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`T rµ-. .7"L�;.� --—_--TT.,,f.-..r,n�-:,-- � _ - .. <br />.__ . ._ .._.--_ .�.�.�_"=� -� - ' - - - � -- . .� � . .� _. . .•i.... ��.t».:�:_..a . ;ye• _'-._,_.Y._ .-- <br /> .. ' �5 � .n =-. . <br /> ��� . .. - . �a <br /> _----- -- — ' _ 1�tt011 to 1 rweN and�w�ii�iirl.in3ciN��i art�iiuik+Y iwi��w't�ifoi e�+:::.��ct `"lot�tltl�!�}__'�";'��'�'* - <br /> Ib�epltMlo�d�1t�T�wIM Or�MMfbl�r�Y P��woA MMwMIO�MI Moordulo�wlth tM proMMMM eE/�MK*+�` <br /> TruMo. 0�_ ro MN.nol�r a�.o�+a1nY poN�ol�a iY�w.ia.and�wMwN.fh«rot«oapWa M.}ah oallo�M�1 <br /> nK�M�lul+�to twnlNl woh InNnM1o��71►Trudor�o►�►�N y nq�Nr�d 1�MMwlM�Ntsll��t tf11�oplloA of <br /> �fbiMY.oonattW��dNwN.�1N unMrrMd P�nN�ns+r'r Mr�OY�wfprnd to TnutN a��ddillond Mau�lt���nd a s�N u�d <br /> ooiwhlano�d th�PropKtY b9r th�TnistM M�II aperu�to ao�w�r lo th�pural��th�Tnalor's IMin�t In�nd to aN P�� <br /> _ .z-=�_--_.�- ot Insurancs Wson the Tniet rropee�. <br /> a TixM�d��M�.Tna�ta tlu�ll phr all t�cM and�prat�l�s�m�nt�Iwl�d a��Nd palnst�a dw Wwn.tb� <br /> Proq�rty bNor�d�llepwnoy and wUl dNlwr to MnNblih►aoplM ot noN��MaM►N�0 P�►f►rt�t at�tuoh t�c�s�nd�M <br /> rs�Mnt�. <br /> a Ad�NIN�1�M I.Mn�.Trusta shall mva�II pa�t�of Inta..t.nd winoiv.i,sna a.rn.nn a�n�►an.►a�n�..,t..�,a++d <br /> �xp�nf�aontr�atad to b�pa{d to�ny nclatln0����a P�►�°�u��y P��of Trwt,Mat�a <br /> otM►s�aMity a�Onrn�nl�ONon tl�dot�thql uN dNinqwnt and to phr an�r olh�►olalm whloh NoP��InM 1M a�ouritl► <br /> print�d.MrNn. <br /> 7.!'noMafio�d NnMIoN�rs�aWly.8houtd Tnntor hll to mak��ny paytnant,iall to do anp�et p h�rNn provld�d o►if <br /> any�ctlon or prooMdlep Is ComnNno�d�t�tl�lly�if�ob B�ila�ary's IM�rat in tM PropKty�inatudinp, but not <br /> ' Nmlt�d to,wnln�nt domaln,in�otvqiay��anp�nMnts a procMdlnps Imolrinp a b�nkropt or d�a�d�nt,th�n�n�ilcluy a <br /> TnwtM,but wlthout abll�ation to do�o.and wllhout notia to a dMnand upon Tn�star,and without nN�ulnp Twsto►from�rry <br /> -��� <br /> olblq�tlon I�wntMr�nny mek�w do tM s�m�.�nd may WY�P�►chsa�contMt or r.omPromlp�ny�noumbrana��abarp�or <br /> , - Wn,wE�ich En ti�xt�+;dQmsnt af aliRer�ara ta affec!sa�f Pro�;!�exerolel�0 a�q suoh Pow�a,tlw B�flolary or _ <br /> — --- - - - <br /> __ �y Incur a Ii�btlity and�ocp�nd wh�t�wr�mouot�„Mcludinp ols4ursanMnb vf nawmbl��ttoms�r'�tMa.whlcA In tMl►ab� <br /> -- �"'�"}i �ol�b d1�orMbn may b� �a�tsWlr.ln th�w�nt th�t Tniptor aha114�f1 to procur�Insu►anoe.hU to pay ta�s and sp�ol�l <br /> ,:;:���a�� #as�e�m�nH a t�tl to mrito�riy Wym�nta to ucl�itnq oi�pria lNn holdes or l�wticl�rla�ths B�nstlaluy may prooun weh <br /> ;��;�'`'-- ---- iq�apranc�and make suclf payinspte.All aums inout�ed,cteMpind�!by B�neflalary or Tniatss In�ccprd�ncs with tfa provl• <br /> " olons of th�O�+d of Trust ero�spound Mro1�y and,wlthout d�ncf,shsll b�ImmedlatNy due and pay�bl�by Trostor�nd diall <br /> bNr Intenst at ths niN provid�d for�dvaqaes unda►the� L,os�n Apreemant; provid�d, howRwr, th�t tl ths optton ot tM <br /> �8ansfloUry a TrustN,such aums m�y be addsd to iha prinolpal qa��ce of any Ind�bt�dnsrs s�ound h�r�by and�h�ll b�r <br /> -'= �It�pm�Inta�st as�uch InWbtadn�s�snd�h�ll be payabl��aUbty�mnN'the►en�inlnp t�rm the►sof. <br />' �;y� B.