<br /> ��1fr��! . -
<br /> _ __ _ :.�' :'.,.�p�
<br /> '- _ - _ .� -��. " ` " _ _ 'R.-'fr..
<br /> �� �� . � . . 'L� . . ' � ''.'l..l� -
<br /> -���. _ _ 1�" _ ... -__ -...___ __ _ —__.r_ . _ r:sC. _ _ .z-_ F'� -
<br /> .. _ ,.� _
<br /> .- .�
<br /> '-.�. ..-��-_�_�:--- � - - - - -.- .. .
<br /> --_ .�_—` ---- — -- - --� ----- - -.--_ �._ - -- -�----•--------- .. . � - - � -
<br /> ��:y� ' ..��' �� � i���� _ � t�c�t;�-�
<br /> �a- � - � � . . ' - . - +-, � .i.i.�;.s`;,:�
<br /> �t'' - �[ — . . . . _ • , . . _
<br /> F�ch montBtY iestalimeat for iteau t�L tb��tc)sl�ali aiw�1 a�twdith oE�the annuat amotptt�:as rcASUr1At±Ty,s4imate�. ' � �.
<br /> mo
<br /> by E endR.plus a�aaNaunt aufficient to mai�in ar�additiona!6aW�C�Qf not more than on�sixih of:theatim�tai amouj►ts: .
<br /> 'i'he[ui�annu�aieonnt for a�itan shaEl be accume�ted i�l►l.eader within a period�ding ane mQntb.befarc�th{fer�i�rtould
<br /> '� �bncoo�e delinQuent.i.er�der shtII huld the amouatscoUxtad in wsc to P�Y itcros(a)�lb).and tcl befarc theY,t�aoacna de3itni�et.
<br /> if at airy tiu�e the taal of t1s�PaYmencs hieW i�Lenda for it�s ta).(b).and lc).to�sher with�the future manttdn�aY��
<br /> for.such itatu p�ayabk to Lcader prlor to ehe.dtte dates of such items„pcceeds by more tt�an ono-sixth.thc atim�ts+c1�Rnztiqne��.
<br /> - -oFP�►ri���i�ics{s�y suchite�s whcit due.sad-s�-�sy�ca�s aa th�Motc ssra:srent;-ehar.l:rn�ler:sdall�tht-s:�€lritt��.,_:. .=—-
<br /> — tl�rexrGSSOVa�hoftheestimacodW►ymentaorcredicthesxassaverone-si�ctttof.�heestima[odpaymes�tstasubsequGCt�t�.� _ _ __ ._
<br /> P�Y�ts bY Barmvru.u the opdon of Bonuvrer. If the cotal of tbe PaY�ncs made 6K Borrawer far itan.t�)�.(b1+,Q�st�l�
<br /> is insutGckM to paY tf►e itaa wha�due.then Barrowa shall paY ta Lender anY amoimt neoessarg,to maka qA tbcdef�t�qcy:.
<br /> on or befora t�e dace t6e icem becoma due. -
<br /> As used ia this Security Instrumsnt, "Secc�etarY"means the SecrctariF o�Hausing and Urban.DavoloP.ment�or�his�ar�hcs:. _
<br /> _ desi�Most SecuritY lnstrumenu iasured by.tbe Secret�►arc insvred unda prograias wbictt�roq�►ire�advanoc PAY?��1:4f;�`.:. ___._--.
<br /> _" cbe entire,maRtafe ia�usance premium.if.this Security�Insuumrnt is or wu insured undcr a pragraia,whid�dtt!aat�tetluiM".'� -
<br />- � -- tlseauircmortgag,eias+�oetx�:t�eac{s�stlslYa►Ymeutst�allaLtuit�ctudcdtkl�s(��n-if)stAllfnt�t; -� _- -----
<br /> - of the annua!�rtgage insuraave Premiam to 6c paid by Leader ca[he Sccre�arY.or Ci)a montbly.charSe titscea�i ofa.maii�i� __
<br />_ _-�. inmr�e ps�iutn if this Securitg Insuument is held by.the SecretarY.Each monthly instaqman af:tho martga�e.�!�SiitAnRe: . ==
<br />��,`` premiwn si�all be in an ataonnt suEtidrnt ta accumul�te the fiill annual mortSaSe insuraACZ prcmium�w�d��i:essdcr u�ma�{h;;:r`�. ��--�_-
<br /> ''�`';�` psios to the date the fnll=auAUa!mortgago is�surance psemium is due to the SocretarY,or.if-this Sacurttl►;i�tmvmcnt;ls�d�ld=:.::.:.: ,�,:,.�_-.
