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1 . <br /> r.. <br /> �i . -- - , ,,. <br /> '�;��` y .» . „ ,.�`:, ,;�. �..,. . .t.^��.�.�� �'�:�� _ . . ,.. <br /> x�Rer�;as � <br /> ��,, . , . , ,R a�` <br /> ,� . <br /> f�'.. . . ' ... .. .. ... .. .... .... ... .. . - <br /> :.,�� . .. . .. . ? . ... v. �+ca+a. <br /> 1 ' <br /> • f p �p�}^; t al!the surs ce�ured hy tF,is Trust^EScnefria±t shxli r;qucs: �'�r.T:u'; :: o rtCOmcy tht pm�crty nnd siiall surremin this <br /> Tru�: Decd a �II r cti i�cne�c�ndchtcdr.exs securcd by°thi;Tiusi 7�eed tp thc Trustor and �ntttee sha!I reCVnatiy the pmrcrty q•��ho�=p�r�pty to the <br /> persn+���r p c�ns�.ge�iy tnut;cd thcrcto.put if dc��u!:tx made in the parr:�cnt nf sxid nate or any pan therenf cx anr of ihe interest thcrcon whcn due <br /> nr ir!che(ii;lrful p°rf,�;mr.r�c of un> ur ei�her nf+aie9 agrcementc as afnrrsaic;,th�re thig de�d shall�rmain in(osCr arM,the whc�le of said note shall tucome <br /> fx�ss^n�cn n��t�Ctp�i�•�enr.I['Yr^.E lF�S�W(pt at aucF�cr prp•r.dr.�t_�},e Ttusttt shall!a�th�riRh;.uCc•n dcmand,to an}M a)1 qf the(dbwing:to take immCdiate <br /> entals as yeu may deem pm}�.+�r,td ec+IICC!lhe rent�6o Iitak�A�y MCCSCIfY(«Yp1IS pf R�lI�CCT�I1l3�p <br /> s4mthe,rnper;y.u d.a�rer pa�ing t*e cc�t of r:nti-�the Pn�r±�rty;[naic[ting the rcn:c and ihe rnakin�of�rry repain tn the arply thc balanee on the <br /> s hcrchti t c�.rr;1 i_!if�hrcc ic not suf�cicn;nct ernt3t n�nncy rcccivcd 1t+�:�y th�cnst oC rcpairs,thr.n any�htlartce chali f�t tccurrd he�CM•a1011K with <br /> . .rr>ce ar i P� ,i)� ,T, r;,•�„� ;nic�et? �rr� ;�;,��ii,��,��e 7'ruster,i�r h;c aunrrrr m:,y plcecd�c,sc3t thc pccrpcna in icti entircty or in�.ircels at the <br /> k� r't';��'r+n i f�us �I reir.htl��rr.�Icscrit+e q pu?lic nuctinn.fn thc hiRh<cl���,�r.�'i� c.��h.1{i�W��er.�hr�niwer�if sale here�n cnnfrrred u�n the 7rustee <br /> `�i�il�nof he Cxr,rc�s i nt,l j i)thr iru�rc �h:i,tir<i lilr Cnr rccunt.�n the n)liec nf thc re isler rf dr<dc��f cuch county whercin the Itnst pm�erty or same <br /> ;: r:�r!or � � I tlir.r ! i situ:+trd.:c nu;•ce�i dc�auls,idcntif}in�thr Trustce(r Kr.+�;n�<<e�F�arnt<cf ihe"i'rustor and names thercin and giring the lfook and <br /> � r c wh rc lic�zr 7c ti rcRrJed,a d;c�riptinn n(Ihe�n;st pruperte,ar,d rantainiag;�y;airmer.!that a hrracPo ef an oMifntion fi+r wnich ihe trust pmperty <br /> ��+�� �fs r�,r� i e�� is sc � i,ti•6a�i�[¢u,red,:and cet�ir,g f�r h t`�e r.aturr nf such h•each arru o(his rl[Cfion in�d1 4T eaU9C to A[trPd Strch pr�rperty (0 sd(jcfy th! <br /> � " �dnn r � � �, �, <br /> ! . c Ici t e �pst o(nc�t Iesti tl�!�o e mor,t!;,the 7rus•ee ch1 �i�r n�•;�ce of cnlc uc�nn;d-d Fy hCFnsiea l-�+.ARer natiee of del'ault and <br /> ��\� l�p of�i I ti f�:n nc-n.>nth thC Truc�re s� dl gi t a ri tcr.nnt�c e�f thc ti arc!riacr:��c:!c�zrr�u�.