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' �` T-.���-4`. <br /> '"'!_`},• - <br /> . .. h <br /> . . .— —____ . � ��� �'jf�i — <br /> . _—_�---s�� --_�_".._. ,_—'—����� ����� ������M � ..�. <br /> . . ,eMio�,abptnoa�ar�s b p��aNOt lwn�rtti i�i�rqr ie�coori��pNnw+�pM 7. . . ; . ,, ,. <br /> ' � �i��a!o1{aiM�d�M i�tl br Is 1,�8r �id dMD�d�a�trndrd e�, t�■�Ir � ., <br /> ;" �� ,�u hwe�et�t a bold qie pd�ota,wd nMwrr. l�wqiN,ta�wrr�MM p�a�p�q��hw�a L�i1s�M rw� <br /> d p�id praNwn��ud nMw�l i�odo��. .iN i�wMt o�1oM„�anowrr�11�iv�.po�pt�otia lr YwN�eMri�'�d <br /> Lw�r. laed�rmry t�fa pool'd�K�ot pMd��bYaat��wt. � : . <br /> Uaks�l.endet aad Dosm+�er otl�erwh�e a�es M �ie�e �Inll b��prli�d b t�oi+�tioN a np�ir�f <br /> IMe it H�e nllontioa ar a{rir h�oono�ially f��Gun�rlt�nrity 1�not,fw�d V i� <br /> n on or r i�not ecanaa�aUY l�eNibNs at Le��dePi �ecurlty would ba IeMened�1bo k�unnoe pioo�ty�11� <br /> applied ou the wmt�ecwed 6y d�it SaaurRS►La�tn4a�,Mhetbec ar•uo1 iben.due. �riW mr ezcan pwW to�onwwrt. ;� <br /> Bo�mwer�ba�dwu da[Ropaty,a doe�not�uwer wid�30 day���naioe froaa�LrAde�dwe the in�ur+r�a c�tw <br /> offaod w�vule�cl�im�INen Landai'may ooUect tbe�noe p+oceed�. I.enda�nuty u�e the proceotb w repdr�� <br /> . tbe PropertY ar w p�y wmt secwed by d�S�cu�i�Y lnana�at,w�ar iwt tba�due. 'tlie 30�y pa�iod will <br /> the notice it Riven. <br /> Unka I.aacler�ad Harraro�ra�oti�Eewlse apee!n writin�{.my applic�don ai proceoib�a p�iacipd eh�q not ex�eod or <br /> po�tpoee da duo dwc of d�o eonthlY P�Y�raferted to ia p�n�pb I ad 2 ar d�w�e tt��n�ount ot d�e p�y�nait�, lt � . <br /> �mder p�rapapA 2t tho�ropat�i�+ioq�irod bl!I.ender.A�rtow�arlt tiSAt to�n�r iaa�noe P���P'�'��M�i .�: ',:.'..;�, <br /> i�nea d�enaae eo tho Pfopayty prior�o die�oquiWiao�h�U pw b I.anda to dio exooa af die wms�eawed by d�Se�wiqr, . �,i;•.••,:>:'�. <br /> I��Mniatt immallatelyprio�rb dbe�aq�� � ; : ,' . <br /> f. Qoaipa�e� P�a�rv�wl�..11 .w rr.�«�tioa a aK , eo�rroNer•, I.o.� /lpplticmloi�;' •� �.;� �..� <br /> �.CAGC�iO�. HOSZOWC!�2 OCCtI'f�',G1�i4��WE 1�lQ�0�lCS►��0!l01Y[!�[f!!1�1lOe rY�l�ll6�lffy/�t1�`�.W�If . . -' <br /> '�IE"CDCECUfjOq Of f�t.��1.'CIII'�L��Ifi1R1lYlC��ARd 7i��C(M11�IIU0(0 ODCttpy t�p i�BOIf�YE�rB�11111CIQR)1�1C�!�� ' .i. - <br /> 'least.on� year aRer the date of oc�up�ncy� uoltss Leader othtnvlee � wrida�, which oaasent �tuU not be ' . '� <br /> ' � unroasonably witt�held�unbss extenwtiag oircuro�nces a�ti�t whir.h a+e bryond Bomnwerti caauol. Baeower rball not •, ,. <br /> de.strby.dema8e or imPair the Pt��Y�allow tla pett to deteriorroe�or codimit w�ste m thep�p�rty Botrower e1u�U <br /> be ln.