<br /> 6y the Sa�reta�►.eacb mo�c�sLall be in aa�ount aluai'to anatwdith of or�half Rerernt of tho outstandifig.Aii�dp�il�; 'x 7'�-'=°=---
<br /> ='�-�--
<br /> n .�.r
<br /> � balance due oa the Nute :, : :. .� � , � ., . • • ,
<br /> ,<<;• If Horrawer tendsRS ra[xiider.�efni!paY��of aA sums secured 6y this Securityr.tnsuument:.Ao��Ker�s aa�ouqt�shall rf ��
<br /> [xi ix�.� �'�� '
<br /> `�.`� ..be ccoditad with.the b�aaoe'�IIS for ai1 in�a1T'Nenu for itetas ta)..N)+.and Ia)and anY mastg�t8n InSUtrillb:f�W� ,.-
<br /> ff�i� u .
<br /> :;:;;? ;:#��•�n�t thu l.eaderBastt�t��oCOme obligated ta pay to tl�e Sa�retary.and�Lender shaU'pramptlY.rcfund any.:az�s funds '-w :
<br /> r.,<=
<br /> �r•;; ���: '���ie�:{mmedi�'eL��ifar td.a foredosure sa�of tho Propeny or its acquisittoa�by�:Lender;BorroKer'�eqx�qut.s6aII :�� �r
<br /> ,�� �.{��7�1 1IIy�����0[3�r11YSL3U{IIQltS fQf 1tC111S�A�s ro�s 7AQ(Cji =I _ �{*.t ''r�1 !
<br /> ` tt.��� r}�}, :.,a:..-•. . ..: � . �.`'...�: " � . ' S f i
<br /> � - f �- � �� hs•1•aad•2 shall�be applie�.�bp.Le,ndcr:�tuti��'�.. v _
<br /> ` �"'�`����� �=,� b th�Secreta -
<br /> � '" ts.�.L�f� �. P�8�4 or ta tha mnaihiy+�it�. Y ry
<br /> ' - - �`':��±si�e t�"'�ga�'insurance�r�infiam:xa�.��iaid by Lender ta the SocretarY =
<br /> '�:� ._�iiiste�a i��r inoathly��itor�SaSe insurance pfe�r,�'is�¢,aAless Aorrower Paid the endre mortgaSe i�tsutauc�Ai�t�m•when[his �
<br /> ' . Sec�trit�� �9T*�sixaanent was s�gned; �-...� •:-. �, . � •.�.. -. ' - -
<br /> . .�ao any taxes,sPeciat a�.�at�,Iea�ehaId paymeats or grnund rents,and fire,.tTaad and�ath6nhazard ir�i-!ance ;. � �=
<br /> . �f'. � � i` FPi —
<br /> `.�$TGtGiL:¢LS,r:�i[G�lU1TEd: ' " '' ` , , Y�� �!�'+',
<br /> c:
<br /> • -;;�i.*�;.to Interest due under th"e,,I�cita.�',-`:�. . ��,,��f n:_
<br /> , to unortization oF the ,i�aai`a�:11ie Nato: ,�'.'-`.."'`. --
<br /> �. ��F�..�xtti. P� . . "' -
<br /> , .r �Fi�e:�v Iate charges due unde�ift�I�'a� . . .." . . : > . '�x���,s
<br /> � ., � ;:u�►�r�ev:� :b K -_
<br /> � 4.f'rct,i�'looa s�d Otler Hsa��+-'�-�irox�i5i�all insure alUimp:lo-vemaifs,ba the P�c�c�� • ���
<br /> G nd contin encias.iadu. �� �i're;far�Fuch Lertc�ecra��z'e� } �'"�r'r
<br /> c�::��: e�istenc�or subsequently erected,�;��as.5�1i�#.,casualtirs,a B � �..�F � r.:,;�,<<.1,,t J
<br /> ._ :� ���, '"� :-.
