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�:_'l�_'R:1 *� '_'^w^�^'w��+er--• ._....:. . . . . <br /> 4_ �_�?',c..�. . . . � , . " ._o t=;__-: <br /> , �c�cwoww�osMt�rr o�o�or ntu�r <br /> -- � _ �_ ..._-- � - -- _. -- -- -- - � - - - - <br /> � ,�s,�o�w�►vr�:i�rc��i�w�k� ------ -- �'` . . � � . <br /> , , <br /> 1�uMart�M�Nr�Ml�doo�wntlh�t7MuMaM�boutb�a�MN�W�d dlhiManOMt�inot4praMpM�/� <br /> ofsM�p IorbfA�'DNddlhMtpvrldMM�w�MI�MydNMwMNpM�M�1,oNNpMforMbTlruMpr�naa�a�In�Mnt <br /> wr dMMAt��er�oh a�pbNp��on w�dK tfN CN�d a TiuN,�nowcwnp.but no�WntMd�c,11N L�'s ripht a fww IIN�rov�r+�old <br /> by�'IYwu�wl�w�t an�►l�wloW poo�rq.TtuMar hp��ali0 wrn�N1 MiM M�N�oNn wM riNO�Mw w <br /> l�u�br bda�IIM w�o�uYon d M»f�d of 71ruM. x . � . <br /> r <br /> � <br /> � / <br /> � � TruMor �rr �s� <br /> � OEED DF Tf#U8T WR'H fUTtIRE ADVANC�S <br /> � n�s aa�ooF�oUS'r,.a►m.�.a.a m. � day a �pr• ,���r.n��roona <br /> � � � �Ihr�lr 11 Pi�tolfca i Jill M �i�tulka . Mrri�d p�r�a <br /> "• #1!!�T!��' 217 � �Ytaa St Gr�nA isl�ad Ne f�8�1-7�97 � <br />__ � whora�nM+At�addr�n b_. (h�"Trutla,"wMll�ar a may, . <br /> ��. � �.��� Fiv� Poiat� B�nic► • li�braak� Corpos�tior� <br /> = whoM malunp�Is P.Q. Yvs 1�7 [ir�ad I�l�ad. NB E�8�2 (tur�ln"Ta�'�,And <br /> ��ry� Fiw Poiatq IBaalt , <br /> w����� ZOl��N. �ro�d�r�ll �irand I�laud. UE. 688Yx-1�7 (h�nln"I.�Mw")• . <br /> ' FOR VALUABLE CONSIDENATION,ir�otucf�np Lendsr's�xl�nslon o1 ondlt tMntllNd husln�Marty M Pi�tulka <br /> - i J111 M PiKullt� (herNn"eonow�r",whNher one a moa)�nd tha trust h�Nn crowb0, <br /> tl��rscNpl of whlcA I�hsr�by acko�rwledpod,T►uetor he►eby Irrwocably pnnb,tran�fen.conwys and aatlpns to Tru�Me,IN <br /> -- TRU8T,WITH POYYER OF SALE,foi ifw bsneflt and wourlty ol l.�nder,under and wbJeat to d�t�rms uid wodqlons MrNndOM�et <br /> , _ _ 1o�,�� ���r�rly�a ��a 1Q�0��: <br /> 1AT���SBYB1i)� .1�11� ASi1T01i PARK• CITY OF OAAND xSI.AND, NALI. COUi11'Y, <br /> '�ry 'f <br /> - :� Topether wlth all bulldlnps,Improvementa,Oxturea,atreete,alleys,paeeapeways,easements,rlphts,p►ivllepes end appurte- <br /> nences located theroon or In anywlee pertelnlnp thereto,and tha rants,laauea and p�ollte,reveralons and remaindero thereof,end <br /> r., eucb pe►sonel property thet Is etteched to the Improvements eo as to consQtute a ftxture,includlnp,but not Ilmlted to,heatlrlp and <br /> coollnp equfpmenfi and topether wlth tha homestead or marltel Intereate,If any,whlah Intereats are hereby releassd and weived;aN <br /> - of whtoh,lnctudlnq replecementa and eddltbns thereto,le hereby declared to be e pert of tM real��t�t�s�aured by th�Ilen ot this. <br /> ��,_ Desd of T�ust and all of tha iwepolnp befnp referred to hereln as the"PropeRy". <br /> ���� <br /> " � �°' TM�Dpd ot TruH ahall s�cure(e)the payment ot the princfpal wm and Interetl evWoncsd by a proml�sory note or credlt <br /> .