�lefault if�ny forfeiwre�cdon a procoedinB,�whethar civil or crimin� be�un that in Lenda�S�QooiQood fwith jud� <br /> could rew(t ia forfeitu�e of the NropsRy or udieiwlse m�teri�y imp�ir the lien amued by thia Socurity Lutru�nt ax <br /> l�enderh secudty intenst. Bmrowor mry cwie auch R defudt ud pmvided in puagrnph l8�by cauain�tbe�ctloo �, <br /> or pmceeding to be dismissed wid�a�vling thW,in L,ender�s good faith detemdnwt[on.Pr�ecludea focfeidae of the Baiowa� • <br /> inte�t in the Prq�aty or othar mi�terid imprimien[of the Ikn creued by thi�Securlty Tt�humenc or La�derl�:a�triry � <br /> intcnxt. Bo�rower sh�U also bo in defi�ult if Borrower. during the loan appUcatibn process. Save mueri�lly filpe or <br /> inaccurate infom�ation or etatanent�to Lander(or feiled w provlde Lender wNh any nwterf lnfamution)in connectiaa w(th <br /> the laan evldenced by the 1Vote,including. but not limitod w� representadons cotxerning Bormwerb oocup�ncy of tha , <br /> _ Progerty as a piincipal raideoce. If thia Securiry L�strument I�on a kacahold,Barower sh�ll comply wlth aU tl�a p+ov�ions <br /> of the lease. Il�arro�ver�cquina fee dtle to the�Operty.the le�cehold and the fee title�IWI not metge ualeu L.ei�der�roes <br />= to the�merger in�wrlting. . . <br /> 7, Protectloa d I.ender'e R1�6ts in tbe Property. If Borrower fails w perFom� tM covenants �nd ag�r,emeats. <br /> conteined in �his Security Instrument,or the� is a legal proceeding that may significaMly �'oct L.enderk dghte in�te <br /> pr,o�eny($u�h as a proceeding in bonkNptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or r�egululoas).tha� <br />__ Lender mey do and pay for whatcver is nccessary to protect the valuc of thc Property and L.ender�t dghts W the Property. <br /> � Lender�s ections may include paying any sums securod by a lien which has priority over this Securlty Instrumen�appearing <br /> in court.paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Propeny to maka�epai�. Althaugh Lender may toke acUon <br />° under thia paragraph 7,Lender daes not have to do ao. <br /> ; My amounts disbursed by Lender under lhis paragraph 7 shall become additionW debt of Bortower socurod by this <br /> Sxu�ity Instrument. Unkss Borrower end Lendar agrce to other terms of payment,thesc emounta shall bear intenest from the <br /> dete of disbursemeM at the Note rate end shali be payable,with interost, upon notice from L.ender to Bonower roque�ting <br /> i; paymen� <br /> 8. Morfg�ge Ineurance. If Lender required mongage insurance as a condidon of malcing the loan socwied by this � <br /> •,' .,,;, Security instrument, Bortower shall pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mongage insurnnce in effecG lf,for any <br /> r��>•'.� reasan, the mortgege insurance covemge requiied by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in affect, Borrower shall pay d� <br />- premiums Rquired to obtaln coverage substantially equivelent to the mortgage insurance previously in ef�'ect,at a cost <br /> � <br /> substantially equivalent to the cast to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect,fmm nn altemate mortgage <br /> yi insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage ingurance coverage is not available,Bomower shell pay to <br /> . Lender each month