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___:.,._.,.... -. . ..r.,., .. ., _ .._ .�-..-_�._._.-_-._.� � _. . . . ,-�-�—T•'�f_,z_ _:Mct�['�'g.µ,�,r'•T .. y ,'S1`1���..'l�`_ :G. � '_ . �. -�__ <br /> . .. „ �, . • , ��ftf,u.;�".'! �"'.:,r , <br /> . . <br /> , „ , , ' ' e � <br /> . - ;y W <br /> . • ,. . � . - <br /> . �'_ . ' �� ., � <br /> • ....,� . .h <br /> ' }' <br /> �.J�W-1V-_ <br /> _ _ — - -.. _�- � .- --���iii f+i.Cfi�"�r �i1�1�iti��r�0iiln iin ptwoi�wi 4ir�iw�:�`�raz".-,,' - <br /> ,�i�1 t�d bjr�ar/tIM�!M[/M��r oeda IbA,3�10M. � ' �-. <br /> - . •1`IYM,,,tWr�y„w,�,r d 7bar,LN„r„�ol� d� Boeow��b� aci��p�pr� <br /> LM � �' chr���n i�lhae��it�d a�(a)un�a Nd <br /> � la�er with the pria�d�l aed�titete�t a��et in dw I�Iali ��u or�nound�ean a�tb Peapatr.�M <br /> . �aa0ame�Ms bvird a w b kvbd qainst d�e Propaty.(b)� <br /> . (C)�kt!Ot bqluaA00 nQnirad bY PAr�ph 4• <br /> B�ch�rrandily i�trllmenc for Uan4(�).(b)�od(c) rtuU e9w1 one-twClllh of the�nnwl arao�rua.�t reasodMy <br /> atitny� I.ader� pIus a�m�uat wt!'lciatt to mWtWn �n �ddidoiul balmoe of�at mane daa o�e�rWh of ti�s <br /> �bef�woWd bec�me delGquent. [.etder siwll�hoW atnounis oulrylacted!n dua to p�itaa�(�).(b)aid . ! , <br /> �c��U i�it�dme tbo rutal��d�e held by�I.awder far i�(a�(b)�wt(c).�wUh�be Mf�we m�onml�' <br /> �p�y far aucA i�ans payable wp�priar ta tho dae d�tes d wd�i�aa�,ou+eo�s b�►miore d4w boo-�s1h 1bo <br /> ��,��y��p�►Y�.�wheq dua,�nd�f�p�on the No�e�cwRe�e1.Nen I.eader ,;., <br /> �hail.tiA�at 1!��131��Reess akd aae-si�tb,Pf'thB�qd,.#p�y�s w., 'tdo cxocss o��a me•sn�ule c�tE�o a�e.d . ,•,_� <br /> p►yp�y-, � �u�+�t pq,y�e�'t�by'$aamv�er.•at.tbt t�Ca;o1�•D�a .w�vt:'7�+t'��iR,y�1+�of.tqe p�qrn�mfide 6y B��w�ek,';t r.r��! + _. <br /> for iMn��,'(ttl,ar(c11'is.i�fi�i�i 10�y�o ii�ll.�e•!licn�p�ruvvrt.s�l�ta'.l�+eqde��q�r araaunt n°°��t�d' ,. ' '„i.3 <br /> �tp�+l�b4,,ry.clye,fl_,,c.:�i,r!x�. C.�,�I f�'�Fr�i: �Mwi�o��.,.��'�'Itaa' y,�du � u� �{� ' • �ry]Q�.. �.y , � .,�"�j" , <br /> . �_71i'Qu377'y1�g��Yaaty��. +7cV�MY�~�i!!e(�y'UII�`^!,T.^��Ja�'� �,' �+ ��. 1��(C _�- <br /> . .1 � . /""'1 �.� !i .-• <br /> ,5��g�.,'.fyYamy.Y�ar in which the L,ender m�st. A�mart�qS�����'mg^�A S�F �!�'[�5� t ��% <br /> �ap in <br /> _ ------ �..::•'�ipl1 A7�'��Iu4e eit6er: (i) �n intullment af thO'annua� ina�tBxge ����,W be p�id by l�da w tbe 1� . . <br />---- _ � -- ; . Secrc.'sa�':or(ti)n tnonthly el�acge Insted of'e�t�+gt inwn�.b premium i(thi:Security Lisnuraont it hdd by the <br />_- - - , .. „�. Sxrctary. 'Vch monthly imuJbaent of d�e mortgaga i�nurance premium sl�ll ba in an amount wfficiert w accua�Wate We <br /> ' � full umwl mortgago Ineur�ncx promium with L.etider one month prior w tho date the fuU annwl �ge ins�uiu�e <br /> pnmium is due w tl�e Secretary:a U��ty N�uvment is held by the S�ary.each manthly c�aWl be in aa <br /> �no�u�t eqwl w one-twelRh of oae-tulF pe�ent of the outaunding p�Cipal b�lanc;e due on the Note. � <br /> V Borrower�endas w Lender the tLU p�yma�t of all wrrw�ecund by thi�Security ln:trumau� Bo�mwati accauit <br /> �hall be aredited with the bd�nco randning for�11 in�lltnmt�far lte�ru<a).(b)�nd(c) ud any moA�e in�u�nce <br /> prcmlum L�sullment tlut l.ander hw not became obli�ue�to p�y to Ihe Socneuuy.�nd Lender�hall panply roflu�d any <br /> exoe�fundr w Barower. Immedi�tefy prior to a foroclawro tale of the Property or lls�cqui�ltlon by�r.Borrow�rl� <br /> �ocant dull ba crodited wilh any bdu�ce rem�inin�for�!I 1n�ullmentr for items(�).