�r���dcccn�ir,g thc Rmt+crtY't�:be x+id hY publiea�ion <br /> ��" `f`��'�� �° � �� � �� P�"'� 5 ��"C�µ '�te ce�se[�.;��r urrkc,tl c f r,t zihiicatac+n tn tx at least )0 d s but nnt morc lhan 30 da <br /> u lo ir newsn��er h��mg a�l crci I�[�r^.e�c:A:h cnu�ety in wh�eh the m;arty ica k*c cn!d,or.�ome � Y+Prior to the <br /> � Trustec ch�ll rxecute il d^Ii�cr s dAcd�f c�,�i.;y��cr��;t5c pni`±crty xoid tn�'^e urc�rascr vr ��n�creof.ix�in�ated.L'pc+n sueh salr.the <br /> dec�I in rel.��ion tn rt�r cxerc�xe c,[tl�e rv��+er�;sa;e.and w`Ic o( t!;c prcp(,rt9'dex;nbed therCin,�ir�Clud n t Yecii Is Ycon�ems�atem�enm�ir�citai of fact in such <br /> and puhliesyt;oo n,`the s�o;ice o!dcfault,nny mniGnc 1n�th<p:�Dliertinn ar.d r �� R y &Penonal delivery <br /> . f:�Cic cricicnce af�ceh compiiar.ce�nc1 concfusive e•�ridrrtte tRereeC in��qr ofrMntsCfde Purcha.setf tnd rnqurhhrnneers for value end w t6outnnptice <br /> The TructeNs dccu sf�a-1 rPcr,.tc ro convey ::�t!;e purch�cr.witSrout righ[of rccerr;ptic^,�hr Trus;ee'x trtle and all ri�ht,title,intettst acM claim of thc Trustor <br /> � and hic su�ct45or;in ir.�;rest and o;�I1 pers�:ns cIs ming t�or thmvgh er urcl;r Ih<:�,sn a�d[b ihe�operty aold,including aII xuch righl,title,in�erest and <br /> cliim in nd o u;h p cpert e acquircd by thc Truster or his svccr_ssecs in in[em!5uhsequcnt tn ttx excrutinq of the Tnis{�e_The Trustee shafl a <br /> M1''�?` ef the Tru e t ci!c t�r�t,tn t`�c cnxt nnd ecpcnsca nf ecercisinc:�e��wer n(saic,and e(the s,�_Ic,iactadin tha <br /> pply the proceeds <br /> ��� nnt ;n ezcec;,the:�m^unt e5hi�h ma� Fc pnnided G�r in the trust Cerd,xcoad,to a t�ymcnt of the Trustee's kes actually incurred . <br /> '�i!C'� n�y,tn t1;c�e:,nn nr jicrs,�ns Itgally crzti��ed th�r_to, payment of thc c*bii�atiom secured b} the tnist deed,ar�d che 6�tance,i1' <br /> ';�`� An�u,�Tru�,fcc cuv ^ rn;^�. c!nrs*i,e <br /> �:y,°� cn�'�n(s(n;;r.r�:u,•c�,.c •h r�in crra[ed. � <br /> T` ��_ti+`�;•`•��` � �.:.n t�r:z to f,i i c:;;:,c u successor or�<w•�c ro a��rrase^e r,nmed herci�or a<tfrsg hefeur,der to exeeute this Trust beed <br /> y t� �<i c i �i r.tmc nu�:i�hu:.^,�o��c a�.��ta U�r�uc�cc,o�'frus;ct.t':^la•;rr a'�a�;bc rested w•ith all trtte.powtrs,and dutes canferrcd upon any Trustee <br /> �� , r_in r.�n �� ct; I.';;reund.r�ach su�h appointmrnt and suusutut�cn�.ha;{bt�msde h7 writtcn instrument snd piecuted by g�neficiaty.tontainina rcfercntt <br /> W this Trus Dced and its p!aee ef rccvrd wh�ch.when r_cnrded in the efrcc n, the R:gister v�Lkeds of the cctianly or counties in which said ro n • <br /> cit��atcci,sh Ii te cn-cl:itii�c pmo(o!'�mp-r•���intr-ient��[he<uccrc<er Tn:�;c- 7he C�•regeing;crwrr o(sutntitution and the r � y�g � <br /> ��� hc��cl:•v� �h;;;���cr and�+e*�rd;a:c p ti�Lrd(or h� lav. fnr tt:e subs[i[udon o(a Truste^�r Trus:ces in�he rrncedure:hercfore shall not <br /> tihou'J th^ In i its v.,,cestn��n r,�,creu wi,iie�2 ctic cnn�enl in wr" o;'ihe Acnercia� �'i�ce o(the Trustce or'frusterc named hercin <br /> ' n�:nnle}c: '-� ;�-ri 7 srl.tran<fcc or r<zmey.or permit�o;�u�ld.transferred <br /> +.