a sum equel to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgege insurence prcmium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> P��;'``•.,, , insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiU accept,use and r�etuin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> i,w;a•r�ri <br /> i��.,` of martgnge insurnnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be the opdon of Lendcr,if mortgege insurance <br />`;:;; �« coverage(in the amount and for�he period that Lender requires)providal by on insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> - __ ��•'• evailnble and is obtoined.Borrower shell pay the p�emiums requfred to maintain mortgage insurnnce in effect,or toprovide e <br />_;;� . _ .� loss reserve,until the rcquirement for mortgage insurance ends in acrnrdence with any written agreement between$orrower <br />-- - :� ,.;j',��.;;,;'s'' nndLenderoropplicablelaw. <br /> ��r���Rf.;y�•.,,- 9. [ns tbn. Lenderor iis a ent ma make reasonable eotries u n und ins uons of the 1'ro n Lender vhall <br /> f, � p� S Y Po P� � Pe Y• <br /> .,�,� r::•�,t. � <br /> i �,��;;Y,j, give Borrower notice at the time of or prior ta an inspectinn specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br /> ��-7` .• 10. Condem�wtioa. T1ie p�ucnedi uf any uwa�3 ur clain�fur damages,dimct or conscyucntiui,i�►wmhx:liun will�Wiy <br /> i ,.�,.. <br />. y��;� <br /> ;'^ � ^•a'^ .�; Sin�k Famlly••Flnnie h7aelFYeddk Mac UNI�OItM INSTRUMENT••Unifam Covenanu� 9I90 fpuRe3 njb pages) <br /> .!)'�'�:-.r.� v <br /> :`�`• _'•s:r,5�,i��:4..� Grtot WrsBuWee�Va�.lac.■ <br /> tj��.:::' ' T�OrdarGM:I�0063PY3o0O7A1I61a7B1•t191 <br /> ��:,����y��j���.;�' . <br /> G�.t`"L� Ti!. <br /> � rt i .�`'::.�j31'S��� e`., i� `: CJe.; +�: ��.��--+^- gj�x s:- =��^_: -- • <br /> �t .r ., �'•dvt�' �:�il .. � • .i�,� �-�r . �.�n� � ,1RP.i�l tS Al U iR �, f �rv'- - �. <br /> :t �v'S � },,f��u t _` f , 'Y� . {`1;� .- ; t, � t �\"7�tT�_�1f -- <br /> .Il' rr��� '...y�, � F i `.1 1�15 Y 1•� t t%'.t <.i� � i r �r�� <br /> j• ! t . l ,�,• w;�: '��55 �y!�k _�(�'IRC�;:l�.f-f��1� <br /> . � �.� <br /> � '}� _.: - . <br /> -�. ���!'�s�.�n:��- ��_ ���. ., �., � , �s _ . _ �r_ � ��,�s�� �:� � a�� � ��. <br /> --- — <br /> � . - — . _ <br /> .:s. 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C'<<'::s��i . <br /> _��.�����i�b,r _.. , . .. � '�i..p,::'�''• <br /> .—'�..` — ��r.•k:.,�. n . . . .. •• �� • � ' ) ti- i�.- <br /> �>�'.��- .� " �'!� . , , • b� S+l. <br /> :u� . - � . ��j� <br /> • �, � .' .. °. `. , ., . . � . .� � , : . ;c.'�.,.��;?�r'�. <br /> ��II� r� ��` ' u " • . 1 . �• ...,, ° f`��� <br /> �.:E-�y ���♦�,,,.,.'),� . . � �� . i... :� :•��" ! }•• <br /> , Avh At'iJYft_�.te�•� .�•' la .... . , u �i� . . . . . .. � . . <br /> �' <br /> �� , ' . � .�- � f.� <br /> y.� <br /> . � ' �. <br /> ' � f� ' ' . l... <br /> .•�.: .. , ' � . . . . .. . .. <br /> • .. .. .� _ � - . . _1...iS.:. ..__. ._ . . . . _ __—__"_..—. ._ .. _.._— _ _ _ <br />