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���_ ___ _ ..M., Mi��S.�l���r��Y{��r� ��s:-�.�-�� — <br /> . . -;�� - . vTCiR.s...,vcv,�Faq•i�zrc='TR-- �' - -.-.,-. <br /> , vua.::=. . ... <br /> �'°"'t`"_ .�'�-�` <br /> .. � � ,... .. - , : . .-..'„:..s(.:.�:. .'.�;; ��. ` �` . ..i�.. - ' ��... �. <br /> ..., . " n. • ,,•' , ''�''����:_ --- <br /> .- ' . •, -- <br /> ' ..ra..rr.N�r.W..�.tL.d�....r.�.�.�..ra.�frr.e�r�n.w.Li{��s�..r�t__.,r..��.— —� - <br /> _ . ��-.��.�_..�..,.-��R--�--...—.rs- —� -- -� .�:_-. __� ___ . . . _._.. .. _ -... ._ .. .. - ...- - <br /> . �, _���jw!Ill�ij`ie��'�Me��+q•��ii _. . ��Ti y�'11.�ii�li' _ � ._...aa.��. ._ — — <br /> �1s�a�w�;�1■IN�a�aat tlw 8�..wi�Y aD►aooMS 11��i' , I�M�►MR e�'a�i����*'f�i���•��...:- � <br /> .� . 'L-'.-:yi:`�:-n. <br /> w1�cb d»hk tMrk�t y�d IM h�ty Iirw�1Y be�l�dli!to at,�� �Ilr��r M�A���1 � . -_ <br /> . � wc�r.�Iy d�is 3�arity Idierwnent ybefio�s d�R�.tmMa�a�ow�r�L.�der ab�rwiM 1I�"� �•',;` <br /> �w��acMnd b�►IhM 5�a�iRy�i�l be rod��o�0 bjr Ibe uiioiat d�vided �`a�t hdiN�� . <br /> G�tlm: (a)the tdW MaoY�M 9�1he wna�ecurod�nn�i�lely beltud tho qik4ii. bi'f�) <br /> P�npa�ty uaaAedLbely bel�c�re dYe tiYdt�. My b�Lnoe�ii tid pdw ro Ho�ow+er. ltn 1irr.Y.nt of a y�n1 Mli�•s wFF-+6� <br /> . �in wl�bh tM hi�nr�lOet wMs d q�e'Piropaty immedialely before d�e t�Is.lwl�d�a 1M�d-�w��w � <br /> ia�medi�tely bef'ars die t�lc unbu Boeowar�tid I.�ender othetwise apee in �rriti�ar�Mipliabb hw•' � <br /> oqiawiie pnwiile�,the p+xeeds du�U��ppUad w the w�u aecwed by thi�Secwrlty Lwtnwent whMhar a uat d�e,was�e __ <br /> then duo. � " . <br /> � It the Property ta�wlanod bY it.�fter notka by Lender ta Bomowa th�t the condomnor o[fan to mako <br /> an�ward or bttla A cl�im far d�m��c�,Aarower f�ila ta rapond to I.endcr within 30 d�ys�Iter the d�te the noUae i�jlven, <br /> I.e�kc ie�uthorined to colt�ect�nd eipply thc piocxods,u ip�opUw�.either w restontian ar ropir of the Propeity or w the <br /> wnu socured by this Sa,�witg Insauma►t,Nhether or wot t1�a�due. <br /> 1laless Lt�der apd Barrowd'dManriso �p�oe ia wrirt�.anit�PPllauion of proceade to principd tlt�ll not eatend ar <br /> po�tpone the d�re d�1e of die monthiY pym�ts rofertod b�a p��rapAs 1�nd 2 or ch�ngo thee�►qiount of wch p�y�penq. <br /> !1. Ba'�w�r Not RRlewed: Nariair�ce d ��t�e�der Not�t Witver. Extensiab d d�a Wne tor p�ymp�t a .I''`:.: <br /> mcbitic�iSNi rai�ai�ottisatlon of ihe sw�s cecwweid by��eCwritY•�tn�e��8���M��+b�lY��►�11�!�,"�; : • ' . <br /> W 9 ^,•. . <br /> 'b����WR'�'�A�'170f OQCt�O(0 IE{C�C i�1C���11y.��lC`�Q��'�QIT�WEC Or SOffOMPL7�S110CR0.�OR3�1�1lOS��rCflddC.5.;;�1''! <br /> !:..,..•.. <br /> �I�U nM;�s�j�ed to cp���ence p�octedinge agei sr anY;}u�cc�.`tr�'in intensst ar iefiise ro axw�d'tiip�e;�� �ar''":�s�;��; <br /> l�... <br /> otherwi�e�s�y�m o�i z A t ian o f t h e sums�ec w�d by s�ea t i M�•Y e a�m�m t by K a s o n Q f�n y d o�q n d m a d e �'h a a S g�W:;,? ,: <br /> Barowet or�ar�awer`s successo�a in intereat: Any r'orbear�ncd��j+L+e+adK in.exereicinR anY riR,i�Y't�'.k�pedq ahaU twt•be�"��.,: <br /> w�iver of ar pn�.