.��..a,�..:.: . .
<br /> - - - -=;: - - , . :�
<br /> _=,: -- - _=
<br /> , . ..
<br /> -::,: -. . _.,_ _ .. _ - - - = - -- — _ - `
<br /> _...,.:. ......_ -- — -
<br /> --�-� - . . - - -- -
<br /> - _ 'E�.__. `_
<br /> ��d uiui�y�� . '' , � . _. . _ ., ' .. �.. . _�.. _ _ _ __ — _ ' _ . .
<br /> : � : .� � - . . . ` � . . . . - � �`���.. 1Q�1'7�# ° ��' �� �, �
<br /> _ �r;oa.�t L�id�raquu�s. Tbe i�e s�pari�i�d�;�r�ace�4'b���Ha�c�'��a La�dar�,
<br /> - . �ppmrd�r�pcle s�a1!not bc ue�waeu6YY�ril�eld. If Hamrr�fa'�tsto�cvver�e desc�at a6ove..l;cnder,�n`ry,_*� ,. �, �. .
<br /> . t,eedec�s aptioo,abamt coveraae tap�alect 1-ader�nE6ts ia the Pt+q�ett�r it�aoco�d�rice witb pava�raph 7. . ' •
<br /> . �:;Ali ia�aaex po�icies sioid ca��vats ishdt iie_apcee�RSbk to Le�ider ard sfiatt i�rde a st�xf�m�t$a�e.daux-�Lmder•- : - .
<br /> � s6�1!laite tbe si�t sohCiid the policKS and ta�efwals.;If I.etider rec�uices.Bamvrer sLsft�romR�Y S�vc to€.ertda aU saaiprs" � °
<br /> ' ` _.af�d_o�lanuan�aud re�vw�t n "tx� In tl�e,e.�vent�Mss.Haco+rv sha�gctY p�aapt nod�e to th�iesut�noe caRicr a�d
<br /> __ __ - - - = �- -- - - -- �-- :-_.—_-____—_ _ - _ __=-- -
<br /> --- - =—;. = — -
<br /> _ —T.a���ii�y imFe pvo�o�oss�no�m�e�by�veer—" _s�t!be [Q n�scn�ation'�n�ir oi
<br /> t�nkss t.ender m�l8ormwet othe�visG a�ae�v�nritia�i�aa�pmeeetL� epf� - -
<br /> . q�e PxopoRg d�mnsged.if tho�esta�a6an ar tepair is econaatia�ig fas'Me and laoder�s secunty is nat ies.xaed. If�hc
<br /> rrator�tion ar tep�a is not economicalty ftas�'bk or l.ender�sec�uity�aroutd be ks.se�d.the inwr�nee pm��aods sSaU 6e
<br /> applied to the sa�s secuced by tbix Soauity Insnument,whether or nat t6en due vritA any exaas paid cv Botrower. If
<br /> eoeuwv ab.oaons the Aropeiey,aF aoes na ansvrer witbiu 3o aays a roti�e tmm l�endet tbat me in�a�ier t�
<br /> offaea to settle a claim,tAen t.enaer may oouoct th�insm�oc�p�ooaas, t.enaer may u9e the proeeods eo�air a�re�e
<br /> we Pta�aty,a co p�ay s�ns se�a�oa�by ttns saurity I�ument.wt�ether ar na thea aue:�[be 30�day prnoa witi t�in whm
<br /> . ;�t[�tiobscis;gtven.... , .
<br /> _ - - — Unkss L:endec�:Boaower oiherM!ise�ee in ve�iaa��Y appti�aaon of P�ooe�s�p Princ��t sdslE�t�t exte�d�— - --
<br /> - p,�ipope tl�dut du�irf��be moetlttY P�Y�neferraI to in parngrapt�s 1 aad 2 or ct�nga tlx aroount of theµ►yratats._If
<br /> -_._ ��2��t�,�ppt�r is acquired;6y Lmde�-Bonnw�er�s d�t w any insuraooe policies aod proce�ds cesultm�
<br /> Iaso�at�immeBiafef�y�to the aoquisiti�oa shalFpa§.�t�t.ender to the eateat of tbe swns suund by this 5oco�itg . _
<br /> 3`P�to tiie acquisition:` ..-. .
