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<br /> -_;��_=x: ---��-:�. _ � _ , ---- - - - -o,�.._.�__ _ .- - - - - -
<br /> .:: �. : � .
<br /> � , __ .,_ . - . ,. _.. --
<br /> _... ... .
<br /> ... �.
<br /> �.__ >� _ ..., � . . , . ... .
<br /> _ . ` _, .. _- , � . � .. 9I-- 103222
<br /> �ioa a otber tstL�g iof�y put af the E'tapMy.a fa conveyana in tieu of ca�dcmauian.ue haetii►ats�8ned and
<br /> s6�11 be p�id ta Y.endea- ' ; ' '• - -
<br /> tn tbe erent of'a total takiag of the Pkopecty.the proceeds shall be appliod to the sums securtd by ihis 5ecurity
<br /> �u�ast,u�hssha�smt tden duc,witft any eacess paid ta Bonower. Ia the oveat of a partia�[aking of the Fropt�ty ia .
<br /> which the fdr muket value of the PcupeRY�ultelY befae the tafcing is equat to ar grcater tAan�amaa�of ibe sums -
<br /> - -- : .-. ,���.`:�c-tltis St�sstY In�!itmtkd�a[�ig:l+e�r[�t-:tlir_tak'tR�ttnless:iiomnntes_nnd I.endc;_�±!M•�se aQne In�rtitit�__' _ _
<br /> �S��,y�by th�s Secu�ty(nstn�ment s6a13 be reducod by the amount of the procecds muItiplied by�ihe following =-- -
<br /> &�ctiva: is)the total mwant of the sar�s se�ucd ima�ediately befozr tlx laking.divided 6y ld)ttre fair madcsl v�lue of i6e
<br /> - ptgp�erty immediately befae the i�tcing. Any baianoe shaU be l�d to Bo�rower. In the evmt of u p:utial ta(cing of tbe
<br /> � p�ope�ty ia wbkh t1�fair marlcet value of the P�opetty immediatety 6efote the taking is tess than the�nwunt of the sums
<br /> s�cured immediately befae the taking.untess Borrower and Lender athemise agree in writing or untess applicabk law
<br /> atbe�wise provides.t!�p[oceeds st�alt be applled ta the sums secu�ed by this Security Inswment wfiether oc noe the sums are
<br /> � then due. • ,
<br /> If the HvpertY rs�i�8osuwer.vr if.after�6y Lender to Bormwer thac the condemnac offers to m�ice
<br />---- —aa�w�das se�4 et��f�da�,.&xcower fa7s tQ respona ta E�ertder within 30,days after tE�dve the notice es givert.
<br />--- _-- t�endcr is aut�eorize�t oQ cotIect at�applF:the Ptac�d4*at its opt►�*eitt�er to restaration ar repair o�the Piopeity or co the
<br /> .
<br /> -- sums.�odby�his Sectaitg tasm�i�;vhetherar noc thea dve. � �
<br />_ sum h on of �cr �aot extend ar
<br /> - � ET-iT�s.s�er�Bat�esocl�e�a�rise agcce ict v�ri�itrg,�nY�P� � f����`.
<br /> _° postpone the du�date�st�mQOa�t3if1�P�Y�u refetrecY ta rnG{�r►ag�hs t and 2 0¢c&a�;�Ehe amixtiit etf'si�fi��sf�sus-
<br /> --_ " �. Bo�c�ec 1VeE,:�; Farbear�woe BY IROder Not $Wa�t',=:�ra�on of-the'.-time for_,puysnent or
<br /> _-=_ �yodi�atirnx of�a�'��e swus secured by this Security i�u�zt:Pan4�ed�,iiy Lender ca any:successus 6t mteresc
<br /> =__- of Borroiwer s3�tr�l�k�p'�to release the lia6ility of the origina�,�o�e�er flr Bormwer s sua�essors in interest.Lendec .
