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� , - Y . .. . .. vr . , �m:tidt!t���'- ��' +a' .,-�-�,----- <br /> LL.-�'..`: �.::.�.�� •.-, . .. <br /> °.i.�r_•z <br /> -:a�v3� _',� �. <br /> , , .. � . . •.,x�, . ,,,Y:•' :�� �. .,otiv+:.:��._„_.. - <br /> _ . ,. . ,,. r��.�•..�',N.r-- <br /> ' <br /> . :... <br /> __ �-- �'OQg!!!��f►lttl�!!��4�a!�nles�..��!!��.Aaa al�s�. '-:='_�" <br /> _ � „ � . �nd�Axlww�ow►.at Mwdi�r R Nt d IDe�eq.•Aii w�i�oiw�s.�i iiid�i;ripn��w8�r i���w:t�y� �_�;";--:"_� <br /> . 111MIWMI�t.AU O�d10 t�11l IM�I�d b�I lat�I�tf�fy.M�d1rMNlt�I 1�M�PIYlp0lt�/.M _ . <br /> Q(�R�$���['QAN��pt�01�b b111h1��IOd 0�l�10��CO�YO���i�f�ID�� <br /> i1W OOUYCy 1hE �thit d10 P10�Ctty�i WldlqlfDbl7�0�►OxOCQI�Of C�U�1b�OI fOCdd: $OfdlwOf W�i�Ofs/Id . <br /> rrfU betaW�dt�a b din�ropaty�y,�mt dl cWm�and dma�nd�.wbject lo�ny prcwnb�ca nt now�l. � . <br /> THIS 9BCURiTY INSlRUN�iNT oombina m�ifam oovauo�t for a�io�al we �ad ao�t-w�ikna oovaarMt �Itb <br /> UnoilOd vu�Wau by Jwi�dfctian b oorotituie a uniibnn�ecaulty bnuntnent cme+rLi�ta)propeny. . <br /> I.iM[�ORM CUVBNAIV7'S.Bonower Md I..cnder covaamt�nd�roe�s rolbwr. <br /> i. E�aMat ot PrM�dpal�nd iatarosti�Palo�nt�ad L�te CM�r�ea. Baaoewer shall P�'�P�Y P�Y wlxn due the <br /> prin�,h of wd iataest oa the debt ovldenoed by tho Note m►d�t►y p�pr�y�at�ud Wc cliw�,esdxe under the Note. <br /> �FiNda tor 7Uxn wad lwur�cs. Subject w�pplicabk 4M a ta�wn.aa�wi.rerby 1.�a�der.Homuwer�!I p�y m <br /> l.cnder on the d�y montlily paymenti ane due andrr the No1e,wNil d�e Natc is pid'a fuq,w smn("hltnds")for.(a)Y�Y <br /> wteto�nd swess�nenta which may ari�in p�iority ovcr tt�ia Socurity lasaument�s a liea�n Iho Fto�aty:(b)Ye�riy le�uelwld <br /> p�ynms a pound raw m IAe Aopaty. if any: (c) yearlY h�a�rd ar po�pacy iasur�aoa p�miwm: td1 �tatiY flood <br /> in�uranoo piep�iums.if aay: (c1 YculY nq�tg�Be insw�nca prcmiwns. d any: and(� any s�MYabb bY Bano�ret 10 <br /> l,aider,uw�wcedu►ce with the ptovisia�us ot paragraph lieu of tAe p�yment oP mortgage.lasw+u�oe pemtwaas. 'lbeso <br /> �pnp me�o tl."8,gcrow[tems." L,� any Um�.colloct and hold limds in m amount aoR to eaoeod the pau[im� <br /> •, aiiqopnt�I l�x3er for a f�ly rclated,•,a�FtBsBe loan may mquire far Ba�owa�acrow itccowlt under 14c fode�al R�a�l <br /> ; �'istate SeWe�ieht Procedures Actof 19�A,as'�mended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 rr seq.("RESPA'7.wn�lcss mother <br /> • �•:1�,law th�t y�plies w the���r le,��r�a�oun� If so.i.a�0er may.�t.siay tuae.coUxt and hold Pundc in an ariwunt not to <br /> _- —_.__--— .__.._,_. eacced the.� I.ender mAy e�t�s tf� aawunt af d�uu�s�u��ti�c basia ni'currnnt data aqci�ura�1� <br /> —` ' estimatai c�f ex�eadit�4'uture Escrow Items ar i�1�cl�txc7unce wilh appUcabk law. .' ,. <br /> _= Tho Phncls shall�l+c i�e1d�n an inacitution whose�deposits are insurcd by a federal Agency. iaiqvmemAUty,or en�itY :• . <br /> - (including Lrnder,if L�nc�e�ls such on insdtudon)or ia uny Federal Hame L,oari Hank. Lender ahall apply tha Funds to p�►y . <br /> the Bscrow Itema. Lender may not charge Borrower far holding and applying the Fbr�,t�naually an�lyting 1he:escraw <br />,,, uccoun4 or verifying the'Escrow items, unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on 1he Wnds and applicabla law permit�" <br />;�_.�, I,ender to me{�e such a charge. Nowever,l.ender may require dortawer to pay a one-time ct�rge for an Independcnt roal <br /> estate ux reparting service used 6y Lender in connection wi�h this losn.unless applicoble Irw provides otherwise. Unless at� <br />-= agroemmt i�made or app8cable low requircs intcrost to bo paid,Lender shQl not be ra�uimd to pay Borrower any inte�st pi ' <br /> carninge on 1he Pinds. Bormwer and I.ender may ag�e in wriWtg.however.lhat interest shall be paW on the Fundc. I.ender <br /> shall give to Bomower,wlthout charge,an aruival accounting of the Funds,showing credite and debits W the Fwids and 1he • <br /> __ purpose for w¢icd each debit to�he Amda waa mode. The I�ndc are pledQal as addidorW acaurity for all swns zecu�ed by � <br /> __ thi�Security in�aumept. <br /> — It the hUnds heM by Lender exceed the amounts penniaed to be heid by appiicablc inw. i.ender sia�ii �ouni iu <br /> _ Bamower for the exceas�Lnds in nccordance with the requircmenls af applicable law. If�he amount of the Punds held by <br />=,v! Lendcr at any time is not sufticlent to pay the Fscrow ltems when due, Lcnder