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--��- _ _ . �v___._ _ ___ <br /> , . . . ' . ,n„ - , :�:,.:.�.%rf.n'�urryy,��•s.Tr.,p fs�.s�'�_ ' - � .-..... .. <br /> ��N' <br />.. � ,. .. .. ,. � „ ' •� ' � }, 'l.1�. <br /> . a � j�4J.Y- �� <br /> Aswi�wii��*s�wiin�i iw�"�' -- � �R��:�+.t�e_�lt.j*'7M!�_,�.- i►'�tii�—-_;,';_ �_.. <br /> �t ��ad a1MMMI�L��tnldQ��M Bi�M r/IYM��o�lilr 1�I��1i11i-��1l���•rr.,��;� <br /> ���lAMMkr 11'!�CO��1YM�d111r/1 MId10f�Md by 1�M�OC1�• <br /> � at�w�� ��� <br /> t��{�yp���b�Of iu�IN1111��OC11fOd���O�Y Illiff1M11H1t��fb0 C�M 0��ar��r <br /> (l)BOf1o'1Y0� djl���II�1 plj►IIIOIIt111y P�fYl00t 10�i�1�,bIY���� <br /> 1110f Cf11�lO�10 f�0 Of 1�Ip D0� p�� <br /> ii)Bono�►a defiiulp l+Y h�lla�.fix�perlod of thiKy day�.to pafam wy od�er cbii�a�lons ood�ined ia�iis <br />. �y� ���Creiit Appro�i. I.aoder�1a�U�if Pamitbid�bpi�PP�icablo!sw�nd wllh tine t�tr�pp�val 4f,!Ile�;':;.,'::�`�;,j� <br /> Sn►�ib .��P�1'�in fi�of t6e�g x w�c�red���tY/mwnm�aK if: ,., ' �, ; <br /> ' •�(i��'. 'U o�•p�at+atd�e qs bec�ql��(rtt�i«�:lu�a• All a pnt af dio[�lroperty��•;iol�oe' � , <br /> , � ,:oilicT�iso 4rau?s��r�ed'(�qn ti11',de�ttaxd8�cci�i�1►y 1t�e�o�rower,xnd •. ., ,. ! ` <br /> � - ..•� .: ..�°��:��i�:7l7iie Prnpetty�not ar�{pbecl;bY die p�dwb�!'pl'8'�t�.�s His c��er princlpad radda�c+e�or d�e�Irduue�� .'.: . <br /> � ` ..� �anoee does so occupy ��he PiopatY bnt �hit tu �er oredit has aot boen �ppnn►�d in �000nd*occ . <br /> .,L.•,'•: '."'. •• ItlOf1NRSOC1Ct�• <br /> ' . �1V1m t�1E I�DQY�TCISC�i <br /> • (Q)1�0 W�M!!. Il�OCCUr 111N1 WOII�d pCt111�1 j.dldOf t01CQII�IE�IItG10d�0�imldK iA�,��.pM� <br /> dOq 110[�u NIC�1pryne���.�11�G d00s IMK 1N1�V0�i P�$�11i NI�1�1�oct ZO SU�1iEQUCaI CYED�i. <br /> (d)il�qYtlor o�HUD 3�crebu� In a�anY clmumota�oes�u4�ioas iwied by tbe Sec�tvY wiU Uaiit Laderls <br /> ri�hte� in the cae d paymmt det�ults.toroq uiie immtedWe Wyment�in tuU aud taeclaa it not 71�is <br /> Security In�uu�r�ent dP«not wthudze wcakr�tian or toroctosuio it not pamiaed by rejul�tiau d d»�. <br /> (�)Mwii�Not Iwnd. Bonawer ajroe�that�houW thi�5ecurlty Inqrwaent md tl�ee nob�ecurad tlbreby ao� <br /> be eli�ibb tar inww�oe unde� Ihe N�tiaud Howln�A�ct wflhin �� � <br /> d�te hereot.l.ander rroy��t ils option�nd notwi�hwu�dina�pythln�in P���equiro bnrnediote paymero in <br /> full of dl wnu�ecwrd by this 9acueity Insuvm�at. A wrfpen potemem of Mny wthori�ad a�aM of tlio Secrewy <br /> d�ted wbreque�W to fran the date hereof.declinin�to inwro this Securlty _ <br /> ���t�����by.�11 be damod conclwive proof oP wch ineli�iblNty. Natwi� <br /> the fae�oin�.1h1�aptlon may nut bc o�unci�ed by Larider when the unavdUbillry oi InsLt�noe ic wldy due to <br /> L�ndarti[dliue a remit�moit�e insurmve Pnmlum to the Sa�etary. <br /> !�. Rdp�l�temaa� Borrower h�e�dgM W be roi�utatod if L.ender hs�quirod immediata p�ymau in full ber�wua <br /> of Bamwerl�failuro ta pay pn+unuunt�duo under tho•Note or thie Security Insttument. This right appll�s a„ea+�n' <br /> faecbw�e �unceedin�ts�rc iost(tuted. 7b rcinslato the Sectuity Inswment� Homnwer shall taw)er in a Iwnp wm�LI <br /> amounts requi�d to�bring Borrowarl�qccount cwront inciuding.w d�o oxtam lher+un c.bllg�tio�s of S�rowa u�t� <br /> Securiry Inshument�faxlosure cocts and�n�blo ond customary attomoys'fees and expenges properly assxiated with <br /> the foroclosure proceading. Upon reinstatement by 8orruwer.this Security I�ctrumem end the obllgatiau tlwt it�cures <br /> ehWl remain In effect as if Lender lu�d not requinsd immediste payment in full, However.Lender ie not ro9u�w��e�io <br /> reinstatement if: (i)I.ender has acceptal ninctatemenl atter the wmmencement of fonclowu�e prooeodinSs, <br /> yesus immedlately preceding the commencemeM of a cwrent foreclosure proceeding. (ii) roinstatemeat w�ll proclude <br /> forxtosuro on differcnt grounds in the fawn.or(i ii)neinctatement wlll adve�sely'affect die pnority of tbe lun cmted by . <br /> thia Socurity lnsdument <br /> 11. Barrower Nnt Released; Forbe�rance bx LRnder Not a Watva: Earcnsion of the time of payment or <br /> moditication of wnoRizedon of the sums secured by t4�s Security Insaument granled by L.ender to any�uxessor in intcKest <br /> of Bomower ahall not aperate to�+elease the linbi8ty of the original Borrower or Borrower`s successor in intcrest. Lender <br /> ahall not berequic�ed to