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<br /> _:� - . '- --.-._.__. _•_ , ft.=..t __. _.._. . _ '
<br /> - --�..__ - _ . - -
<br /> :a-'�' ' — - - --' ' - - --- ... .. -. _ -
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<br /> ���z.�- 1 _i +�.-... . . . . ' ' .:X� . . . -`. .. . _--- _ ------- --
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<br /> ` _ .. , � � � ` ` . � . , ' � < ` � ����.�� .
<br /> '[�(j�R�(�(16G.I�ll�Y�1�11O111t Qf h!1lAf�K E��.t11C -
<br /> �0��7[t�lS OQW Of��Q�tl�f�1C QIO�l11yt. Iw���l�S�li���SO bE��01(KE��tyS$OCUf1l�►
<br /> � Al!ofthe faegoin��s�eferted to ia►this Sa�rity ta�trumeiu as ttie"�toperty" '� .
<br /> BIXtROVYFR E'"dYENABFi'S tGat�is tawfulty seised ot tbe csbtt fieceby cc�tveyed an�!hag tb�e�ight to gaut
<br /> _. _ _�ffi oonvey tAe_Ra�t�and�t tl�e Ptopenr is uneacuteberea.except far wtvmbnnces of record.-8atawer wmasts and
<br /> ' w�l�e�iergaiera7iji��6Qe"1���aga�uot�Fi�aud�°..t�lt�t�a�caestmbr�cex�maod.=- __--_ --- =
<br /> �� 't1�IS SEC[IRitlf tN51R1Tl�Y�oa�nbines�mi[ac�a eoven�Ks faE a�ia�!��rd swu-unifoml ca�en�uR.s witlt, , ._
<br /> 16mited v�iisGonsi�}rpuisdiciion to sonsctute s uoifam savrity inst�umentcore:iogieal pcoperty.: � .
<br /> UNiPt�tMt':OY�NAKi'S. Harowtraio�l.endezcovet�nt�xlagse�a�falbv� -
<br /> l. P�J�nE otlri�ci/�t a■/Ioteres�ltsMy�e�t a�d i.ste C�ar�'Barowe�shalt pcvmptiY QsY wden due tAe .
<br /> ��of aod id�rst ao tne ckbe evsaa�cee 6y+he rw�c aoa any pnpaxmenr�na cue chasges a,c aeder the 1�[ota
<br /> 2 F�ts tK Ta�res a�i I�r�oe.SaDject tc��PPjk�bie law vr to a wnuas�raiver by Lender,Bamvr�er sh�iU pa�ta .
<br />— L�ender ao d�dalr aaotNY PiY�acr due�mi�er th�Note w�W tlie Nate is pud in fWl.a suta f�F'�"�for:Ca)Y��
<br />--_- tues�d�.4 wDidt may aqain�itg anrtr this SecnritY L�ne�rt�s s 1�ao th�top�ty:tD)yeariy kaKhuld
<br /> -_ paymeot�t nr g,�ound ter�ts oo the R�e�ty if any; t�)YariY h�r�d o��ap�tY�e pemiwns;E�9e�#-�� ---- -- --
<br />-- ias�aaoe�amiums,�f au�.(e)�rartY�S��P��if aay:aad:t�au�'stims W�aDk bY Barrowa w
<br />: `�y- t,ende�,in�coatdaooe with tho pr�iaoes ni pa�t�8,m t'uu of the pa►yment�mortgsge u�s�uaoee pr!ermwns.� 'IUese
<br />�'`�L�� io�ms�¢e ealkd'Essmw�ioems:' Letidet c�taY.at aag time,coikct aad haid liu�s m sa amount not to excted tbe maximurti
<br /> amount a leadec for a lodeiallp.c+eWed.rao�tgage Tn�rt�ay ro4uire.for Baauwer�escca�w accamt u�der the fedetal Rai
<br />-:={:� Est�te Settleme�Ptooedtn�es Actof 1974 as amended fmm time to tiroe.l2 US.C.�a601 et srq.("RESP�►"),untess aaalxr _
<br />-�,;_.=�• � I�w tdat applits to t6e Na�ds secc a lesser�naon� If so.L�der may.at any time.coi�et aad hotd Wnds in aa art�ow�t nat to -
<br /> exaed tbe t�ssa aa�osmt. l.rnder may e.u�te tbe amount of Funds due an d�e tc►sss nf current data and�rexsan�bie --
