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<br /> `�m � - ' � � � � - 'Fa.,
<br /> - _� . . - _ _ . ° . . ' _
<br /> � �1.� - ' �[r` , " " � -_
<br /> -. � LL't
<br /> -�.z ' _—'- . .-_ � . � .__ - - � _ - . —. . _-_ __'_ -. . .,-
<br /> _ _ __ . .. ....-__. _ __ __ _
<br /> .:i: . . � 'r-T ' . , , -
<br /> -e � . ' _ '__ -..._. , -`--+�--
<br /> � ' �1V' ... .. . . . . ` 'i -,•_ .. . . "_ . . '_" _,-.- •
<br /> _ � � . . . � 9i- �:03�:43
<br /> � .u- :�:
<br /> z�.. .. ,
<br /> . _.__. . . _ _ z ,
<br /> ` _ . . . ` .;. .. ,.. i_ . ' the due due of the nwnWtY Wym�ss.which
<br /> `M�r� of tht Pr�e�M to thr priecip�l sh�ll not extet�d ur postpom
<br /> rte te ernd to in pua�r�Pb��.oFCiu�i�e tbe amount of suc8 paY�nts.AnY eacas pra�eeds over an an�ount requ�red to p�y .
<br /> ali outstaridIN indel�tednet�u�tbe Note aad tids Saurity lnstrument'shaU be p�id to che ent[ty lejalIy eaddcd tbereto.
<br /> .- �.�ea.Leade�m�F colle�!ee&and.d�es authodzsd by the Scsretary.
<br /> _ :T- _ _—.-�._:..!�.�seaa�[�:�lscetaM�-ui��_--� - - � � �— —
<br /> ---.�_---�--__.,�_�__--_,——_=----— ----
<br /> --- --- ----- -—
<br /> --. ---. '(s!Ods��.�+�►Y.�as limitad by re#ul�tiuns issued bp ihe SECretaty in the case of paymeru delaWts.rMu1re _ + —
<br /> . immedi�ta D�Y�ent in�ull ot all�sua�s secured 6Y tl�is Security tasuommt if:
<br /> ' rj$urrower def�t[ts b�!failiii8�a PAy��n fuU aaY m�nthly,paYmsat rcquir�d b9 t6is Security[astrument Pdor to
<br /> or on.�Ita dua dau of tha nart:monihlY P+Y�t+or. , .
<br /> _- ��dtj�r wlnattutnc���by fa�ting,fo�a period oi thirtl►daYg.�P�or�a any ucher bbligitions cuntained in tliis � . �
<br />,-.�
<br /> - - -- _ _
<br /> - l�k S�ia Wftrq�t C�e�t�MM���I.Lender shait:if peimiue�by appticabie hw and with�ttsc 8rio�aFP�Q-vat of t_ - -_.
<br />����,
<br /> '� Se�tetary.rrciuire immed�su.t�Y�t in ful�of all the sums sec�rod bY this SecvritY Instriunent if: - - - —
<br />�_;;��� - --= - - '
<br />��.,,� --
<br />--:;:... (i}A!L oc P a r t o f,.t ha P t o p n t y i s o t h e r w i s e t r a a s f e r r e d(o t h e r t h�t[6 y devise ar d�soe�nt}by tbe Borrower,an ��._ _
<br /> '�'r;± (b'�;f ha Prope�tY�n��►pied by the p�m 8�ca as his or her primary or secondary residence,or the � _
<br /> W.: � purcbas�er or g r a n t e e doss sa oc,�aPY the PrvP��'�Y but his or her credit has aot 6eeu aDP�oved in accordance with �� -
<br /> f, ,� _ -- tha tequirements of_thc Secreta�r. � -�_._
<br /> � _d
<br /> _;.:,-,�: ent in Fnil.but Lender �'���
<br />- (e?Ns Wabsr.If ciincnmataaces'occar tftat wautd permit,Lender ta require Im oediat�uwt events. �"'_"�°
<br /> does nnt requ�re sttc8:gaymcats.Lender does not rvainre rts nghts with,rapC�t —'-------
<br /> . wililimit Lcnder's rights �""`'�'
<br />: • (�b�tlo�otHUDSeaet�ri Inmanyclrcumstanas:eg�iatiansissne�bythtSer.zetarY �_--�
<br /> iii.t5e c.�se of payment defautts te�rc�4uire immcdiate paY�mt in fult aac�famiose if�at pazd.This SecuriEY Instrwnent ���:;:',:..
<br /> 5 ans-of We Sesretazl►• ;
<br /> dacsnot aathonze aoceteratiaa ar,forectosure if not permitte�bY reguF�i. .-_�.
<br /> _. _ . _ .. _. , �_- _
<br />:� � - � - - - � - ---- � --- � - • , - '.