<br /> shaft nat be zeqit��1 tQ oosiuijrnce Proce��n&gs against anY sticc��s�rest ar.refuse to ea�(end time foc.pal.°ta�ne oc --
<br /> ' «herwise modit�a�no�tizas�of the sums secu�d by this Security lnstiti�ein by�ai�of any decnand made b.�c cGs or���
<br /> _-- gort�n�vu or Eiormwer's successas in iate�es� Any forbeacance by Lender in eaei�ising aay nght or r�emedy�naf bF� ,�s.
<br />—�--_ waiva of or pneclude the exentise af any rigl�t or temedy. ' �;::�: `" '`f ,.;`��;
<br />-���Yx. . 12. Sneo�aad A���Ba�md:��dnt aad Several LisbiliE�i�� '�co��:and ag�eements af t6is:: '� ,
<br /> ag ee
<br /> S�y �
<br /> :-�f`i�� , Secwiry Insttiime.pt shall bind and bene�ii the successors and assigns of I.ender and Boriowec.��co the provisians aF:.- `�� �_ ---
<br /> --?:� , p��1T�So�rnwer�carenams an�'agieements shal!be joint and several.Any Borrawei wE�o co-sipis ihis Security --.^--
<br /> `':, ��Insc�peat batdaes nat��cute the Notei ta)is�n-sig�ting this Securily Instnuneau��amly to moKgase,Srartt an�convey that
<br />�'r`� underthe term4 of thi.s Security Instrumenx (br ic�personally abligated�ci,p�v the sums �'g"`��-�
<br /> � �orrowerk iat�est�n the PropettY �°:Y-"--
<br /> ;`=:f.: . socurCd b�r.this."S,actuit}:Inst!'pmen�and tc)ag�ees that Lender and smy other Bom�i�ver.may agree to extend.m�t�f}.for6ear . �,��`.
<br />"'' " ` or malce ariy aoccinunodatians with re�ard to the terms of this Secunry�ttctruinent�.i the l�tate without that 8orrower's ��
<br /> .:z��s�;' . _
<br /> '':�''� � Co11SCI1L ,: . �,. _- ---
<br /> �'`���=� 13. Losn Cbar�/1p� Tf t�e toan.secured b this..Satu last�ument`is st+,b.R�t to a law which sets maximum loan. __--
<br />�.::'Rt., b�'^:'. �1 .
<br />= chazges.and that law is#inq�y'�nterpreted w thatihe iiiee�e.�t ar ther ta�ut cl�gas raliected or to be coUected ir�cannectian �
<br /> � wlth tl�e toan exceed the�emtitt�d limits,then: (a)any such laan charge sfialt.be re�Icced by the amount necessary ta reduce __ __
<br /> .;;�_`,�,. the eGar�e to t1k.Permitfed inRi�and(b�.any,sums atready mlkcted fmm.$�i�mwef w4�icA exceeded pecmiued limits will be --- --
<br /> ;C�;��,k; tefusideA to H�►rinwer. Lender may ci�oi+ce?co�inake this refund by redu�����z��cipal owed wtd�er�e Nacc or by making a ,• .. __--
<br /> drect paymestt x�o Soirower. lf a rcf�n�►r�iuces principab the rcducfiun�.w'31t.�treat�d�s A psiccii��prepayment without any .�
<br /> C �
<br /> 5'��, ';:. - �yment c'haige under the Hote. . ' �.. ', ' -. �� - � . � -
<br /> �-. !4. Notkes. Any t�otic�to Bocrowes provided for in this Securit}°:1'�SStmment:shatl be given by detiW�r�ing it or by �u:f�' _
<br /> SFa...-t._,..
<br /> .;�i,•`:� . mailing it tiy fint cfass mai6 uritess applicable law requires use of anoth:t m�{hn,�:;T�e notice shall be directed to Q�e Property � .�j,:vs��yT_:
<br /> ' ''% 'a Addtess or aTby other address Bortower d�ignates by nolice to Lead.r::�tn};�tatice to Lender chall be given b�ftrst class •I'��'���'•��-
<br /> •"•!�'''� maii ta l.ea¢r?�uddress xtated herein ar any other addrecs Lendec desigiacas,by.notire to Borrower. Any notice provided for :��`_� '
<br /> `''�t%�-��F in this Se�ur�i¢y.[e�SUUment shali be deemed eo have 6een �iven to:Borraw�r or l.endcr when given ac Qrovided in this ;;;�::,�;;�;"
<br /> Cf�t'�j . ' � . . � ., :�: -�f1L �i:
<br /> „.� p'�,gruph• :' „ . .,. ,.