<br />- esdroata of axpa�diw�esof futunc Fscmw ltems ar odierwise in accord�nce witb aippt`rsabk l�w. - � � , —__
<br /> 1Ue R�oas st�ll�be heW in an instinuian whct�e deposits arc inw[ed by a feei�ar�l agency.�s�rnt�l�tY ar mdt� _--
<br /> • ('a�cluc�ng l.eoder.J Laider is such an institurionl or.in any i'edenl Hame l.aun Ranlc. Leader sUa11 applp the Hu�ds m paY —_
<br /> .. the Esciuw Items. Lender may�wt cl�rge Bamawu for hotd'mg and applytng dx Fwxt+.aaaualty anafyzing the ese�oRr ---i`
<br /> �
<br /> xcamt,or verifying the Escmw Itea�s.unkss l.ender pays Bamower intenest on the Funds aud applicabte law peTmits F :�,-
<br /> i�eMes to m�lce such a chuge. However.Leades may reqwre 8atrower tQ PaY a one-time chug�ft�an_u�dependent tea! .r�F:.�":-�
<br /> ' '''j� ' estate tau�+eporting servicc usa!by L.ender in connectiop with th�s toan.untess applicable law piovidas otberwise. Unless ar� � �.�„�_
<br /> ag�xme�is a�ade ar applicable law requins intenest to be paid.l.ender shall�wt be requir�to pay Bormwer any interest aa' :��::.;;:,�µ�
<br /> �� ag eeme d�at inte�est si�aU 6e pa�d on the Ctinds. Lender � • � .c� �
<br /> ;•.; � eamiags on tbe Iimds. B�mwer and l.end�r may agnee ia writing.however, ,�:
<br /> �s ��. sfia11 give tQ Bortawer.wittiout charge.an annaai accawmn8 of tt�e Funds.showing ctedits and debits to the Funds and the ,�r, , �
<br /> %�f r pa�pose f�w6Ici�each debit to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are ptedged ag addidonaf security ior a]I sums secured by •�: �`?;���`
<br /> `������i�. ._ �'`.'� �-3.cx_,�,..s__;—
<br /> `' ' " tlj�.sSectuitg In�nune�t- .. .
<br /> iEir;,". ,� •, ` :.;::,,'!.�f d�e Funds held by �,G�der eaceed the amounts:�nitted to 6c held by appGcabie law. l.ender shall accotmt to f ,:` — �
<br /> �<i�r � , ;-i�r�rwer for tde excess Fwa�s.i���wiW the tagpizements of applicabk lavv. if the amnunt of ihe Funds held bY ;� , {`�.�t; .-
<br /> r , `�at su►F:time is nat suffcleat[o pay the Esciavx.[ii�tr-�,9�!�,�L�deficie�y8o�o,w er shailnmake�the �s'isr�'r�',"`,,�.-
<br /> ,.�rcFF�; sueh�.�iwer shall pay to I.ender We amomss raa��y yP �Y• : ..
<br /> :���y � deficier�(i'r•a�vrcwretAantwelvemontdiyp�yment�..�i.T,���:r'sso�edi�cpa�- ..;',: .� +����3-����;
<br /> '� �'�� �, U rment in fWl of alt sums secouevti Uy+3���axrtty Insorviaens,l.ender sliaU P�o�li��mJ.�nd to Barrower any , ry ST i�� --
<br /> P�� _
<br /> • 1' : Runds heW fir.���i.ender. lf,under paragraph 21.l.ei�er st�si#acquire ar sel}the Pt��ty.,i.eac[er'�ur to the acquisition ar i t,f�t s; �•
<br /> salo of th�P r o p e i t y.shal[appty any Funds hetd by Lender at�he time of acqaisi�i3�t;�s�.sa1e as a credit against the sums , . _,_
<br /> °• y: �., secured by ttris�Securiry Insttument. .: •`. _ . . ., �..::t:.