�Clyide tha exerc ise of aay kight or rcmody. ,� �. ; ;. . <br /> ' I2. SSUkti�or�and A�BoNn i olat and SOve�l LIabI9i�;'Ca�aq�a. .71�e cove�nanis�utd agroeqkpts of thls <br /> '�� Sccurlty Inwrument chall bind and bene�l�e succesaers and xssigns of Lendcr.�sQ�ormwer:wbject to the�praYlato�of . <br /> ' pat�grapb 17, Borrower'a ravenants and�ments shall be joint and several. Ar�y Borrowor who co-sigqs,�tliis Sauriry <br /> Tnsdument but daes not execute thc Nota•(a)ia casi�ntng this Secwity InsUumept only to mqrlg�ge,gnu�t�ad;canvey th�t <br /> Bmrow¢r's intemst in tho Property undpr thd te�ms of is Security Insaument; (b)ia not peaona1ly obligated w pAy the swaa <br /> securcd by'lhis Security Tqsdument;end'(�)agnxs that Lendcr and any other Borrower may�gree to exta�d.modlfy.f�r. :' <br /> ar make any acCammadwt�cuis wlth �egatd to tha terma of this Securlty b►sw�nent ar the Nate wlthaut tt�t Boirowerh' . ;'; <br /> oonsent <br /> � 13. I.4�n Cblitgcs. If 1he loan seiurcd by this Securiry Instrument is subJxt w a law which seta tna�ciiqum lan <br /> ch+uges,and ii�ui in�v'is 1ivaliy i�u��zied�o tt�wt tt�3�ter2st or othcr laaz:rhugcs co!!�or��colk�in� <br /> wflh the Inun exceod the parmitted limits,�hen: (a)eny auch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neces.9ary to roduoe <br /> the charge to the peimitted limit;and @)aay sums�Iready collected from Bomower which excenkdp�m itted limits wv16e <br /> refunded to Borrower. L,ender mey choose to make this refund by reducing the princfpal owed undar the Nuu or by malcing a <br /> dL+cct payment to Borrower. If a nefuad reduces princips�.the reduction will be prated es a paNel prcpayment wlthout any <br /> p�epayment chargc w�der the Notc. <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Bomower provided for ln this Security Inswment shall be given by deliveri�g it or by <br /> mailing it by firat class mail unless applicable Inw requires use af another method.'ITie nottce ahall be diracted to the Property <br /> Addres.4 or any other address Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice w Len�ler ahall be given by first class <br /> mail to Lender'�nddrcss slated her�ein or any other address l.ender designates by nodce to Bamowca My notice provlded for <br /> in this Security Instrument shull be dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lendcr when given as provided in thir <br /> p�l� Governing Law; SeverabiNty. Thix Secur�ty Instrument shull be govcrned by federal law and the law of the <br /> juriediction in which the Propetty is located. In the event thAt Any provision or clause of this Security Instrumant or the Nae <br /> conflicts with ppplicoble law,such conflin shall not uffect other provisions af this Security Instrument ur the Note which con <br /> be given effecc without the conflicting provision. 7b this end the pmvisions of this Security Instrument and the Note arc <br /> declared to be severnble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�hnll bc givcn one conformed copy of the Note nnd of this Security Insttument. <br /> 17. 