�Asdp�t of/MMs.B�nNicl�ry ah�U hav�ths�Ipht,power�nd authority durinQ the aontinwncs of thle Ueod ot Trust to <br /> coll�ct ths nnts, Issws and proflts of the PropKtr and of�ny p�nond properly loo�t�d thK�on with or wlthout t�klnp <br /> =:��� pwws�lon oi tha Prop�rty aff�t�d h�nby,and Trueto�Mreby�beolute�Y and uneondltlon�lly�esipn6 all such ronts,Ia�we <br /> = and profits to B�neflClltry. B�n�flolary,howsv�,h�reby cons�nta to ths Truptnr'�colt�otlon and rst�ntlon of such r�nt�, <br /> . � Issua and proflts�s thsy e�carus and beaom�ptyabt�so IonO�s Trustor Is nat,et sueh tlms.M dN�utt with nspsat to psy <br /> mqnt of any Ind�bt�dn�sa seour�d hersby a In ths perform�nos of any apreemeot haround�r. Upon any such dsfault, <br /> � ,• ��',fi4• p�n�flel�ry may�t any tlms,elther In person,by�pent or by�raaelve�to bs appointed by a couR,without notlas and wlthdui <br /> .,�.;: D <br /> ;:�;�.;� �;;7 ►�pad to th�Mdputoy of any escudty for ths Ind�btedns�s hsreby seawed:(a)enter upon and t�ks poasssslon of the Proper - <br /> -`�F�'i ` qr or any p�R therooi and in Its own name sus for or othsrwlss colleat auah roMe,Isauea�nd p�oflts,Ineludinp those past dus <br /> `-�'�i'•�� ` and unpadd.�nd applr the s�ms. I�sa costs and sxpsnaes of operation and colleotloe,Includinp roaeonabte attomsy fees, <br /> �'��• • upon any ind�btednsie ssou�ed hereby�nd In suoh order�s Benellolary m�y detemdne;(b)psrform auch acts of rep�ir or pra <br /> � .� tsatlon ae m�y W n�cessery or propsr to aonssrve the value of the Propeny;(o)lease the a�ms or any pa�t hersof tor suoh roM <br /> -- tal te►m�nd upon suoh condltlona as Its�udpment may dlotate.Unleas Truator and Be�eflolary apres othe�rles In wrltlnp,any <br /> ;� ' apptla�tlon of nnta,leeuea or proflts to�ny Indebtsdnese aeaured hereby ahall not extend or poatpone ths due date of tA�iM <br />�,� s �}4'','�,�� st�lknsnt paymenta ae provlded In th�Lwn Apreemsnt,and the applicatlon tMreof ae aforeaald ahdl not w�ive or ouro any <br /> .':'�':',.:, <br /> dNault or notice of default hersund�r or Inv�lidate any aat done pureuant to such notice.Trostor elso asslpns to B�neficlary, <br /> _ . • u;,,,.,�.,;�_ , ae funhe aaourlty for tbe pe�form�noe of the oblipetlone aeeured hereby,all prepald ronte and all monles whleh may hav� <br /> . i .,�?R1•r, ;:: � , bsen or may her�aft�r be depoelt�d with s�id 7rustor by any lesaee of the Prope►ty,to secure the payment of eny rent,�nd <br /> : ��,u�w; rnti�. upon dNault In th�perforRmncs of any of the provlelone hereof,Truator aprees to deliver suah rente and depoalta to the - <br />.;'° ;,�,.�r�;::+."�• '�1�'�` Bsn�flalary.Dellvsry o(wrlUen nntiae ol Benelllcary's exercise of the riphts pranted heroln to any tenent oaoupying s�fd - <br />� �� !G����'� � p►emises ehall bs sutflclent to r�qulre aald tenant to pay eald rent to lhe Beneficlary untll further not�ce. <br /> ,,���,{•, ,. - <br /> „�.�. 9.C�mnatlon.If tltle to any part of ths Property ahell be taken In condemnetlon proceedlnpe,by ri�ht of eminent domaln <br /> - "'�'""�`" or almllar actlon,or ehall De nold under threat ot condemnetlon,all awarde,damapes and proceeds are hereby aeslpned a�d - <br /> �'� ;�S � shall be p�id to Beneficlary who eh�ll apply suoh�ward,damepee end proaeade to the eume eecur�d by tM Deod of Truet, _ <br /> + '4; ""��'' :� wIM ths exc�ae,if any,p�ld to th�Truator. <br /> x,,. .. <br /> •�� �� 10.FuUu��MM�nas�.The Losn Apraement p�ovldea for advances from tlme to time to Truator by Bensfiolary aa provlded <br /> -�����' .