<br /> ' �it;;, .� 3. Ap�nSion d Pltyraents. Uritess applicable law provides othenvise.att�a�raei�cS yeceived by Lender under � •�'�;:�'
<br /> 1! + :::,.��.`
<br /> paragraPhs�D:�:2 shall be applied:Grs�to any Prepayment chazges due undes the Nnt��o�i,i�amounts payable under . ' �::*._-
<br /> - ar�--
<br /> .r,.;'
<br /> �; � " �ph 2;�'ef;-�,to intercst due:founh.to principal due:and last.to any late ct�arges dae flad�ifirr Note. .. , _,
<br /> ;. • .+i. C6aiges:I.ieos. Bomower shall pay all taxe�;•�ssessmenu. cdacges. fine��.urs�uu�r-��i�ans atuibutable to the . —
<br /> ,, _;.TA�.�eny which may attain priority over t his Secu r l t y la qavi�,:e r u.a n d f e a s e h o l�p a y r a r�5'�.e��i i�mnts,if an y. Borrower . �` l�a :_.
<br /> • . s�i�sa,�paY thes2,ubligations in iix manner pravided in p�3�h 2.or if nat paid in fi&t+�s.�,ner,�?srower shall pay them on , ' . , : ,r,
<br /> �,;,;,T,', qm�Airect[}�Aplt;e person awed payment. Bortower slw�;�pqy fumish to lender uit aotice�c�i•;�:nounts to be paid under � '��.,.• , : '��` ���n f==-•-
<br /> this pazagra�,��:'�°Bomawer makes these payments directty.Bom�*�:�'�:ti promptly fumish to�.Crider receipts evidencing � ; �� , , <'. ����..
<br /> � i ! If10p1�I1pCI11� -� � • ' •' '` .�i1fl� � !Y�u.vR. -,�-:
<br /> $orrower shall pro�ii:�discharge any lien which has priadty avv��S�"s Security lnstrument unless Borrower:ta)agrees ,. �,�*��C�y�.E.
<br /> •• ; in wtiting to the paymen�oEiPr:obligation secured by the lien in a manner�acceptable t�Lender.(b)contests in good faith thc ,�:,,:.,r.,�y;j�,•:����i ,� �
<br /> ' lien by,or defends against enfacement of the lien in,tegal proceedin�,s which in�'r��t4er?�oPinian operate to�revent the t�4;"'t4°� `�
<br /> T�' enfoncemeM af ihe 1ien:or(c)secures from the holder nf thc lien an a�erst sa:ti�:�a?3ry ro 1.ender subordinat�ng the lien � �f!���,'��'+is , .:
<br /> - . .,"r�'s��� ,}�1�s�Sa�
<br /> to this Sacurity tnswment. If Lender detem�ines th�t uny patt oi Ah�►'k►3�y±,<��?�aii�o a li��fiicH may attain priority �,;.r,.j�,,;. , :.,ft;�,�+�.,-
<br /> � :�; ovn thls SecUrlty]ns�n�l�nd�may give Borcow�r�nuace id"��i�%tze 1`��e,°�3osrower si�all satisfy the lien or take �g>>i�;�� :�, ,;��r��,i_
<br /> � } one ar more of the actions set forth ahove within]0 da.r.s��I:�tie givin���ti�,�i�.�. '. t'{'� �`., , ' .
<br /> r�•�•���; �
<br /> � ��%�' ��-� S. Hazard a'Property iawraaca BorroweY��;313:.1't�c'D @t�ii�i'�versic,t�'��riow eaisting ut hereafter em.cted on the j.•-„,tf,;+
<br /> ;�,.�i�,.: ��;� �r'• Property insured against toss by�re.hazards included'�wi9jiin�:(ie teani."'�a:ended coverage"and any other hazards.inclading : ,'.
<br /> '�>r<�;;d� • floads ar flooding.for whlch Lender requires Inswrst�.e�: t'Ci�s i,a��.inia►s shall be maintained in the amaunts and for the • � �, +, ,
<br />:�r�"�,�\��' �o, , . • � f ��Jf y
<br /> ,'Y: �, .3,;l�
<br /> ;}r • , j . , • � +,}%:.�j....
<br /> �,i ' .t�t�•••;i�f:.
<br /> ��• ' , , . ' . ias3� 9,'N ly��e2oj60uRes1 . i.�,(�
<br /> .';��..��,` �t: y}r��• .. . r . .. -. � ;�1 , . .
<br /> yr�tili.�' ^,�'�.'• • • .. i � ��; .�!.. .
<br /> f'2[�71 l s �''p(Y1 � . � . . .. �
<br /> �9�i1�1V•��� ■f ��}��7h��� ' < ' ; � . 'i . ,,!
<br /> I'rrif�7.;t `.-�� �) y�$r ' ,s � '' - ' �
<br /> i y , ; �{� 1� 1
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