� '` r n:r� r,-�•�rer,r,s mterctit in ti•c abenc des[ri!M�nal estate(cr any pa;t therco�),theh Bencficiary may declarc ai!sums <br /> r; 1rc,�r..d hc�cP;. i•;r�cc�� iJ psrzh:c.�u•,� ��, app(�c.,,,��ti�•.. <br /> i �.�: ,-��' . <br /> ��. 1 i'��i ii�cr h} 1 st�r,or RcncC•<iarti �s.� ce;`�t�':ct'Tr�.:,t�;r und<r this Trust Drcd sh�11 not hc or he deemed tn be a wai�rr nf any nther or simiiar <br /> 4�a� u � :!�sih �.ucn�!}cccn-rin^. <br /> �r� Tiv� i •:t U;.ed vi�ail inurc w�q<1 hin�'ihc heirs,lr:,t�!cCS,d^��iscec,ndm;m��rat�rs_cxecute.�c suCCCSSOrs and auign4 0(the parties herc(v. <br /> 1'he iru::t ilecd chall be construerl�ccording to thc laus o(the$tate nf rvcora�k�, <br /> I hr Trur,nr rcqer,st;lhai a cnpy of anp notirL ci defaelt snd nf any nor.ce of ca!e her.�urtder be maitcct w him 6y ceitifir�m�il at the addrc�s hercinbeforc <br /> ztt forth and cvid,tr,re i�f sucl�mnilinF hl::!!cnr�cx�tpt^c�idcr.ce r�;ccr.nt of such nn�icc <br /> 'T�ruqi�r rcp•�:`tn'c and W�:vr,�nte ehat ihc a'nnc dez�;n�cd real estate is no�u�[d In�an:lgrieullursl ac[ivitv. <br /> ��'iure�cr ti:c c,mte�,xi,;rqui2s,sinFular word�chail be con�rnied in the p1un1 ar.d :ice vcrsa.�rJ�he mascuiirre gender sh�ll tx ennsvued�o include <br /> 'L•c f:mininr;:tnd�ic�errs;�. <br /> 1N W11'?:F55�L�fIFRi=OF,[ht 7rustot lrs�hereu�tn set his hsnd Ihe dcy and year f:ne�biie�r writtrn_ � <br /> �1. <br /> .��� � . <br /> 'tRUSiOR Edwdzd E. �a7rsha1l '_�'—".__�„ <br /> TRUSI'UR� g�r 7, �rghall <br /> ST.+,Tt:oF Nebraska yl <br /> CUl'NTY OI� �?a 11 I S-S. <br /> f3efr�rc me,a N�n:r}•Yublic,yuali;ied hy sxid county,personally came �dward E. Massh�;11 <br /> and <br /> __ K�rnpTj.h17 r;h�11 knnwn�n me tc�6c the identi�al <br /> necc';;:T,-usi Ac1:r,o�rledgemcm znd �hen xiFnci! the frust Ckcd ar.d acknowlectg.ed the cxecution t4ereof tn be his,her or their'w�luntaryt cts and deeds, <br /> R'itnrc�inr•I� Nn[ari:tl tical nn�„)j�riS.�3�1�,— .�_,.��.19_.q7. <br /> ��G�`�=�._i:`_�;i',+•' .3 CP�'t�f3?�.3 -� <br /> C N� 1�.,�.V C�IC , <br /> - ;r.. :�., ,y�.'.y 1.1Pi?J . dTAR PUH C .�—. <br /> _...__-- __-� <br /> ����� My cnmmission expires: � /�93 <br /> S <br /> � ^1 <br /> � Rc[ordiria ln��irmution � � • <br /> r 'i: <br /> �^�,h.�'r�� c•� - �n <br /> °I�Y�.;�'� Q p �� t . � � . � : � \ <br /> r,- � 5a a� -„ . . <br /> �J .Jy /�') � . <br /> j 4 �{, \�y\J � �') (� . 0 1 1 - - � � �J.7 <br /> � � � SY J. � , � <br /> {�',�'.�h . � a � n � L. �� .. ` <br /> r��vh:v l�l � .. .;. <br /> T,.�';i � x :�. � ., .� _ �, m <br /> �:� . h t•, : i�� � <br /> �y ,�;� ��+� - ..._ , � <br /> �as�i m • `� t � '. . � <br /> 'k��� "�� ��,��-> � � _ ,- ' `� ' .: � �; <br /> ��"�r�s, �..�} C`� � - . . . .._. <br /> �'4�$ii� ;,,� � � � .__ «� a��� �a <br /> xh+'�{;���.,5, � ._� '`,� • � ( 4) � <br /> �-'sw� <br /> �s��a;� i � <br /> ��$ � �� 4 � <br /> � <br /> , ���� � � : <br /> ��y"�'��; � � 9 <br /> t'ra":, � ;P <br /> i � � E. <br /> � � . 1 <br /> �� � <br /> '�M1��qjt�i; ' . <br /> �y <br /> � <br /> af�� <br /> l �. <br />