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..y.^`.ia4`� . ��•9."'__' <br /> .__..- T.�.`...,_"e��� .. . • "" . .7. . , r '__ . ` . <br /> ' ' . <br /> � ' - , ' " . !�._.�� . <br /> _ . .- '_.. —_ ' ... . ._ rv`' <br /> .. <br /> ._ — '_ ' '�1r `:_"'in+wi����i�ww'w�.���3�w�.�R�C.�.�1��.w,r. <br /> _ _ �/���IM�M� M/�1��IIMM1�1111����1 Mf111�Ib W�f����111 i1� »� ' - <br /> � Ji!wIM a�10� !�e�f1�Mn�+w e�e ppp aa weh wow�,a�r wa�e�w�M��r+�nMO�r.s� - <br /> dM�a�Y.P�M undrr MM 1�������w�llM MM�i M�M r P�d W <br /> ��l�x+�wi�yl Nf�oM���d�x of u1 l�vMM of O�MiAt1l.���or M�n�t�ol N Wo�n or N�1 p��f�Al�q <br /> opmn�nord '�k�Nr�iinfiNProp�rty.l.�r�ra►ay IntNown�la�tWai,btR�a�a m� <br /> �a�.lind wMha�!�eoMo�a a wnww upon TruMOr and wiMiout niwNw Tiu�or Nan�nl► do�n�r we whfoM hM <br /> .qr..d aM rw.a ni.y.aa do anr aN�.o�n�r d p�o�aw«�w�'r''iMr.ob ft�or NWI.In�aMdlM�e► <br /> upon d��d r�MNor b1l L�ndK.P4►b I,��da W oab�nd�xPM��Inownd and wms wP«id�d bl►L�1dK In oontNOlkin wllA <br /> 11w�x�noi»q►I+M�M th�knpolnp�iphM,fo�Nlwr wilh InMn�t 11�ren�t�dNwM nM P�akld M IIN NoM,wlMoh Mrll b� <br /> Mld�d Id 11»kid�Obdnw�wcw�d h�Biy.I��d�r ah�N oal lnou►�ny N�bllly b�aw�of �nythNip h may do a anM b do <br /> �H�sabous MM�elMs.Tru�sh�ll kap tlw Propay In aom�au a��wa,oransno..and nou� <br /> rNnHnp b IndwMd hYOi�or�nvkonm�nW ProMotlon(aoll�otiw�t�nd�o h�nlo a�"Emkon�n�nW Law�"l.Tiu�NyM <br /> kNPqMP�op�rbfr�tanallwb�ncMdNn»d'Iob�hwMowwbxlaundwanyLnvlronm�nt�llaw�(colNatlwh►nMrndb . <br /> IwiMn�"1Ma�nlaw I�M�I�"1�TruH4r I��bY wana�b�ad np►�nb to L�th�t tMr�w oo Harardoa WMriw an a <br /> w�r M�Pcopnq�Trwuor tw►M�y��eo Ind�mnty and hold tiumt�t��d�r.w dl►�oton,olA�n,«nWo��1+�MM��ad <br /> any aucewon 10 larq���R kwn�d�Irat�ny�nd�II oialm�.d�n'�pK 10�»�nd 1I�bYiYn WMMiY in�fion wMh <br /> qNp� u�w eWpoMl a tnnaport of any Huanlau M�t�i�M on,w�d�r.lran a�bo41�Peoprb.THE FOREQOMKi <br /> MWi�8ANDflEPf�SENTAT10t�S�AND TRUSTQR'80iI.KiAT10MBPtJReIlANTTOTNEfOiGtiONOMOE�AIMTY.BlIALL <br /> � — BUFiY1VE REOQtiIVEYANCE OF T1119 WE�D OF TRl15T. <br /> /0. Asd�Mt ol R�.Truqor fNrabp s7�i�ry b L��dw tlN nnts,iauN�nd p►ofib of fh�PropKtr praid�d thtt T�utlor <br /> �hall,unW 1h�xaun�of�n Ewet M OMwIt ha�uncMr.h�w fh�ripM b coq�et Md ntaNi waM nMa.laws and pro11M as tlw�► <br /> b�com�dw�d p�yabl�,Upon tl�occurc�W�n Ewnt M QN�WI,I.�neNr may�Nth�►In p�wn or b�r aQ�nt,wilh or wNhait <br /> b►inpinp�ny action o►pracwdinp,a bya nc�twr�Dpoint�d by a court and without►paM to ths�d�qway of Ib s�ouriy►.�rMr <br /> upon and Wce poa�edon of tM Pr�ty,a�ny p�A thsnof.In Na own nam�a in fh�nam�af!M T►w1M,�nd do�ny rob wMch N <br /> deema n�csat�ry or d�sinbls w pr�esrvNha valw.nwlcMabillty a r�ntabilfty of dw Prop��iy,or�ny p�rt tMnof a InWNt fher� <br /> �:Y;�� Inaroaw th�Incom�tl�nfrom or Prot�ot fhs acu►ify horeof�nd,wlth or wNhout t�klnp possNSion of tM Pro�cty,iw Tor or <br /> -- - olMrwla coll�ct the�e�t�,iswet and p►o0b thereol,Includlnp thow pa�t dw and unpaid,and sppt�r ths nn»,Ma casls�nd <br /> �xp�nwe of op�ratlo���d aolbcllon Includinp�ttomeys'hss,upon anr Ind�badnes�Ncund hweby.all In wch ord�r as I.��d�► ' <br /> may dNKmin�.TM entednp upon and Lkinp posaeetlon of tha Property,th�collsatlon of�uch r�nt�,lasua u�d pro(Its and fM <br /> appllatlon tM��of as�tois�ald.�hall�ot curo or waiv�any d�hult or notice of dshult herwmdsr or invalldaq any aat don�In <br /> rMpotis�to such cNiaWt a purswnt to such no�ce of dsfault and,notwllh�fandln�1he aontirw�nco in po�s�Won of th�ProP�rq►or <br /> th�colNcdon,�scNpt a�d I�pplic�tlon d tinb,tlswa o�proflb,end Truetss and Lend�r�11 ba eeNfNd to ex�rcla�w�r�►�ipht . <br />-.