<br /> � . � �!!�'�1�;��� M�i�te�rae a�"Ptot�e�'rl� ot tre Property; Borr+uwa''s Lo� App�+
<br /> - �.qad�oYs Sarcow�:�l accupy.establisfi.a�d.usc tI���as Bamwer§ptincipal residence wilhin s�ztS days aftac
<br /> • tb�acacuwqn:of.d�'5�a!aitcty lnsaomenc and sha1l ao�c to;6ic�py the Phupaty as Barnwer�s prinsip��sidence fa u
<br /> ����ir�i;afti�C;d�` of accapatuy, unle:s� i:�r;�jl�ise ag�es �a writing. �..wlfich cons��nt s1�aU nat be .
<br /> up�sspn�T' w�,,,,�exteauuing cir�muan�e�£�i;,t�iliich ane beyoad Borsuwec�'-bontml. Barower shaU no!
<br /> desdny.�ofe;.��..`:the A�opeiiXr:allow thE Ptnperty.to de�'i�rate.or comrr�it.waste otRl_fg�Ptuperty. Bormwer s6a11
<br /> -- be ia ckfimlt if ue�':,���"'�..}�,�t+e action or p�oceaiing.Wf�etherci6�:��riminal.is 6egan d�`�.�etider's gaod faith jttdgmrnt
<br />--_�:� , cauld result in,far�is�::of the Ptoperty or othenvise materialty�impair tii�•Ji�n cceated".fiy this�Security Irtstrument or ',:
<br />-=_ i,eader§sec�ui Ronower may c�ue sucb a defa�lt and t+tinstate..�:'�qsKli�-"d in paragraph 18.by causing the actian
<br />-_-- or p�ocee�asg.��'.t�S�issed witti a ruling t`�a�in i.endcT�goo�•�i�f!"iC .e[�+i�6h;preFW�s farfeittae of the Bonowa3� . . '.t:.
<br />-?�r intecest.qX:�fj�r��eitY or othet materia! impaim�ent of tl�e tie�k-r.►si4ed•'ty`t�i5 Secariry��rument or I.ender's s�ecurity
<br />"=r?�- �r:�����tp�n applieadon pco,�ss: gave materially false ar: .
<br /> =r.�.. _ imtet�:';�13r��+swer shall�atso be in defauh if Brnmwer,da�i
<br /> .. ; •'�•`ia�eati�li�i�rtnatio�or statements to Lender tor fat'ted ta prov"�fi�fder w}th atiy materia!�ormation}in co�nection with
<br /> s3
<br />- ��.,,i,,::r,he,�;"o;ai�,r�t�ienced Isy the Nae. including.but not limited to:�iipresentatisms concemins Boirawer's accupancy a;ttK •
<br /> t enc
<br />_= - ,��{� resideace, If this SeCUriry tnstrament is w a9e3sehold.Bomnwer shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> _-- o��ss�;:".�weracquires fee tit2e to the Praperty.the le�?:�1;�and the fee title shali not merge untess Lender agcees •
<br /> .::,j, tot6e�'inwriting. t'. ..:.�, -�' :
<br /> '»:r�= • 7;'-:}!�►±ntectian at Ltuder's Rishts ia tde Property. If�omuwer fails to perform the covenants and agrcemenu . ;;;,
<br />-:'�: ' confained`ia'this $eCicaic,q Inspumen[; or there is�tegat proceeding that s�y,signiticantiy affect Lende{'s rights in the .-, . -
<br /> �,;'.,
<br /> �.';i' '.. Propetty(sach as a pr�ing in bankruptey.probate.for co n demnation or��,�i:.i�are or to enforce laws or z e g Wurions).tf�en
<br />' � .L;,;�� . ; l,ender may do ar�d'pa�.for whatcver is aecessary to protect the vatue of d��.fi'�peny anct Len�er's.rights ui"ihe Propeny. ,
<br /> Lender's actions may�nciude paying any sum.s secuced by a lien which ha.s�xiiy over this Security Instrumem,appe�uing ���'"
<br /> . in court,ppying reasonable attameys•'fees and entering on the Property to make cepairs.Ahhaugh Lender may take action
<br /> under ihis paragraph 7.Lender docs not have ta do ao. _:
<br /> My amaunts disbursed by Lender under this.paragnph 7 shall become Additional debt of Borrower.secured by�his
<br /> '=y�� Securiry lnstn�ment. Unless Harrawer and l.endera�:to ather terms of paymeflt.these amouncc shall bear"vit�est from the
<br />_;.:'�;�' date ot dis6urrement at the Note tate and shall hz;�avable,with interest,upan notice from L.ender to 8omi�er reyuesting =
<br /> :�� p�ymenG . ., . • -
<br /> �'-��`"` S. Mort�ge Insprnnce [f Lender required mortgage irr;.wu::«-:ce a+a candition of m�king the Iaan securcd by this
<br /> Security Instrumcn�Bolrower shall pay thc premiums rcyuirc�?3���+�i.iintain the muags�c�:iS�rance in cffcc� Ii fpr;ay
<br /> �+:� reason.the mongagg:�nsuraace caverage required by l.cndcr fH�:�.y:n�•r.x:sr�.s;t�.be �i���.�ect. Barrower sh�ll pay'��`:
<br />;.. ,,� .
