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� "" , , ........ „ ._ . . . . . , . ^r.�._�.x_ <br /> �. � ., �� 9'�' 1� � .. . <br /> � M�►�r�!►ra�eia�.�emeat�bebne u�lO d n�e�+mpe�t�►P��o�ny pa�of..M oaal�►�in�Ir. <br /> �. . .: �ea�Lii�.w,�i;fii�t8)o�r�f r j�i�wr.s i�`-�t�•'.�ity�si. 7liasa c�ao�esa'�{Boto+� tts? - .....__ . <br /> •�� �A�dlf!�I I1tlM MI1�M dN4 M10M{d bq�1 Y/1� �1�O�y� M�(�10 X�10M t�ff QO���d <br /> aoorrre�(b)awa aay det�it d�rt+y olbor oow�es a yiro�,ta)Pnn ail a�cpaMer i�cwrod iq eaFa�dii4�ewit�► <br /> M�.e�incld�y,ert not limiee4�o,roYOnrb{a wuntya'ren;�aa t�nic�es akh �cdoo�Lmaer ou�r�oe�bty <br /> nquire a,raae th�t tbe uen or w.sawity 1n�non�c+M.t,enaerr d�a in the rropacy�na Barowerti a�up�ioe a p��Y. <br /> �rr iecwed �r d� 3ewrity IeanMfent �Iw�U cae�ue uad�ed. Upoa rd�t�aeot bY Hono�"a'. dib �e�► <br /> lm�nanent Nrd ma obliptioas reaurod.haebx r6�11 nanwia iWiy eRacdve as if no�aooelaa�an b�d oayuned. Ilowswr.�h4 <br /> rij1R�o roin�e dWl aat�ppty ja ti�e cae a[aooderaila�a under p�r�r�ph 17. <br /> 1!. $da �f NM�CMMR�t lw�S�loer. 7be Nole ar a prtW�imaeit in die No1e tt�etlia'vftb d�is SecuitY <br /> Iaia�)a�y 6e�oid oae a wore tfara wWiout piar aotbe w BaRO A s�lc m�r r�wlt ia�clm�e in d�e�itjr <br /> pow�we as die '1.o�a Se�viae'11Int aol{eccs mon�klY P�Y�dua dnder the I►lole�nd thit Saxuity Ia�cnu�enl. 71�re dso <br /> aay be aae ar more chart�a ot tbe lare Savioer�Jaced to a tab ot�he Note. If tLa�c i�a cha�o of tbe Lo�a Savker. .� <br /> Bo�rowcr wW be�iv�m writtea notioe ot die c1w�e ia a�oco�danoo with p�ph 14 above�nd applicable law. T6e no�foc <br /> wW NtlE d10�oo a1d addtEU Ot Nle tllMl l.On1 SetviOat aed the�ddre:i b wwieh pRymeats iiWYld b0 m�d0. 1b0 nOti00 will <br /> abo ooataia�ty od�r infarm�tloa requitad by�pplicabb law. <br /> 2�. 1ltear/o�a Sr6ws�cM. Banovrer rhsU not cause or pexmit tbe pneseooe,use.disPos*�.� release ot�ny <br /> lLrraxdous Subtl�as oa a in da Prupaty. Ban+oMa�U aot da.not albw myoae dse w do.aaythiqg aRectin�Ibe <br /> iRopetty diq is In vialWon of aoy EavHoamental Law. Tbe p�+eoeding two saka�ces�bap not apply w�he p�dasoe.use,or <br /> stors,�e ou the Fmpaty of snyq qwntitks of Haza�dow Su�panoes thu aro�eaerdly reco�LTrd to be�pp�opri�ta w�w�nal <br /> taidaMyl wes n►d to m�intenenoe of tbe Property. <br /> Bo�ror�er�Aall p�nmPUY Bive I.eader Mrittan notioe d�ny investig�don,cWim,danand.lawsuit a other action by�ny <br /> guresmne,d� u c�ulteiury�i�xy ur pdv�te pa�ty imolving d�e Pncq�a�ty aad any Hamrdons 3ubsmace ar Favimer�! <br /> L.�w of wdkh Bamwer his actual lo�owkdge. If Borrower leuns. a �s �tltied by�ny govemmenW ar tegul�tary <br /> awlwrlty.dut �ay remav�l ar wher remedfadon of any HwNour 3ubsUu�oe affecting d�e Ptq�ty ia nooessrry.BarroNer <br /> �R�p�Y p�e all nocessary remedial xtions in a000rdmoe with F.�vironmenW <br /> I+i USEd lll f�S�1'A$1�1�r�H�ZiidWIS$YbBta1K'�'S�A1E thOSC SIIbB1�I1CCS dC�lllOd i8 tOII�C O[f1�ZAIdOUi SYbBmIIOCS(1y . <br /> RnvironmaMal l.iw md the following su6stu�ces: gudine.kerosene.otl�er tl�mmabk a toaic petrolaun pmducp.Wuic <br /> paticides nc� babicides.voktile�terials connining asbestos or famaldehyde.and radlo�ctive materials. As <br /> used in thia pan�pd 2Q,"F�viranmen�al Law"nneans fedenl lavvt and tawa of the juri:dicdon whene�he Hopaty i�loc�led <br /> tlat rieWe to he�llh.s�fety or emlmnma�tal protectiwi. <br /> NON-UNIPORM C�OVBNANTS. Bamowu and Lender further covenant and agroe as follows: <br /> 21. AooekraRia: Remedks Le�der�a4�ive aWke to Borrower prior to�coeleratioo fdbwisg Borrower's <br /> breacA of uy aov�uot or sgeeaueat L�t�ls SaurNy Ia�rumeot lbnt oot prtor to aooekratioe uoder Puw�Pl�17 <br /> aekss appNca6k b�W'uvides olherwise� Tbe eofloe shdl speclly: (s1 fhe ddsWti lb)t6e�ctlo�rcqnired to c�re We <br /> dEti�;(e)o drde.