��- provld�0 tor In any ot thp�oan Inh►um�m�or oy iaw upon xcunence of amr Evani oi�eiauN,inoludfno witiwut ilr�ibn tha s3pht <br /> to exxalas ths power of soha.Furlher,Lende►'s rphta and remedles under thfs psrapraph ahNl beoumulative with,and In no way� <br /> �—"" Ifmitedon on,Lender's dghte and remedle�under any assignment of leaeea and renq►ecordwl apNnatths Properly.Lende►.TruatM <br /> — and the�eceiver ahall be Ilabte to acoount anly br those renta actually recefved. <br /> _ 11. Ev�nb W DM�uN.The fdlowinp ehall oonstitute an�vent of Oetault under thl�Deed of T►u�t <br />�; ,�� (s) Fulure to pay any IntlellmeM of prinoipal or interest ot any othor aum secured hereby when dua; <br />-; .. (b) A braach of or defeuRunder any provision contaln�d in tha No%thl4 Dead of Trw�any oltM Lwn Irutrum�nt�.or anY <br />- �F� � ofhw Itan or onaumbrance upon tha PropeAy; <br />. S`� ��• (e) A wrlt of sxeeution orattaehmant orany eimllar p�oco�s eh�ll be ant�rsd apei�st T�r which�hall b�can��Ibn on <br /> ths Property a amr ponion thareof a Inte►est thereln; <br /> (d) Thsre eh�ll be filed by or apalnst Trustor or Borrower an acGon under any prosent or luture lederal,state or otl�e► <br /> etetute,I�w or repulatlon relednp to benkruptcy,ineolvency or other rellef for debtors;a there ahall be appolnted any truates, <br /> :� � � recelver ot Ilqufdetor of Trustor or Borrower or of all a a�y part of the Property,or the rents,iwua or proflb tharoof,or Trustor <br />_ . ; a BoROwer shall make any penerel aesipnment tor the beneHt ol oreditora; _ <br /> 'l�'r (e) The ealo,traMfer,loa�e,es�lynment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or eny pa�t of or eny interest In ths - <br /> ;., ,���;y�, Property,either voluntarily or involuntarlly,wlthout the express written consent ot Lender, provided thet Trustor�hatl be <br /> r:�.:;';�t�a Permitted to�xeouDS a Isaw of the Property thet does not contain an oplfon to purchese end the term of whfah doe�not excead <br /> � ��lY �r�.�; ,r;• one year, <br /> r r::P't,y';�'�,:,.., .�.`,,.� <br /> � ,�.•;, �-�•,}et (q Abandonmentof tha Properry;or <br /> 'fi�'�;r�;;s���;:=;,'�:;':.;; (q) II T►uetor M not an indlvidual,the isauance,sale,transfer,assiynment,conveya�ce or encumbrance of mor�thon a toLl - <br /> :;r:;.�,1, t+ ,.; <br /> • ��N���'%�::�'�''�°` of percent of(If a corporatlon)its Isaued and outetanding stock or pf a pertnersfNp)e toWl of percent ot <br /> ' �:,., ti..� <br />;V ;,�.;,.;s4�l pa►tnerahip intereata during the pe�bd this Oeed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Properry. <br /> " 'i•� �� 12. Rem�dNs;Acc�aflon Upon D�lautf.ln the event of any Event o1 Default 4ender may,wuhout noQce except aa requlrad by <br /> ��k��r law,declere ell IndeWednesa secured hereby to be due a►►d payable and the same ahall thenupan become due md payebl� <br /> ���•�_'��� ��' '' � • without any preaentmen�demand,proteat or notice o1 any kind.Thereaiter Lender may: <br /> ,�.,�., - <br /> •: ,,.,.�,, " .."' (e) Demend thet Truetee exerclse Ihe POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shell thereafter ceuae Truator'f <br />� '�^�°�4�i � ' Interest in fhe Property to be sold and the prxeeda to be diatributed,ell in the manner prowded In the Nebreska Trust Daed! - <br />-- _ •, . :,y�r�;, ,• _ <br /> -,,.�,. , , ;j`:.