<br /> . , I�.���tst�eat.Borrower has a right to 6e reinstaud if Ixader has requEx�immediate pa}�nent in full because of . .�. -�
<br /> � Baaower's fa�'Iure to pay an amount due under the Nate or this SecuritSr Is�strum�lt.This right appues even after foreclosura � ,�: :
<br />' , �t' proceediags are'irutitutod.To re�nstate the Security tnstrummt.Barrowa sI�ail tender in a twap sam al!amounu required f:.:9_:,:.-;,:-
<br /> I���r��'.��- -�� to bring Bar�awtc's account�umnt iacluding,to the e�ctent they asc obligations of Borrower under this Security Instrumeat, , ;;�
<br />-•:>.:,.�;
<br /> � fore�cioaue va.xs aad reasoaabte and customarY aaomeys'Fees aas�esF�ses P�oPe�Y associated wich the foroclosure Pracae�tmB• ..::,.;�.,.;��_
<br /> -=;�z<�* -. -
<br />'�?%�.'!�• .' Z7pon canstatement by Bo�ravrer,ttiis Security Instrumcat ai►d the a+i�tf�tiuns that it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender .r_
<br /> ,,;.:;, L e n da is��'•u e d t o p e r a lit reinstatement iP:(�1 ender has accepted .f:;;-
<br /> i�not roqoued immodiats payment in fu l l.However, �-' -�_
<br />;-j�,;: ' «u�statement�ter the commencemeat of foreclosqre�roeeedia&�:$':�=�a���tsly preceding the commencemont _;�.,� ,
<br /> .,., of a carn�.�cr,ecloSUre Procad'mg,(iif reinstateraent will precZudr�;.��ean diffecens�Srounds in the future,or lai) sr,,!_
<br />::>,�- ' rdnstateat�w�t adversely affect the prlority of the tien creaCed 6���5�tustnjmea:. � �. � _ ;}'
<br /> , • : , . �r.. W
<br />�,�lwS7%"� : ' ' - :�-'-,'-ii'_E:`:'.
<br /> •,;s � �j.�.�,,,�a�d��;gacb�e gy.tae�ier Not s Ws�ver.Excs��f:is af the time of paymeot or modification
<br /> •:A' ' m,.F;�urtizzt��£ti'he sctm�secured by cY�i.,.���-�»���nt granted by���c to any saccessor in imerest af Borrower �
<br /> , ' � -l� ��Y:no�operaix�o release�he liability of t:ce a�r�.��:vwe�ar Bonower's s�;�or in interest.Lender shall not 6e required �' „'
<br /> � "' - '� x�sammeace 3�r�aeedinFS����'succ�s�r i:��:�.-�or refuse to extend time fot payment or othenvise modify amortization �F
<br /> ��� � • in int est.AaY fo bbearan�Y 1.endec��c'ui�ng�anY n8 t or�m�Y hall not bea wai�oi or preB lude the eaer��of �
<br /> ''. . -� any dght or rcmedy. ' � ,
<br /> �' �" Co.Si;eers.The covenants and agreements of this Security ��, � = -
<br /> ' ' � 12.Sacoessora A�d Ass�as Bo ,�a�ut sbd Several Uabiltty: .
<br />';;tt;�•� ���;. Instrument shall bind and bertefrc t,��cr�.ess�rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower,sub,iect to che provisions of paragraph :t.�. ,
<br /> t; :,;• q,b,Borrawer's�:ovenaau�and agree�e�>��ha11 be ioint and several.Any Borrower who co-si8ns this Security Instrument : ;.,
<br /> t'�'� but does not�x:�rtte the Note:(a)is�.a-s:�,�,.seg' th1s Security ln�i�c.t only to mongage,grant and convey that Borrower's ,.
<br />;' ��'i'� y��'' Intecest in tlie�roperty under the ter>'�snis Security lnstre:���r;7�a is noi�ersonalty obligated to pay thc sums sec�r�d '�,.,.;..
<br />�,p�., . ..,.' / .
<br /> � .by this Security lnstrume�t:,and{c)a3rePS that�,erz��z*d any ezia.��<srrou�r��agree to extend,mod�fy,forbear ar make
<br /> ;, � ;;' :� any accommodations wrii�u�.°Sard to tt�e cerm af.r.�his�rltY���'�ment C+�'`=Npte�rithout that Borrower's consent. �`-;,�.' .. .
<br /> ,,:
<br /> � ..
<br /> , ' �+ - ' I3.N�ioes.`Any notice to Borro��providc�r�a��:���^�s�S�:�-y lnstrument shall be given by dellvering it or by mailing � ' _
<br /> �« .;,�ii�y first ct,a�mc.�st untess appllcable ia�°requires use:��.�.ectLer.���:�sod.7'he notice shalt be direrted to the Propeny Address ,� ; _
<br />�`;;`+. ; '��t ' :: �ocany othc�a�C1�s Bor�s�yer designates by nottce tJ i.rtr.�es::'�y-.��:i:e to Lender shaA be given by f3rst class mai!to Lender's �:
<br />���� ��• " :�drqsy statad fisrein.ota�sY'address Lender designates�f�s�t'i�.��u.o"rower.Any notice provided for in thls Secudty lnstrumant �,, ,
<br /> '' " . s1ia,�16e deemed to h��re bae�glven to Borrower c�r�w.^.�et a�*�:i glven as provided in this Daragraph. f ..