�t i�tl�s 3��sys ls�m!!��SSlc!!x�lia!a¢vea!a Sasso�ss.DT�!!x shia�lS�.st�s <br /> cared;�ad(d)IM�t fiiln�+e to curc the default o�or beiore the date specitled ia tde potioe n�y rrsWt iu aaoelerallo�o� <br /> t6e su�s secartd by thls 3ecurNy Iosd�ummt and swle ot tQe Property. T6e potia s6�1!f'urt�er iaform Barro�ver d <br /> t4e rieMt to ne4�tate after aecekr�don aad the rlgpt to b�1ng a court Action to�ssert tUe aoa�eutstenoe a��defwU or �. <br /> way dher de�ease of BorroWer to acccler+�tlon and aala If the defaWt is not cured oa or betore tl�e date speclffed fa <br /> the aotlo�Lender at its opdon niay require tmaKdl�te p�ymmt In iLll ot all suma secured by Ibia Securtty lostrawent <br /> wlthout Mtber demand�ad may invol�e 1he power of sale and any other remedies permttted by �pplkabk I�w <br /> l.eadu slWl be entlttkd to eolkct all expe�s incnrred in pursuing t6e remedies provlded ia t6ts pangrap6 tl, <br /> iacludiag,bnt not Iteiited lo,reasonabk attorneys'fces s�nd costs o�titk evWrnce. <br /> If the poeer of sale is iavolced,7lrustee shnll re�ord a notice ot defaWt in wch caunty ta v►hkh any part of tbe <br /> Property b lopted aad shnll mail coptes of such nodce io lhe manaer prescribed by applkabk law to Borrower and to <br /> t6e ot4er perso�s prcs��ibed by applicable law. ARer the time requlred by�ppUcabk law,71�ishe sbsd!give public <br /> nodce at sale to the persons and in the manner prescNbed by appltcabfe law 'Irustee,wilhout demaad oa Borrower, <br /> . s6�11 sdl tUee Propetfy at publlc auctlon to the dlghest bldder At the lime ond place nnd under the tenns design�ted iq <br /> the notke ot sale in one or more parcels and in any order 1Yustee detcrmines. 'Irustee ms�y postpone ss�k of all or�ny <br /> �wrcel o�tUe property by public s�nnouncemenl at the time nnd p1Aee of Any previausly schedukd sak. Lender or ifs <br /> derigoce uu�y purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of the prlce bid,'Ilrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 1Yustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The reciWls in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of Ihe Iruth oP the statements mtde theretn. <br /> 7lrustce sb�ll apply tt6ee proeeeds ot the sole in the�oNowing order: (a)to all caste and expenges of exercisin�tde po�rer <br /> F�rm JY18 !nN fpa�u'S��'6 pageal <br /> . � . • . <br /> . . _ . . . ... . - ,�,�Q-�a.r�• "�:�.gw�: y.;, - /� <br /> -. ili�lr� ,f �if r titi�, ` ,�} '7. .�w..-..�--�.. � ''�'l��1':7 . . 1 � )�l') f `,�.�..�:r:i.;.ti�r .1 _ <br /> . I�, ' <br /> ..c� � �R� r��•yn�}�r,.: � � -�' -.`. • . ; �'. -- �,� � 4�i! rYt}it i! ��4.r i c��- 3 •.�, �)}.»S+�ieP�i'iAlr _- <br /> .u,;v'(1 1 3"�,E`'i� 1t,�,�� r• �� , � . ��t�y����,r�ij�r/����i � �������t1`1�l1���tr,�;. . . . Y <br /> --��Y.YIY��t�tiy t f:.�i����aF1n����ct�_..f�_..-1.i.I�:�i'C�tra:?.�iiitiA�lTslf111[1�A�L*.��t_�f(SY[1i4YY� `r ��7iVh7i�+�LYdAi/J�K!-- a. ... _... <br /> "VA7�iiY/lf�f�'R_J,'��JY 71c n� -. 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