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�: .. <br /> _ . _ ' . � 'M ,�PG <br /> j . � � - ,`� <br /> h�,. . . . . ' ' <br /> ���:'��1"��Y .�+�•� � .r.. . 'p��' r'Ax7'�F _ _ <br /> , . <br /> . , �.. . � <br /> !.S akn �^,i ',"'`yK' ..� '.,:n .. . ..�,. k.;g,;a.n. C i n. �'x:'^.�i+�y.nY3P.- ' .� . ... F,. . .. .. � . . � ..... . , <br /> h I <br /> _ w ti <br /> {�'ni�� P. .. � � . ... - ' . . ... . <br /> *��'���� � . . . � <br /> �� . . " . <br /> a"'r. , , . . . � . _ ' �. .. ... .. ,..... . . <br /> 'p��' ..,. . A . , . �� �...�. ... � .. <br /> �?�" (�E�D zDF TRLIST A�K�Oti�fL�DG��7E�JT A:U T�ZI;ST DEED <br /> ��,,w . <br /> �FY r....__ 9���l�O�'�F€!�.7 As�ICP3d�l/L��[�G��°a:i�7' + <br /> FN� . <br /> �,� 93- �.t�'�,��2 <br /> '��� �c;:�:�rci �. rtarslzall and ECaren ,7. Marshall., huaband and wife <br /> ii'�'c. � .1'Truun�)under tFwt ccrtain <br /> '``� as o n enan s <br /> �,;� <br /> '��' Cccu�,(�.,.,t c, � <br /> ______�._��,.�y-.��Cy-r—���„•--- .-� . !"Dccd vf 7rusi`)�o tx rn�ercd intn <br /> �mon};l'ru};��r,7��,_'� Title Insuranre Gompar.y ("Trusxee') <br /> ��,� Security Pacific �'imm�ci.z[1 5ervices o!� Io�.ra inc. <br /> ------- 1'Beneficiary')hercby <br /> ac�ne�.�wlydre liiyt it ie urder�tnod that(al[hr[hed e(Trust to he ex%ruted th•Tt�<tnr is x trvct deed end not a matgs�e snd Ib)the power of ule rnnvi.ied <br /> for ir thc bce6 nf�7ust�.ro�iues subttantially differcnt rigt�tt and oLdigttions to th�-Truftor�han a mortRape in the event of�default or brc�cfi of obliptiM�. <br /> _ Trutito!aci nnwicc!gc:f'�at this Ack^.extedgcment wu m�de pnor�n the ae[vtn�n vf the Deed of Trust. . <br /> c Ezccutcd and�cliticrcd this �Dth ��,n�� Aptfl 19�^ <br /> ��Q �� � <br /> 7n�stqr Edward E. Mb�B $ <br /> �. �0 <br /> T or Kaxe . Mars a 1 • <br /> TRUSTDEED <br /> 7'HIS C�F FI)OF'1-RUST,madc and rntcrcd into�his 3d�h day of ApTil 19 93 <br /> by��ndhci��ccn Edward F.. Marshall 2Snd Karen J. ,Trus[cx.and TRW Title ZnsurenCe Company ,Trustee, <br /> Ma:sh�il, hu�hand and wife as jaint tenants <br /> ana�F,,F�,?ri_ty_r�cific Financial�Services ,gr����ry. <br /> of Iowa Inc. <br /> .� `.�` W I 1`1 nti.5!1 V!; l'h;it thc I�ruslnr d�xs hy thtsc prc�entz fir.+nt, 6nrgain and scll, com�ey and con�rm with Power of Sale unto the Trustee <br /> the fo::owine dcscnh^:1 Rea1 £state induding a11 huildings, improvemcnts, and fiztures of edrry kind new or hereaftef erected or plaad on the <br /> rcal c,tace,s�tuat;it in �a�� Coa��q,:.:the Sta�e of i3ebn:ta: <br /> Lot �o, �lack 1, �(nickrehm 4th addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha].1 County, Nebraska. <br /> � <br /> . ' , <br /> � <br /> � .. . <br /> r� <br /> ��` <br /> and�ossession n*said{�ru{krrty is nnw deiivered unco said Trustee; . <br /> �. .r, <br /> 1O 1 L�V I�.r\ND�T'U HOLb Ihc tiamc,with all righi;,pri��ileges,nnA��punenanccs ih<re�o bclonging untn th�Trustcc.h�cx�cutorc,adm9ni<ira�nrc hcirs. <br /> and;i.sicns li�;r�cr.AuJ Uic 1rus�on c�rehy e<p;cssl} waives,relca�rs,and rclinyuishCS untu!hc Trustcc�U right,tide,ctaim,inleresl,benelit,anJ estate whatever, <br /> in:md in;L•c ahovrdcscrihcd P��*PCny and!:+eh anJ everv pa;t thercnf,�vhich is glven by er resu!s fmm nll lau,of rhe Stete nf Nebreska perlaining fn th! <br /> ,,. cxcmp�ion of homc�re:id.And�hc Trus�vr cnv�n;mtsµi�h the Trus�ce�hat he will forcvet uar:ant and det-nd the tiile tq the v�me against tht lawful elnims <br /> ` `Y� o(�il pr,nnns wh<imsocvcr, <br /> � <br /> �r,�y I";•iRIJSI IIOVJCiVcR.fn!:te;ntluwing descrit+cd purposec:lir serure fult and prvo,�.