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_ _ . . . . �._. _ . . . . .. . . . . ...r.�'----r"`I�. _ ''r�,_.�� .. <br /> �..� . .• .. _ . .. -,�;b,'ry.:ri{:�.�G5047F'�- - :n�.._.-. <br /> � � � , <br /> ' .. _ .���� .' ' . •°1-.. <br /> _. . rr+�+��Lrrdrr.�+.., nr i��c�todir�rl1i��1.1.■rwo�i�ll,r.�..l�.11r.a.��e, rJ�__-�--=; _. <br /> _ I�ape�ion.a�ldir�o d���� L�ti���iL ti� �ceoidrw��w I����� • � " <br /> A�I l�w�na poi idea�ad rie�rnik dW1 b��o��bIe eo�asd diWl bir��it�d ciMw. l�rt . <br /> ' dnp bwe the ri�a iiold da policie��od ronew�ta. �f t.aider ro�quire�,H�rn+wer sb�q pnoniptly�iw a �U eoilw <br /> .� or paa pran�fuu��od nee.v�l�eolioa. In aa eva�t a loa.Hanv.wr�6.0 tive p�o■pt oodos w t4.i.wr..a o�rMr w�. <br /> [.entler Lee�nqy nn�l�e p�oot of ba il not aMde pto�pdy by�ro�wer. <br /> unlaes Lenaer�na e�,nw�er od�wbe.�ree in.�,ir�ranoe�oo�d�ah�u be.pptiaa a mlontiae ar ot <br /> aieprope if tla�to�atba�reqir a eoonarai�lly redi aad Ladarti bcu�ity L na lewMed. u tM. <br /> n�oonaion yat�r b aot aoonomie�lly li�nibb ar l.a�de�y�ecurlty would bo ta�a�od�die Iwwr�noe pnoa��MII b� <br /> �pptied to tlie wnu securod by d�Sxurlty lntbumaN.w1�Mher ot not doai due,with�ny d�paid to Ba�oMr: U <br /> 8arrawer�bmdo�s the P�+opwty.or doa not auw�a wlthin 30 drys �notice tbnm I.endet dut the inau�noe olrtiet Iw <br /> oi�ered to setlle�cldrn�thea l.ader au�y oaflect 1he huw�aco prooved�. L�ander nay we die prooa�d�ta rop�tr ar m�+ <br /> tho P� pro erty or to py sums�ecurod by Il�is Seaurity Inpnunor�t.whether ar not lhen due. 1Ue 30d�y petiod wUl be�ia wben <br /> tbe tat�ce ie vea <br /> Unle�e �nd Bortowa odieiwlse�oe In w�itinQ,�ny iadon of pocaeds w priociprl tluq not exlead at <br /> po�tpono tl�e dMe dMe d the moMh1Y P�Y�a rofen�ed to io p��u 1 and 2 or clwt�e the�moint of the p► If <br /> �r�dt p�ph 21 t�e trnpe�ty io aoquired by L�der.BonowerL ri�ht to any inwran�.�e policies�nd��ult� <br /> 60��d�o�e w t�Pf�v�potty prlor w the�cquisidan ihW paw to l,enda w tho ex�ent af the swiu aecuned by thi�Sa�uity <br /> i�e�a�!�p�to thoacquieitlon. <br /> i. OocaMwc�, heaet►aUoa� NW�ewee aod PrWa�tloa at ti� Prvpert�i Seer�e�� Iw�a AppNa�tlani <br /> l.aWeholda. BonowcrdiW aocupy,eshWi�A.aeQ ma!he Pi+operty as Bamw�r��aen��6 t�Sa�o.�'n�itkJn sl�try doyo aQee <br /> the oxocudnn nf Ud�Saurity L�swment an�siadl c��r o�.�r tLe 1P�opn�r�s�h pii�,.ipl�esideaoe far at , <br /> Ic�at one year attet ihea d�te of axu�wnoy. unless Lxader ollber�rise a�as ya �rnitir�. w�ich oonaent slu�ll not be <br /> un�eacanably unless eutenwting ci�umst�exis�wi�ich�re bayo�d Barrowert cantrol. Bamwer ab�l1 not <br /> destroY�dunvge or imp�lr the Property.allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit wASte on the Pmperty Barower a6a1! <br /> be in default if�ny(osfdtwe action or procoediag.whetlwr civll ar crimind.i�be�un that in L.enderb good fdth jud�mait <br /> could rcsult in fafeitame of the Property ar othenivlse mued�lly impoir the lien creued by thla Socurity In:wment o� <br /> l.enclerh securlty iM�r�t. Barower mwy curc such a default And�instate,as ptovided in p�u�graph! cwsin�tbe aeNon <br /> or proceeding to Ix dismissed with�ndl��that,in Lender�a good foith detertniauion,precludes forfeiture of the Bonowarlt <br /> interest in the Piropaty or dher mater�al impoim�ent of the lien created by th�� 3ectuity Instrument or L.e�er1�cecurity <br /> inter�est, Bomnwer eheU also be ln default if Boprower. dudng the loan application proeess, gave meterially fal�to or <br /> �te lnformation a�tatementa to Lender(or faikd to provlde Lender with eny meterisl infomudon)in coorubcdan w►th <br /> the lom evidenced b�r�he Nou, including, but not limited w. �p�esentatlona Concerning Batrower�s occup�ncy of t6a <br /> Propeny na a principal reaidence. If thia Socu�ity Insuument is on a kasehold.Borrower shall comply with aU tha provisions <br /> of the IeASe. If Bortowcr acqulrea fee tiUe to the AropBrty.the leasehold aid the fea dtle ahall not merge unleu Laider a�nees <br /> to the merger in writfilB. <br />___ 7. Pratectiop of I.ender's RlQhts ia the Property. If Bortower fails to perfo��n the covenants and egroemrnts <br /> conteined in this Securlry Instrument,or there (c u legal prncceding that may signifkandy affxt Lender's rights in the <br />___ Property(such ss a procading in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnatlon or forieitw+e or to enforce laws or�oguledona),tbrn <br /> Lender may do and p�y for whatcver is necessary to protect the value of�he Property and Lender's rights In the Propetty. <br /> Lenderk ections mey include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pr3o�Ity over this Security Inatrumant,ary�eadng <br /> in coun.paying reawnable attomeys'fees and entering on the 1'roperty w meke repairs. Al�hough Lender may Wke acdon <br /> under this pamgraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> My amounts dfsbursed by Lender under thfF parogmph 7 shall become additional debt of Bortower secu�d by thjs <br /> Securiry Instmmem,Unless Bormwer and L.cnder agrc,c to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursemerN at�he Note rate and shall be payable,wilh interest,upon nodce from Lender to Borrower requesNng <br />-- payment. <br /> _-o �. Mortgage Ineurance. lf Lender required mortgage insurance os a condition of ineking the loon secured by thls <br /> — . Security Inauumenl,Bamawer shall pny the premiurns required to maintain the mortgAge insurance in ePFxt. If, for any <br /> � reason, the mongage insurnnce coverage rcquired by I.ender lapses or eeuses to be in effect, Bomower shaU pay the <br />--�-� premiums requir�d b obtain coverage subsluntiaily equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effeet,at a cost <br />