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<br /> �iW fAl _ � fQ Ittri�i�)�Q�Sik'Of f�IG p[OpE[L�pYfSY�It t0���O�'�C��R��(1�S
<br /> SECI�![y�0�(b)dlt[�Q�:JSId$mlllt i11fG�C{tla tblS SOCLRtyt�IlR1EM. 1�f06C COqdltiQd!�C 1��Q[1flWCT,:(�)
<br /> � , < :pays�a�der all stm� �ich ihea wou{�!�e_doe imdet this Secudt!► Iamun�at sad the Note as if no�occkratian had
<br /> becua+e�(bI cau+GS aoy default of a�►�co�tm�nts or agrtextKat�(c)P�Ys ali eaperues incwnsd ia�g dds Savdty
<br /> - t��iactnding.-6ut not limit�to.re�so�bk auo�y's'fa's:and td�qkes suc6 action as LRadcr msy oea,wnabiy _
<br /> _ '—� �_.
<br /> -------=--- ---- -- . . •
<br /> _. �ta�s�QfaE ti�ik�of tiu�Sec�sitg - n�1'�e P-�aP'ert�?wdEano�retg.o,l�d�tiat to PiY
<br /> - — ---
<br /> sums.secutM bY this Se�urity tasannaa�t sh�il caadnue uachanged Upon rtinstatement 63► Barower• this 5a�uritY----- --- �-
<br /> _ ` Insmnaeat�od ffit obligitioRS,sa�ue�i�r s�it remain fullY eiTective ss�f no xcele�atioa tnd o�uned. Howeve�this
<br /> - rigDt to�t�be stpll nat appig in the case of aooelendoa under par�graph 17.
<br /> - 3!. Sak a�NaOe:�ot i.oy Setvktie. 1Le Note'or a paNal inurrst iu tSe.Note(togetdet with this Secutity.
<br /> ;�:`, insau�aent)n�aY be sold ane or mote times w[thout ptior notice to Bomuwtr. A s�1e may rtsult in a ct►wge in the entity
<br />.���:;:; (Imovm as the'I oan Serviar"1 that coltects motahlY PiY�s due under tGe Note an�!this Secucity inmum�nt. 71xie also
<br /> ' - may be oae ar a�ae chmges of the I.o�n Servioa emnelaud to a sale of tix NotG If there is a c6ange ot the Loau Secviar,
<br /> " � Banowet wiU be�ivd�vvr�tten notice�tbe c6ange in axotdance wIth pa�ag��pL 14 o6ove and appiirabk law The nodce _
<br />';'4:�`; witl st�te tiie name artd adaressaf the ex�r LAa�Srsvket and the add�ess w artic6payments should bt made. Tfje nntice will
<br />`�:.` `' �iso oontain wy otl�er information iequi�ed bY appli�bte lavir. ; —
<br />•,.•,. ' ' ZR ilatu+dors S�tas. Bartotiver shall ttot cause or permit We paese�use,disPosal•sturoSe.or relase nf a�r -
<br />���--= Etata�dous Sub�s an a iu tbe Pmpe�ty. Baaow���c�t d�.nar allow anyaae else tu tb.anythiag affectus�tbe =-
<br /> -- L�koperty tbat is iu vioJation of�ay F�viionmattai ta�r_ 'f��ing tvYO seatenc�es shatl not appty to the pcese�,rt�Qr ��=__�----
<br /> �orag,e oa the Ptopeity of smalt quan6ties of Ha�oas Substances that at�generdity cecognned m be appropriste.t��. _ s;_-
<br /> � r , reside�al uses aoQ to m�inm�aace of the Pt�opecty. ' ' �", --
<br /> � Eamwer�al#Pcamptiv gi�e!�r vwritt�notir.�af any iavestigador:.claiae.�tav�suit ac at6er acuvca��� �� ----_
<br /> n
<br /> ' I ��`. grn.arnmet�tal arnsul�r5►a�.x"�Q��t� ;av.;iviag n�FroPecty ana any Hara�dous subsraace ar Fa.va��i. =t�=, -
<br /> �,. rar _
<br />:-,,..,�F��, � -�L,a�-�which Boctowa f�as a!�aC imo���. if Bac�uv�ec ieacsis.ar t���f any govermnental or r.�a�:�'f . . �� _ .
<br /> -��1; �0l1l�I.f�li[i�11�►lr1110V.'1�L:�.Of�$Ct IC�Qf 3��I�3Cd0�Lg SU�ICC ���p CYIC {�4S IICCBS.SA[S4'a.l�i.�t,?1!�LE"'... xµ "@
<br /> tl. �: : • �"��' �7 . ..;:^. �:. �'.., *�.�`.i'Sifiq.