��rfonnancc o(all lh, _r?s an�l conditipns of that <br /> + lk�. <br /> ;'y�tz�,� � R�•voivinp.Loan ANreernent nf ecen dnte herewiey linduding^articularly,but r.��t^_srl�.r,'�rcly,pr�inpt^ny-menr o(all sumx which arc or may beeome <br /> payahlc from tirne to time thcrcunderl whicli Rev��lving Laan.4gw^_ement nhlip,�tes ESene�uinry,eu:>ject tn!he cnnditionx stated�hcrciw to adwnce ta Trustor <br /> up�n'S lin;u�cc,u,d nth�•r charp.cs!c:uc,Rc��•hing A�,r irn:rnt is turcin�f�cr r_fcrrcd�n a4'nolc").rnr� <br /> y��� � t f e��^n d,uc iicrev.�th in the s;mr��f lt5 S.J..�3.'.�._..� ���yri,lc im m�+��hly inctnilments of princip;el and imcrcxt.wi�h the <br /> �,r^,�' buiar<e�,I t��•in]��hi�dnz�+,�f m,�sew�n�r p.�ict.duc;md p.nnhtr un y______G�y 5= _. Iv 9� ,and any ex�eneiKmS renewals.mafificntinns <br /> J' <br /> %�,��,i' nr iclinanuny�II`�r;n( <br /> �� � <br /> +��;' � It is;�grcad hy an�1 hetween;rciriics hcrcin that umil tiling uf Nniirc of[x(auli,tl�e"I'ruaiur tiha1L(I)p�y all presrnt und fu�•�.:aces and axsesxments, <br /> � }'.cner:d and�,per.i:�l,.��niml.:�����<<,�,�ny nCr�,re u,�.��„�becnmes deiinyurm or actiunaAlc;1?1 krep nll improvemrnis erceted on�hc innd insurcd as muy Ae <br /> rcquired frum ���nc �o:ime hy benel�ciary urainsi losx hy firt and nther hu�anl�,casu:�lties and sueh amnunts�r,d �,-sueh pericxlx as are <br /> rr:e5rrn.�hle•+nd may tsc rcquired hy hciiclici�n,and io kcrp aIl��licics of�ueh insiarancc in force or e(iect u�wn thr propeety hercin descc[.d cnnstanqy asxigned <br /> �nd dctiv�rcd tr�hcneliri:v�;(.11 pay and romply wieh sll�ha ierms and candiiivm of uny lien.claim nr indeMMness�Mat may tu ecnicx t' w take paedrnce <br /> mcr rti'rc'fruu [ked:�ti�xin ua any<uch paymem nn ex nf�uch lien,clnim�x indehtednesc shall hernme due:and u�m failu�e nf Tru+...•to keep any said <br /> :if�rccrncm�.hcnd ici:vy nuiy puy�ucl�tux.nuy i�x auch insurrnce or pay ofT xurh lienx nr claims or incleb�edness aa ihe casc may 6c.nnd:he mcmey w expemkd. <br /> with intcrest at 9'X,�cr annum,�hall he sccured(�'Ihic Trun�[?ced,nnd thC T'ruslpr a$rcC;In repay thc samc upnn demand,and upnn(ailu�e lo du so the balance <br /> of ihc:unchcd nu�e tihalt bccnme innnedicriely due and payable at the nplicin a((NC bCneficinry;(4)specificnlly Conf[r upqrl tht 7fustee Ihe power af aale <br /> a�providcA in hebrn�k�law;(5)retain pnsacssion of thc prcmises and collcct the rents and revenues thercfmm. <br /> d '� �`' <br /> �W� { <br /> � 2��c �k <br /> � 2Rt70-Ot�_�11:F '��°�: <br /> � y' ;,�,, , . , ,I'., .. �t�. � <br /> �. , b'�° <br /> .,�� +�,x"�;" . <br /> ,. , <br /> � , <br /> ' "-r ' <br /> � G",; <br /> � <br /> �+',^`�� � .�a . .. <br /> i�ci�I,* . . .. <br />