<br />.. .�IrR..r..: •.: - . , � ,� . .
<br /> f;tiMi.f:�... .' . r. .•. ', � �
<br /> ti.'.....�. . . �
<br />;,, �.f��' j4.�vet�io�,�ti+�;,b,eversbiUly.This Security ires:tamen{��al.;.be govemed by Pederal law and the law o2 the jurisdiction :_
<br /> ���� %��� in which the&'�:�F;���Q�ted. In the event�hat any.provis.�a.Wi ctause of this Security instrument or thr Note conflicts f
<br /> � . �'' � W'sth applic�ab�Je�aw.ssct���anilict shall not affect other provisidn��9 this 5esarity Instrument or the Nate which can be giv�n � � ,
<br /> `•�i,s- ,
<br /> ;n;�... '�e�'Ccet wilhotit�cC�e conflic�nc�provision.To this end ct�.e pruvisions of this�unty lnstrumcn�and the Note are declared to
<br /> . ; - -� ke sevcrabto. � ,,,
<br /> ` :,:�'': �.� . . , 'ii� �
<br /> ��'' . �' • Borrower shail be.gi:c�.s���'�anfcr*�a�:i��:'?',���i:),�s�.Sccurity Instrumcnt. : �
<br /> • is.Horrower s CoPY• ,-. .. . . . , ;
<br /> ' �..� �� : � ' •- - . � ''�
<br /> . • ='�,A''' :�'.�: 16.A�ei�meat ot Reets.Bocrowe�ux?�te►ttiri�r�alGV as�grc�:�.�����rkr�:k�u.�•:idcr all thc sents and revenues of the Property. ;' . ,�;-
<br /> 6 ' -
<br /> Borrower amhorizes Lender or I.ettder'S:e',,s;'E�t�S�C'.�3r�►r��;i�e r�r,z�.a.���r��`4�.4�a�d hereby�iireces each tenant of ihr Property
<br /> `" t� � � to pay the tents to Lender or Lcnder's agc;trs.Hro;y��t��q:t:vr.�v��.+�+V�!�,�`3�,f:�1�{;,��O Borrower of 13attowrr's breach oi any !
<br /> ���-; • cavrnant or agrament in thc Security instrument,.H�:r,rdt��r��,:��}.��i�i►�t;rai;ai�.Y!�:ive All rents and revenues of the Proper�y .
<br /> • '�� ,,;,T � �s trustee far the benePt of Lcnder and Bono�vcr.Ti�is assS�ur:G�tt,vt�_�~ck�t:�;��stitutrs an absolutr�ssignmcnt and rtat an �
<br /> • ` ��• ' assignment for additional sccurity oniy. ' ����'`��`:�`�.-' { :
<br /> : . . . . :�.--•._:
<br /> �'°�.:.. ` ' � if Lender gives naticr of breach to Borrower:(a)all rents�'ea:i:iti'd�{�}'-&%rro«�er shalt be held by Bono�rer as irustee for _ .. .
<br />' ' �- benefit of Lender only.to be agplied to�he sums secured by thi�Srcurity Ins�rument:lb)Lender shall be entitlyd tn eollect
<br /> � � � and receive atl of the rents af the i'roper�y:and tc1 each tenant vf the 1'rnpeny shalt pay atl rents due and unpaid tv Lcnder . ••
<br /> • ` ' .�' or Lender's agent on,Lender's�vritcen demand ta the tcnant.
<br /> Bunower has not cxecuted any ptior�signment ot the rent9 and has ttnt an�+�ill�Y�t perPocm any:�rt�hat���uW pravrnt .` , .
<br />' � -#�� .� Lcnder Prom exercising its ri�hts under this paragraph 16.
<br /> -` ' _ �,���_,----- -- - - Lender s11�if rt�t bc requlred tu cntrr tt�n.tak�c�iresl of or muls�tsiin the p1a�.+ectY hrfrtc�r:�fter ei�ine noticc oE bteach - _-____-__-_--
<br /> •-.��_ •:
<br /> ` t�$Ottpt�Cf..Hawever,ls�nder or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at an}•timc�here is a btrach. Any appliration:
<br /> � ' �, ,�-.'` � of cents shalt not cure ar�cai��e any defautt or invnlidate an}othrr right ar remedy of l.rnder. 7his assignment�t tents aF
<br /> '�;=:"'"'�=;r��` � 1h�Property shall terminntr���hen�he dcbt'secured bp the 5erurity Instrumem is paid�n full.
<br /> ' . .x 1�. �Ii . . . . _ . . _ . . _ .— . . . .
<br /> � _. s:!.
<br /> �' -.. .--:<� !'die?�,)a
<br /> • - -� - .
<br /> ,-; -,�,.�:�- . �
<br />_ : - . _'"__ �.vc.':��*• � -
<br />