� <br /> � •.�'•;.,:,< = preement dated Adril 29th 1993 _,hevinp e maturly date ot ApRil 13th 1996 , <br />- ,, J4�:; Gp <br /> ���4Z�W <br /> ' ��:�;:`!,�'i ',. In the alpinal princlpal amaunt of$ ,ena sny ana e11 modillcedono,extenelons and renewals <br /> ��'s:��} thereol or thereto and eny end all future advances and readvances to Borrower (w any of tham If more than one)hereunder <br /> r;.•.:!��:;!'-� punuant to ona or more promiseory notes or credit ayreementa(herefn celled"Note"►;(b)the payment ot other eums advanced by - <br /> ' ''"`-�t=�T� Lender W protect the aecurlty of tha Note;(c)the peAormence o}all covanenta and agreements of Trustor set fc,rth herein;and(d)all <br /> y;l.'•i�=: <br /> �_ ��.. <br /> ;r ' prese�t and iuture Indebtednass and oblfye�tlons of Borrower(or any of them ii more then one)to Lender whether direc�Indlred, <br /> �'�`' absolute vr conUn ent end whether erlsin b note, ua�anry,overdrari a otherwlse.The Note,thls Deed ot Trust and any nnd all �; <br />"=�;_ ; €:i: ,» � 9 Y 0 <br /> •. � ��, :'•� other dx uenb that seCUre lhe Note or ofherwlse executed In connecUon therewith,includinq without Ilmltetlon puarantoes,securlry <br /> �-;.,- '• �preem�nta and aaaignments of leases and�ents,ahell be referred to hereln as the"Loan Instrumont4". <br />�'�' - 'i'y Truttor aovonants t�nd egreea wlth Lender ps lollows: <br /> �"�"� ;., �;"'•""�a 1. P�Ynt�M of IndibUdn�.All Indebtedness secured hereby shell be pald when due. <br /> '-""`�� ' ' �.�� �'' 2. Tltl�.Tru�tor la the owner of the Properly,has the rlght and authorlty to convey the Property,and warranta that th6 Nen _ <br />=--�:� � va'�f r�!?:�-���',_` created hereb Is a 11rat end rlor Ilen on the Pro e exce t tor Ilens and encumbrances set forlh b Truator In w�ltln and - <br /> t:f;.::i.r., .. Y p P ►�Y� P Y 9 <br /> �,;�';,;�•'�,;`�:;;;5��'� dellrered to Lender be}ore execuUon o1 this Deed of Trust,and the execullon end dellvery ol thls Deed of Trust does not viotate any <br /> ,_:.•;'?'�?t�a�£�,.,,.��• conVect ar other obllyetlon b which Truator Is sub�ect � <br /> ' •��;j�E�'�"'t. . 3. T�xy.Ms�isnwnb.To pay betore delinqueecy aU texes,speclal assessments and ell other charyes apain�t the Property -- <br /> •. �•` •'•;�•:f�` �" now or hereaher levled. - <br /> • �'{��?�i}�y �••{ 4. InWr�nq.To keep the Property Inaured ayainst demape by Ilre,hezards included wlthfn the term"extended coverage",end -. <br /> ``' �y;`tS��,'f�1 ,_•4 ° <br /> 3'f: ;�..,:.,�n�r�. - <br /> . �,;,,.' euch other hazards ai Lender may requl►e.In amounts and wlth companfea acceptable to Lender,naminp Lender as an addltla►al <br /> '4��s�'"s'��� +s�r�j named Insured,wHh lo6s payable to t�e Lende�.In cese ol losa under such policlea,the Lendsr is authorized to ad�uat,coll ac�and � <br /> � comp�omlee.all clalms thereunder and ahall have the optlon of applyfng ell or paA of the Insurance prxeeds(i)to any Indebtednees - <br /> - � "" `r"`"� e�cured hereby and in such Order Ae Lender may determine,pf)to the Trustor to be uaed for the repair or re�toraHon ot the Properly _ <br /> xs'-,.