(b)and(c). <br /> 3. A of P�y�enb. All p�yments under Pwra�phs 1 md 2�h�ll be�pplied by Lender n follawr. <br /> to the mortga�e insurmce premium to be p�id by Lender to the Socrewy or to�he monthly ch�e by tLe <br /> imtead of!he moathly matQaga in:unrxx pamium; <br /> w my taxe�.Meci�l aswmartr.lauehold payments or Qround rcnta��nd Aro.flood+�nd atAw I�.�rd <br /> �rs�s�s,as <br /> g�$ intef�at due r the Note; <br /> �1jg(b,w atnortization of the princ_ipal oF the Note: <br /> p�,w latt chuges due under dx Note. ,whetlKr now <br />-- 4. RirG F7aod aod OIMer Hatird Inwrpaa. Borrower shaU insure all improvements on the Prope*tY <br />� in exiata�x oc su�q uenuy erected,ag�t any hazards.cesualties.and contingencies.including firc,for whkh l�a�der <br /> royulrey in,yurAnce. 'I'6is insurar�ce shall be maintamed in the amounts and for the periods that Lender roquircs. Bamwer <br /> = shall dso insure all improvements on the Property,whether now in existenoe or subs�uendy erectod,egainst loss by floods <br /> to the extrnt�oquirat by the Soc�etary All insurance shall be carried with rnmpames approved by I.ender. The iacurana <br /> policies and Any rrnew�ls shall be held by L.e�der wid shall include loss payabk ctouses In favor of,rnd in a farm <br /> ooc�eptsible w,l.ender. <br />- !n the event of loss, Borrower shall give I.ender immediate notice by muil. Lender may make pruot of loss if not <br /> made promptly by Borrower. Each Insuru�ce company concemed is hereby authoriud and dirceted to make peyment for <br />.��_ ---—= such loss directly to Lender,instead of to Bonawer and to l.ender jointly. All or any part of the insu�ance proceeds may be <br /> �pplied by Lender,at its opdon,either(a)to the reduction of tMe indebtedness under the Note and this Secudty Mswment, <br />:.�, fi�st to any delinc�uent amounts applied in the order in Paregraph 3,and the� to prepayment of pdncipal,or(b)w the <br /> � rostoration or rapav of the demaged property. Any upplication of the praceeds to Ihe pnncipal shall nut extend ar postpone <br /> ��''�y`+' the due date of the monthly payments which aze referrcd to in Pa�graph 2,or change the amount of such payments. Any <br /> excess insurance proceeds over on amount requlred to pay ell outstanding indebtedness under the Note and thls Security <br /> Inswment shall be paid to thc entity legally entitled thercto. <br /> -�� � °� In the event of forcclosure of lhis Securiry Instrument or other�ransfer of title to the Property[het extinguishes the <br />"-���-�; `'��� indebtedness,ull right,title and interest of Borrower in and to insurance policies in Porce shall puss to�the purchaser. <br />_ ' S, (kcupatky, Preservptlon, M�inteavnce And Protection of the Property; Borrower s LvAn Appllcndon; <br />_—_ __ �;,��-�=� Leaseholds. Borrower shrill occupy,eswblish. and ur,e the Property ns Borrower's principal residence within sixty days <br /> ""`�ir after the executian of this Securiry Inspument und shall continue to occupy�he Property es Borrower's principel residence <br /> • - for at least one year atler the dote of occupancy,unle+s the Secretery delermines this reyuirement will cuuse undue he�dship <br /> __���,�r�y for Borrower, or unless exlenuuting circurristances exist which ure beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify <br /> � . Lendens of any extenuuting cincumsrances. Bomower shnll not commit wuste or destroy,damuge or substantielly chenge <br />_:����,�;'a�.