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�._-'..--�_-"_ -r - ,. _ ..... . ... _. ... .�ru:..L�,-'-?..:.�:�'��6,�_�1L:i�:r}�.. - ---- <br /> . .� � . .. �ivtr"1-. <br /> " ' �_ . � r n a.. � <br /> On1�Oq Of�fYr(�llj 0��►qft 0�r10�0�t�at t0�OOAYOYw1100 �II�11�OOq�IMM�O�M���/W��MI� , <br /> f��,�IL��lO�.: ._ . _ . <br /> 6�0��'10�0� ilD�A�l�t� Ot d10�MOQOf1y�lhll i��O� M/Ill!WOM p101rOd b�► dd1 ��I .� <br /> �W�lOf O[OOl 1�IOA�iVjl�l Njt OXOO�i�Bpff0lY�Ef �f11h0 OYOqt t1��Q�fl�I�C�IIj f1�(M PNOpII'fy� . <br /> �hbb tbe fiir m�eicet v�iue of the PYapetly immedl�aety beParo�he Wclaj is eqwl a ot�roner tlu�n�ho�nautt of tbe w�n <br /> �ec�ted by tbis S4c+�rity Gudumait immedWely befae the alcitl�.ualat Barowa�nd l.cndar atharwioo�p.+eo h wridq�. . <br /> da aNns�ecured by idda Seourlty I�ama�lent�ll be trrdu��ed by d�o �uM at tl�e p�oo�ee�h p�Ikiplie�bar die tollowYy . <br /> tnctiom (•)n�e couu.moupt ot tne wau sec►aea imnneawety berore aie c.kin�,mviaea by ro)d�e r�tr nwko�v.lue ot e�e <br /> Pronetly ima�odi�tety bafaa tho takit►j. My b�tanoe shdl 6e pdd to Boaower. !n the evau of�p�rtW pk�oQ'dp � <br /> P�opaty in which the hfr aauicCt v�lue at the Prapaty faaatbdiatelLer�tee adierwise�M writid�unbu�plkabb I�w . . <br /> �ecuted immediqely befae tha a�kin�.unlas Barow�er�ad . <br /> ahe�wi�e pmvlda.d�e pmceods�all be applied w the sums�by dds Socw�iqr Iason�nan wl�aha or aot die sun��te • <br /> tban dae. • <br /> If tho Fropwty ic�b�ndo�ed 6y Borrower.or If.afta aotke by l.ender w Barovrer dwt ttie ooada4u�or aifaa to m�k,e <br /> aa�►w�nd ar�ula a cWm for danwges.Bomnw+er fiiils to mspad to I.erder within 30 days�Rer Ihe d�1e the rrotioe a�ven, <br /> Laider it wthariud to oollecl�nd apply tbo p�oceeds,st itt aptton.either w ncstanttan a�ir ai Ihe Propeny a to dre <br /> saips�ecurod by tbit Security Insdwaent.wl�ether or not tha�duo. <br /> IJNess L.a�dar�nd Harrow+a otbo�wuo a�ree ia wridn8.mY s�pU�stion of proceods to pr[rn,�pal:htJl aot c�tead or <br /> pmtpone the due due af thc monthlY MY�ts mfer�ed w in Pang«phs�md Z a c6�nge the amuuM of tucb paymeats. <br /> 11. Barow�a� Nat Rdaued; Forbeuanoe By Lnder NM s Waivcr. Bactensiau of tbo dme ta� payriaau or <br /> modificatian of amortintfon of tla wms secured by thia Security lnsaument grantcd by Lender to any au�roes.s«in inierost <br /> of Ratower abtU aot opu�te to release the liabi8ry of tho arigItial Bortowa or Barower4�auaxsson in inteast.Lader <br /> s1uU�wt he re�ed iP commence proeeedings agalnst any succe.�.car in intaest or nefuse ta exta�d dme far Paymau or <br /> � adiawisq•moBiPy amorrization of the sums secured by thi:Secu�ity Insawnent by r�eawn of au�y dem�M made by the original <br /> Borrower ar 8orrowe�r�at�coes�ors in interess� My forbeuu�ce by Lender in exercising any right or mmedy amU not 6o s <br /> waiver of or preelude the oaercisc of any�ght or�emedy. <br /> l�.�Suocesson��ad Ad�n�Bouad;Jolut aad 3evernl l.lab8ity;Co�dgnere, 7t�e oovenants and agioemcnts of this <br /> Security Inst�m�ent sh�U bind and benefit the successors and+�ssigns of Lender And Barrowa�.�ubject to ihe provisions af <br /> puagraph�17. Borrowerl�covenants and ag�ements shall be joint and saveral. My Bormwe�who co-signs this Securicy <br /> , •, In�dument but does nd ezecute tho Naro: (p)is ca�aigning thls Secudty Insuument only to t�atgage.grant usd oonvey that <br /> , �Botmwer�s interest in tNc Property under the terma of thia Secarity Instrumen�(b)is not personally obligAted to p�y the sums <br /> � � � �seau�d by this Security Inswment;wM(c)agrces that i.ender and any dher Bortower muy agroe to extend,modify.forixar <br /> ar mwka any scconunadatk�ns with �ogatd lo the torms of this Savriry I�utrument or the Note wjthout thr+t Borrowerl� <br /> cansa�t. <br /> 13.�I.oan If the loan seCurcd by this Security Instn�rnent is s�bject to a law which sets m�ximum loan <br /> cirarges.snd ilwt iaC��ilally ii7iCi�i2�50 ZIiYi ttlZ lilidfZSt 8i'Wt12i'I881f C�iai��5 CU{I2Ci�8i id 52 C8II2a.'i2G lii COfiii8Cil8ij <br /> with the lo�n eaaxd�lta permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge eF►all be rcAuced by the amount neassary to neduce <br /> the chwge w the permiqed limit;and(b)any sums al�eady collected fram Borrower which exceeded permiaed limits wIU be <br /> �ofundod to Bortower. Lender may choose to make ttiis refund by reducing the principal owed unckr the Note or by m�king a <br /> dlmct payment to Boirower. If a refund reduces principal,ihe rcduc�on will be ueated as a partial prepaymau without any <br /> prepayment charge under tha Note. <br /> 14. Notias. My notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrumont ahall be given by delivering it or by <br /> m�iling it by fuct elacs mail unless applicabk law requires use oi anothermethod.The notiee shall be directed to the Property <br /> Addras or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall 6e given by first class <br /> mail to Lenderk address stated herein or eny aher address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any ndice provided for <br /> in this Socurfty Insuument rhall be deemed to have 6een given ro Barower ot Lender when given As pravided in �hLs ` <br /> �Pn• <br /> ls. Coveroing La�v;Severabilily. This Security Instrument aholl be govemed by federal low end the luw of ihe <br /> juriadkdon in which the Propeny is Ixated. Ia the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insuument or the IVote - <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisiau of this Security Instrument or the Note which cwn <br />