�:�, t <br /> ec <br />_- ,,,„�,,., Y� Or(III)tor any oth9r pur,pose Or obJect�ellsfactory to Lender wlthout e1lecUng the lien of thls Deed ol Trust for the full amoun!secured _ <br />�`�: ,��..':°.'..;,;, hereby before�uCh paym�nt ever took place.Any eppllcatlon of prxeeds to indebtednees sholl not extend or poatpone the due � <br /> dYte ot any paymem8 under the No2e,or cure any defeull thereunder or heteunder. �" <br /> �-� � _. ��_�_ �_�_�.i�..��rJ�. T�.. �M�11�.�..1.���w.Iw� {w�.�wA ��1�waa�w�n���M <br />-_.:_.. __ �__�. ..._u�__ ���� ne�Y O�f I��/11 V <br /> -�_. r�•-����-- D. CrGIYM.VFI{I��w�N{tl11 Ytl111qr/V V'VV1wo�. �IYYw.a��o�.�+o/•v rv�.vo.�•��.rv�•M:ii�':v:..v w. ... > �.y.w.�...�•••�••.••• - <br /> r� , ��, �um4 to emble Lender to pay ea they become due one or more ot the followl�p:(q all taxes,aae�amenb and other charqes ayalnet � <br /> ��'_._ tha Pro �_ <br />,- ; . .'_,.;;�., perty.pq the prem�ums on the property insurance requlred hereunder,and(Ilq the premluma on any mortyape inawence <br /> ,;,�„ ,� nqWnd by Lendsr. . <br />-. - 8. M�Inbn��R�pibs�nd Canpllane�wllh Law�.Yrustor shell koep the Property in yood sondiUon end repair;ahall <br /> �".. :'.J'�.,,c <br /> :� promptly repalr,or replace any improvement whfch may bs dema�ed or dastroyed;shall not commlt or permlt any warie or <br /> �._==-'�`-`=,�uGr. detsrloratlon ol ihe Property;shall not r�move,demollsh or subatantlally alter any oP the fmprovemente on the P�operry:shafl rtot <br /> -=—�.c�s�r-�.`.-�4�r:•. <br /> _ =°��?;�:��.�.-� commlt,super or permit any act to be done in or upon the Propert�r In vfolatlon oi any law,ordlnance,or npulaGon;and ahall pay and : <br /> �-u;,•• • promptly dbcherp�s!Trustor's cost and�xpense all Ilen�,encumbronces end oherQes levlvd,Impowd or a�wawd apaintt th� <br /> ��''1;��`:.':� Propsrly or any paA th�reol. ' <br /> -_ - - 7, �d Dom�ln.Lender I�hereby assi�ned ell Compen�allon,ewerd4,damapas and othor payments or rellef(herefnotter - <br /> -- —� --- "prooe�d�")In connaotlon wlth condemnaUon or other taklnp ol the Prop�rty or pert th�reot,or br corn�yance In Ileu a}condemna- - <br />' ; •' � � d tlon.Lsnd�r ah�M b�sndtled at Ib optlon to commence,appear{n and prosscute In Itr own name any�ctlon ar p►xsedlnpe,end . <br /> �hall alw b��Mld�d to mak�any comproml�e or s�tdam�nt In connacdon wlfh�uch 4klnp a damaps.ln t��1d ury pOrdon o1 � <br /> -.'`�.A <br /> — -- _-- INC DN71NenMrKWIwN D�M 11w IOiM <br /> -• • O 11M w�rrw NN w c«Mwo�T.w�«d aw�na Mwcu�wn.�xr�n.� <br />