"�;'�4�'�;����' 16.MboNl�n�ous. <br /> ��1 . <br /> �(_' `' `�-��:. (A) In the went ony one a more of the pravlslons contalned In the D�ed of Truet,or the loan ApreemeM or Any pramissory <br /> `� � `����� note�or any othe�aeau�lry Inetrument Iven In oonneotion wlth tMs tranaRCtlon,ehdt tor any�eaaon to bs held to ba In- <br /> �_ � ���:ti"t uv ..I�F'R. � <br /> �4"'�' "� ' ' va114 Illep�l or unenb�ceable In any reapecf euch Invalidlty Illapallty a unenforceabillty ehall, at the optlon of <br /> . :ar,�'sk�s`,;,;"':;:... <br /> ��' x"��`�' � Beneflolary,not ofteot any othe►provialon of thla Oeed of Tniet,that thla Deed of Trust ehall be oonstru�d as If wch In- <br /> ��.�.:�,.,.;,,�<: <br /> - • ,ti Y�-3:;;..�:. ;.����;_ v a l l d,I l l e p a l o r u n e n f or c e a b i e pr ovlelon had never been contalned heroln o�lhereln. <br /> -= (B) This Desd of Truat shall be conetrued aocordinp to the lawa of the State of Nebraeka. <br /> �� 2{ � :':�: �;�..,.. (Gy The Dsed of Truat ehall Ineure to�nd bind the helre, lepateea,d�vlsees. edminletratore,ex�euto�e, auaesssors and <br /> I�SL..t f w'�' <br />.�; ,.���::,.• .;' asslpna of the pertles hereto. <br /> ,r. . �-,.�r.:.� � (D) Trustor shell pay all t�xes levled upon thle Deed of Truet or the debt aecured hereby,to�ether wlth�ny other tuces o► <br /> ,..,�..�..�...,� . <br /> ~j� '�, ..,�;.:.�::,.,:. �� ' ' assesanenta whlch may be levled apalnet the T�uetee or Benefloiary or the lepal holde►of the Loan A�reement on ac- <br /> :,�,� �� �t�,:; ••�, `�� ,�. count of the Indebtednass evldencod thereby. <br /> �`���j1" '?�e � �� (E� Whenever used hereln,tho alnpular number ahall Include the plurel,the plural,the sinpuler,the use of any qender ehall be -- <br />':i,:.:.-,; °.[,':�.�..:.....t�:. <br /> '�•. .; � �. •,• .; appllaeble to al l pendoro,and the term"Benellclary"ahell Inolude a�y payee of the Indebtadneas hereby eecured or any <br /> ° '�' '�' � tranefer thereof,whether by operatlon of law or othervvlae. <br />",- �'.:.'�" �t;..��,`. - <br /> ;;,��. .� 18.Sucai�orTnufM.Benellclary may from tlme to tlme aubstltue e successor or aucceasoro to any Truatee nemed hereln <br /> ,:;•h.� or aatln�hereunder to execute thla T�uet Deed.Upon suoA appolntment�nd without convenyance to the euCCeaeor Truatee, <br /> .;.<• ��`�F: �: ; ' the I�tter ehell be veated with all title,powers and dutles conferred upon any Truetee herel�named or ectlnp herounder.Eaoh <br /> ' euoh�ppolntment end aubatltutlon ahall be mAde by written Inatrument by Beneflclary,contalning referencs to thls Dead of _ <br /> �`M�, f �,••�• • :� ' Truet and Its place of reaord,which when reoorded In the offlae of the Repleter of Deeda ol the county or aouMlea In whlch � <br /> �... '���::.•::�•�:. � <br /> . ••„���....; • sald prope�ty la situ�ted,shall be conoluatve proot of proper appointment of tha succeesor Trustee.The forapolnp power of _ <br /> � . • ;"„tu� eubetltutlon and the procedure therotor ehall nat be excluelve of the power and p►ocedure provided for by law for the eubatitu- <br /> i< < � tlon of a Truatee or 7rualeea In the place ot the Trustee or Trustees named hereln. ;v <br /> �' �_.