<br />_-�'�• premlums reyuired tv..+�C�tain cavetage wb��antially eyuivatem tn Ih��rru�nc.�i�:�i�:urancC'pieviously in effec� at a cast
<br /> substantially equiva[�.'��the cost to Borrower af the mangage ingurancti;;i:±�n��sty in effect,from art altemate martgage
<br />,:_-k:•'^ insurer approved by Lender. If sulntantially equivatent martgage in�urancc w'ver�ge i�not avuilablc.Barrower shall p�y�o �
<br /> •� �•: Lender gach month a snm equal to one-iwelfih ni thc ycarly m��;�ge insurancc premium being paid by Borrowcr when.ris,�
<br /> �'"~�{ , , insuran�e eoverage laptied or ceased to t�in eifect. l.�nder�vrSl:�iucp�u.re and retain these paymentc as a loc.c rcse�e i�q i3�
<br /> �'• ''" of mot�gage ins6rance. l.ass reservc paymcntt m¢Y na tonr::t�[��+e rcquircd.�t the aption��f l,cnder,if murtgage in�,-��a�u�
<br /> i caveragc(in the:imounl and ior the peaod that.��i��.requii�si provided by:u�insurr appr��ved by Lender s►gain bcromcs ,
<br /> �-"`''f availab�e.and is obtained..Borrower.hall pay tli�;p�:i�;��ms n:qai�ed to main�ain mongage in�urance in effect.or to provide u
<br /> foss n:�.nt�;�unti!the tequiremea�fi�iri�iprt�ag�in�ar�nc�ti�y:.u7�a�cnrdancc with any written agrccment betwern Barrower
<br /> .. , andf;.�ulJ:�or applicn6le law. '�..°.•;,:'.. , .�;;:: .; •
<br /> ''' 9�` �ispeetiun. Lender or ii3.,.i��:nt may niak�,r�:�.a�n:aslwi,;eauic.u�,n:mJ in.pcctinnti��f thc ifioperty. Lendcr�hall
<br /> ' ,�' .'+�.:•�gl��;.qn�s�,ver nntice wt�he�ime e�f o3 ptinr t�an m��:c:ion s�ci1}-ing reasnnahlc��+u.c for�he intipectiun. � _
<br />- �•`.`.•'�` i'�•'+f"onQemnAtroe. 7'he proreeds of:,ny�a�v�r13 c�r claim for damag�•tij•�f.ilLCt or conticquential.in rannec�ian with:my ,�� ...
<br /> ,-� , ��;;. . ; �` , r-, ,. . ';.
<br /> '. �?�;i;•'��j�,' 5inFlr�.miil;:�..Fannklfa�e+l�Ydie�lacllt4EJk�{Y1y�'ii.4:�lF�T�•UniG�rmCotica:uu� 9;lM ip�i.Lr!n/b�erev�� � ''�.
<br />� .`� •r' �".�: . �. � • - ��.f� . Imatlainpuyee�rFum�.tn[ � .'� ' , �
<br /> .�r:.;•.'. .. ' ..
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