7Fanskr of Ihe Property or w&neflcinl Interest in Bor�^ower. If ull or eny purt of thc Property or any interest in <br /> it is sold or transferrcd (or if a benePkiul interc.t in Borrower is sold or trnntiferred And Borrower is not a naturel person) <br /> without Lender's•priar wrilten con.r•ent,Lender may,u�i�,option,reyuire immcdiate payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> this Security Inslrument. However.this aplion shull na be exercised by Lender it exerefse is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the date of this Security Instrument. _ <br /> If Lender exercises�hi�option,l.ender shull give Born►wer natice of uccekmtion. The notice shall provide a period of � <br /> not less th�n 30 duys Pmm Ihe dute the notice ix delivered ar muiled wi�hin which Borrower mu�t pay all sums secured by this _ <br /> Security Instrument. If Borrower faih to puy the�e sums priar to the expirAtion of�his perial, l.ender may invoke any <br /> • �emedies permitted by this Security In,�rument wi�hout furtF�r notire ur demvnd un Barrower. <br /> 1$. Borrower's Itight lo Reinstute. If Borrower mee�s cenuin condi�innx, Bartt�wer nhall have the right to have <br /> enfacement of this Security Inxtrument discotNinued n�uny time prior to the eurlier c.f: (ul S days (or such ather period as <br /> SinNk Famlly••F�nnte Moe/hYeddk Moc L'NIhY)RM INtiTRUMkN'f•-Unil'onn Cmenan�r 9/90 ip�Kr���j6/wgei► <br /> Y�' <br /> �'r <br /> •�vr Z�f1� ld�t S•y �v�.`�•'�'1y�7�.+�r:7J�.r�r�M1?;'.in•.r .^hn�.Pl'•1i�� � .. . . �d,' �t�1� <br /> �t�;�`: '����1�,ts� . �i,,. ,: �'�.,;ri,� <br /> , r '� . y,,,� �i:� . . , i 'N"' <br />�.}dttl4 ������!,���� •�f • � �f�i" _ . � . . ' _ _ r t_�J�.►1, '� � ani..- ��.:.-�..�.a T�rl"��•Ii� . 1 4�', <br /> �:�ttG�+?���fu:�.i � ,. L 1� '' • �t,tissnMU-.ti�K�:.'�K��si[�=-,. <br /> 4f.��rc_i!i�.: �.y ..��^�: _ :in�^��:�i.�i.s�.�!S]�4.""�_J3�:vrn�yo�ara��m..i.u_:rm���-��t.,.k, - <br /> 14i'T- ..�71�� ��,. . .. __ -,- _ \1i� _- —. _i_ _,_ _y . ...4" - .. _u �-:.A .+t,Gx �ta.��L??'it" � -,s�A L��11 . <br /> - �r Y.�y . _5q '`_ _ <br /> .. {,Pit�Yp�Y�iAEµ I � �•J� .. . ' ! rj,.`. . . ... . .�.�'%F� -et r'�N t1F.",r' '? �, + <br /> �� 'i4�;���� i ;r�!I�..x .. � �t . A>k�_ .4....... ..... , ... ... ._ ..__.. <br /> �' ' • � -��; t�, � . +r� .�.;�. .,, ., ,. , <br /> _; ��r�7a`(r`,,��("•.;� ' -- - -, , _ . . .;. :,�, 1 , , �`-���._��. ,: :' ' <br /> .�.X'.�1�I... :.i�.l"�,��k',�y�t'" .. .. . -� f �y,�}'(�'�l>„� . . ,.•-.j:ur �. �r^'- :r � ... • • • - <br /> -�.� 17r �tr� ij:y.`!��� . • . ' If���} � ? � � . " i � ' .. <br /> : Y�� .�tr���.f:(I•�.'i � .. . . ��� } 4 . , . . - , . - - ' . <br />����� �lj����Y�i11.�� S�� " ,��`. .. . 'i�tit�5��f;�• � , .� . ,:+;7 ..� , <br /> - f� y s� . . -i . . .n�:,��j�' � i �`� . <br /> � �," .r1 , . . c;:, - .._ ,�, .. .. .. . . , , . �. .i� n <br /> 4']t:.�'_:`c.:.:;� ... '���. ' .. . ,. � - . ' .. _.._.. ,, . .. ... �� .. <br /> � .A^ a)L�. .a�:.. <br /> . =���2�.� . . � .. • .. �� ' ' . V . . ��5: � '(�f. <br /> �$�'�{V.t�' ' .��r..W.`:.J.i��1G5.• ��r�Lkcw.�'.�. - . .. � � _ . V . ... . � ,y�'�,���+1'ai�,���bu+';:f•"b�►:�,' ., � . <br /> � r . , <br /> _—_,.-. ..�. � . " -. . . . ��t , . . .. . .. .. • ._ .. . „ . —. <br /> � . • , '_ .. ' U � . ' .. .....•4� � . � <br /> .-.:__ . csd. .ltAm`�'�1�:7:.��te:."_. . . . . . " ' v. ' .. . . .�_..��. _�4..'.ww,.[d.t�++.`._". .����_— <br />