<br /> - - insurance.This insuraace sha11 be mA�ttr��rB�'iir'rlie�rnounts and fac tha posiads ttiat�Leader requires..�Ono�+������� ��
<br /> rn
<br /> . r�
<br /> ., ,��:..•; insure all improvemcntsain ihe Pro�n.,;�:z�r:�w in enistence ar�subsequa�tlY��a8��t loss 6y ttoodsio t�e,�'.r...�r_,. • (' '. ,. '�. '_
<br /> . . . .;`�: requtced bY the Secretaiy:Al!insu��:;a��*��e c�ed with camAanics appra•ed b�:L'ender.The insurance policies���� .�.,,: :,..�;;_�.,�, r
<br /> renewals shall 6e hetd by Lender ari3�-1°.i1.��itde loss payable clauses in�[uvr�nof;.and�in a form acceptable to,:fr�a.�. .;:, J�; .'�„?�,.'��;-,:;��� v
<br /> . ,..::: :•)>ltr , .� _
<br /> �� In the event of loss.Bonowei�:L��L�de�imm�dllate natir�b��mAii..i:cndrrsmay make proof of loss if�.-�ra� �� :�%���r ' ;°� �
<br /> �
<br /> ,'��� � promDtiy by Barrower.FacA insurassi���FV3n�emed ir.he�e6y authoriutt antl�ditocted to make paymBnt for s�.^b�iBS� (�ii z, � �c
<br /> ��; directiy to Lender,irutead of to Borroc�+rr aq�i:tu ie��der-laintlY. Atl ar�an�►���rt.ai�iNo insurance procads may be appUa�; " � `,f �{ i f; k r ;
<br /> by Lendec.at its option,either(a)co the reduc��a�af th�indc�bledness und�tho.l'�tb and this Security instr�ment,first to� ': I ;,:,,,�J,r�_,,,�1�•,�.,,�,:.
<br /> aay delinquent amaunts appticd in tiie arder in.paragraph-�;a n d t h e n�t a p t c p a y t R�ti a P princi pal.or lb)to the restoration � � ,, ),�, r!r� -
<br /> or repair o!thr damaged Ftoperty;l�nY appUcatian of-thv psa�d!tq ihaprin�pxt+�itr�11°noe estend or stpone th�duo d�te ; �;Y��'''��������������-�=
<br /> {10 ;;:�`i,!;.y.�,r•�:�,L�=u-
<br /> ' of the monthiy paymants which are reCerr�to imparagraph�x:,onc3ian�th�.amaant�oi+such payments.Any excess insucance ;::;;,1;;,;•:sS�f;:,;=:---
<br />��'>>`��' - proaeds over an amoant required to pay alToui�;antli��incl�icdita+s�ttAdos�che Nate and this Security instrument shall be � " � ,�'i �
<br /> ,�"�.�,�� paid to the entity icgaHy e�titted thereto. � '. .� '; ,�. _
<br /> � � In the cvent of forectosure of ihis Security [nsttwn�l�o��a�her transfc,r of titla to the Property that extingai�hes ths ' j,S-' ��
<br /> ' ���•� indeDtedness.aB riSht.title artdinteiest of Borrowrr�imand�ia�inswance policios in iorce shAli pass to the purcha�cr. � " �,T;��A;�,;:;�`~
<br /> . k_ �;� �';�;�;};.>;;; :
<br /> � ;�!: . .^ S.YeraervsNor�i�Mai�tea�ce ot the Pm�arty.l.easeMulds.8orra�rer shalt not commit�vaste�br destroy,datTSagc ar
<br /> [ .,:.,�,,4�,f:�. <<;: ._
<br /> i ..c .,.,, • � substantially change c�e Propcny or aliow the�m�.i'tY io deter�orate.rcasonAblo wear and tcar exceptat.Lendcr may insp�ct ....
<br /> � •�''''�_' 1he Property if the Propeny is vacant or abaddq'r,ed or the loan is in default. Lrrtdcr mAy take reasonable action co protest �� ��,;�,: .