<br /> �� �= 15. Guv�sais�Law;Ser•erabiltty. This Security Instrumcnt rhall be gnvemr.d by fedcrnl law and the!Aw of�he ��f�,3��
<br /> � '�-+` "' ,"� jurisdiction in wtucb the�ropcsty ir Iocated. In thc event that any provizion ar cfause of this 5ecurity l�slniment ar ihc Nate �.�;;,;-;,,av�,;.=
<br /> :,,=: -
<br /> °:��r;4-' canilic�ts with up,�licablt 1nw.auch canflict shal)not affeci other pravisions of thi�Securiry lnsnument or ihc Note which can "'it`•���+;;_��}
<br /> ''''" `� be given efPect wit�aus th@ cis�flictine y�rm�i�ian. Ta thi�end the pmvitiions oi'thiti Security lnstrumem�nd the Note are '-'�-+� �`.••
<br /> 1�.5.:�... ,� r ��r. .
<br /> :i�%'�;if;' v., declareAtobexevefabte.•:,, : �: .'... .`,�.. �
<br /> , ��, g��iNr�p s Cppv'$arrower�fiittD{be given ane confnrmed capy of the 1Vote and us this Security lnstrumem. �:tt�'�'�•`i,�
<br /> �%� �' 17. 'lYanater ot tir�.,�erty ur a Beeetkiaf lntertsl in Borrower. If uU or nny part of ihc Property or s+ny interes�in a�`�'�:;��;,,`_
<br />' - It is so1J�r,tiattsferred tar.'i3a beneficial interest in$omawcr is�old or tran�fcrred and$arrawer is not a natum!perwn) j,�,,�?;:-. .'F--
<br /> � ' wlthout l.end�rk prior written consenl.Lender muy.:�t i�e aption.reyuiro immediate payment in full af all sums ticcured by � '.��:°='__"
<br /> ' �1•.,: ,-.: -
<br /> :a';;_�:��. •..
<br /> �;;.;; , thia Security�ef-;crument. Nowever.this apti��n yhali no�be exerci�eQ by Lender ii cxerci.c i.prahibked by federal law as af � .: - ,�_-
<br /> r�; r+,, ihe date af tFa6�5PSurity lnstrumem. ;: •,i�� _
<br /> ` �t�+� If Len�rezereiu�thiy nptian.Lender+h�ll givc F3naawer nnifice nf:�cceleratiun. The notice�hall provide a periad of � � .,: F , •�
<br /> `, ;'.�
<br /> ... , , nw fess ihun 30 clays from the date the nrnicc is dclivered or m�iled�vithin whi�h Horraa•cr mu.rt{ray�II+ums sccured by ihis �"'•r; •�;!�,,
<br /> �ti,•.;}; '� Security Instrym�nt. If Bartower fails to pay thcsc �um�priur tu the explraticm��f this prtiixi.Lender ntay invake any � ': ``:t,1'f
<br /> �i�,,,;',ti� .� remedies pe�itted by this Sccurity Instrumem with�sut furlhcr natice��r demand nn 8��rrowcr. -��',�
<br /> � {' �; 1g, Bqr�;y�eP's lsight to Reinsta1� lf Horruwcr mcets ccrtain conditianti, NarraN•er shall have thc right u� have • �;, ��, , .
<br /> ''1.'!�,;it . .
<br /> t;;�::;'!�: ,
<br />'��i±��!;f"1�, cnforcemrnt����chiy Securiry Inctrument iiiycnntinucd�1 Any timc pcivr to thc carlier uf: {a►;���s(Ur+urh athet peri�xl�s ' ,�
<br /> ��,.;. ,�k� , , • I ,'� �:,:�_..
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