=- =-:' 1T.Forbsannce 6y Bsnellelery o►TnntN Not�W�hr�r.A forbearance by Beneflolery or Truatee In exeralelnp any rlpM or � <br /> - � remedy hereunder,or othenNlse afforded by appllcable law shell not be a welver of or preolude the exercise of any�I�ht or <br /> r � :':� the walver b 8eneficle or Trustee of an default of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust ehell not be ! <br /> :; �,. . :`� . remedy hereunder.Ukewlae, y ry Y - <br /> _ �• ' `°.�•..�,, d e e m e d t o b e a w�i v e r o f a n y o t h e r o r elmllar defaulte subse quentl y ocourrin p. _ <br /> ' � " 18.TruNor Not RN�s�d.Extenslon of the time for payment or modlHoatlon o�amortizatlon of the suma aecured by the � <br />� � .��,'�`,,'�'�'''•• •, ,•'� Desd of 7rust qranted by Beneficlery to any euccesaor In Interest of Truator ahall not operate to release,In any menner,the ; <br />- "� Ilablllty of the orlylnel Truator and Trustor's auaaeesor In Intereat.Benef iclary ahall not be requlred to commence proceedln�s <br /> � ..�',�:�����',;��� �' apalnst suah suaceaeor or refuee to extend time for peyment or otherwlae modlfy amortlzatlon of the auma aecured by the <br /> ` "� ��"' '' D�ed oi Trust by reason of any demand made by the orlqlnal Trustor and Trustor's succeeeors In Intereat. � <br /> °� �.;-��`.:•�:'.. ^ ' � <br /> ,�� ' 19.Optlon to Forrolow.Upon the oocurrence of eny de}ault hereunder,8eneflclary ahall heve the optlon to foreobse thia � <br /> -� �T •����� . .....:v�1...�e .i...N�a M►�In.����/ wrMNn���� nn r�ul nrnnorfv <br /> __�l -_-T— _—- �v �i�io��.. v�iwiiiiv. r.v r� ..... v� v .�..r..� .p...�,.....�. <br />_ ^ � � � . 20.Teu�tort Ripht�,AbNnt ON�ult.Until any default In the payment of Indebtedneea hareby secured,or untll the breach of : <br /> - • � any covenant heraln contNnsd,the Truetor,Ite euoeeeeore and oeslyna,ehall poaaees And enJoy the property and recelve the `. <br />-q �"-��'� • rents and proflta therefrom.Upon payment of all euma aeoured by thls Deed of Trust,9eneflclary ehall requeat Truatee to � <br /> ` - � reconvey the propsrty and ehpll aurrende�thla Deed of Truet and all notea and Loan Agreementa evidencinp indebtedneas <br /> �„ eeaured by the Qaed ot Troat to Trustee.Truatee ehall reconvey the property wlthout warranty and wlthout cha�pe to the pe�• � <br /> ,-;,�" sona lepplly entltled thereto.The C3rAntee In any reaonveyanae may be deaaribed�a"the pereon or peraons entitled thereto", <br /> ��,:_,.. and tha rocit�ls therein of any matters w f�cte ahall be concluelvo proof of the truthfulness ther6ol.Such pereon or peraonn <br /> �=�' ..«�� ... � •: ehell pay aU costa o!�ecordlnp,It any. <br /> �-_ �.;,.�, ;i�� 21.Tan�hr of th�PropMr Awumpllon.If all or any part of the Property or an Intereet thereln la auld or trs�naferred without • <br /> �� �° ' 6enstlelary'e prlor wrltten coneent,exc� t�a otherwiee vlded b law,Beneflalary m�y,Al B�f16fIC1A 'a o tlon,dealare all <br />'7, � . `.�. �` •� P Pro Y rY P . <br /> .;.�,:. "+�. the sums aecured by ihls Dsed of Truet to be Immedl�tely due end payable.Benef Icfary ahall have walved suah option to ac• <br /> •°ti''� • � � ' celerate If,prlor to the ede or tranafer,Beneficlary and the peraon to whom the PropeKy la to be sold or tranefernd reach <br /> - ' MNOIb{►IYO) <br /> � . <br /> .l� .'. •• ' — - -- - - _ _ _ <br />