�•;:�.. AC� _ <br /> • ��;1;, ,,�:�f,.,:�r (b) Exercise any end all rlyhts provided for In any ol the Loan Inatruments or by lew upon occurrence of any Event ot <br /> ��T,.., ,,.;,����a�'.. Dotaul�and <br /> . ;:, <br /> `,.��y,,',�.r�.�!:r'. � ;t�,�;�,r•., (c) Commence en eoUon to foreclose this Deed ot Truat as a monpefle,appolnt a recelver,o��peclNcally eMorCe any of the <br />- • �li�';!i�� , 'i;r, ,.T covenents hereof. <br /> fi•i�••,.:�"'ti���'ij�� .:, No remedy herefn coMerred upon or reserved to Truatee o�Lender ia lntentled to be exclueive d any other remedy hereln.In the <br /> �''�"�� `����`'�'' � Loan Inshumantn or law ovided or permitted,but each ohell be cumulative,ahall be fn eddltlon to every other remedy give�� <br /> .;,.!:..•.r:r�!,�'4�i,��: bY P� <br /> �+;;.�;+,r`,:�itkif��`,�, hereunder,ifl ih9 L09111/'1a1fU111@I118 Ot nOW Ot h8�6att6r exi8liny 8t 18w or in Bquity o1 by 8t9tut9.and rney be exercised concurrently. <br />- <��';;,'i ••:r:i <br /> "• �.. •�,f��ti��,>�_ IndependenUy or succesalvely. - <br /> � !�r�, �e•h�iE��....�r• 13. Tru�.The Truetee may rea�gn at any tlme wilhout oauoe,and Lender may at any Ilme end wHhout cauae appoint a <br /> _' -,��"�;�� •�'.�' Sucoeasor or eubstltute Trustee.Truatee�I►all not be liable�o any party,Including without Ilmitatlan Lender,Borrower,Truator or any - <br />.� purchwer of the Property,for any loss or dame9e unlass due to reckleee or wflllul misconduct,end shell not be requfred to take any . <br />-= acUon In Connectlon with the enforcement of thie Oeed of Trust unless Indemnllled,In wrltinp, iw all coata,compensatlon or ; <br /> �VffY1W WIIIRI��t1�V AO Al{f1f!IOIMI M1A►AWHIf In neldllinn Tnmtaa mAV baraMa s eurcha�rat anv sale of the PI0001'N UUdICi810� -. <br /> _ — .�..�._,�r,.-=°- ... .-- --------- � - _ <br /> ::� � �, �.,:� under the power of tala pranted here�n►:po9tpone th9 aele o(all or any portlon of the Property,ai provlded by law;or aell the <br /> _� -•�•s�Sa� Property aa e whole,or fn separate parcela or lota et Truatee's diecretlon. . <br /> ;; 14. F��nd Eup�nas.In the event Truslee selle the Prope►ty by exercae ol power ol eale,Truatee shall be endtled to apply <br /> =y° �-� � eny sela proceods flrst to payment of a!!eoats and expenses of @xerclalnp power of sele.lncludinp aN Tru�tee s fees,and Lender'a <br /> '��"� ��^,��r��• end T►u�tNe's altome 's fees,ectua0 �ncuvred to extenf rmltted b a Iiceble law.ln the avent Borrower ot Truetor exercis�s any = <br /> �if;}> , Y y� P@ Y PP <br /> —=-T!�_�;.,:.y�I�:�;;y�, ripht providod by lew to cure an Event ol0efau1l,Lender thall De emiUed to recover Irom Trustor all co�ts and axpenaes aCtually <br /> w r• � '�•?•��t��"•� Mouned es a raoult af Trustor's d�fau�,includlnq without limitatlon all TruslaQ's ond ettorney'�fsa,to tt��exl�nt pe►mltt�d by <br /> _��R,_4,.,��.�•�_- �ppNcabls law. <br /> �: �.�r��+ <br /> ,,�g�n: j.�ur�:,s 15. Fufun Adr�ne«.Upon reque�t ot Borrower, Lender mey,at Ite optlon,make addltlonel and tuture edvances and re- - <br /> ��=`==�� edvancer to 8orrower.Such advences end readvancee,wlth intereat thereon,ahall be aacurad bythfa Dead of T�uel At no time shall <br /> '`��'``'°��`5"�A° � the principal emount ot the indebtednesa eecured by ihls Deed of Truet n�1(nclud n uma advanced to protect tlw sacurUy of thla <br /> . �,�i DMd oi T►uit sxeMd th�o►Ipinol princlpsl amount etated hereln,or S Z•�3�•� ,whkhowr is y� � <br /> . ''�'' �, <br /> _f�-• s • <br />- , . �.,�#'. . <br /> , <br /> .l ...:�: . <br /> � _ <br />