commence proceedings egainst ony successor in interest or refuse to extend�me for payment or <br /> otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by Ihis Secudty Insuument by rcason of any dernand made by the <br /> original Bprrower or Honower's successors in intorest. Any forbearance by Lender in exerci�ing any dght or remaly ahal! <br /> not 6e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successw�s and Asslgns Bound;Joint and SeverAl Liabllity;CaSlgnera 'ilie covenants end agroemenla of <br /> this Secudty Inatrument shall bind and 6enefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bomower,subjxt W the provisions <br /> - of Wragreph 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreements shell be joint nnd several. Any Bomower who co-s�gns this <br /> Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (n)is co-sigoing this Security Inwniment only to mortgage.g�n t and <br /> convey that Horrower�interest in the Properry under the terms aP this Secudty Instrumenr,(b)is not personaUy ob il gated to <br /> pay the sums secu�d by this Security InstrumenC and(c)ugreeu that Lender nnd any other Borrower may ag�ee to extend. <br /> modifj�,forbear or makP any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument ar the Note without Ihwt <br /> Borrower�s consent <br /> 13. Nodeea Any notice to Borrower provided for in �his Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless upplicable Inw requires use of anwher method. The notice shall be directed to Ihe <br /> Propeny Addreas ar any other nddoess Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by <br /> firat class mail to Lender's address stated herein ar any uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any naice <br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed�o have been given to Borrower m Lender when given as provided <br /> in this pamgraph. <br /> l4. GoverninR Law:Severabillty. This 5ecurity In�trumnnt shall be govemcd by Federal law and the law of thc <br /> jurisdiction in whkh the Property is located. ln the event thm uny pnwi�iuu�r�iauxc of this Serurity]nspumeat or�he <br /> Noto confltcu wi�h ap licable law,such conflict shall not uffect other provisions of this Security Instrument or�he Note <br /> which cun be given e�ect without the contlicting pravision. 7b this end the pravi�ionx of this Security Instrument and the <br /> Nnte are declared to be sever�ble. <br /> 15. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given ooe c�nformed copy�f thix Se�urity Instrument. <br /> 16. Asslgnmmt of Rente. Borrower unconditionally ussign,und trunxien to Lender ull the rents and r�venues of the <br /> p�p�rty. Bomower uuthorizes l.ender or Lenderk nFentc to coller��he rentx and revenues nnd hereby directs each ten�nt of <br /> the Propetty to pay the rcnts to l.ender or Lender's ugents. However.priar to Lender� notice to Borrower of Borrower's <br /> breach of any covenont or agreemem in thc Security In�trument,Bormwer shull collec�nnd r+e�eive ull ren�s cu�d nevenues of <br /> the Piroperry as wstee for the benefit of Lender and Born►wer, This asaignment of renGc cons�itutes nn absolu�e aaxfgnment <br /> and not an�ssignnxnt for additional secu�ity only. <br /> If Lender gives noUce of breach to Borrower: (a)oii rents received by oorrowcr ni�aii oc ia:��� �i vw�i o;u'w'•G. <br /> for benetlt of Lender only,to be upplied tv the sums secured by�he Security Inatrument: (b>Lender shall be entitled to <br /> collxt end reoeive all of the rents of the Property; ond (c)each tenant of�he f'�mperty shall pay ull rents due rnd unpaid to <br /> Lender or I.cnder's asent on Lender's wrinen demand to the tenant. <br />- Borrower has not executed any prlor essignment of the rcnts anP ubu not and will na perfunn any act that would <br /> prevent Lender from exercisin$its nghts under this Paragreph 16. <br />- Lender shall not be requircd to enter upon,take conuol of or maintain the Property before a after giving notice af <br /> breach to Borrower. However,Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so ut any�ime there is a breach. Any <br /> application of rente shall not cure or walve any default or invelidate any other nght or remedy of Lender. TMia assignment <br /> ' of rents of the Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. <br /> Ipadr.�oJ4 pagrsl <br /> i <br /> - � <br />