- , thsreln.In additlon,upon request of Truetor,8eneflolary,at Ben�flalary's optlon,prlor to reconveyance of the Property to the <br /> ��;: •��� � ,�,v. „ Tru�tor,m�y make additionpl future advonces to the Truetor.Suah future advences,with intereet thereon,ahall be aeeured by . <br /> ��'-, �• - thie Deed of Truet whsn evldenaed by promisaory notee etatU�that eald notes are secured hereby;provlded thst at no time <br /> - f r,full the eeeurad prl�alpd and futuro advanees,not Ineludinp aume advanced to protect the aeeurlty,exceed one hundred per• _ <br /> - -- _-..- _ _- oent(100%)of the origlnal prl�clpal amounta secund hereby. - <br /> �' � ` 11. R�nNdl�s Cumul�tiw. All remedles provlded In th�e Deed of Trust ere distlnct end cumuletive to any other ripht or � <br /> - remsdy under thls D�ed of Truet or aliorded by iaw or equlty,and may be exerclsed concurrently,Independently or successlve� _ <br />_. ,�� ti �Y• . <br /> �`'."�•" 12.AcaN�ntlon;R�n1�dNr,S�t�.A default ahall exist In the event of: <br /> � ,_ . ,,,� • (A) Any traud or misrap�eeentatlon by the Trusror In cannectlon with the Iine of credit whlch this Oeed of 7ruat aecures; <br />-,`�� °,���;=s: (B) Any failure on the pprt of the Trustor to meet the rdpayment terma in respeat to the Loan A9reement and any othe►ad• <br /> � • '� � �� v�naes under thla Deed of Truat hereby aecured;and, ' <br /> � �,:r;��j� _ . <br />- ,•=:t;�" ; (C)Any oatlon by ihe Truator prohlblted by the terms of the Loen Apreement or thls Deed of Trust or eny feliure ot the Trustor <br /> - to aat oa requlred by the Loa�Apreement or thls Deed of Trust,eaoh of whlch Trustor hereby eprees have an adverse ef• <br /> " ' �'�`� faat on 1ho Beneficle 'a securit for the Ilne of credit eetebllehed end the rl hta ot the Beneflolary �n aucn eecun�y, <br /> . _�,., . �„;:;�.• �Y Y O <br /> �a.,..::.�,�.::�''1?rti�::• <br />: r��� � • an0 upon the happeninp of eny suoh event of defeult,Beneficlery may declare all auma aecured hereby Immedlately due and <br /> �r.��''•'�� -: <br /> �'';,._ • �• ,r payable by delivery to Trustee o(written Geclsretlon of default.The Truetee shall have the power of sale of the Property,e�d It <br /> �%'��"��'�';'�'-`� = Beneflalery deslrea the Property to be sold, It ehell deposlt with Trustee thle Deed of trust and all promlasory notes and <br /> � doouments evldenalnp expendltures secured hereby and shell deliver to Trustee a wrltten notice of defeult and electlon to <br /> ;.,�r;�, anuae the ProFehy to be eold,and the Trustee In fum ehall prepare a notlae In the form requlred by lew,which ahall be duly fil• <br /> .�,;:�„,- � ed for rocord by Trustee. <br /> - + � , � (AI After the lapae of auch tlme ae may be requlred by law followinp the recordation ol sald notice of defaulf,and notice of <br /> � � ' default and notice of sale havinp been ylren as requlred by law,Truatee,without demand on Truatnr,shall aell the Proper• <br /> � ;'�:. 1�. , ty on the date and at the time and pl�ce deeipnated In sold notice of sale,at publlc auctlon to the hlphest bldder,the pur• <br /> -- '�'' `• �: �' Cheee price payabte In lawful money of the United Stotee at the tlme of sale.The person conductlnp the sale may,for any <br /> - ' �� � ' ' � couse he deem�jytp���Oatpone the aob from tlme to tlme u�tll It ehell be completed and,ln every euch ceae,notlae <br /> � HF�Oty.�7�i01 `V �i -£6 <br /> - .6l� ' - - �'�_ .' . <br />