<br /> t ` � �.:.-� S�}�p�p�[1t[�CCAatIlCCSSiiS/ICI�Ii�iCS[411��30�?11F�.WiIblg4411�[fIllEfli��W. • ' t :�: .°Y-�ree
<br /> ,;' �f: As usod ia this paragnpt�2U. Haza�x sl�6sta�i�;:ac+e'ti�ose�isiatiees defined as toaic ar fwtdrdaus su6�� .'�,��`- _
<br /> :"�;':€�;• � ' ' �avironntentaj Law and the foltowing sub�tamvss: ga'satcrie,�kenosene.other flammable or toaic petmleum praduct�•t�?e,-.;,•. �. � - _ _
<br /> .,w.. .�i c i d e s 9 o d h a b i e i d e s.v o t a t i l e s o lven t s.�1te�ials contamin g asbestos,or fom�atdehyde.and radioactive mateciaG�"A'��=::""`� __,
<br /> ' ,: " vsF.d in this paragraph Z0."Environmental Law"means fedeiaT laws and laws of the jurisdicaon w h ere t he A r o p ertli is&o�e'�` �.-- - � >�__
<br /> � • that reta[e to heaith,safery a environmentW protectian. ' :':; �
<br /> '. . � ': NONd1NIFOR�t�1tENANTS. Borrower and Leader fnrther covenaat and agree as follows:. . , - ' �'`�
<br /> °s ; �:�,-,. 21. Aocekr�tio�i Reoudies. l.eodet s6�Q =ive nMtce to BonoWer prior to aceelaatiao folbwiag Borrawer?�", '"• - .�:��±±`�
<br /> �'."�;� bracL d a�►oorenaat or�reemeat in t6�SecuoitSr Iastrameat(bat not pciar to aaoekr�tioa tuides par�grapb 17` . .::;_�--
<br /> � '� ;�� o�las sppq��bk bw pravid�utbenvise).T6e naNea shsll specif8: (a)�ie dehultt tb)the ac�ton reqaind ro c�re�e�.,. .::. •, , r.._'`'.,'_=:-----
<br /> N :; -:.�� ��(c)s dst��ot i��i'ian 3o daya trom tbe dste t4e noHce i�givee to Borro�er.6y whicb ibe def�►ulk,�iwst 6e. ,,,•� ° �`���r�t :
<br /> ,�aaed aad ld)tYat ta�ce+fo�aare the detwlt a�ar betore the dAte specitkd ip.t4e uotke mnY result in acce�ettioo o[ '',� ..; �;i� � ' -
<br /> .. �`;.' �.f� _ , . �i�t s�a+sa�cetb'ttifs Securltq lashuaieet and sale ot the Property. '['he na+dae slu�U iwther wtorm$prrnRer a�: ' '_�;��;��.":,�'.:�.; _=_
<br /> , ,� ", ,�•._. p "
<br /> tie ci�t A/r�ei�+ade aRtr accekratbn And t6e�ht to tiring p muirt actlon to�sert the non-existeaee of x defarilt os� ; ..., _-
<br /> t,,f,�t,;d�; - %;;.�:; ! , �c�aier d�uf Barrovrer to rcceler�tioa aad sWe. i�ihe detaat�3s uot carM oa oe betora tNe date speeNkd in� , . �;°
<br /> c
<br /> . r�-r��:�,`. t�ii�m�tice.l.eeder at its opNon msy require imaxd�s►te pAymeat in"fa�{W'all snmg secund by this Securtty�c�vt'rumeat ', .:��,;-
<br /> ' S 7"�n..�..•.- � `
<br /> �,� F�;��;�:;;� ;�iliitwt farther demand aad may invdce tfie power ot sAle and aay otheP s t m e dies perm i t t e d by a p p��s a 6 1 e law , _ ;�.•. �;
<br /> ., � - ,: ;s•_,�: .�L�1au�er s6�11 be entitled to mllecl�11 expe�ses iacurred in pursulnS tbe�eme�es PravidM io Wts paragrapb 21. _' :�
<br /> � ? ' ;,';� ' :,:iui�lucdios,6ut aM ltmited to.reASOnabk attorneys'fees and oosts af tttte evidenc� � . . :�.:%:�.
<br /> ::�:;;-•. "':'�s�"� �: �'�:`'-`. � It tUe wer ot sak is lavoked.7YuWet�Iwil record s►noNo�of detault 1n cnci�awnt9'ia wh�Ch any pArt of the -: -°. , '��;.';,;.� `
<br /> �i,��.: .:.•,�--. , '� Pv
<br /> ;.��4�;�+_".: c, �'`�erly is located AnA sh�ll mail oopiea otsuch noHa iA the awnne�.Pi+e;s�tibed b}aPP1ic�9e 4x�to Sorrawer and to , ,.. +, �.
<br /> m -
<br /> '�':.".'t�;{r:' �'' , � �•"�+e�tber peraon9 prescribe�!by ApplicAbk Is�M Afte�the tlme requice4 by ap��ical�le law.Ti�stce shall give publk �
<br /> $ �:i �
<br /> . ', �;�' '- �.�e o�s�le to tlk perso�ia aund in tl�m�are�prescri6ed by appikable la�v'Trus�ee�wiWout demand oq$orroMer. :.:t f�:,:;::r:., . :;T
<br /> ;x,. .-
<br /> _�._::,.. � ����.se11 the Property ai p��auctlon to the highest bWder at the ttme and pia�ce and uade�tbe tevms desig�tal ia .,,_,,t,,�,'� . .� �':".':,
<br /> � ..` ' ,.` , tbr irdiice utssde in one or rAttrc parcels And in any order 7Yastee determines. Tr�ista may postpoee sale of aQ or su�y � �
<br /> ''{.;.''7, ! ,
<br /> •,ti<<:`:'�� ::�-�:�;�t•,.� pnrcel ot t�1e 1gmoQe�'h'bYPuDlic anno�naearent at the time and pls�of any prevbusly schedukd sale. Leeder or its •. : •
<br /> :''��;';;i: `.s.''. desi�ee riw���se the Ptuperty at A�ag sala •: ' , ,�., .;
<br /> � .��x.:.. .
<br /> `•`"" � Upon rece�pl ot p�yment ot the pri�ce�lA.ilrustee sstwll deii�?e�to the purcHs�.ser 7fnsta's deed canveying tht � . �,,�;•s:
<br /> . �,.�.� .
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<br /> . 'iYustee shsll apply tNe praceeds of the sale in ihe foltowing arder. lal to all costs and expenses o texe�c l s a t gl 6 e powcr _. • .:�-rs'e�':':
<br /> � ... . � .� �,��h'J.�-
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