�;,,_r the Property or nllow the Property to deteriornte,re�.coneble weur and�ear excepted. Lender may mspect the Property if the <br /> ?-•.x �,�:,.�- Propetty is vacant or abandoned or�he Man is in defoult. Lender may take reasonable action to protect und pr�eserve such <br /> vacent or abandoned Propeny. Borrower shall nlso be in default if Borrower,during the loan upplicetion proceac,gnve <br /> -= ;,,;;,;wy�, materielly false or inaccuratc infamation or slatements �o l.endcr (or f'ailed to provide Lender wilh any material <br /> �:� '' ��:. information)in connection with the loun evidenced by the Nute,including,but not limrted to,represemations conceming <br /> Borrower�s occupancy of the Propeny�s n prinripal re+idence. If�his Secun�y Insuument is on a leasetiold,Borrower shall <br /> comply with the provisions of the lease. It'iiormwer ncyuires fec titic to the Praperty,the Ieosehold und fee tiUe shall not <br />` '��'�`��° be morged unless l.ender ugnees to the merger in wri�ing. <br /> 6. Clwrges to Uorrower and Protecdon of Lender's Riqhts in the Property. Borrower shsill pay all governmentel <br /> or municipal charges.fines ond impositions that arc not included in Pnragruph 2. Bomower shull pay �hese obllgations on <br /> dme direcdy to�he entity which i+owed the puyment. If fuilure to ppy would adven+ely offect Lender�interest in ttie <br /> — — - Property.upon Lmder�s request Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these ps�yments. <br /> � If Borrower fails to make�hese payments or the paymentss required by Parngrapl� 2, or fuils to pedorm uny other <br /> — i;v�Cnaut"s�w�ica:iTii.Tiw Cw.G�::.v..'�::i.�:� C�«�i��I„,�N�m.nt ne�hnrn i�a Igonl nmc�eglina thet muv s1m1�fICeIItIY UffCCt <br />-,;;�: Lenderh rights in the Property (sucB us a proceeding in benkruptcy,for condemnatian or to enforce Iaws or regulations), <br />,'' then Lender muy do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value af tMe Propert sind Lender's rights in the Property, <br /> n <br /> including poyment of�exes,hezard insurance nnd other uems mentioned in Pnragreph . <br />-� My amoun�+disbwnc�i by Lender undcr this Psuagrnph shall become an udditional deM of Bomower and be secured <br /> -- by this Security Instrument These amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement,ut the Note rate,and nt the <br /> - option of I.ender,shall be immediately due and ps►ynble. <br /> �,,..�„�.-.y,� �. Condemnallon. The proceods of any award or claim for dnmages,direct or connection wlth uny <br /> - - ,..�;�:--,;�-; condemnation or ather teking of any pare of�he Property.or fur conveyance in place of condemnution,ere hereby assigned <br />- and sha11 be paid to Lender to the extcnt of the full umount of the indebtedness that remuins unpaid under the Nde and this <br />.;'`1� Security InsWment. Lender shall apply such praceeds to the reduction of Ihe indebtedness under the Note and this Security <br /> Insputttent, first to any delinquent emowus applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3, and then to prepayment of <br /> " �t;'' Ikation of 1he roceeds to the rinci �hall not eatend or s e the due date of the monthly <br />-.'?:'` k,;::i4.t . principal. MY aPP p P P� P� � <br /> t �� <br /> ::'; --•• 4�F?l�l�t. fPuRe 2 nJ1 pagts) <br /> :...0;_5�... ,,1:�: <br /> �:�i .:.,�,. - ::r...�" <br /> p: <br /> i.�Lrrt1._4 _ _ _ _ _ -_ <br />