may ao naify Borrower M wrtting.nnd,in <br /> such caae Borrower shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bormwer ehall meke up the <br />_- - deficienry in no mone than twelve monthly payments,at Lender�sole discretion. <br />-- Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tbis Security Mstrument. i.ender ahall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> -`�� Plmda beld by Lende�. If,undcr paregraph 21,[.endcr shall acquire or sell the Propaty.Lender,prior to tho acquisition or <br /> sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender nt thc time of acquisition or sale a4 a credit against thc sums <br /> cecw+ed by�his Security tnstrumem. <br /> ' 3. Applkatlon oP 1'aymeats. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise, aN payments received by I.ender under <br /> � parag�phs I and 2 shall be applled: firs[,to any prapayment cherges due under the Note:second,to amounts payQble under <br />`"?�; « perag�aph 2;third,to interect due; principal due;and last,to uny late chsuges due under the Note. <br />_ - —�; 4� C6ar�es; Llena Bortowcr shall pay all taxes, ussessments, charges, fines and imposit�ons atMbuteble to the <br /> Property which may utta[n priodty over this Security�ns�rument,und leaxehold payments or sroun;l rents,if any. Borrower <br />�'�`• ,, � ,'t , shall pay these obligations in 1he ma�ner provided in�nragtaph 2,or if not paid in thu manner,Bonower shall pay them on <br /> -: .r�t� �,,,�, lime dinctly to the person owed payment. Bomower shult promptiv fumish to Lender all notices of amouats to be pald under <br /> ��;; :��•��'�.� this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direc�ly,Borrawer shall promptly Furnish to Lender receipts evidencing <br />:,.�: � ;:.�. ��s: Ihe enta. <br /> �;�+;'-�%..�..;��, PaYm <br /> .,., • Bomower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrowet:(a)ugrees <br /> � � • . in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to in goad faith the _ <br /> '' ' lien by,or defends againrt enforcement of the lien in,Icgal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br />'',: ;: �;���,`"" . enforcemeM of thc lien;or<c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrcement xatisfxtory to l.ender subordinating�he Ilen <br /> � to this Security Instrument. If[.ender determines thut any pun of�he Propeny i�subject to n lien which may attain priority <br /> �� '"'' . over tBis Security Instrument,Lender mAy give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower sh�ll satisfy the lien or tuke <br /> ��": �' one or more of the uctions set fbnh bbove within 10 dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> t^.,,� .�� ,. <br />��;�: �•' ,�,.. S. Hozard or Property Insurance, Borrower�hall kcep the improvements now existing on c�r�eafter er+ected on the <br /> ,�. �" �r:i�;:..•�:. • Propeny inwred ugainsi loss by fire,hnr.nrds included within the term"extended coverage"and nny other hazards,including <br />;;, • ,. floads or flaoding, for which Lender requires insurunce. This iesurance shatl be mairnained in the amoums and for�he - <br /> �� �.. ;a <br /> ,1'y, ��.-�_.__�-�i`.' �►��ote 9roo � �z„e �s, <br /> ;;ft., � ;,:t,:.:�;, n�x l a+x <br /> , , ,`•j:!;}t f;Yu;_ <br /> :-:. �' ('�',+1,;', . . <br /> �i..- P Uxsti;•r .� . .. <br /> �1i �d�i 1- �•� .�y� <br /> i y �Fi. t, .' h f , <br /> Ii '�'�f�'�+ '.'�'1'C�Ee�i�5 •j;Y�+- (��'4�y�yivl�. ' . ';�'.5:',.i�-�r��..+,�:n, . .s�d�i;i�'�1'lI�:. �� ' _— /__. __-- <br /> • tFn t� 'f�ti:� il� .�.. • r' ��' ."�" • , �.. - r f�!�j`C�Y( w)�� <br />, �� ��'�,t �yii�.. . , . . t.�}tl,i',1.�� . � ���t�li . � '- . -�ir��j:��N .!•�• .»i�� fl�ttf�`K�y _ <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> .�� � .�� 1. � <br /> - ...:'�... � � . . <br /> � <br /> _ ' . <br /> . <br /> � �1��� tf � � . . � . . � �: •.•.t,( - ._. . ..'� �l� . <br /> � YYI�..�aa�rult�uk�x� tw:� i 1 !:�1_ �_ '�.h •r v- / �t�1_��1 1.�d1�'.•- <br /> ,.� <br /> �.� <br /> . � <br /> . __ <br /> -�-- .-.a.. ._ .: ___._ ._. . �__.._ __ . .—,- -_•_l _' �- ' <br /> ' _.. . - . ._. - 7� ...L..; r` - - - . .-_, . �_ ` �. ` _ __ T i <br /> f 1; ,',' �t 1 �j'�S�- . i . It(�fl'� ��II . . '7 1 <br /> .ir =.t ,� � ,�, . . � � . :r.� : . . . . ,,, , <br /> .��� r.i•:« - -� '�' �..R{�', . ' .. _. �� �-.4f' - . ,:;;�..r..;. ,' .e .. . � . <br /> ;�� .��� ' .{;f�3 1 • � ''f.r <br /> ����s�..�.t,���_. _ r,... 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