<br /> _ •.�,:..�{ti
<br /> �,i:�,•,.;� and 9��n'e such vacant or abandoned P�oper[y. li ehis Security Instrument is on a leasehold.Borcowu shall romply with �
<br /> ^��:��•��-• ~ . tAe prov�siuns oi the lease.If Borrower acquires fee titta to the Propeny.iho leasehatd and iee titio shali not be merged untrss
<br /> Lender ees to the merger la writing. � ' , �
<br /> �;.. � _ . �
<br /> . ;�?-.'.��: ,.'� .' '� •
<br /> - :�,• -��.,.�:. ��. 6.Au��esto B�oiss�era�d Proteetlon ot l.esder s tt1�M1�ie thQ PnopertY.l3arroa�er shall pAY a11 gavernmen�s►t or municipsil , .
<br /> -���''�1�:: ' • �� `� fines and impu►sitions�tflttr arr not included in ps�ragraph t. BonoNCr shu11 puy�hese obligatians on time directly to ,•� ���`;.•�;�,;�,,'•
<br /> ;,;.•�,,,;��r:: charEes.
<br /> �,. '�,,:;,=r��,;;�?;;.��:. , tho entity which ls owed the paymenr:_tf failuse to pAy«auld ndvrrscly affect Lrndcr's interest in.thc Property.upon L.ender's ���_�.,,'.,:,,�,.;
<br /> ° �.�'I�� = �' '•' request Borrowar shall promptly fumish to�.�tacicr receipts cvidertcing �hesr poymcnts. ! `� �����•- �
<br /> :'-..i .4�••; •� � .
<br /> �,'�:�=:'�.+-}�� ' � Jf Borrower feils�to make�hcse Day menty or thu pnyments requirrd by paragraph 2.ar faiis to periorm any other cavenunts '�
<br /> ° -�-�._r.�,: . �
<br /> ' ;�',� ;�:�;:;• :. • '� and agreemeats comainod in this Security instrum�mt►or thrre is a trgal procecc!}tt�thv�mny signliicantly affect l.ender's rights
<br />- in the PropenY lsuch usa praceeding in bankruptc�. for candemnmiun or td cnforce la��s ar regutations).�hen l.ender may
<br /> � 'i;".•`:;.�:,,:��-� doand pay whattvet is.necessary to protecs tho��alur of•tha Pruperty and Lcndcr's rights in the 1'roperty.inrluding puymret i
<br /> ' � , of taxes,hazard insurance and other items�manti�ne.�1 in purag�aph'2. �- - � -
<br />.. �.:.•� , ,
<br /> � " Any amounts disbursed by Lendes uadrt ahi�praragrat+h�hull�Nc,:e�ntr amnciditionat dc6t��f Barro«cr and br u�ured ;
<br /> � ��;� ' � •' 1� by this Security Instrumrnt.7hese amounl5 sh�ll�brarinterest from°thr dtite of disburscmcnt.at thr Notr ratr. artd at the
<br /> - . ' � . , eptian of Lecider,shall be immediatety dar�tsa Y+a�abte. : ,
<br /> . - ��:
<br />_____�_._ _�` �___;-_. ?.CoMe�W1u+�.7he pracceds vf any aNSid or ctaim far d�mages. direct ��r�onsrquentiul.in connrctiun�vith sn)� ? . �
<br /> ' - T'� coademnation or otifer taking of sufy p�di'thF 17u�}.ar far com•�ati��itt t►4a�e��f�cottdc�tt�:i+�s�.sse leeseb4�ssi�ned =__ _
<br /> ����:� � � and sttall bc paid to Lender m the eattrAt��f thc fuA�mnunt af the inde6tcvlacss Ihat rcmuins unpaid undcr the Ndtc and this
<br /> � ' � Security instrument.Leeder sh�ll�apply such proceec�s tu�hr reduc�inn oi the indrbtedueys undcr�iie 1�totc aad thl�Sctiuritf F�
<br />, ��"?��`q`` : "' • festcumenl.t'utst to aey delinqUrrst�umaunts�pplied ia�heorder pru�ideJ in parugraph�.and then to prepa�mem of ptincipaf. ,
<br /> . ��_::
<br /> i:• `` - ' i�J.iC S nJ I _ •_
<br /> � �. . . . � ..
<br /> . i' � . — — '
<br /> . . � . ..�..�—.... ...
<br /> ,.. _.
<br /> � . : �.a _.-,..r,_ .--. —_ _ _ .
<br />